A Note Reg Non Payment To Child

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Our stand for the remark on why Arvind has not sent any money to Kirenjothi

for the welfare of the child Thanush Arvind.

Though Arvind loves his son and keenly interested in the welfare of the child,
Kirenjothi did not take away the child from his father with the child’s father’s
permission. Kirenjothi has taken away the child from the child’s father when
the child was only 11 months old. As facts are such Arvind does not want to
support Kirenjothi in any manner to raise his son Thanush in India. Arvind
wants his son to be raised only in the USA. Arvind’ s son Thanush is a USA
citizen by birth. Arvind’s son Thanush has enormous opportunities in the USA
for his development and future.
Secondly even if Arvind sends money to Kirejothi for the welfare of their son
Thanush, that money will not be spent fully for the welfare of the child, mostly
it will be snatched by others in Kirenjothi’s family viz her father, her sister etc.
Arvind explains the above phenomena on the following grounds:
1. Kirenjothi herself is not working in India. Though Kirenjothi has plenty of
opportunities to work in the USA, she did not work there because of her
incompetency and fear of not being able to understand USA English.
2. Even in India Kirenjothi worked briefly in HDFC bank as Deputy Manager
in Gold loan section which is a tenure job and that too not selected on
the basis of any competency test but on the basis of some deposits in
the bank. This was disclosed by herself. Even this job she has lost once
her tenure is over. So Kirenjothi do not have financial strength on the
basis of a job to raise their son Thanush.
3. Kirenjothi has decided to desert her husband Arvind and taking away
their son Thanush fully depending on certain mud horses to cross the
river i.e to raise their son Thanush. In Tamil it is called as
5. Mud horse No1. He is Mr. Madanagopal. He is father of Kirenjothi. We
don’t know his regular income by way of his pension etc. But he used to
boast himself as master and king in online trading of shares. He has
squandered all his earnings in on line trading of shares and thus he has
no property of his own and meagre income. Fearing that he may
squander away the property owned by his in-laws, they have not
transferred the property in Villivakkam in Madanagopal’s name but in
the name of his wife Asha by name (since deceased) and in the name of
their two granddaughters (one of them is Kirenjothi) .Similar will be the
fate if Arvind sends money to Kirenjothi for the welfare of their son
Thanush. Madanagopal will snatch the money from Kirenjothi and use
the same for his online trading activity.
6. Mud horse No.2: She is Bindu. She is sister of Kirenjothi. She is also not
working at present. She worked a decade ago in IT field. Since not
working for the past 10 years or so she has made herself worthless for
any job in IT industry.
7. This is the scenario of Kirenjothi’s family’s financial strength. All these
people conspired together to remove the child Thanush from his father
Arvind just to loot the money if sent by Arvind for the welfare of the

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