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FEWS Assignment II from Mr.

Muhammad Fauzi

1. What natural disasters occur most often in your country?

According to data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB)
recorded since 1815 untill 2023, disasters that most often occur in Indonesia is
flood with 13,973 incidents out of 41,833 incidents or same as 31% total
incidents. (

2. How does the government anticipate natural disasters?

Government in Indonesia anticipates natural disasters by doing
monitoring, preparation, mitigation, education and awareness campaigns hrough
competent agencies in their respective fields, such as BNPB, Ministry of PUPR,
BMKG etc

3. How can early warning help the government prepare itself in the face of
natural disasters?
As we know, early warning system can increase lead time so that there is
enough time to prepare for the disaster including evacuation. This mechanism
will help the goverment to reduce the risk of the disaster. There are many
disaster early warnings in Indonesia :
1. BMKG Flood Potetial,
3. Satgas Banjir PUPR,
4. Jakarta FEWS,
5. Upper Citarum FEWS,
6. Flood Early Warning and Early Action System Citarum River Basin,
8. Pantau Banjir Jakarta,
9. Yayasan Peta Bencana,
10. FEWS on Android phone

4. Can you explain the importance of accurate rainfall forecasting in a FEWS?

FEWS rely heavily on accurate and timely rainfall forecasting to predict
and prepare for floods and other weather-related disasters. Sophisticated models
and data analysis techniques can improve the accuracy of rainfall forecasting
Because of Rainfall forecasting can help government agencies and emergency
FEWS Assignment II from Mr. Muhammad Fauzi

responders forecast the severity and duration of a disaster, plan evacuations,

and allocate resources more effectively.

5. What are the challenges associated with implementing a FEWS in different

regions or countries?
Implementing a Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) in different regions
or countries can be a complex due to various challenges. These challenges can
stem from differences in infrastructure, technology, social factors, and
environmental conditions. Data availability and quality which in many regions,
especially developing countries, data collection infrastructure might be lacking or
outdated, leading to data gaps and unreliable information. Followed by
infrastructure and technology where FEWS often rely on advanced technology
such as weather radar, river gauges, and remote sensing. Implementing these
technologies requires appropriate infrastructure, maintenance, and skilled
personnel, which might be lacking in certain regions. Financial constraints
become the main problem in many developed regions because establishing and
maintaining a FEWS requires significant financial investment for equipment,
training, and ongoing operations. Human resources as an operator who will
operate a FEWS demands skilled personnel who can interpret data, run models,
and communicate warnings effectively to communities at risk. Climate change
can alter precipitation patterns and increase the frequency and intensity of
extreme weather events, including floods. FEWS need to be adaptable and
responsive to changing conditions to provide accurate forecasts and warnings.
Also, legal frameworks might need to be established or modified to facilitate data
sharing, coordination among agencies, and responsibilities related to flood
management and early warning


Natural disasters can have devastating consequences, but early warning systems and
accurate forecasting can help minimize their impact and save lives. Effective
implementation of these systems is crucial in mitigating the effects of natural disasters.

The Future

As technology continues to improve, early warning systems and accurate forecasting

will become even more powerful tools in disaster management. Governments,
communities, and individuals must continue to invest in and support these systems to
minimize the impact of natural disasters in the years to come.

Written by,
FEWS Assignment II from Mr. Muhammad Fauzi

Muhammad Fahmi Fauzi

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