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Eb7c-01 27

Ex1. Err

Câu 1. You shouldn’t criticize him in front of his

friends. It was insensitive of you.

A. shouldn’t criticize B. him in front of

C. it D. insensitive

 A  shouldn’t have criticized

Why: ý nghĩa câu:

Original: shouldn’t + V  không nên làm gì đó: lời khuyên (hiện tại)

Fix: câu 2  it was insentitive  hành động đã xảy ra rồi  mong ước là
điều chưa từng xảy ra  câu điều kiện loại III

(If…), S + would/should/could/might + (not) + have + P2

Câu 2. Higher education in the United States specifically refers to post -

secondary institutions, that offer associate degrees, master degrees or
Ph.d. degrees or equivalents.

A. specifically refers B. institutions C. that D. or equivalents


 mệnh đề quan hệ essential và non-essential

 that – không đi sau dấu phẩy

Câu 3. I’m not used to go to school late. I prefer punctuation.

A. I’m not used to B. go  going

C. late D. prefer

 S + used to (ADV) + V nguyên thể  đã từng làm gì trong quá khứ

 S + is/am/are + used to (prep) + V-ing  quen làm gì đó (hiện tại)

 prep + V-ing

Câu 4. Despite the long history of the rights of property ownership,

there have been a great deal of disagreement over what such rights

A. what such rights entail B. have been

C. Despite D. a great deal of

 B  has been

Chủ ngữ giả: there + V(tobe/thường) + S  have been  has been

 với there, chủ ngữ thật nằm sau V

 there + tobe + “a great deal” of N

 “a great deal” = N số ít

 there is a book || there are students

Câu 5. Paris is much more exciting as I expected.

A. much B. exciting C. as D. expected

 so sánh hơn” luôn có “than”

Câu 6. English is speaking in many countries in the world.

A. English B. speaking C. many countries D. the world

 bị động  is spoken

Câu 7. Chemical engineering is based in the principles of

physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

A. in B. principles C. chemistry D. mathematics

A  based on

Câu 8. He is the second person be killed in that way.

A. is B. the C. be killed D. way

 to be killed

 rút gọn mđ quan hệ

 he is the 2nd person who was killed in that way.

Câu 9. . For the first time in the history of the country, the person who
recommended by the president to replace a retired justice on the
Supreme Court is a woman.

A. is B. a retired justice

C. to replace D. who recommended

bỏ who  rút gọn mđqh

 who was recommended

Câu 10.. The most sensitive way to resolve a family problem is by
open discussion.

A. the B. sensitive C. by D. open

 by (prep) + Ving

Câu 11. . Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty,
intelligent and calm.

A. dogs that B. trained C. the D. loyalty  loyal

 cấu trúc song song: Adj1, Adj2 and/or Adj 3

Câu 12. . The shopkeeper warned the boys don't lean

their bicycles against his windows.

A. the B. don’t C. their D. against

B  not

Câu 13. . The telephone rang several times and then stop before
I could answer it.

A. times B. then C. stop D. could

 C  stopped  /stopt/

Câu 14. The teacher asked him why hadn’t he done his
homework, but he said nothing.

A. why B. hadn’t he done

C. but D. said nothing

 tường thuật trực tiếp – gián tiếp  trong gián tiếp không có đảo ngữ
của câu hỏi

Câu 15. . A dangerously situation was created by the bad roads.

A. dangerously B. was C. created D. bad roads

 ADJ + N  dangerous

Câu 16. . In most countries music songs are deeply personal and deal
with themes of love, lonely, and separation.

A. most countries B. deeply C. deal with D. lonely

Music songs are deeply personal.

Music songs deal with themes of love, lonely, and separation.

Love = N, separation = N  lonely  N  loneliness

Câu 17. One of the best ways to encourage your children to read are to
provide interesting titles for them to enjoy.

A. the best B. to read C. are D. for

 C  is

Câu 18. Had I been interested in that subject, I would try to

learnmore about it.

A. in B. try to learn C. Had D. about

 B would have tried to …

Câu 19. The two children tried as hardly as they could to bring about a
reconciliation between their parents.

A. children B. hardly C. between D. to bring about

Hard (ADJ, ADV): khó/ cứng

Hardly (ADV) = hiếm khi

Câu 20. Education, whether it happens at school or anywhere else, is a

important part in our life.

A. Education B. whether C. or D. a important part

 an important

S – V agreement Thì trong câu

- Tìm chủ ngữ - 12 thì

- Tìm V liên quan
- Kiểm tra sự hòa hợp Chủ động – bị động (tobe + p2)

Trực tiếp – gián tiếp

 có dạng câu hỏi không XXX

Cấu trúc song song Mẫu câu

Prefer to V

Prefer Ving

Like + to V

Like + Ving
Danh từ: So sánh:

- Số ít/ nhiều So sánh hơn ( than)

- Đếm được/ không đếm được
- a/an/the So hơn nhất (most/ est)

So sanhs ngang bằng (as…as)

So sánh kém

- prep + Ving/N/Cụm N
- a/an/the + N/cụm N
- phrasal verb
- N, ADJ, ADV, V

Câu 21. I can’t go out tonight because I have too many work to do.

A. can’t B. because C. too many  too much D. to do

Câu 22. Foreign students who are doing a decision about whichschool to
attend may not know exactly where the choices are located

A. are doing B. about which

C. to attend D. the choices

Phrasal verb  make a decision

Câu 23. Should you mind telling me the way to the nearest restaurant?

A. Should B. telling me C. to D. nearest

 would

Câu 24. English, together with Literature and Maths, are compulsory
subjects in the national curriculum.

A. English B. with Literature

C. are D. national curriculum

 are -> is

Câu 25. Optimists believe that in future we will be living in a cleaner

environment, breathing fresher air and eat healthier food.

A. Optimists believe B. in future

C. living in a cleaner D. eat eating healthier food

Câu 26. The man for who the police are looking robbed the bank

A. who B. are C. robbed D. the bank

 for whom  for me*  for + tân ngữ  whom

Câu 27. He passed the exams with high scores, that made his
parents happy.

A. passed B. with C. that D. happy

 that  which
Câu 28. . Because her sickness she didn’t take part in the English
competition held in Sunday.

A. Because B. she C. take D. held

 because of + N/cụm N

Câu 29. The teacher together with his students have finished theirproject
on time.

A. The B. together C. have D. their

 have  has

Câu 30. Mr. Smith, along with her cousins from Canada, are planning to
attend the firework display in Da Nang, Vietnam.

A. with B. her cousins C. are D. to attend

 are  is

Câu 31. I had my motorbike repair yesterday but now it still doesn’t work.

A. had B. repair C. but now D. work

 B repaired

Câu 32. The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including many
different meanings of words and to give real examples.

A. well known B. The C. meanings D. to give

 to give  giving
Câu 33. David, who (his) mother is Vietnamese, speaks both Vietnamese
and English fluently.

A. who B. is C. speaks D. fluently

A  who  whose + N  thay thế sở hữu cách

Câu 34. If I had studied carefully, I wouldn't made so many mistakes.

A. I had B. carefully C. made D. so many

 have made

Câu 35. The director, as well as his wife and two children, were
injured in the accident.

A. the B. well C. were D. in

 were  was

Câu 36. My father asked me where had I gone the night before.

A. asked B. the C. before D. had I

 I had

Câu 37. The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large

A. before B. the C. worst D. tried

 so sánh càng … càng (so sánh hơn)

 the worse (ss hơn của bad)  bad  worse  worst

Câu 38. Many young people lack skills, good education, and financial to
settle in the urban areas where many jobs are found.

A. lack B. financial C. urban areas D. are found

Lack (V) thiếu

 financial  finance (cấu trúc song song với N)

Câu 39. She did not know where most of the people in the
conference was from.

A. did not B. where C. the D. was

 D  hòa hợp chủ vị

 most of + N  dựa vào “N” để quyết định giá trị

 most of people  N = số nhiều  most of people = số nhiều  were

Câu 40. It is important that you turned off the heater every
morning before you leave for class.

A. turned off B. before C. important D. leave for

 giả định thức: it is important that you turn off

Ex2: stress

Step 1: 1 từ có bao nhiêu âm tiết

Step 2: nhấn vào đâu

- Với từ 2 âm tiết:
 N,ADJ nhấn âm đầu
 V nhấn âm 2
- Tion/sion  nhấn âm trước đó
Câu 1: A. Workbook (2) B. Tomato (3) C. Mountain (2) D. Lion (2)

Câu 2: A. Prescription B. Production C. Presumption D. Preparation

Câu 3: A. Energy (3) B. Emergency (4) C. Constancy (3) D. Sympathy


Câu 4: A. Application B. Economy C. Photography D. Apology

Câu 5: A. Incapable B. Unselfish C. Attraction D. Humorous

 step 1: C  nhấn âm 2

 step 2: D  nhấn 1

 step 3: kiểm tra 1 đáp án nữa: check A  incapable, A = C,


Câu 6: A. Destination B. productivity C. Interesting D. Economic

 A ấn âm 3

 C ấn âm 1

 B  ấn âm 3

 A=B = âm 3, --< C

Câu 7: A. Speechless B. Worthy C. Pollute D. Borrow

 C  2 (V)


Câu 8: A. ‘Loyalty B. Success C. Incapable D. Sincere




Câu 9: A. Govern B. Cover C. Perform D. Father

Câu 10: A. Morning B. College C. Arrive D. Famous

 A – 1, C-2 || B-1

Câu 11: A. Specific B. Indicate C. Ambition D. Financial

Câu 12: A. Effort B. Effect C. Deafness D. Speaker

Câu 13: A. Furnish B. Reason C. Promise D. Tonight

 promise (N)  PROmise

 promise (V)  proMISE

Câu 14: A. Animal B. Bacteria C. Habitat D. Pyramid

Câu 15: A. Energy B. Several C. Household D. Appliance


N(2 âm tiết)

N = 2 N ghép

Câu 16: A. Considerate B. Community C. Different D. Photographer

Câu 17: A. Appear B. Orphan C. Friendly D. Beauty

Câu 18: A. Customer B. Stationery C. Furniture D. Deliver

Câu 19: A. Effect B. Event C. Emerge D. Even

Câu 20: A. Committee B. Referee C. Employee D. Refugee

 chú ý: “ee” rơi vào chính nó

Câu 21: A. Familiar B. Uncertain C. Global D. Impatient

Câu 22: A. Philosophy B. Humanism C. Activity D. Forgettable

Câu 23: A. Desert B. Common C. Hotel D. Temple

Câu 24: A. Blanket B. Because C. Bedroom D. Breakfast

Câu 25: A. Above B. Across C. Almost D. Accept

Câu 26: A. Chemistry B. Computer C. Camera D. Cucumber

Câu 27: A. Decide B. Discount C. Discuss D. Deny

Câu 28: A. Dessert B. Sometimes C. Dancer D. Detail

Câu 29: A. Familiar B. Flexible C. Favorite D. Accurate

Câu 30: A. Visit B.Perfect C. Center D. Movie

Câu 31: A. Express B. Effect C. Office D. Comment

Câu 32: A. Whenever B. Answer C. Autumn D. Campsite

Câu 33: A. Flourish B. Season C. Product D. Today

Câu 34: A. Enough B. Early C. Entrance D. Engine

Câu 35: A. Excellent B. Different C. Finally D. Fantastic

Câu 36: A. Finish B. Forget C. Farmer D. Finger

Câu 37: A. Manager B. Museum C. Family D. Musical

Câu 38: A. Polite B. Normal C. Number D. Outside

Câu 39: A. Interest B. Natural C. Prohibit D. Horrible

Câu 40: A. Garden B. Handbag C. Happen D. Explain

 sửa câu  không có đáp án


Câu 1. There are some people in the government try to improve the lives of poor people.
Câu 2. There are many reasons why a particular species may become endangering.
Câu 3. Hardly did he enter the room when all the lights went out.
Câu 4. Publishing in the UK, the book has won a number of awards in recent regional book fairs.
Câu 5. Most of the houses on the street was built in the previous century.
Câu 6. Oxygen plays a important role in maintaining live.
Câu 7. In July of 1861, Pat Garett killed Billy the Kid in a house close Fort Summer.
Câu 8. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith are explaining the children the rules of the game.
Câu 9. A child of noble birth, his name was famous among the children in that school.
Câu 10. Unlike many writings of her time, she was not preoccupied with morality.
Câu 11. Tenant farmers are those they either rent a farm and work it for themselves or work the
farm for the owner and receive payment.
Câu 12. Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to
professor before the class.
Câu 13. It is recommended that people to take regular exercise.
Câu 14. More than ten students have failed the exam, that surprised the class teacher.
Câu 15. The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal species that have
become extinct have increased.
Câu 16. The most visible remind of the close relationship between the United States and
France is the famous Statue of Liberty, which stands in New York habor.
Câu 17. Folklore consists of the beliefs, customs, traditions, and telling stories that people pass
from generation to generation.
Câu 18. The bones of the elderly are more prone to fractures than of young people.
Câu 19. My pen has very few ink in it, so could you give me some
Câu 20. Neither William or his brother stole the rambutans from our orchard.
Câu 21. Tom said that he was trying to carry out some campaigns to protect environment
and will encourage others to do so.
Câu 22. My elder sisters, both of them were doctors, said they were too busy to pick me up.
Câu 23. It is very difficult for her to prevent him for smoking in her house.

Câu 24. My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday.

Câu 25. If you take the train, it would be much more convenient.

Câu 26. Some of his favourite subjects at school are Maths, English and Geographical.

Câu 27. Could you tell me how can I get to the city library, please?

Câu 28. The number of students attending universities to study economics have increased
steadily in the last few years.

Câu 29. My teacher is very strict and he always makes us to finish all the exercises
before leaving school.

Câu 30. Although most species of small birds gather in groups at feeders provided by bird-
watchers, the bright red cardinals usually appears alone or with its mate.

Câu 31. Henry David Thoreau was an American writer who is remembered for his faith in
religious significance of the nature.

Câu 32. Proteins are made up of folded irregularly chains, the links of which are amino acids.

Câu 33. A smile can be observed, described, and reliably identify, it can also be elicited and
manipulated under experimental conditions.

Câu 34. Each of the members of the group were made to write a report every week.
Câu 35. The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience .

Câu 36. My father asked me where had I gone the night before.

Câu 37. Ancient people made a clay pottery because they needed it for their survival.

Câu 38. Students suppose to read all the questions carefully and find out the answers to them.

Câu 39. If they took their language lesson seriously, they would be able to communicate with
the locals now.

Câu 40. Neither of the men arresting as terrorists would reveal information about his group.

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