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Opti'cal tibres: An appli calion of Total Inernat RefHecion

optical t+ ti bne

T s a eny thin amd texible medi m haaing a cylindical

Shape. 9t is the ight equ'valnt ot miuowue wae guide

wlight roy

optical tibne wwe quide is coratructd o two layenof

guit de conAJSJs o three s eCjons -
Thu tibe waue
cadding (i) Protecive jockut
(i) Core ()
toyer or the Core, is where the light
) ore: The nner mast
trauels. gt is made up s a plastic and has
nefraciue indyx qneakr thon dadding . 9k dimeer is to(20
(ü) dadding : The ibne Core is swnoLmded by a trarspanent
sheet catled " Cloddi ng ". 9t is a glas or plastic
coating hawing op tHcl properHes much dieunt tham those
t thu Co1e. The refracH ve ndix is ower thm thu tibra
Ucore : 152
thick enough about one-tengh of the
Thi& layer s kept
in ordey to rouide ibolati on.
The tumctons o codding:
() Reducu los o u'ght trom Core into thu surrOum ding
() Redues Scatering tass t thu sngaa ocore ( du to irregula nty)
(ü) Adds mechomica rength.

(i) Protuciue Jackut

on is Calud projecHive Jackut . 9t is also
The outermoat regi
Goaing or Butt. The core md cadding ane encdod
knouen s prokcs
9 is also made ub ot RlasHc . 9t
n pnotecHi ve Jacket
tbe trom physicu dumage ( maisture, crushing ek)
be woks on thu bauis ot Tatal
on king pinule : opti ca! t
9nternal netecion

The opti a! tibe conAiAts of ylinari cal centre
Core md cladding t amaterial
ughty Aower re naux. The
of cladding is to contine
puipose ot
the ight ry wih in the core.
Light rays inddnt on thu core
Cadding intrtace at ongieHence
iham oiti cal mgHe (oc). they
ore due to total ikrn retecHon amd
reHecud back into thu
de tha Core As the amgle of oj = Or thu ight
traped h 8ì
wi! ontinw to re bound md propagat through bre sutng
CHtical mye ot Propagali on , Acceptance Angle of optcal

May ught inidnis ciodding (e2

at at mge oi
Air (w)

ore (u)
Hen ce it gets refravd
Applyng Snelu's Laui
at 'o'

Sin 9; =( )sin or )
t Angle n the
ut inidunts
ths neractd y
Core. dadding surfocr
>9n ABO
9, + +90 =|80

Or = 90 - ¢
Hence (90- )
Sinsj =(in

agaun &nell's Lauw at A

Sn r'
sin = sinr!

e = Sin

Cric cmgle t propagdion

9; = Omax
As = c

sin Omay o

$jn 9max - Sinoc

Sub. inOc

SinOma~ -


Sinmax no
Uo= no

n,: ref of Core

max Sin
| n -n n,: ry o cadding

acceptom ce Angle Omax sin'( nt- n;)'2

relotiue to
Max- mgle o inciaunce that a Ught rauy Com haue
tha axis o th tibne md suter TIR at
Core daddung surfau

m opHcad ibe to propapat through it

Acceptome cone
Cont auned
AU th ight rays clodding
in thå Cone hauing et} omgle
ane accebted ond )
tronsmitted (propagatd) along core
tn bne . Ths cone s Qr
Acceþtone cone
Fracionas Retrocive index honge n optia tbre
9t ib detined he ratio o thu ditence blw refraci
indi us Core nd dadding (4,-4a ) to the netraciue indix
G core in n opHad tibne.
9t i dnotd by md iven esas
A ond


for TIR A must be positive tUe >y aloays

9n order to gui de thu ight tci vely through a t bre ocet
typicay u ordur ot o01. Fibre with lange A ane not
duitable tor optal Commumicaion.

Numerica! Aperture
a measune o the amout of
The numeical Apertwne s
Ught acceAted by the ibne Bìne ot 0ccebtomee
numeical abertwne is dutinud as
N A = Sin

NA = 8in(Sin -4)

in opticas tbu

tor denivaticn
Note: The range t is gunwaly from
0 13 to 050

Types ot Opicas ibnes

opica bones in general ane of &
() Single Mode bne
(i) multi Mode 4ibne ( MME)

A single mor
Mode Fibie
smalu Core di om etoy nd em subþort ny
A SME has a vey
at cm covy only one oaveength of
ode ot propagetion te (3lonm olSSoNr
The wavength s Usually
Light aeres ts lngth. tor dong distmce
1000 mHz) is used
&ME has highen band toitH ( Loxs intensity ot
high speed communi cation
Lrght signal.
show no dispersion tect. tham Q-405 (veaos)
They eident v- numbe is
They me hi'ghy
DisQdu mtages
fabricatiom is ditcult nd
do work with them bcg thei'n small core diameer
9t s ditiult

8 mui mode Fibie

d'amer md com bubport anqe no
anger Core
MME has a waelngth t ight wawes in mmf
modes ot propagati om.
speetum rmgng from osonm to 1300 nm
e Àn uisi ble
Based on thu 9ndex profle
Sme md mmp cm be twnther claui ied into tolto uwing
catagories -:
9 Step- 9ndtx SmF
Sep. 9n dax Mmf
qroded 9nday mmE

@ Sep . 9ndux Sme

Step nux SMe has a

Uy thin Core ot miform
retracive in dex (4u, ) Cloddiog
SuU1OUn ded by a clacding Core

ot ref d1z (4) Lower

thm that ot eore. Here
thu re ind1x abruptly chonges at core- cadaing un tertace ao it
is knoun as step. index Mp: 9 a°ag: is 2-8 um t dia of cad is (2s4m
value o
V- Num ber lies betwen oto o. un E. They hawe low
N¯UmeriCa Apertwje m hence oco acceftema mge.

SHep- ndix MMe

srmilan to that o
The conyru CHion c stes ndux MME s
that i ib Core is ot dgeN dimer
SHep- ndax Smf excekt that
(Soto ooLim). The diamer of cladding is f00-so um.
The v number gnetn thm 40s V> -405) 80 it Cam Suþbort
Isnge no of modes of propagatin.
Here nttrdex abrubty Margial ray Axial ray

Changes at core
Claddung intertace
s Seb. 9ndex mme.
The mangiu rays trauel more distamee thamn axia! ruys amd
tak1 moe dime . This time dulay n axial md manglal rays
Causes storH on in dhe pulse.

Ghraded n dex Mmf

Graded in dux mmF has a core which conALSH ot oncentric

Aayss of ditfenant nefrai ve in dexies md thu value of ref
Dduy of core da creayes with distomce trom tbe aris. 9t
has high value along hu Fibne qais md talls ot apicy
tha rad'al distance in creases trom bre qçs but re- indx
of cladding is constornt




ight is due to refracion Cmd

propapati on t
3n this tibre th thou_h bne bend
TIR -The ight ras propagating
tollow helical path
Continuously ond tollo0
Disadw an tase
Short bmd oidh
Com be ued tor shont waseLngt dstance tommund cation
Short olis þersion etet
les etident
Easy to work with t bct of laqe core cdimelu
fabrication is easy md inex penive
V- Number fNor mal'zed treguny or ut t parmutr n opHcal

f is a dimeNsi on panmetey which is wwed to dtermin
thu maçmm poszible ot be.
moodLs is also khown as
Normalized treqwn y or Cut -ot paiomehr

V. Number giues thu relotien blw radius (r) ot the

ore, ne ndx (h, md h,) of the mattal of core amd
daddung ref espetuely md waueleng+h () of the ight
propayaing through ihu opHas tibne f is glen as
V= ATTr b-n, : &r ot core

in termb N' A

V= ar (NA-)

trocHon r.ind change

in erms
ma o

No- o modus types o opHal bre

Note: catautation f
Vs Q.405 only single mode is possibje omd
opHcal 4bre will be

V4oS Mulimodes u posi ble md opHcal

tbu is
ib MME

N: no of mods MME then

Ny For sfep in dex mmF

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