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Module 1: Python Fundamentals

 Introduction to Programming
 Importance of programming in various fields
 Overview of Python: history, versions, and features
 Setting up the environment: installing Python, IDEs (PyCharm, VSCode, Jupyter
 Introduction to interactive mode and script mode
 Basic Syntax
 Variables: naming conventions, assigning values
 Data Types: integers, floats, strings, booleans
 Operators: arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise, assignment
 Type conversion and type casting
 Control Flow
 Conditional Statements: if, elif, else
 Loops: for loop, while loop
 Loop control statements: break, continue, pass
Module 2: Data Structures
 Lists and Tuples
 Creating lists and tuples
 Accessing and modifying elements
 List methods: append(), extend(), insert(), remove(), pop(), clear(), index(), count(),
sort(), reverse()
 Tuple properties: immutability, indexing, slicing
 Dictionaries and Sets
 Creating dictionaries and sets
 Accessing and modifying dictionary elements
 Dictionary methods: keys(), values(), items(), get(), update(), pop(), popitem(), clear()
 Set operations: union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference
 Comprehensions
 List comprehensions: syntax, examples
 Dictionary comprehensions: syntax, examples
 Set comprehensions: syntax, examples
 Module 3: Functions and Modules
 Functions
 Defining and calling functions
 Function arguments: positional, keyword, default, variable-length (*args, **kwargs)
 Return statement
 Lambda functions: syntax, use cases
 Modules and Packages
 Importing modules: import, from...import, as
 Overview of Python Standard Library: os, sys, math, random, datetime
 Creating and using custom modules
 Introduction to packages and namespace packages
 Exception Handling
 Try, except, else, finally blocks
 Built-in exceptions
 Raising exceptions
 Creating custom exceptions
Module 4: File Handling and Basic OOP
 File Handling
 File operations: open(), read(), write(), close()
 File modes: read (r), write (w), append (a), binary (b)
 Reading and writing text files
 Working with CSV files using csv module
 Working with JSON files using json module
 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
 Classes and objects: defining classes, creating objects
 Methods: instance methods, class methods, static methods
 Constructors: init method
 Inheritance: single, multiple, multilevel inheritance
 Polymorphism: method overriding, method overloading
 Encapsulation and data hiding
Module 5: Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
 Advanced Lists and Dictionaries
 Nested lists and dictionaries
 List comprehensions with conditions
 Dictionary comprehensions with complex keys and values
 Algorithms
 Sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quicksort, mergesort
 Searching algorithms: linear search, binary search
 Basic time complexity: Big O notation
Module 6: Libraries for Data Analysis
 NumPy
 Introduction to NumPy: advantages, array creation
 Array operations: indexing, slicing, reshaping
 Mathematical operations on arrays
 Broadcasting and vectorized operations
 Pandas
 Introduction to Pandas: Series and DataFrame
 Creating, accessing, and modifying DataFrames
 Data manipulation: filtering, grouping, merging, concatenating
 Handling missing data: isnull(), dropna(), fillna()
 Matplotlib
 Introduction to Matplotlib: plotting basics
 Creating plots: line plot, bar plot, histogram, scatter plot
 Customizing plots: titles, labels, legends, styles
Module 7: Web Development with Flask
 Introduction to Flask
 Setting up Flask: installation, project structure
 Basic routing: defining routes, URL parameters
 Templates and Static Files
 Jinja2 template engine: syntax, template inheritance
 Serving static files: CSS, JavaScript, images
 Forms and User Input
 Handling forms: WTForms, form validation
 Processing user input and displaying results
Module 8: Working with APIs and Databases
 RESTful APIs
 Introduction to REST: principles, methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
 Consuming APIs using requests library: making requests, handling responses
 Databases with SQLAlchemy
 Introduction to SQLAlchemy: ORM basics, installation
 Connecting to a database: SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL
 Defining models and schemas
 Performing CRUD operations: create, read, update, delete
 Project Work
 Integrating Flask with a database
 Building a small web application: user authentication, CRUD operations

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