VSP Log 1698599680

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China National Logging Corporation

Vertical Seismic Profile

(VSP Log)

China National Logging Corporation


China National Logging Corporation

1. VSP Introduction
2. Types of VSP Survey
3. Logging Equipment for VSP
a) Downhole Tools
b) Surface system
c) Seismic Sources
4. VSP Field Operation
China National Logging Corporation


China National Logging Corporation

VSP Introduction
Rig site
Recording Truck

Seismic Source
Deep Wellbore
Downgoing Seismic Wavelet


Shot on the surface, record in the borehole

Downhole geophones are up to 8 levels
Two guns shot synchronized
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Introduction

The equation is theory basic and principle of VSP
(1) S means distance
(2) V means velocity
(3) T means time
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Introduction

① The ability to record the real seismic trace in the bore hole
rather than relying on a synthetically generated GEOGRAM.

② Establishment of a precise link between the surface seismic

results and well logs,since the VSP is a high resolution
velocity layers near surface only once.

③ The recording of signals with an improved high frequency

content ,since they cross the highly absorptive low velocity
layers near surface only once.
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Introduction

④ An improvement in vertical resolution resulting in better
horizontal resolution the ability to see edges,pinch outs
porosity barriers and faults.

⑤ The ability to record reflector signals which are not

received at surface. This is particularly useful in
structurally complex areas.
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Introduction

Auxiliary seismic

Downhole seismic Amplitude

channels spectra

WaveControl software – Single shot and stack display

China National Logging Corporation

VSP Introduction
Depth axis

First break picks

Time axis

Display of VZ, HX or
HY components

WaveControl software – Final plot

China National Logging Corporation

VSP Introduction
• Identification of Seismic Reflectors

• Providing more accuracy velocity

• Predicting depths to seismic reflectors

• Image of the VSP data

• Correlation with logs and existing seismic lines

• Dip evaluation

• Fault delineation

• Structure delineation

• Determining the Physical Properties of Rocks

• Dip evaluation
China National Logging Corporation

Types of VSP Survey

China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type

1. Rig source VSP ( Zero-offset) (vertical and deviated well)

2. Remote source VSP (Offset)
3. Vertical Incidence VSP (deviated well)
4. Walkaway VSP (vertical well)
5. Walkalong VSP
6. Walkaround VSP
7. Walkaskew VSP
8. Cross-hole surveys
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type

China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type


Rig source VSP, which the source is near the borehole, the
source offset is not more than 1/20 borehole depth
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type

Check Shot (Velocity Survey)

Check Shot, which is also named Velocity Survey, Mud logging profile
or Logging curve should be referenced in making shoot program.
Unless the client specifically requested it, there is no point in shooting
levels which are closer than about 100 meters to each other as at
intervals less than this the Interval Velocity value are unreliable
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type


OFFSET VSP, the source position and the distance between the source and
the borehole is designed by Raypaths calculated and reflection Module , the
offset is normally not more than the well depth
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type


Shoot Line

WALKAWAY, the energy source position variety shot by shot,

for detecting the area below the fixed Geophone
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type

Walk around VSP

Source Line

• Walkaround

The survey dipicted here is a simple subset of the 3D VSP, its only purpose
would be to investigate anisotropic or effects caused by variation of reflection
strength with direction of arrival ( “pseudo AVO”).
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type

Three Dimension(3D) VSP

Source Line
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Survey Type

Vertical Incident In The Deviated Well

B Shooting Circle

When recording VSP data in a Deviated borehole, the energy source should be positioned vertically
above the geophone. In practice, the energy source is allowed to be anywhere within a circle centered
directly above the geophone and having a diameter that is 2 or 3 percent of the vertical depth to the
geophone. These shooting circles thus decrease in size as the geophone proceeds up the well toward
the surface.
China National Logging Corporation

Logging Equipment for VSP

a) Downhole Tools
b) Surface system
c) Seismic Sources
China National Logging Corporation

Logging Equipment for VSP

High Temperature : 400°F / 205°C
High Pressure : 25,000 PSI / 1,725 bar
Up to 120 levels
Longest array : 3,000 m
Revolutionary deployment : only 2 min/level
Monitoring during deployment
Fail-safe design

China National Logging Corporation

VSP Downhole Tools

GGRU (optional)
GCLU (optional)
GHTU (High Speed Telemetry)


Up to 32 levels 3C
24 bits ADC digitizer
¼…4 ms sampling rate

China National Logging Corporation

VSP Downhole Tools

GAU- Geowaves Acquisiton Unit

• High Temperature & High Pressure resistant
- Designed with specifically built for purpose hermetic
components for reliable performance
- Optional 30,000 psi / 2,070 bar pressure housing
• High productivity
- Industry best telemetry rate on standard wirelines ( up to
4,2 Mbits/s)
- Up to 120 levels (3 components) and up to 3000 m
antenna aperture on standard wireline
• Faster & Safer operations
- Safe and efficient deployment (less than 2 minutes per
tool) due to a new revolutionary method (patent pending)
- Continuous monitoring of the system performance during
the deployment
- Quick “screw on” arm extensions of different sizes
• High flexibility
- Tractor Compatible for deployment in horizontal and highly
deviated well
- Compatible with Sercel GRC pressure & temperature gauges
for real time combined seismic and P&T acquisition
- Each electronics board tracks exposure to temperature,
with real time user interface, allowing proactive preventive
maintenance management
- Optional additional dual geophone sub to achieve quad
geophone package
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Downhole Tools

GCLU- GeoWaves Gamma Ray Unit
GCLU- GeoWaves Casing Locator

Gamma Ray Unit allows exact Casing Collar Locator Unit allows
depth correlation using natural exact depth correlation in cased
gamma ray reading. hole environment.
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Downhole Tools

GJC- GeoWaves Junction Cable GTCU- GeoWaves Tension Compression Unit

Tension Compression Unit allows precise

Junction Cable allows tension measurement for safe downhole
system connectionto a 7 conductor operation, and reliable compression
cable measurement for drill pipe or coiled tubing
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Downhole Tools

GIC- GeoWaves Intertool Cable

Intertool cable (available at various lengths)

allow quick connection between downhole
tools. Use of coaxial cable increases the
overall reliability of the system by decreasing
the number of connections.

GWUS- Downhole Weight Unit Sensor

Weight Unit is designed to guide the system in the well and to

give an early warning of the system hangup.
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Surface System

Common to all Sercel downhole strings,
WaveLab acquisition panel includes :
• Power Supply Module.
• Telemetry interface.
• Interconnecting box (sources and surface
channels control).
• GPS Synchronization.
Acquisition PCS include:
• One laptop for the system control.
• One laptop for the data acquisition & QC.
• Software to be installed on the logging unit
(if hardware/software compatible).
• Single PC acquisition is possible.
• Industrial rackable PC can be supplied
instead of laptops.
China National Logging Corporation

VSP Surface System
China National Logging Corporation

Seismic Sources
To choose one kind of sources, there are some key factors:
1. Energy ( for penetration)
2. Impulsive signature ( for resolution)
3. Repeatability ( for data processing)
4. Safety and security
5. Portability
6. Cost effectiveness
7. Maintainability

Explosive Source Vibrator Source Airgun Source

China National Logging Corporation

Seismic Sources

Airgun source
High-Pressure Air
Solenoid Valve Connect To Fire Loom

High-Pressure Air

Port Shuttle

High-Pressure Air

Charged and Ready for Fire Firing

China National Logging Corporation

Seismic Sources
G.Gun II : A complete range
The G. GUN II is the safest, easiest-to-use and
most reliable air gun in the industry.
It offers a lightweight, compact solution for
consistent performance and flexibility
thanks to its advanced Volume Reducer
China National Logging Corporation

Seismic Sources
G GUN II Description and working principle
China National Logging Corporation

Seismic Sources
VSP water pit design
 The maximum distance (Dm) between the well and the pit is 1/15 of the well depth.
 The minimum distance (Dm) between the well and the pit is 50 meters.
 The maximum distance between the logging truck and the pit is 50 meters due to the length of
cables from the logging truck cabin to the air guns.
 The water pit must be strong enough to resist the shock wave generated by the air guns, it’s
strongly suggested to cement the pit boundary to prevent any collapse, and a leakage test is also
necessary before the job.
 The VSP pit should be full of clean water before operation.
 Please use the GPS system to get the coordinates of the VSP pit.
China National Logging Corporation

Seismic Sources
China National Logging Corporation

Seismic Sources
Air Compressor

• Ambient running temperature : - 10°C / +

• Nominal delivery rate : 100 Nm3 /h
• Noise level : 80 dbA at 1 m
China National Logging Corporation

VSP field Operation

China National Logging Corporation

VSP field Operation

China National Logging Corporation

VSP field Operation

VSP Operation Main Steps:





China National Logging Corporation

VSP field Operation

Operating Safety

Pneumatic High-pressure System

 ONLY to be operated by trained and qualified personnel

 Non-compliance with the operating and service instructions can cause severe
injury or death
 NEVER connect Air Gun to firing line UNTIL Air Gun is IN the water
 ALWAYS DISCONNECT Air Gun to firing line BEFORE Pulling Air Gun OUT
of water
 ALWAYS Treat an unattended Air Gun as a Pressurized Air Gun
China National Logging Corporation

Raw data
China National Logging Corporation

The End

Thank You

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