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version 01/01/2021 – 23.

APPENDIX 3 Jumbo Groep Holding B.V. – Jumbo Quality, PL and CSR

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APPENDIX 3 Jumbo Groep Holding B.V. – Jumbo Quality, PL and CSR

Table of contents
1. General terms and conditions ................................................................ 3
1.1 Definition of private label ..................................................................... 3
1.2 General principle for terms and conditions ........................................... 3
2. Jumbo private label process .................................................................. 4
2.1 Tender phase ...................................................................................... 4
2.2 Product and Product Specifications .................................................... 4
3. Production conditions .......................................................................... 11
3.1 Production site ................................................................................... 11
4. Quality control ..................................................................................... 14
4.1 Monitoring.......................................................................................... 14
5. Wine .................................................................................................... 17
5.1 Product requirements / ingredient specifications ................................ 17
5.2 Quality costs ...................................................................................... 17
6. Artwork for packaging .......................................................................... 17
7. Corporate Social Responsibility ........................................................... 20
7.1 Sustainable ingredients and production in general ............................ 20
7.2 Potatoes, Fruit and Vegetables.......................................................... 21
7.3 Animal products and ingredients........................................................ 22
7.4 Dairy and milk as ingredients ............................................................. 24
7.5 Feeds ................................................................................................ 24
7.6 Fish, shellfish and crustaceans .......................................................... 24
7.7 Tropical ingredients ........................................................................... 25
7.8 Flowers & Plants................................................................................ 27
7.9 Wine and juices ................................................................................. 27
7.10 Improving the sustainability of packaging ........................................ 28
7.11 Cosmetics........................................................................................ 30
7.12 Health .............................................................................................. 30

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APPENDIX 3 Jumbo Groep Holding B.V. – Jumbo Quality, PL and CSR

1. General terms and conditions

1.1 Definition of private label
The terms and conditions set out in this document apply to:
 products for which Jumbo Groep Holding B.V. (hereinafter referred to as JUMBO) or
one or its associated companies owns the trademark;
 Fancy Labels exclusively available from Jumbo.

Section 5 (Wine) also applies to wine for which the producer or supplier owns the

1.2 General principle for terms and conditions

Additional quality conditions apply to the La Place brand. Where applicable, these
conditions are attached as an addendum entitled ‘La Place Ingredients Policy’.

Suppliers must sign these conditions to indicate their agreement to them. No products may
be supplied unless these conditions have been signed.

All products specified in section 1.1. must comply with the applicable legislation and regulations
in the countries where the products are sold. Suppliers guarantee that they comply with
applicable legislation and regulations at European and national level (in respect of both the
Netherlands and Belgium). Suppliers shall promptly inform JUMBO if there are changes in
legislation and/or regulations affecting the Jumbo Supermarkten products specified above.

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2. Jumbo private label process

The following requirements relate to steps within the Jumbo private label process. The
document entitled ‘JUMBO3305_PROCES LEVERANCIERS_ENG_S2.pdf’, which can be
requested from JUMBO’s purchasing department, provides suppliers with a clear explanation of
this process.

2.1 Tender phase

JUMBO may use a Quality Brief (QA Brief / Specifications Brief), which defines the specific
requirements for products, when it issues a request for quotation. Suppliers must comply with
all aspects detailed in the Quality Brief. The Quality, PL and CSR conditions shall, in addition,
apply at all times. Any anomalies must be notified to JUMBO for the purposes of internal testing
and must be explained before products are despatched. If, during internal inspection, products
are found not to comply with the requirements set out in the QA Brief without any notification
and explanation having been received, those products will no longer be part of the tender

Products supplied for internal testing must be accompanied by full product specifications (these
may be supplied digitally) and a label stating the RFQ number. Specifications must be supplied
in Dutch or English. No other languages will be accepted.

If any anomalies are discovered in respect of the QA Brief / Quality, PL and CSR conditions
after the purchasing phase, penalties may be imposed.

The requirements set out in the quality conditions apply to all products (private label products,
fancy label products, and wine), even if no tendering process took place prior to purchasing,
and for as long as the supplier in question has a contractual relationship with JUMBO (therefore
also in the event of contract extensions and contract renewals).

2.2 Product and Product Specifications


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At JUMBO's request, suppliers must enter full product specifications in the JUMBO product
information system (SIM) in accordance with the conditions set out in the Product Information
Instructions. JUMBO checks the entries for completeness and monitors supplier response
times. Products must always comply with any relevant and current legislation and regulations.
Suppliers are responsible for this and must inform JUMBO promptly in the event of any
changes as a result of legislative amendments and/or branch agreements.

The person who fills in the product specifications must have a good command of the Dutch or
English language. In addition, certain sections must be filled in in Dutch. Suppliers are
responsible for translations: this does not fall under the responsibility of JUMBO or of any of the
agencies to which JUMBO has outsourced the checking of specifications.

If a supplier is late in providing product information, a penalty will be imposed. The also applies
in the case of changes that are made following approval or while new packaging is being made
up, and to major changes made after the specifications phase in SIM has been completed.
Minor changes to existing items already in the product information system will not be penalised.
Changes that require amendment of the label must be discussed with JUMBO. If any
anomalies are found between the agreements made, the quality conditions and/or the
specifications in SIM, a penalty may be imposed.

Entering details in the product information system

The following applies to the specifications process:

 In the case of a maximum of five specifications: the standard time frame for fully
completing the specifications process (from ‘invitation’ to ‘agreement of both parties’) is
a maximum of 22 working days, with a penalty applying for any overrun

 In the case of six or more specifications: the standard time frame for fully completing
the specifications process (from ‘invitation’ to ‘agreement of both parties’) is a
maximum of 27 working days, with a penalty applying for any overrun

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 Specifications for the unprocessed Potatoes, Fruit & Vegetables and Flowers & Plants
categories will be entered by JUMBO and submitted to the supplier for checking. The
completion time is discussed for each category individually.

The specifications entered in the product information system and approved are binding and
form an integral part of all purchasing agreements. No changes may be made to recipes,
packaging or labels without JUMBO’s express consent. In consultation with the supplier,
changes/further developments to the recipe may be made over the course of the contract

In addition to specifications, a comprehensive recipe/composition list including all
ingredients/materials, exact percentages and countries of origin must be entered in the product
information system. Country of origin means the primary country of origin and not where the
ingredient was processed. This information is required so that traceability is fast and efficient in
the event of any incidents relating to food and for external reports. This information is also used
for answering questions submitted by consumers. Recipes will never be provided to third
parties in their entirety.

An exhaustive list of nutritional values must be entered in the product information system. The
following aspects are compulsory: energy (kJ and kcal), total fat, saturated fatty acids,
monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, carbohydrates,
sugars, added sugar, polyols, starch, fibre, protein, sodium, salt (as sodium x 2.5), added salt,
alcohol and organic acids. The values entered may be values based on analysis, literature
values and/or calculations and must always relate to the end product as sold by JUMBO. For
products that consumers prepare themselves, a request may also be made for nutritional
values for the prepared/cooked product.

Suppliers are responsible for registering products with the quality mark in question for some
logos, whereas for others, the responsibility lies with JUMBO. For more information on this,
please request the Logos and Quality Marks Protocol from the quality department.


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For Dutch suppliers: If you supply organic products under the JUMBO private label that are
manufactured in accordance with a recipe already certified by SKAL, you must send the
approved SKAL specifications and your certificate with enclosure to us. If JUMBO becomes the
owner of the recipe, you must send the SKAL specifications to us. JUMBO shall then submit
the application to SKAL. In both cases, you must grant us access to inspect your certificate in
the SKAL customer portal so that we always have an up-to-date certificate at our disposal.

For non-Dutch suppliers: If you supply organic products under the JUMBO private label brand,
you must send us your certificate and enclosure. JUMBO will then submit the application to

In the case of enriched/fortified products, the product must be notified to the Belgian authorities.
For more information, please request the Notification of Enriched/Fortified Products Protocol
from the quality department.

All products must always display a production code on the retail packaging for the purposes of
traceability. In the case of products on which the packaging or sleeve can come off, the product
name and the 'best before' date must be displayed on both the packaging and the product itself
or the loose part of the packaging must be attached to the product (by using a sticker or glue,
for example).

Product shelf life must be determined on the basis of statutory maximum storage temperatures,
if these exist. In addition, the shelf life (if applicable) must be justified on the basis of Infoblad
85 (Information Sheet 85) issued by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety
Authority (NVWA). Evidence of this must be sent to JUMBO during the specifications process.

Where detergents are concerned, suppliers are obliged to upload material safety data sheets to
the JUMBO Supplier Portal (SIM). JUMBO holds suppliers responsible for ensuring that the
contents of such data sheets are correct and up to date.


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Suppliers are responsible for notifying private label cosmetic products via the Cosmetic
Products Notification Portal (CPNP). Notification must be effected with JUMBO as the parent
organisation. Suppliers can request an anonymous sub-account from JUMBO. Notification must
be completed before the first production run is delivered at the latest. A copy of the notification
must be sent to JUMBO.

Suppliers are responsible for submitting information about hazardous substances to the
National Poisons Information Centre (NVIC) (for the Netherlands) and the Anti-Poisons Centre
(Antigifcentrum) (for Belgium), or via the ECHA Submission Portal. Notification must be
completed before the first production run is delivered at the latest. A copy of the notification
must be sent to JUMBO.

Suppliers of detergents and cleaning products must be Associate or Ordinary members of the
International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (AISE) Charter for
Sustainable Cleaning 2020+.

For non-food products that are defined as food contact materials, a Declaration of Compliance
must be added to SIM as an additional document. This also applies to products that undergo
further preparation while still in their packaging.

Mineral oils: Products must comply with the following criteria up until the expiry date:
 MOAH: undetectable at a detection limit of 0.5 mg/kg
 MOSH: < 2.0 mg/kg
We apply the above standards to products when they reach their ‘best before’ date. Suppliers
must keep MOSH/MOAH levels in their products to a minimum (as low as reasonably feasible).

Complaint response time: JUMBO notifies suppliers about any product complaints. Below is a
list of the required response times (assuming business hours of 08:00-17:00), within which
deadlines the supplier/manufacturer must send us a response, along with supporting

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Serious food safety complaints (reports of 4 hours

sickness, etc.)
Other food safety complaints (foreign bodies in 24 hours
product, etc.)
Other complaints (sensory, composition, etc.) 48 hours

Suppliers are responsible for submitting the correct contact details in SIM for those disciplines
or positions stated below as a minimum.
 Recalls / Emergency incidents
 Specification management
 Quality Manager

Nutrition claims (for example, 'rich in calcium' or 'a source of vitamin D') must always be based
on nutritional analyses carried out on the end product and not on nutritional calculation. The
nutrition claims that are permissible are stated in Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006 on nutrition
and health claims made on foods or in the relevant product-related legislation. Nutrition claims
are only to be made if they help our customers select healthier products.

Allergens in products are to be avoided as much as possible. No new allergens may be added
relative to the current JUMBO product.

Cross-contamination is to be stated only if the supplier:
 has an effective allergen management system in place;
 has submitted a self-assessment that has been approved by JUMBO;
 submits a VITAL calculation which provides justification for the cross-contamination
Accepted calculation tools are:
– Allergen Risk Calculator (Allergenen Consultancy) Version 2019/10/24 version
number 43762
– VITAL Online (Allergen Bureau) version 2019/28/10 V3.0.0 detailed summary

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– Allergen Cross-contamination Calculation Tool (Normec CareNet) Online version

3.0 (15/07/2020)
– KTBA calculation tool 4.2

If a supplier does not have an effective allergen management system in place, no warning
regarding cross-contamination shall be made. Suppliers shall be responsible for this.

Gluten-free special range – Front of pack (FOP)
 The threshold value to be applied for gluten-free is max. 20 ppm mg/kg.
 The internationally recognised gluten-free logo must be used. Licensing is through the
Dutch Coeliac Society (Nederlandse Coeliakie Vereniging or NCV).
 Suppliers must have recognised certification (costs to be borne by the supplier). This
may be BRC module 12, the AOECS standard for gluten-free products, the NCV’s set of
standards for gluten-free manufacturing, or SimplyOK (following the NCV’s approval).
 Suppliers must already have gluten-free products on the market and have set up
specific gluten-free production processes.

Lactose-free special range – Front of pack (FOP)
 The threshold value to be applied for lactose-free is 0.01 g/100 ml or 100 g.
 The following must be stated on the packaging: Not suitable for anyone with an allergy
to cow’s milk and/or galactosaemia. ‘Lactose-free¹ ¹This product contains a maximum of
0.01 g lactose/100 ml (or g).’
 Suppliers must undergo a SimplyOK audit before the first production run can be started.
The costs for such an audit are to be borne by the supplier. Production may only begin
once this audit has been passed. The supplier must then obtain a SimplyOK certificate
after the first year.
 Before the first production run, the supplier must demonstrate that the product is
lactose-free (in accordance with the norm) using test samples. The SimplyOK standard
must be referred to for the correct method.

All products must be GMO-free.

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No nanomaterials are permitted in products or in ingredients.

Products must not be irradiated, nor are any irradiated ingredients permitted.

In cases where duo branding is involved (where a brand ingredient is processed in store to
become a PL end product), or in other words when both the JUMBO and the other brand name
appear on the packaging, the responsibility shall be shared. For such products, only the
information required by law for the packaging needs to be entered in the specifications. We
retain the right to request outstanding information (such as country of origin or ingredient
percentages) if required.

3. Production conditions
3.1 Production site
Jumbo sets the following requirements for production sites:

Suppliers are not permitted to produce products at any location other than the location specified
in the product information system without obtaining JUMBO Quality’s approval.

Production sites for foodstuffs must be certified in accordance with a GFSI (Global Food Safety
Initiative) recognised standard.

The production sites for flowers, plants, near-food and non-food products should also be

This also applies to brokers / traders / logistic service providers. All primary producers
(Potatoes, Fruit & Vegetables, Pork, Chicken and Farmed Fish) must be GlobalG.A.P. certified
or certified in accordance with a scheme benchmarked to GlobalG.A.P.

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See the following addendum for the list of accepted standards: ‘P-PL-01-W-05-F-01 List
of accepted standards’

The most recent certificate (see 3.1.2) must be in JUMBO's possession. Suppliers must ensure
that the JUMBO database (SIM) always contains the most up-to-date certificate.

In view of the obligation for suppliers to work to a GFSI-accepted standard (3.1.2), JUMBO
does not carry out any (additional) audits at production sites before the contract comes into
effect (but does carry out a company visit).

During the term of the contract, JUMBO shall be entitled to carry out an audit (which may be
unannounced). Suppliers shall at all times cooperate with such audits. Possible reasons for
such an audit include but are not limited to:

 emergency incidents, such as recalls/withdrawals

 changes to production sites (process, building, etc.);
 incompleteness/incorrectness of scope on certificate;
 production processes during which product integrity could be an issue: for example, if
products are organic or carry quality marks such as Fairtrade, Weidemelk (meadow
milk), the 'Beter Leven' quality mark, ASC or MSC;
 food safety or product safety being at stake. In the case of an allergens issue, JUMBO
shall demand a SimplyOK audit. See The costs for the audit shall be
payable by the supplier. The supplier shall be obliged to undergo SimplyOK certification
and must schedule this within the agreed time frame itself. The scheduled date, along
with the result in the form of a report, shall be provided to JUMBO.

Such audits may be carried out by JUMBO itself, or by an external body. Suppliers will receive
a telephone call from the buyers at least 30 minutes before the audit is due to begin. The costs
for such audits shall not passed on to the supplier. However, a repeat audit may take place if
any serious non-conformity is found.

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In the event of a recall or withdrawal, a brief audit will be carried out in order to verify the causal
analysis performed, along with the selected measure. The costs for this audit will be passed on
to the supplier.

The auditor shall be authorised to take photographs while inspecting the premises and to share
those photographs with JUMBO and the supplier.

JUMBO shall always retain the right to visit production sites. Such visits shall not incur any
costs and may be made by prior appointment or be unannounced.

Preferably, no JUMBO packaging shall be visible during audits or visits by third parties, with the
exception of audits or visits carried out by statutory bodies, when such audits or visits have not
been requested by JUMBO. Any such third parties shall not be permitted to take photographs
or video footage of JUMBO products. In addition, the supplier in question shall not be permitted
to make any statements relating to JUMBO without consulting JUMBO Corporate
Communications in advance.

Warenwetbesluit Hoeveelheden Voorverpakkingen (Volume of Pre-packed Goods
(Commodities Act) Decree)
The volume of pre-packed products displaying an e-sign (estimated sign) must meet the same
requirements all over Europe. This is set out in the Dutch Warenwetbesluit Hoeveelheden
Voorverpakkingen, which aims to ensure that the principles used for tolerances during
production are implemented in accordance with legislation.

Where the invoicing of items sold by weight is concerned, charges should reflect the actual net
weight. Random checks shall be carried out to compare the weight of items with the weight
stated on the packing slip. If there are any anomalies, external audits shall be used, with the
costs being borne by the supplier. In the event of repeated instances of incorrect invoicing, a
penalty shall be imposed, possibly resulting in exclusion.

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4. Quality control
4.1 Monitoring
JUMBO carries out the following research and tests with respect to its private label items:
Consumer research for Food and Non-Food items:
 Pre-tender: the phase before the product is purchased (for non-food: before shipment).
 Post-tender: the phase after the product has been purchased.
Consumer research means taste testing for Food items and user tests for Non-Food items.

Consumer research may take place during the tender (pre-tender) phase: before an item is
purchased, JUMBO may deem it necessary for a sensory test or user test on the item to be
carried out among consumers. The score for the item to be supplied must at least be equal to
the score for the reference item in the Quality Briefs, as mentioned in section 2.1.1. The costs
incurred by the supplier for supplying the items to the research agency may not be passed on

If the item to be supplied scores significantly lower, then a retest shall be required. This process
shall be repeated until the item conforms with the agreed level of quality, with a maximum of
three repeat tests for each item being allowed. The consumer research is carried out by a
research agency appointed by JUMBO and in accordance with the JUMBO Consumer
Research protocol. Once a product has been approved through positive consumer research, its
recipe may no longer be changed. The approved recipe must be the recipe that is then entered
into the specifications system.

Periodic consumer tests during the term of the contract (post tender): Items supplied are
subjected to consumer research on a random basis. The reference item or the standard against
which the items are tested must be the same reference item or standard used during the tender

Any temporary item scoring significantly lower than the reference item or below the standard in
a post-tender test must be further developed before the product can be included in the range

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Physical/chemical laboratory testing:
Physical/Chemical analyses (nutritional value / pesticide/herbicide residues / other
contaminants / quality of fresh eggs): chemical analyses are carried out by JUMBO on a
random basis over the duration of the contract. The results are compared with the norms given
in the product information system, with the details on the label and with legal standards.
Penalties shall apply in the event of any breach of legal standards, agreed specifications or the
standards set out in these conditions.

Technical testing for non-food items:
Non-Food items are tested externally for functional properties. The tests take place both in the
pre-tender phase and the post-tender phase (contract phase).

Microbiological laboratory testing:
JUMBO carries out microbiological testing on a random basis over the duration of the contract.
The results are compared with the standards set out in the product information system, and
with legal standards. In the event of any breach of legal standards, penalties shall be imposed.

Complaint investigations:
if JUMBO deems it necessary, the supplier must send in an analysis of the consumer
complaints collated by JUMBO within two weeks (depending on the nature of the incident). The
analysis must contain as a minimum a description of the possible or confirmed cause, an action
plan, a deadline for solving the problem and a trend analysis for the past year.

Vase life tests for flowers:
Over the course of the year, JUMBO will have vase life tests carried out by appointed parties
on a random basis. The results will be compared with the standards defined in the product
information system. If the result of the vase life test is unsatisfactory, JUMBO shall expect the
supplier to take effective action in order to prevent any repeat occurrence.


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NVWA enforcement measures: if the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety
Authority (NVWA), the Netherlands Controlling Authority for Milk and Milk Products (COKZ), the
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FAVV, Belgium) or any other body appointed
by the government correctly ascertains that a product does not comply with statutory
requirements or legislation, and the cause for this can be attributed to the supplier, penalties
shall be imposed on the supplier.

First production run check: the supplier sends one trade unit (a minimum of four CUs) from the
first production run to JUMBO in Veghel (marked ‘first production samples for xxx’, with xxx
being the name of the product range manager in question) for the purposes of checking the
agreed specifications. On the basis of the findings relating to this first production sample, the
supplier receives official confirmation by email that the products may be released. Not sending
first production samples or sending the first production runs to a shop or distribution centres
without a release confirmation will be sanctioned.

If a product does not meet the quality requirements and JUMBO or the supplier decides to
withdraw the product from the supply chain (through a recall or quality issue), this should be
discussed with the JUMBO departments affected (Quality and Product Range Management).
All costs associated with recalls (of whatever kind), when the cause can be attributed to the
supplier or a third party brought in by the supplier, are to be borne by the supplier.

All products JUMBO imports itself from outside the EU must be subjected to a pre-shipment
(production and shipment) release process, carried out by a body appointed by JUMBO.

If the production facility contains asbestos, then demonstrable objective evidence (on the basis
of analyses and inspection reports for asbestos surveys in accordance with the SC540
certification scheme) must be able to demonstrate that there is no danger of contamination of
the product and no harmful effect on staff.

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5. Wine
5.1 Product requirements / ingredient specifications
A condition for the validity of the contract is that specifications for each vintage or for any
change to production or production site are approved and signed by the Meron Independent
Wine Institute (located in Almere in the Netherlands).

5.2 Quality costs

 Quality costs total 0.3% of the purchase value and will be charged separately.
 Every six months, all wines are subjected to organoleptic testing by the Meron
Independent Wine Institute (in Almere, the Netherlands) and the corresponding analysis
is compared against the agreed and recorded specifications.
 Where applicable, the Meron Independent Wine Institute (in Almere, the Netherlands)
will inform the supplier involved about any anomalies, violations of legislation and/or
points for attention. In the event of serious anomalies and/or breaches of legislation, a
repeat analysis will be carried out and compared with the specifications, with the costs
being borne by the supplier. Where applicable, a decision to recall the goods may be
 For each change of vintage or newly accepted wine, the Meron Independent Wine
Institute (in Almere, the Netherlands) must draw up new specifications. The producer
must indicate its agreement to the specifications within 14 days. If no response is
received within 14 days, it shall be assumed that the producer agrees to the new
specifications. Only after JUMBO has given its approval may deliveries start. For
information, see: (text in Dutch) or (text in English).

6. Artwork for packaging

In respect of the number of colours and the printing technique used, packaging must be
consistent with the requirements as detailed in the contract and therefore consistent with the
information set out in the product information system. The specific requirements are detailed in
the tender application and in the manual for the Product Information System Protocol.

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Artwork: JUMBO supplies a high-resolution file in Illustrator or Artpro that takes the printing
technique in question into account. This means that the file is ready for the printing technique
involved. The printer involved then only needs to apply the specific printing press
characteristics. Proofs are supplied with a profile appropriate to the printing technique. For
offset printing and engraving, profiles comply with the Fogra standard. This information can be
found on the proof itself. The costs for supplying the print-ready file and the colour reference
proof shall not be passed on to suppliers.
 The calibrated Epson proof supplied should be used for colour reference and as the
basis when starting to print. When using PMS colours, use the Pantone PMS colour
fan deck as a reference!
 The data and Epson proof supplied will have been checked and approved by JUMBO.
These are binding in terms of content, layout and colour. JUMBO does not issue
approval for any additional printer proofs.
 If your process requires an extra inspection, Volkers (the lithographer) is able to carry
out a check on your final file (at an extra cost).
 If you would like to make use of this service, please send your PDF and/or colour
proof to: and/or
Volkers B.V.
Attn.: Marcel van Houdt
PO Box 296
3860 AG NIJKERK (The Netherlands)

The supplier sends three copies of the flat printed matter to JUMBO in Veghel so that it can be
checked against the agreed specifications.
Jumbo Supermarkten B.V.
Attn.: Private Label
Postbus 8
5460 AA Veghel (The Netherlands)
If the print result does not meet expectations/requirements (Volkers colour reference proof),
JUMBO’s Private Label department shall be entitled to reject the packaging. The costs for a
reprint of the packaging shall be borne by the supplier.

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Ownership and depreciation: The files and the artwork remain the property of JUMBO. All
packaging costs (including plate costs) shall be payable by the supplier and are to be written off
within the agreed contract period. JUMBO shall be entitled to supply new or updated artwork
once per year/calendar year. Printers are not permitted to make modifications to the litho files
or to the design of the packaging. Changes to the design or the packaging may be made only
with JUMBO’s written approval.

Packaging stock: following approval, it shall be assumed that the supplier has arranged to have
a maximum of six months' packaging in stock, unless otherwise agreed with the JUMBO buyer
involved. Packaging requests must always be submitted to JUMBO for the first production run
and for reprints of packaging materials. For stocks below the 12-week level, no request needs
to be submitted.
JUMBO shall not bear any responsibility for any stocks built up without approval
having been obtained. Suppliers bear all responsibility for this risk.

Changes to packaging: the supplier shall bear the cost for changes to packaging relating to
statutory requirements and/or to modifications to recipes made at the supplier's request.

In the case of a label put together or printed by the supplier, a proof must always be submitted
to the Private Label department at JUMBO (digitally or physically). Products may not be
supplied to JUMBO without JUMBO’s approval.

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7. Corporate Social Responsibility

Products produced with respect for people, animals and the environment

The products on JUMBO’s shelves must be produced with due care and attention paid to
people, animals and the environment. JUMBO aims to unburden its customers and to inform
them about sustainability through its packaging, its corporate communication and other
communications in as uniform a way as possible. In order to encourage the responsible
procurement of products and ingredients, we have our own rules of conduct, brought together
in our Code of Conduct. As a minimum, suppliers are expected to comply with this Code of
Conduct and with Jumbo's Principles for responsible procurement. This also applies to their
own production chains. The Code of Conduct is signed by all suppliers as part of their contract
with JUMBO. In the case of tenders, the documents must first be signed before a supplier can
participate. In addition, JUMBO applies the following conditions:

Charitable institutions
In the event of overproduction, the shelf life being exceeded at the distribution centre (products
not meeting 'best before' date agreements) or 'minor' errors in end products, suppliers may
contact charitable institutions, such as the Dutch food bank. The products and processes must
comply with the details outlined in Information Sheet 76: ‘Charitable institutions and
organisations’ published by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority
(NVWA), due to food safety considerations.

Your commercial contact at JUMBO must be informed of this in advance and be provided with
a summary of the product, quantities and (if relevant) anomaly involved. Once your contact has
given approval, the product can be supplied to the charitable institution in question.

7.1 Sustainable ingredients and production in general

 Claims relating to sustainability and aimed at consumers must be clearly worded, must not
be misleading, must be objectively substantiated and must be agreed with the JUMBO
CSR department in advance.
 If logos are carried on packaging for JUMBO’s private label products (Bio, Beter Leven label,
Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade logos, for example), then in each case all of the suppliers in
the whole chain need to have obtained certification. Without certification, no supply of
such products may take place. This applies to all of the links involved in the supply chain

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for these products. The supplier shall register the products and the artwork with the
quality mark holder in question. If the product complies, the quality mark shall then be
displayed on the consumer pack.
 Storytelling
If storytelling is used on the packaging for JUMBO’s private label products (detailing the
origins, producer, region or farmer involved with a product, for example), then JUMBO
may have an audit carried out in order to ascertain the integrity of the product. Penalties
shall be imposed if any non-conformity is found .
 When it comes to the production of a product and its ingredients, the guidelines relating to
working conditions as published by the ILO (International Labor Organization) must be
complied with, right down to primary level. This means that no forced labour, child labour
or other form of exploitation is permitted.
 If the product is produced in a country classified as high-risk by the BSCI, then the supplier
must submit a valid audit report in evidence. JUMBO accepts valid audit reports issued by
the following bodies: BSCI, ETI (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit), SA8000, ICS,
SIZA, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, and IMO.

7.2 Potatoes, Fruit and Vegetables

 All potatoes, fruit and vegetables must be certified to GlobalG.A.P. standard.
 All products originating in the Netherlands must now be certified under the Dutch ‘On the
way to PlanetProof’ environmental quality label. When products are grown in the
Netherlands during the season for them and imported at other times of the year, suppliers
shall be under a best-efforts obligation to ensure that the imported products they
purchase are grown under conditions similar to those set out by ‘On the way to
 If the product has been produced in a country designated as high-risk by BSCI, the
supplier and growers must be certified in accordance with a social standard such as
BSCI, ETI (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit), SA8000, ICS, SIZA, Fairtrade,
Rainforest Alliance, UTZ and IMO.
 If the product is produced in a medium-risk country (new SIFAV covenant) (includes Spain,
Italy, Portugal, Malta and Israel, and Balkan countries such as Greece, Serbia and
Croatia), the supplier must be certified in accordance with a social standard such as
BSCI, ETI (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit), SA8000, ICS, SIZA, Fairtrade,

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Rainforest Alliance, UTZ and IMO. GlobalG.A.P Grasp is also an acceptable standard for
growers (certification by the end of 2025).
 If the product is produced in a low-risk country but a lot of the work involves migrant
workers (>20% own employees or employed through a temporary employment agency), a
Risk Inventory looking into housing, transport and workplace risk management must be
submitted to JUMBO (by the end of 2021).
 All fresh mushrooms must be certified to GRASP / Fair Produce standard at grower level.
 All strawberries and asparagus from low-risk countries must be certified in accordance
with GRASP / Fair Produce.
 The required certification must be registered in SIM up to trading partner / cooperative
level. Grower certification (GlobalG.A.P. / PlanetProof) is the responsibility of the
contracted supplier. Trace audits shall be carried out on the basis of this and sanctions
will be imposed if there are any shortcomings.

7.3 Animal products and ingredients

 All fresh pork must be derived from non-castrated pigs.
 All fresh pork must be produced in line with the CBL Sustainable Meat Initiative for pigs.
This means that pig farmers must comply with the criteria and with the GlobalG.A.P.
‘Animal health and responsible use of antibiotics’, ‘Animal welfare’ and ‘Environment’ add-
on modules.
 All fresh pork must have been awarded a minimum of one star by the 'Beter Leven' quality
mark. The following products are excepted from this requirement due to insufficient
availability: pork tenderloin, head of pork tenderloin, spare ribs, pork trimmings.
 All pork originating from the Netherlands in the meat products, convenience, canned and
frozen categories must also have been awarded a minimum of one star by the ‘Beter
Leven’ quality mark (or its equivalent, in consultation with JUMBO’s CSR consultant).
 By 2025, pork of non-Dutch origin must be certified in accordance with a standard
equivalent to the ‘Beter Leven’ quality mark (in consultation with CSR/Quality).
 The GGN number for the last supplier must be shown on all pre-packed pork packaging.

 All fresh chicken must be certified in accordance with JUMBO’s Protocol for New Standard
Chicken. Chicken in the meat products, convenience, canned and frozen categories must

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also be certified in accordance with JUMBO’s Protocol for New Standard Chicken as a
 All slaughterhouses and processors working with fresh poultry must comply with the
Chain of Custody module.
 All fresh chicken must come from chickens slaughtered using the gas stunning method.
 All New Standard Chicken chicks must have direct access to water and feed (early
feeding) when they hatch.

 All turkey meat (fresh meat and meat products) must have been awarded a minimum of
one star by the ‘Beter Leven’ quality mark.

 All veal must have been awarded a minimum of one star by the ‘Beter Leven’ quality
No white veal.

 All fresh Irish beef must conform with the BQAS (SBLAS).

 All fresh lamb must be certified in accordance with the AHDB Beef and Lamb Quality
Standard Mark Scheme as a minimum.

 European horsemeat only is to be used for meat and meat products.

 Free-range ducks as a minimum in accordance with European legislation (meeting Nature
& Respect standards, for example).

 Jumbo no longer sells rabbit under its PL or fancy label.
• Table eggs must have been awarded a minimum of one star by the Beter Leven quality
• Processed eggs must be barn eggs as a minimum.

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• All farmed game must be farmed and certified in accordance with a Quality Assurance
system that guarantees animal welfare.

7.4 Dairy and milk as ingredients

• All fresh bulk dairy products must contain European or Dutch meadow milk. Where
possible, this also applies to long-life products, cheese, ice cream and baby food.

7.5 Feeds
 All soya used as feed in the chain for red meat, chicken, eggs and dairy products must
preferably be of European origin (now at least 50% of it) and certified in accordance with
a Good Agriculture Practice standard. Suppliers will be required to upload certificates,
with compliance demonstrated through a mass balance calculation and certification.
 From 2022, all cattle feed for dairy products must come exclusively from Europe (a
requirement set by dairy organisations).
 If soya for animal feeds comes from Latin America or Asia, sourcing must be based on
RTRS, Regional Credits, Mass Balance, Area Mass Balance or Pro Terra.
 If the soya comes from North America or Canada, it must be certified to a Good
Agriculture Practice standard.

Palm oil
 The processed palm used as an ingredient or additive in any animal feed containing more
than 1% by weight of palm (meal, kernel, oil and derivatives) must be certified sustainable
in accordance with the RSPO Certification System for a 'Segregated' supply chain.

7.6 Fish, shellfish and crustaceans

• No fresh, frozen, canned or processed fish from species of fish in the orange or red
category on the Good Fish Foundation’s Seafood Guide may be sold to JUMBO.
• All fresh, frozen, canned and processed farmed fish must be certified to ASC (or
equivalent in accordance with GSSI) and GlobalG.A.P. (or benchmarked equivalent in
accordance with GlobalG.A.P.) standard as a minimum.
• All fresh, frozen, canned and processed wild fish must be MSC-certified.

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• If MSC is not available, an action plan must be submitted by the supplier for coordination
with the CSR consultant.

7.7 Tropical ingredients

• All soya processed into private label products must be GMO-free.
• All soya processed into private label products must preferably be of European origin and
certified in accordance with a Good Agricultural Practice standard (quantities of less than
1% do not need to be certified but documentation will be required).
• If soya comes from Latin America or Asia, sourcing must be based on RTRS, Regional
Credits, Mass Balance, Area Mass Balance or Pro Terra.
• If the soya comes from North America or Canada, it must be certified to a Good
Agriculture Practice standard.

Palm oil
• The processed palm oil and palm oil derivatives used as ingredients or additives in any
private label products (food and non-food) containing more than 1% by weight of palm oil
and palm oil derivatives must be certified sustainable in accordance with the RSPO
Certification System for a 'Segregated' supply chain.

• Jumbo has signed the DISCO covenant and is committed to ensuring the following for all
cocoa and cocoa products under its private label:
o Farming families with cocoa as their main livelihood activity will be able to earn a
living income by 2030;
o Cocoa-related deforestation and forest degradation in producing regions where the
cocoa for JUMBO private label products is sourced will have ended by 2025.
o Effective measures and necessary actions are being taken to contribute to the
ending of all forms of child labour by 2025.
• Suppliers are expected to work with JUMBO to draw up an action plan with the aim of
achieving these ambitions.
• In addition, all cocoa and chocolate products must be Fairtrade or RFA mass balance
(Rainforest Alliance) certified.
• All products containing more than 5% cocoa beans must be Fairtrade or RFA/UTZ
(Rainforest Alliance) certified.

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• All coffee must be certified in accordance with Fairtrade or RFA/UTZ (Rainforest Alliance).

• All tea must be certified in accordance with Fairtrade or RFA/UTZ (Rainforest Alliance).

• All rice suppliers must be Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) members and provide insight
into the status of the implementation of the SRP standard where their growers/producers
are concerned.
• Suppliers using rice as an ingredient that comprises more than 5% of the product must
purchase rice from suppliers who are Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) members and
provide insight into the status of the implementation of the SRP standard by their
suppliers and associated growers/growers.

Wood, paper and pulp

• Wood, pulp and paper processed as an ingredient or component in any private label
product must be recycled and/or FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), PEFC (Program for
the Endorsement of Forest Certification) certified.
• Products made of wood / fibres from new tropical hardwood are not permitted.
• Private label suppliers must be able to demonstrate that the wood, pulp and paper
supplied to JUMBO do not originate from illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU)

Nuts, seeds and pulses

 If nuts, seeds and pulses have been produced in a country designated as high-risk by
BSCI, the supplier and growers must be certified in accordance with a social standard
such as BSCI, ETI (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit), SA8000, ICS, SIZA, Fairtrade,
Rainforest Alliance, UTZ and IMO by 2025. GlobalG.A.P Grasp is also an acceptable
standard for growers.
 If nuts, seeds and pulses are produced in a medium-risk country (new SIFAV covenant)
(includes Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta and Israel, and Balkan countries such as Greece,
Serbia and Croatia) then the supplier must be certified in accordance with a social
standard such as BSCI, ETI (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit), SA8000, ICS, SIZA,

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Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, UTZ and IMO by 2025. GlobalG.A.P Grasp is also an
acceptable standard for growers (by the end of 2025).
 If nuts, seeds and pulses are produced in a low-risk country but a lot of the work involves
migrant workers (>20% own employees or employed through a temporary employment
agency), a Risk Inventory looking into housing, transport and workplace risk management
must be submitted (by the end of 2021).
 The required certification must be registered in SIM up to trading partner / cooperative
level. Grower certification is the responsibility of the contracted supplier. Trace audits
shall be carried out on the basis of this and sanctions will be imposed if there are any

 Hazelnuts and processed hazelnuts from outside the EU and from Turkey must be
certified in accordance with RFA Certified.

7.8 Flowers & Plants

 All flowers and plants supplied to JUMBO and originating from a country designated as
high-risk by BSCI must be certified in accordance with MPS-ABC, MPS-GAP,
GlobalG.A.P. and in addition BSCI/ETI (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit) / Fairtrade/

7.9 Wine and juices

 If fruit for concentrates, juices, and wines have been produced in a country designated as
high-risk by BSCI, the supplier and growers must be certified in accordance with a social
standard such as BSCI, ETI (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit), SA8000, ICS, SIZA,
Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, UTZ and IMO. GlobalG.A.P Grasp is also an acceptable
standard for growers.

The required certification must be registered in SIM up to trading partner / cooperative level.
Grower certification is the responsibility of the contracted supplier. Trace audits shall be carried
out on the basis of this and sanctions will be imposed if there are any shortcomings.

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7.10 Improving the sustainability of packaging

 Suppliers must comply with legislation and regulations relating to packaging and packaging
waste. This includes EU regulations. For example, the EU Directive on the reduction of the
impact of certain plastic products on the environment (2019/904) (Single-Use Plastic
Directive) will apply from 3 July 2021.
 All packaging must comply with JUMBO's sustainable packaging policy. The basic
principles of this relate to primary, secondary and tertiary packaging for food and non-food
products. The policy is based on the sector’s plan for making packaging more sustainable,
drawn up by CBL and Plastic Pact.
Revised and new products must be assessed on the basis of this policy and the targets set.
The sustainability of existing packaging is being tackled in a project-based way.
 For requirements specific to the various product categories, refer to the ‘JUMBO
Sustainable Packaging Policy’ addendum.
 JUMBO’s ambition: “We ensure that the environmental impact of our packaging is as low as
 JUMBO's targets for making packaging more sustainable by 2025:
o 20% less packaging material than in 2019;
o 100% recyclable packaging and where possible and effectively reusable;
o 50% rPET in bottles and trays; (post-consumer recycled).
o 25% recycled material in other plastic packaging; (post-consumer recycled).
o Maximum use of recycled cardboard and paper and 100% FSC/PEFC-certified in
the case of virgin material.
 In order to reach these targets, JUMBO is asking its suppliers to focus on the following
aspects wherever possible:
o Less packaging – packaging should contain as little material as possible. For
 Reducing packaging weight;
 No packaging that is excessively oversized, relative to the product;
 Concentration of products;
 Larger packs with greater capacity;
 Provision of reusable/refillable packaging.
o Better packaging – increasing the content of recycled materials and optimising the
recyclability of packaging.

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 Increasing the recycled content of packaging. Using rPET for food (50%
rPET for bottles and trays) and rHDPE and rPP for non-food (25%) By
recycled content we mean post-recycled material;
 The highest possible content of recycled paper/cardboard if there is no direct
food contact, as in the case of secondary packaging, labels and sleeves;
 Recyclability: the following principles shall apply to all products with regard to
increasing the recyclability of packaging. See also the Recycling Check
developed by the Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV).

Preference Not permitted

 Materials that can be easily  Materials for which a recycling
recycled: PET, PE and PP system has not been set up and/or
 PET: transparent that may cause a disruption in the
 HDPE/PP: transparent, or light existing recycling systems such as
colours polyvinyl chloride (PVC), expanded
 Mono-materials polystyrene (EPS), polylactic acid
 Transparent shrink and stretch film (PLA), oxo-degradable plastic.
without print Polystyrene (PS) and CPET must
 Transparent lids and caps also be phased out
 Ensure that stickers/labels on  Black plastic
packaging are recyclable: pay  Coloured or opaque PET
attention to glue, ink and base  PET or r-PET for non-food
material packaging
 Packaging layers need to be easily  Single-use plastic disposables, such
separated e.g. plastic and paper, as plates, cutlery, straws, balloon
labels, sleeves, stickers and sealing sticks and cotton buds, will be
films on trays prohibited from 3 July 2021.
 Paper tape and stickers on paper  Toxic substances or additives
and cardboard packaging  Labels, stickers and sleeves must
 Avoid using different packaging not cover more than 70% of the
layers and types of materials for packaging surface. (preferably
combinations of products and <50%).
packaging  Coatings that interfere with the
 Ink: preferably, do not print the recycling process. This applies to
packaging itself; this applies in paper, cardboard and plastic.
particular to transparent PET  The use of aluminium lids is only
packaging permitted if no alternative can be
 Limit the use of laminates where found. If aluminium is used as a
possible lidding material, ensure that it can
be easily removed in one go.

 Use 100% FSC/PEFC-certified paper/cardboard for virgin materials (direct food contact)
or 100% recycled paper/cardboard if there is no direct food contact.

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 Only bisphenol A (BPA) non-intent coatings may be used for the tin can packaging of
our private label products.
 Bio-based materials may only be used if sustainably produced and no other appropriate
packaging alternative is available. When it comes to sustainable production, we take
heed of matters including the origin of the raw material in view of potential loss of
biodiversity (deforestation, use of pesticides and crop protection) and the prevention of
competition with food.
 All packaging must feature a ‘Weggooiwijzer’ (Dutch disposal guide) logo / logos. For
instructions relating to the ‘Weggooiwijzer’, visit
 For monitoring purposes and reporting obligations in respect of the CBL and Plastic
Pact, and for packaging payments, the supplier must register all packaging data in SIM
under packaging tab v2.

7.11 Cosmetics
 Manufacturers of cosmetics and personal care products must comply with European
legislation as set out in Regulation (EC) no. 1223/2009.
 No non-biodegradable microbeads are to be used in cosmetics.
 JUMBO end products are not to be submitted to animal testing. The testing of ingredients
on animals is undesirable and the responsibility for ensuring that no animal testing is
carried out lies with the supplier of the end product.

7.12 Health
 Our objective is to offer increasingly healthy products. Suppliers are therefore also expected
to make their products as healthy as possible. Suppliers are also expected to comply with
sector agreements as set out in ‘Akkoord Verbetering Productsamenstelling’ (Reformulation
Agreement) as a minimum and, where possible, to ensure products meet the JUMBO
health criteria as stated in the ‘Health Policy’ addendum. In this document, JUMBO puts an
emphasis on the reduction of sugar, salt and fat, the addition of more fibre, the stimulation
of more fruit and vegetable consumption, and the provision of plant-based alternatives. For
requirements specific to the various product categories, refer to the ‘JUMBO Health Policy’
addendum. Jumbo is also preparing for the implementation of the Nutri-score food selection

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 The percentages of salt (sodium), saturated fat, trans fats, added sugar(s) and kilocalories
must be equal to or lower than the value for the reference item (as stated in the QA Brief)
and the values for the current product.
 The percentages of fibre, fruit and vegetables must be equal to or higher than the value for
the reference item (as stated in the QA Brief) and the values for the current product.
 Jumbo uses the portion sizes as stated in the ‘workinstruction Product Information'. Jumbo
aims to stimulate consumption of ‘Schijf van Vijf’ healthy eating guide products. For those
products not included in the guide, portions should be equal to or preferably smaller than
the reference item (as stated in the QA Brief).
 Nutrition claims (for example, 'rich in calcium' or 'a source of vitamin D') must always be
based on nutritional analyses carried out on the end product and not on nutritional
calculation. The nutrition claims that are permissible are stated in Regulation (EC) no.
1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods or in the relevant product-related
legislation. Only nutrition claims that help our customers select more healthy products may
be made.
 When nutrition claims are used, it must in all cases be possible to back up the values for
each nutritional parameter, as approved by both parties and agreed in the PIM
specification, with nutritional analysis of the end product (the product that JUMBO
purchases and sells).
 Claims relating to health must be worded clearly, must not be misleading, must be
objectively substantiated and permitted by Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006 on nutrition and
health claims made on foods or in the relevant product-related legislation. Only health
claims that help our customers select more healthy products may be made on ‘Schijf van
Vijf’ products.
 Colourings: products must contain as few colourings as possible and the quantity used
must never be more than in the reference item. All items must be free of AZO dyes and use
of E133 is not permitted.
 Additives: products must contain as few additives (in terms of both numbers and quantities)
as possible and must never contain more than the reference item. Flavour enhancers and
colourings in particular must be avoided as much as possible. Items may never contain
more additive groups than the reference item specified in the QA Brief.
 Vegetarian and vegan: at the specifications stage, suppliers must indicate whether the
product is vegetarian and/or vegan. Jumbo uses the following definitions:

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(commercial) (quality)
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version 01/01/2021 – 23.1
APPENDIX 3 Jumbo Groep Holding B.V. – Jumbo Quality, PL and CSR

o Vegetarian: Ingredients – including additives and/or components – must not be

derived from slaughtered animals. These are not permitted even if they are in
very small quantities (e.g. additives, flavourings, rennet). Cross-contamination
is not considered when deciding whether a product is vegetarian.
o Vegan: Products labelled as vegan must not in any way have been produced
from ingredients of animal origin. This applies to the production process,
processing stages, processing aids, additives and ingredients. Cross-
contamination is not considered when deciding whether a product is vegan.


SUPPLIER NAME: ……………………………………………………




JOB TITLE:………………………………………………………………………..


☐ Addendum – La Place Ingredients Policy

☐ Addendum – JUMBO Health Policy

☐ Addendum – P-PL-01-W-05-F-01 List of accepted standards

☐ Addendum – JUMBO Sustainable Packaging Policy

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(commercial) (quality)
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