Morin - Week 5 - Asynchronous Activity - Socio-Cultural

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NAME: Morin, Reymart James P.

DATE: March 7, 2024

COURSE/BLOCK: BSEd-SS_2-1 SUBJECT: Socio-Cultural Anthropology 2208-1


Using the film “Ded na si Lolo”, how will your knowledge of sociology and sociological
imagination help you appreciate more the link between society (culture as the force / structure)
and the individual's behavior and practices. From your point of view, can we free ourselves from
the chain of the many cultural-normative practices that we have in our Philippines society?
Explain or support your answer.

1. Your response to my question:
2. Your reactions or insights on the presented ideas of at least one classmate; and
3. Your response to at least one reaction of your classmate to defend or clarify your point. In case
letter c cannot be accomplished because no one reacted to your post, you can add another
reaction/insight on the presented ideas of your other classmates to replace letter c.

(1). "Ded na si Lolo" is a poignant film that delves into Filipino culture and societal norms
surrounding death and mourning practices. Through a sociological lens, one can appreciate how
the film illustrates the intricate relationship between society (culture) and individual behavior
and practices.
Sociological Imagination Socialization and Cultural Structural Functionalism

By applying the sociological Sociological concepts such as From a structural functionalist

imagination, one can understand socialization and cultural norms perspective, one can analyze how
that individual behaviors and help in understanding how these cultural practices serve the
practices, such as mourning individuals internalize societal function of providing social
rituals portrayed in the film, are expectations and behaviors from cohesion, comfort, and support to
not just personal choices but are a young age. In the film, we see individuals during times of loss.
heavily influenced by societal characters adhering to traditional These practices also reinforce
norms, values, and structures. Filipino mourning practices, social bonds and shared values
The film highlights how Filipino reflecting the cultural norms within the community.
culture dictates specific ingrained in them through
expectations and norms socialization.
surrounding death and mourning,
shaping the way individuals
grieve and commemorate the
As for whether we can free ourselves from the chain of cultural normative practices in
Philippine society, it's a complex question. While individuals have agency and the capacity to
challenge and change cultural norms, cultural practices are deeply ingrained and often
reinforced by various social institutions. Moreover, cultural practices are not inherently
negative; they provide a sense of identity, belonging, and continuity for communities.

However, through education, critical thinking, and social change efforts, individuals and groups
can challenge and reshape cultural norms that may be harmful or oppressive. Change is possible,
but it requires collective efforts and a willingness to question and challenge deeply held beliefs
and practices.

"Ded na si Lolo" offers a compelling portrayal of the interplay between society and individual
behavior, particularly regarding Filipino mourning practices. Through the lens of sociology and
sociological imagination, one can grasp how cultural norms shape the way individuals grieve and
commemorate the deceased. The film underscores how societal expectations, transmitted through
socialization and cultural norms, influence individual actions and attitudes towards death. While
these practices serve important social functions, such as fostering community cohesion and
support, they can also constrain individual agency. However, challenging and altering cultural
norms requires concerted efforts and critical reflection, as these norms are deeply embedded
within social institutions and collective identities. Therefore, while change is possible, it
necessitates a collective willingness to question and transform existing cultural practices.

(2). “We may better understand the complex relationship between society which we can define as culture as the
force or structure and the unique behaviors and practices that are represented in the movie by using sociology and
sociological imagination to analyze Ded na si Lolo. This viewpoint highlights the intricate interaction between
society and the individual in influencing human behavior by enabling us to observe how societal influences
influence the characters' choices and actions.
Yes, we can break free from detrimental or restrictive cultural norms and practices. This can be achieved by
consciously deciding to reject these behaviors if they conflict with our values or beliefs, challenging the reasoning
behind them, and looking at how they affect both individuals and society. In addition, advocating for a shift in
cultural attitudes and behaviors may entail questioning society norms and expectations. In order to confront and
eventually break free from cultural shackles that may be repressive or restricting, education, critical thinking, and
open communication are essential.” - Ryssa Nicole A. Buenaventura

My reaction or insights provided with my blockmate highlights the importance of using

sociological frameworks like the sociological imagination to understand the interplay between
society and individual behavior depicted in the movie "Ded na si Lolo." It emphasizes the
potential for individuals to challenge and transcend restrictive cultural norms through conscious
decision-making, critical thinking, and advocating for societal change. This perspective
underscores the dynamic nature of culture and the agency individuals have in shaping it.

(3). “My reaction to my blockmate's response to the questions is that he talks about the sociological imagination,
which provides insight into how cultural practices and societal norms influence people's conduct and interpersonal
connections. He also emphasizes how critical it is to comprehend the larger social framework in which families and
people function as well as how this context shapes the choices and behaviors of these entities.” - Ryssa Nicole A.

My blockmates' response effectively underscores the significance of the sociological imagination

in understanding the complex interplay between cultural practices, societal norms, and individual
behavior portrayed in the movie "Ded na si Lolo." By emphasizing the need to comprehend the
broader social context in which families and individuals operate, she highlights the importance of
recognizing how these factors influence people's choices and actions. Additionally, her emphasis
on the sociological imagination demonstrates an appreciation for the interconnectedness of
personal experiences and societal structures, enriching the analysis of the film's themes and

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