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Tadbir urus alam sekitar di Malaysia berpandukan kepada Dasar Alam Sekitar Negara yang

bertujuan untuk pembangunan mampan, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya serta meningkatkan
kualiti hidup dan alam sekitar. Nilaikan bagaimanakah dasar ini boleh berfungsi untuk
memastikan rangka kerja tadbir urus alam sekitar Malaysia yang bersih, selamat, sihat dan
produktif berkembang maju dengan kolaborasi dinamik dalam kalangan kerajaan, industri dan
Environmental governance in Malaysia is guided by the National Environmental Policy which
aim for sustainable development, economic, social and cultural as well as improving the
quality of life and the environment. Evaluate how this policy could work to ensure for clean,
safe, healthy and productive Malaysia's environmental governance framework thrives on the
dynamic collaboration among government, industry, and society?
Dasar Alam Sekitar Negara (DASN) has been established to continue
economic, social and cultural progress as well as improve the quality of life
of Malaysians through environmental well -being and sustainable
development. The purpose of DASN is to achieve; (1) A clean, safe, healthy
and productive environment for present and future generations, (2)
Conservation of a unique and diverse culture and natural heritage with the
effective participation of all sectors of society, and (3) Lifestyle, consumption
patterns and sustainable production.

There are eight (8) principles under the DASN to harmonize the goals of
economic development with the importance of the environment, namely:

 Environmental Monitoring
 Conservation of Resilience and Diversity of Nature
 Continuous Improvement of Environmental Quality
 Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
 Integrated Decision Making
 The Role of the Private Sector
 Commitment and Accountability
 Active Participation in the International Community

DASN aims to integrate environmental considerations into development

activities and related decision -making processes, foster long -term
economic growth and human progress, and to protect and improve the
environment. It complements and adds to the environmental dimension
contained in other national policies, such as forestry and industrial policies,
and also takes into account international conventions of universal

There are strategies has been developed by the government of Malaysia

and focusing stamped areas. One of that is education and awareness.The
Department of Environment (DOE)
has been running programs to
teach people about the
environment from a young age, starting from preschool and continuing
throughout life. These programs use different teaching methods, like hands-
on activities, to help people understand environmental issues better. Here
are some of the main programs:

Programme for school has been established like The Sustainable School -
Environment Award is meant to help put into action the National Policy on
the Environment. This policy has eight main ideas and seven green plans.
The first green plan is all about teaching and making people aware. Its aim
is to help people understand how important it is to take care of the
environment and to develop in a way that can last a long time, following the
ideas of Agenda 21.

Programme Sekolah Lestari is done to foster environmental activities

among the students and raise awareness among the student about the
importance of environmental conservation and preservation. Within Sekolah
Lestari Porgramme there Evaluation Criteria for assesment
 Create a vision and mission for environmental education in line with the
National Education Philosophy.
 Integrate environmental education into both the curriculum and
extracurricular activities.
 Conduct campaigns to raise awareness about environmental education.
 Recognize individuals or groups that have contributed to and engaged in
environmental education programs.
 Develop plans to share information with the local community to boost
environmental awareness.

 Integrate environmental values into teaching and learning.
 Include environmental learning in teaching modules throughout the
 Arrange programs, workshops, and seminars on environmental education
for teachers.

 Execute a yearly plan of environmental education activities for clubs,
societies, and uniformed units.
 Conduct Environmental Awareness Campaigns.
 Organize environmental games or sports like Green Run, Enviro-Hunt,
Enviro-Walk, Enviro-Bike, etc.
 Launch Recycling Programs.

 Participate in Parks/Landscape Programs.
 Implement the One Student - One Tree Program.
 Engage in planting, conserving, and rehabilitating beneficial tree species.
 Use scientific and local names for marking trees.
 Introduce Learning Stations.
Objective of establishment of the Sekolah Lestari also to support Sustainable
Development Goals as below

Besides that, in order to increase public participation and awareness one of

the project is Wira Alam Sekitar .The Environmental Hero Project commenced
on June 5, 1998, coinciding with World Environment Day. Spearheaded by
the Department of Environment in partnership with the Ministry of Education
Malaysia and the Malaysian Nature Society, this initiative aims to
acknowledge students who demonstrate proactive engagement in
environmental conservation and protection efforts.The Environmental Hero
Project has several goals:

1.Give students a chance to join in environmental activities alone or with

2.Make students interested and excited to learn about nature.
3.Help students feel closer to their communities, which fits with the idea of
caring for each other.
4.Teach young people how to take good care of the environment so they can
be leaders later on.
5.Recognize and appreciate students who work hard to protect and care for

On the other hand,there are another way that is effective management on

the natural resource like a national audit and inventory will be maintained
and regularly updated, with particular emphasis on depletion and
renewability to serve a guide policy ande decision making. Appropriate
environmental monitoring system shall be established to facilitate the
evaluation of programme and projects.Besides that , natural resources area
particularly rich in habitats and ecosystem and maitain zone for
conservation and protection for indigenous flora and fauna and genetic
resouces. For example Wilmar International has been gazetted an area in
oil plantation in Beluran just for conservation .In September 2022, Wilmar
International and the South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership
(SEARRP) jointly organized the inaugural scientific expedition in Sica,
providing scientists with a unique opportunity to explore the conservation
site and record its diverse array of species. Since 2006, Wilmar and
SEARRP have maintained a collaborative relationship in scientific
endeavors, with a primary focus on biodiversity preservation and the
sustainable management of oil palm. SEARRP's research primarily aims to
enhance understanding of restoration initiatives within oil palm plantations,
encompassing activities such as the rehabilitation of degraded forests and
peatlands, the reinstatement of riparian reserves, and the utilization of open
spaces and undeveloped areas.The study primarily focused on easily
accessible species like dung beetles and butterflies. A rich diversity of dung
beetles typically indicates a varied mammalian population, while a wide
variety of butterflies suggests the presence of diverse plant species that
serve as food sources for both adult butterflies and their larvae.

Insects such as dung beetles and butterflies are highly sensitive to changes
in their environment, making their population numbers crucial indicators. A
decline in their populations signals the need for increased management,
restoration, and conservation efforts. Furthermore, the abundance of these
insects serves as a gauge of the efficacy of restoration endeavors.

In addition to its role in biodiversity conservation, Sica also provides vital

natural resources for nearby communities. Three villages—Kampung
Kinadaan, Kampung Mononood, and Kampung Kaiboton—are situated in
close proximity to the area. Sica serves as the primary water catchment for
the surrounding region and supplies gravity-fed water.

Wilmar has implemented several sustainable livelihood initiatives for these

communities, including programs like the Community Honorary and Junior
Ranger Program and the Seedling Buyback Program. Furthermore,
residents have the opportunity to explore alternative livelihood options
through activities such as agroforestry and agrotourism.That is show how
private company has a good responsibility in managing and conservation
of natural resource eventhough project has been conducted by them.
Another Malaysia’s Green Strategies to strengthening administrative and
institutional mechanisms.Integrated and effective cooperation and
coordination among government sector and agencies shall be enhanced in
order to achieve efficient environmental management and protection.Ministry
and local government are encouraged to develop mechanism to ensure
environmental considerations are integrated into their development projects
and activities. Environment Impact Assesment (EIA) for example has been
introduced to those who going developing any project should be become the
prerequisite for any projects.
Based on this thing, I believe that the this policy is efficient to conduct a better
and good environment control in malaysia

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2006. 31:297–325
MariaMaria Carmen Lemos and Arun Agrawal

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