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Quote : Nobody could judge you from how you look, of what your hair, of what your color

is or even so
what your background is.

I remembered just a few years ago, I had a friend in my school. He’s absolutely a good boy , but I could not
say, he’s normal like other kids. The fact says that He suffered disability . He loved to be alone and only fo-
cused on his world. Among the normal kids outside there, we know that this boy need more support from his
environment. But in this case, some of my friends in my class like to mock him, disturb him and the worst
one they liked to hide this boy’s stuffs. guess what?.. The situation happened many times, but the problem is,
they thought that It was only a joke and it will never be hurt anyone. Looking at that phenomenon , I realized
what my friends did to that boy. It was a bullying issue. Then I wonder how if I put myself as him. Surely, I
could not survive in that condition any longer. Just because he was different, it did not mean he could be
treated unfair.

Ladies and gentleman

My name is Almer Jethro from islamic junior high school of Harapan Mulia Palembang. Today as I stand be-
fore you all. I want to speak up about a crucial topic that affects us all, ya. That’s bullying.
Learning from my friend’s story at the beginning , how he struggled from receiving end of relentless bully-
ing at school. It made me realize the importance of addressing this issue head-on. So today, what I want to
share with you not only the strategies to tackle bullying at school but also the power we hold as a united
school community to make a positive change.

[1. Raise Awareness]

The first step in tackling bullying is raising awareness. We need to ensure that everyone especially in our
school understands what bullying is and why it's unacceptable. My story at the beginning taught us that
sometimes the action of bullying tend to be judged as a common parts of kid’s life. Students tend to play
around by mocking and distracting their peers. Instead, mocking, distracting, and making someone’s feeling
unsafe. We could say it is bullying. The the fact shows that bullying is not a normal case. As well as for the
victims and the doer of the bullying. Bullying affects many kinds of bad issues for the students’ social life.
Thus, by increasing awareness of the action of bullying among students, we empower students to recognize
and avoid bullying behavior. We could also Encourage the school’s society to have a campaign in avoiding
bullying at school although create the insights about the consequences of bullying.

[2. Encourage Reporting]

Reporting is crucial for addressing bullying effectively. Students must feel safe and supported when report-
ing incidents. We need to establish clear reporting channels, such as anonymous tip boxes, designated staff
members, or an online reporting system. Let students know that reporting is confidential and that action will
be taken to address each case. Encourage bystanders to speak up and support the victims by reporting inci-
dents they witness.

[3. Implement Peer Support Programs]

Peer support programs can play a vital role in combating bullying. Establish mentoring programs where
older students can support and guide younger ones, fostering positive relationships and promoting empathy
and understanding. I believe, These programs applied create a sense of belonging and encourage students to
look out for one another, reducing the likelihood of bullying behavior.

[4. Education and Empathy]

Education is key to combating bullying. Incorporate anti-bullying lessons into the curriculum, teaching em-
pathy, kindness, and conflict resolution skills. Promote diversity and inclusion by celebrating different cul-
tures, abilities, and perspectives. Encourage students to step into each other's shoes, fostering empathy and
understanding. When we educate our students about the importance of respect and acceptance, we empower
them to stand against bullying.

[5. Establish a Strong Support System]

To effectively tackle bullying, we must have a strong support system in place. Ensure that teachers, coun-
selors, and administrators are trained to handle bullying incidents promptly and appropriately. Provide emo-
tional support and counseling services for both victims and perpetrators, as bullying can be a sign of underly-
ing issues. By addressing the root causes, we can break the cycle of bullying.

In conclusion, I would like to say. In tackling the bullying requires a collective effort from each and every
one of us. Let my personal experience serve as a reminder of the importance of creating a safe and inclusive
environment where everyone feels respected, valued, and protected. By raising awareness, encouraging re-
porting, implementing peer support programs, fostering education and empathy, and establishing a strong
support system, we can effectively combat bullying in our school. Together, we can build a community
where kindness prevails and bullying becomes a thing of the past. Thank you.

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