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This is Risk Assessment Tool Template

It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of HLTWHS002

Healthy Lives


Risk Assessment Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for conducting risk assessments, implementing risk
minimisation strategies and monitoring strategies for the client. The staff conducting risk assessment must
ensure that they use the risk assessment procedures, tools and take risk-based approach to identify risk
factors and minimise the risk of injury, accidents or illnesses associated with those risk factors.

Use the risk assessment procedures and risk assessment tools to identify risk factors and minimise risks for
the client.

Roles and responsibilities

Healthy Lives is responsible for providing facilities, equipment and resources that is, as far as reasonably
practicable, safe and healthy for their staff, contractors, clients and their carers/family, and others.
All staff must take reasonable care for their own health and safety while they are at work and take
reasonable care that their acts or oversight do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons.

Identification of risks
Risk assessment is to be undertaken involves:
● Facility, equipment and other resources and services relating to client’s care
● Review available information relevant to the client’s individualised plan
● Use of person-centred approach to encourage client and carer participation in risk assessment.
● Use of risk assessment tools that can be found in this document.

Risk assessment procedure

Step 1

Prepare for risk assessment by discussing the risk assessment requirements with your supervisor.
Step 2

© 2020 RTO Works
This is Risk Assessment Tool Template
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of HLTWHS002

Meet with the client and their carer (if possible) to conduct the risk assessment. Based on the information
provided in the role play, complete Risk Register. Analyse and record the level of risk using Risk Analysis
Matrix on the Risk Register.
Step 3

Implement strategies risk minimisation strategies.

Step 5

Complete all relevant documents and reports.

© 2020 RTO Works
This is Risk Assessment Tool Template
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of HLTWHS002


Risk analysis involves considering the causes and sources of risks and comprises three factors:
consequence, likelihood and risk.

Consequence What would be the outcome of the event occurring?

How severe would the outcome be?

Likelihood What is the chance of the event/consequence happening?

Has the event/consequence happened before?
Is it likely to happen again?

Risk level The combined result of likelihood and consequence

Risk analysis matrix

Analyse the level of risk by using a table to identify the severity or insignificance of the consequence:

Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Severe

Almost certain M H H VH VH

Likely M M H H VH

possible L M H VH

Unlikely L L M M H

Rare L L M M H

Evaluate how soon you should act to remove or control the risk factors to achieve an ‘acceptable’ level of
risk. Any task with a very high level of risk level is unacceptable.

Risk level Action

Very high The proposed task or process activity must not proceed. Steps must be taken to lower
the risk level to as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of controls.

High The proposed task or process activity can only proceed, provided that:
1. The risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable using the
hierarchy of controls
2. The risk controls must include those identified in legislation, Australian Standards,
code of practice etc.

© 2020 RTO Works
This is Risk Assessment Tool Template
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of HLTWHS002

3. The risk assessment has been reviewed and approved by the supervisor or other
relevant personnel
4. A safe working procedure or safe work method has been prepared
5. The supervisor must review and document the effectiveness of the implemented
risk controls.

Medium The proposed task or process can proceed, provided that:

6. The risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable using the
hierarchy of controls
7. The risk assessment has been reviewed and approved by the supervisor or other
relevant personnel
8. A safe working procedure or safe work method has been prepared.

Low Managed by local documented routine procedures, which must include application of
the hierarchy of controls.

© 2020 RTO Works
This is Risk Assessment Tool Template
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of HLTWHS002

Ensure the risk rating is scored as per the Risk Analysis Matrix included with this tool.
Describe each risk and include the risk rating and suggested risk controls or measurements.
Identify who is responsible for management and monitoring of risks.
List risk minimisation strategies implemented on the day of the assessment and risk controls that need medical/health or other service providers intervention.

Date: 18 April 2024

Clients Name: Garth Adja
Carer’s name present during the assessment: Mujahid Ali
Name of Supervisor/ other staff present assisting in the assessment: Carol mokaname
Time of assessment 8:00 AM
Tick the appropriate box: Initial assessment. ☑️ Reassessment

Risk (Actual or Foreseeable) Description of the risk (include enough Risk Rating Risk Controls/ Person
information and examples to show that Measurements options responsible for
this level of risk you are assessing) monitoring

Manual handling activities Risk of injury because of High Staff education on Mujahid Ali

Garth's restricted mobility, safe lifting

which makes him dependent on procedures, the use
assistance for tasks like moving of mechanical aids
from a bed to a chair

© 2020 RTO Works
This is Risk Assessment Tool Template
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of HLTWHS002

lifts or transfer

Risk of fall and slip: Uneven ground surface in Medium Repair or replace the Facility
tiles and install maintenance
corridor could cause Garth to trip team
and fall which can lead to serious railings for added

List any risk minimisation strategies that were implemented on the day of the assessment?
• Increased supervision during transfers and mobility assistance.
• Temporary placement of warning signs in the hallway to alert individuals of the uneven flooring.

List any risk controls or measurements that will require medical/health professional or other service providers. State who will organise these and
by when.

Occupational therapy referral for the assessment of Garth's mobility needs and recommendations for assistive devices will be
arranged within a week following the examination. Mujahid Ali will collaborate with Garth's medical provider to facilitate this referral.

Risk controls or measures requiring involvement from medical/health professionals or other service providers include:

1. Occupational therapy assessment for mobility needs.

2. Recommendation and provision of assistive devices.

Mujahid Ali will organize these assessments and referrals in collaboration with Garth's medical provider by next week.

© 2020 RTO Works

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