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Literature Analysis

Bantugan (Epic)
Translated by: Major Ralph S. Porter

Submitted by:
Krystel Jinn Ladroma
Nicole Allen S. Iremedio

Submitted to:
Ms. Janice Mengote

I. Authorship
The epic has no definite author. It was passed down from one
generation to another. The epic originated in Mindanao and was created by the
Maranao people. The story is an epic told in the great oral tradition. The story
however was translated in English out of the original tongue by Major Ralph S.
Porter, a surgeon and a U.S Volunteer. He translated it in 1900 at Cotta Bato,

II. Summary
Prince Bantugan, the brother of Haring Madali, was known for his
bravery, attracting many girls. Haring Madali was jealous and punished
anyone who spoke to him. Prince Bantugan fell ill and died at the palace of
the Kingdom of the Land by Two Seas. The king and his sister Princess
Dambang were troubled, but a parrot reported the incident to Haring Madali.
Haring Madali flew to heaven to reclaim Bantugan's soul, and Princess
Datimbang returned with Bantugan's body. Bantugan resurrected and
celebrated the kingdom. When news of his death comes, Bantugan saves the
kingdom and returns to Bumbaran, marrying all his press.

III. Analysis
1. Characters:
Bantugan – he is a prince in the kingdom of Bumbaran. He was well-
known for his strength and masculinity and that’s why many women are
attracted to him. He died in the story because he got sick and he fell but
he was still resurrected.
Haring Madali – he is the brother of Bantugan and was the king in the
kingdom of Bumbaran. He envied his brother because of his physical
characteristics so he told everyone that talking to his brother is prohibited
and whoever is caught talking to Bantugan shall be punished.
Miskoyaw – he is the main antagonist in the story and he attacked the
kingdom of Bumbaran when he heard the news that Bantugan was dead.
Princess Datimbang – she never had an idea who Bantugan was and
when she eventually knew, she helped Bantugan to become alive
together with Haring Madali by carrying Bantugan’s soul and corpse to the
kingdom of Bumbaran.
Loro – loro is a Tagalog name for a parrot. The loro serves as the
messenger and the loro helped Princess Datimbang to know that the
corpse was Bantugan and also eventually reported it to Haring Madali in
the kingdom of Bumbaran.

2. Setting:
Kingdom of Bumbaran - where Haring Madali ruled. He has good people
in his kingdom and it was very prosperous.
Kingdom Between Two Seas – a place where Prince Bantugan heard
after he decided to leave the Kingdom of Bumbaran after he knew that his
brother was jealous of him and how he hated him. This kingdom was
ruled by a king with his sister, Princess Datimbang. This is also the place
where Prince Bantugan died after he reached the Kingdom Between Two
Region of the Dead – a place where Haring Madali went to request the
return of the soul of Prince Bantugan, together with his counselor.

3. Point of View – 3rd Person Point of View – the epic was told in a third
person point of view because the narrator knows everything that is
happening. The narrator also knows the feeling of every character in the
epic and the plans of the main antagonist.

4. Conflict

a. Man vs. Man (King Madali vs. Prince Bantugan): The central
conflict arises from the envy and jealousy that King Madali feels
towards his brother, Prince Bantugan. This leads to King Madali's
order that forbids anyone from speaking to Bantugan.

b. Man vs. Circumstances (Prince Bantugan's Illness and Death):

After being isolated due to the king's decree, Prince Bantugan falls
ill and eventually passes away. This is a conflict stemming from
the circumstances he faces.
c. Man vs. Society (King Miskoyaw's Attack): When King Miskoyaw
hears of Bantugan's supposed death, he attacks Bumbaran. This
leads to a conflict between the two kingdoms and sets the stage
for the final battle.

These conflicts drive the narrative and contribute to the overall tension
and resolution of the story. They showcase the challenges and trials faced
by the characters, ultimately leading to Bantugan's triumph and the
resolution of the envy that had plagued King Madali.

5. Plot:

Exposition: There once lived two siblings in the Kingdom of Bumbaran,

Haring Madali and Prince Bantugan. Prince Bantugan was well-known in
the kingdom because of his courage and bravery. Even the ladies always
say how handsome Prince Bantugan is. Haring Madali hears this all the
time and a great anger and jealousy grew into his heart. Everytime he
looks in the mirror, he feels sad because he feels like he is not good
looking. One day, enemies attacked the kingdom and Prince Bantugan
was tasked to defend the kingdom together with his men. While he was
away, Haring Madali ordered that whoever will talk to Prince Bantugan will
be punished and killed.

Rising Action: After returning to the Kingdom of Bumbaran victorious, no

one greeted him for his bravery and for what he had done to the kingdom.
He was shocked after seeing this and he immediately knew that his
brother issued this because of how much he was hated by his brother. He
felt sad and soon left the Kingdom of Bumbaran. He heard about the new
land called Kingdom Between Two Seas that was ruled by a good king
and a kind princess named Princess Datimbang. He decided to go there
travelling to vast expanse of mountains and rivers until he reached the
kingdom. After stepping outside to the gates of the kingdom, he suddenly
felt weak, fell to the ground and died. When a constituent of the kingdom
saw the dead body of Prince Bantugan, the person immediately informed
Princess Datimbang. She immediately fell in love with the dead body of
Prince Bantugan because she saw how handsome he really is. Some loro
(parrots) were discussing about the corpse when they noticed that one of
the parrots were sad. The reason why the other parrot as sad because
Prince Bantugan was the parrots master. The parrot informed Princess
Datimbang immediately about the identity of the corpse. The parrot told
them about the good things that Prince Bantugan did to the Kingdom of
Bumbaran. The king from the Kingdom Between Two Seas sent the dead
body of Prince Bantugan to the Kingdom of Bumbaran and the parrot told
Haring Madali that it was the body of Prince Bantugan. When they heard
about the news, the ladies fell down to their knees and Haring Madali was
hit with remorse. He immediately regretted his decision and he blamed
himself to what happened to his brother.
Climax: Haring Madali, together with his counselors, went to the region of
the dead to bring back the soul of Prince Bantugan. Together, they went
on a journey protected with their magic shields. The journey was
dangerous as they passed different places such as the place of thunder,
lightning, and endless rain until they reached the land of the burning heat.
They once at last reached the gates of the region of the dead but they
were put to stop by the keeper of the gate about their intentions. They
said that they want to know the time when will they die. The keeper
agreed to let them in but only for a few minutes. When they got inside,
they tricked the Angel of Death to go outside for a bit and they found two
bottles with different colors, each containing the souls of the dead. Haring
Madali softly asked about where is Prince Bantugan. Prince Bantugan
heard him and they immediately took the bottle with them and they
returned to the Kingdom of Bumbaran. Haring Madali then transferred the
soul from the bottle to the body of Prince Bantugan. He suddenly woke
up, as if he just went to a deep sleep. Maskoyaw heard that Prince
Bantugan was dead so he planned on invading the Kingdom of
Bumbaran. Bantugan defended the kingdom by killing some enemies, but
he was captured because he was just revived from death. He still felt
Denouement: After some time, Prince Bantugan regained his strength
and he immediately killed all the forces under Maskoyaw. The Kingdom of
Bumbaran started celebrating after Prince Bantugan saved the Kingdom
once again.
Resolution: After Prince Bantugan saved the Kingdom of Bumbaran,
Maskoyaw was never heard from again. The joyful celebration continued
for many days and the people returned the love that Prince Bantugan
deserved. All the people shouted with joy after what happened. Prince
Bantugan went to all of his past lovers and princesses. He married them
all at the same time and Prince Bantugan lived a long and prosperous life.

6. Theme
The story of Prince Bantugan encapsulates themes of envy,
resilience, and the transformative power of love. King Madali's envy of his
brother's popularity leads to a decree isolating Prince Bantugan, ultimately
resulting in his untimely death. However, through a series of supernatural
events, including the intervention of a parrot and King Madali's
extraordinary journey to retrieve Bantugan's soul, the prince is
resurrected. This narrative underscores the potential for redemption and
rebirth even in the face of adversity. Moreover, Bantugan's ability to
overcome capture and defeat King Miskoyaw's soldiers highlights his
unwavering bravery and strength. The resolution sees the restoration of
harmony in the kingdom, symbolized by Bantugan's multiple marriages,
which bring together different factions and quell the envy that once
plagued King Madali. Ultimately, the story celebrates the triumph of love,
unity, and resilience in the face of jealousy and hardship.

How is it related to the Maranao?

The story of Prince Bantugan is deeply rooted in Maranao culture,

representing a cherished piece of their folklore and traditions. The
Maranao people, a Muslim ethnic group hailing from the Lanao provinces
in Mindanao, Philippines, find resonance in this epic tale. The setting of
the kingdom of Bumbaran, along with names like "Bantugan" and
"Madali," mirrors the cultural backdrop of Maranao sultanates. The
themes of bravery and honor hold significant importance, as these values
are highly esteemed within Maranao society. Additionally, the presence of
supernatural elements and magical occurrences align with the Maranao
belief in the mystical and the otherworldly. Family dynamics, particularly
the relationship between Prince Bantugan and King Madali, reflect the
crucial role of kinship ties in Maranao culture. The portrayal of courtship
and marriage in the story mirrors traditional Maranao customs.
Furthermore, the narrative's focus on unity and collaboration in the face of
conflict resonates with the Maranao's historical experiences of collective
action against external threats. Polygamy is one of the traditions of
Maranaos that is still practiced upon to this day, especially for Maranao
males. Polygamy is when a person marries more than one wife or
husband. During the ancestral times, Maranao leaders, those who have
royal blood, are usually the people who used to adapt polygamy. At the
end of the story, Prince Bantugan married all of his past admirers at the
same time. Overall, the story of Prince Bantugan serves as a cultural
touchstone for the Maranao people, encapsulating their values, beliefs,
and heritage, and emphasizing the importance of preserving and passing
down their rich cultural legacy.

7. Tone
The tone of the story of Prince Bantugan is a combination of various
emotions and moods. It starts with elements of conflict and envy, as King
Madali's jealousy towards his brother sets a somber tone. As the story
progresses, it transitions to a more mysterious and supernatural tone with
the introduction of the parrot and the resurrection of Bantugan, adding an
element of wonder and awe.

The tone then shifts to one of triumph and celebration as Bantugan's

return to life brings joy to the entire kingdom. When King Miskoyaw's
soldiers attack, there is a tone of tension and action, as the battle ensues.
Bantugan's eventual victory shifts the tone back to one of triumph and

Towards the end, as Bantugan marries all the princesses and brings
them back to Bumbaran, there is a tone of unity and happiness. The
resolution of conflicts and the restoration of harmony bring a sense of
contentment and fulfillment to the story's conclusion.

Overall, the story's tone is dynamic, reflecting the various emotions

and events that unfold throughout the narrative. It encompasses elements
of envy, mystery, triumph, tension, and unity, creating a rich and engaging
storytelling experience.
IV. References:

Bantugan (Epikong Mindanao). (2023, October 26).
Valbuena, K. (2017, March 18). Bantugan : A Maranao epic.

Joycadianeorense. (2015, July 24). Bantugan. Joycadianeorense.

The Story of Bantugan on JSTOR. (n.d.).

Trapani, B. (2020, November 15). Bantugan (Epikong Mindanao).

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