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Political Science: POWER SHARING

1. Define the following terms:

a. Ethnic
b. Majoritarianism
c. Civil war
2. In which year Sinhala was recognised as the only official language in Sri Lanka?
3. What is the language spoken by people residing in the Wallonia region of Belgium?
4. How can one say that the ethnic composition of Belgium is very complex?
5. Explain how the accommodation model has played a crucial part in Belgium.
6. State the measures which were adopted by the democratically elected government of
Sri Lanka to establish Sinhala Supremacy?
7. Explain with suitable examples the system of ‘checks and balances’.
8. What makes power sharing desirable?
9. Write the different forms of power sharing in India?
10. Throw some light on the role of political parties and pressure groups in the
arrangements of power sharing.
History: Nationalism In Europe
1. Discuss the importance of language and popular traditions in the creation of national
2. Justify that Conservative regime set up in 1815 was Autocratic?
3. What is the July revolution?
4. How language played a role in developing nationalist Sentiments?
5. Growth of Industrialization changed the social and political equation in Europe?
ECONOMICS : Development
1. Explain the following
a)Net Attendance Ratio
b)per capita income.
c)Infant Mortality Rate
d)Literacy Rate

2.What do final goods and services mean?

3.Why is sustainable development essential? Give one reason

4.In what respect is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development
different from the one used by the World Bank?

5.What is the Human Development Index? How is it measured?

6.Mention any two limitations of per capita income as an indicator of development.
7. How far is it true that “development for one may not be development for the
other?” Explain with examples
8.Kerala, with lower per capita income, has a better human development ranking than
Punjab. Hence, per capita income is not a useful criterion at all and should not be used
to compare States. Do you agree? Discuss.
9.On the basis of which three indicators of HDI 2004 Sri Lanka has a better rank than
10.“Money cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to live well” Do you
agree with this statement? Justify your answer with any three suitable arguments.
GEOGRAPHY: Resource & Development

1) What are the main types of soil in India? Which type of soil is the most widely spread
and important soil of India? State the characteristics of this type of soil.

2.) Why is resource planning important in the context of a country like India?

3.) Explain any five proper farming techniques which can be used for soil

4) . Classify resources on the basis of ownership with examples.

5.) What does land degradation mean? Which human activities have contributed
significantly to land degradation? Suggest measures to solve the problems of land

6.) “ Resources are a function of human activities”. elaborate the statements with
suitable arguments?

7.) Mention any three features of Arid soil.

8.) Write a short note on Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, 1992, Brazil.
9.) List the problems caused due to indiscriminate use of resources by human beings.
10.) How does technological and economical development lead to more consumption of

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