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Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2023 Tier II

Roll Number Join @Qmaths Telegram Channel

Candidate Name Join @Qmaths Telegram Channel
Venue Name iON Digital Zone iDZ Asansol
Exam Date 02/11/2023
Exam Time 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Subject CHSL 2023 Tier II

Section : Mathematical Abilities

Q.1 4 कुिसयों और 3 मे जों का मू ₹2,100 है और 5 कुिसयों और 2 मे जों का मू ₹1,750 है । एक कुस

मू (₹ म) ात कीिजए।
Ans 1. 125

2. 150

3. 130

4. 140

Question ID : 264330171773
Option 1 ID : 264330673695
Option 2 ID : 264330673698
Option 3 ID : 264330673696
Option 4 ID : 264330673697
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.2 एक बेईमान दु कानदार य मू पर चावल बेचता है ले िकन दोषपूण बाटों का योग करके 25% लाभ
अिजत करता है । उसने अिधक ाहकों को आकिषत करने के िलए छूट दे ने का िनणय िलया। 10% लाभ
अिजत करने के िलए उसे िकतने ितशत की छूट दे नी चािहए?
Ans 1. 12%

2. 11%

3. 10%

4. 9%

Question ID : 264330171751
Option 1 ID : 264330673610
Option 2 ID : 264330673609
Option 3 ID : 264330673608
Option 4 ID : 264330673607
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1





Question ID : 264330171802
Option 1 ID : 264330673814
Option 2 ID : 264330673812
Option 3 ID : 264330673811
Option 4 ID : 264330673813
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.4 ₹50,000 के िबजली िबल के िलए, 30% की छूट और 26% एवं 5% की दो िमक छूटों के बीच अंतर
ात कीिजए।
Ans 1. ₹120

2. ₹150

3. ₹130

4. ₹140

Question ID : 264330171801
Option 1 ID : 264330673807
Option 2 ID : 264330673810
Option 3 ID : 264330673808
Option 4 ID : 264330673809
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1. 2,725.5 cm3

2. 2,425.5 cm3

3. 2,524.5 cm3

4. 2,624.5 cm3

Question ID : 264330171808
Option 1 ID : 264330673838
Option 2 ID : 264330673835
Option 3 ID : 264330673837
Option 4 ID : 264330673836
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.6 A और B एक काम को 9 िदनों म पूरा कर सकते ह, जबिक B और C उसी काम को 18 िदनों म पूरा कर
सकते ह। A, B और C साथ िमलकर काम करते ए उसी काम को 8 िदनों म पू रा कर सकते ह। A और
C को साथ िमलकर काम पूरा करने म िकतने िदन लगगे?

Ans 1. 14

2. 13

3. 12

4. 11

Question ID : 264330171760
Option 1 ID : 264330673646
Option 2 ID : 264330673645
Option 3 ID : 264330673644
Option 4 ID : 264330673643
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.7 एक िव ालय के 40 िव ािथयों का औसत भार 52kg है । यिद िश क का भार शािमल कर िलया जाए,
तो औसत भार म 500g की वृ हो जाती है । िश क का भार (kg म) ात कीिजए।
Ans 1. 72.5

2. 73.5

3. 74.5

4. 71.5

Question ID : 264330170541
Option 1 ID : 264330668804
Option 2 ID : 264330668805
Option 3 ID : 264330668806
Option 4 ID : 264330668803
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1. 85°

2. 37°

3. 73°

4. 58°

Question ID : 264330171358
Option 1 ID : 264330672048
Option 2 ID : 264330672049
Option 3 ID : 264330672050
Option 4 ID : 264330672047
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.9 A और B ेक के पास एक िनि त सं ा म संतरे ह। A, B से कहता है, "यिद तुम मुझे अपने 10 संतरे
दे दो, तो मेरे पास तु ारे पास बचे संतरों से दोगुने संतरे हो जायगे ।" B उ र दे ता है , "यिद तुम मु झे
अपने 10 संतरे दे दो, तो मे रे पास तु ारे पास बचे संतरों की सं ा के बराबर संतरे हो जाएं गे ।" A के

पास िकतने संतरे ह?
Ans 1. 70

2. 65

3. 55

4. 50

Question ID : 264330171774
Option 1 ID : 264330673699
Option 2 ID : 264330673700
Option 3 ID : 264330673702
Option 4 ID : 264330673701
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.10 एक योग क म, 60% सद पु ष ह और 40% सद मिहलाएं ह। यिद पु षों की औसत आयु 55 वष

और मिहलाओं की औसत आयु 45 वष है , तो सभी सद ों की औसत आयु (वष म) ा है?
Ans 1. 49

2. 48

3. 50

4. 51

Question ID : 264330171748
Option 1 ID : 264330673596
Option 2 ID : 264330673595
Option 3 ID : 264330673597
Option 4 ID : 264330673598
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4





Question ID : 264330172298
Option 1 ID : 264330675753
Option 2 ID : 264330675754
Option 3 ID : 264330675752
Option 4 ID : 264330675751
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.12 एक लंब वृ ीय शं कु की ि ा और ऊंचाई म 25% की वृ की जाती है। शंकु के आयतन म ितशतता

म वृ ात कीिजए (दशमलव के 2 थानों तक सि किटत)।
Ans 1. 95.31%

2. 93.51%

3. 94.51%

4. 94.31%

Question ID : 264330171296
Option 1 ID : 264330671802
Option 2 ID : 264330671801
Option 3 ID : 264330671799
Option 4 ID : 264330671800
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.13 तीन वाइन A, B और C की सां ता मशः 10%, 20% और 30% है । उ 2 : 3 : x के अनु पात म
िमलाया जाता है िजसके प रणाम प 23% सां ता वाला घोल बनता है । x का मान ात कीिजए।
Ans 1. 5

2. 7

3. 6

4. 8

Question ID : 264330171749
Option 1 ID : 264330673599
Option 2 ID : 264330673601
Option 3 ID : 264330673600
Option 4 ID : 264330673602
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.14 एक खं भा 12 m (मीटर) के इ ात के तार की मदद से जमीन पर लंबवत प से खड़ा है जो उसके शीष
से बंधा आ है और जमीन पर अिध थत (affixed) है । यिद इ ात का तार ैितज जमीन से 30° का
कोण बनाता है , तो खंभे की ऊंचाई िकतनी है ?





Question ID : 264330171809
Option 1 ID : 264330673841
Option 2 ID : 264330673840
Option 3 ID : 264330673842
Option 4 ID : 264330673839
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.15 एक दु कानदार ने अपना माल अं िकत मू से आधे दाम पर बेचा और इस कार उसे 17% की हािन ई
। यिद उसने अपना माल अंिकत मू पर बे चा होता, तो उसकी लाभ ितशतता िकतनी होती?
Ans 1. 66%

2. 17%

3. 41%

4. 83%

Question ID : 264330171327
Option 1 ID : 264330671923
Option 2 ID : 264330671924
Option 3 ID : 264330671926
Option 4 ID : 264330671925
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.16 A और B मशः ₹25,000 और ₹50,000 की धनरािश के साथ एक कंपनी म एक वष के िलए साझेदारी

की शु आत करते ह। 7 महीने बाद, ₹30,000 की धनरािश के साथ C उनके साथ साझेदारी म शािमल
हो जाता है और 9 महीने बाद A अपना योगदान (धनरािश) वापस ले ले ता है। यह मानते ए िक वष के
अं त म कुल लाभ ₹3,900 है , तो उस लाभ म C का िह ा िकतना होगा?
Ans 1. ₹1,200

2. ₹800

3. ₹600

4. ₹1,000

Question ID : 264330171753
Option 1 ID : 264330673618
Option 2 ID : 264330673616
Option 3 ID : 264330673615
Option 4 ID : 264330673617
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.17 दो उ ीदवारों के बीच ए चुनाव म 64% मतदाताओं ने मत डाले, िजनम से 4% मत अवैध घोिषत कर
िदए गए। एक उ ीदवार को 12,288 मत िमले जो कुल वैध मतों का 64% थे । उस चु नाव म नामां िकत
मतों की कुल सं ा ात कीिजये ।

Ans 1. 20,152

2. 30,250

3. 31,250

4. 32,152

Question ID : 264330171325
Option 1 ID : 264330671915
Option 2 ID : 264330671916
Option 3 ID : 264330671918
Option 4 ID : 264330671917
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3






Question ID : 264330171810
Option 1 ID : 264330673845
Option 2 ID : 264330673844
Option 3 ID : 264330673846
Option 4 ID : 264330673843
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.19 मान लीिजए िक ABC और PQR दो सवागसम ि भु ज इस कार ह िक ∠A = ∠P = 90° है । यिद BC =

29 cm, PR = 21 cm है , तो AB का मान (cm म) ात कीिजए।
Ans 1. 23

2. 20

3. 19

4. 22

Question ID : 264330171780
Option 1 ID : 264330673726
Option 2 ID : 264330673724
Option 3 ID : 264330673723
Option 4 ID : 264330673725
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2





Question ID : 264330171768
Option 1 ID : 264330673675
Option 2 ID : 264330673677
Option 3 ID : 264330673678
Option 4 ID : 264330673676
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3






Question ID : 264330172299
Option 1 ID : 264330675756
Option 2 ID : 264330675757
Option 3 ID : 264330675758
Option 4 ID : 264330675755
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.22 एक गोले के ास म 30% की वृ की जाती है । इसके आयतन म ितशतता वृ िकतनी होगी?
Ans 1. 69%

2. 119.7%

3. 41.7%

4. 90.5%

Question ID : 264330171344
Option 1 ID : 264330671991
Option 2 ID : 264330671992
Option 3 ID : 264330671994
Option 4 ID : 264330671993
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.23 एक धनरािश को A, B और C के बीच 4 : 3 : 6 के अनुपात म बांटा जाता है । यिद C का िह ा B से

₹600 अिधक है , तो A को B से िकतनी धनरािश अिधक िमलेगी?
Ans 1. ₹150

2. ₹200

3. ₹250

4. ₹100

Question ID : 264330171755
Option 1 ID : 264330673624
Option 2 ID : 264330673625
Option 3 ID : 264330673626
Option 4 ID : 264330673623
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.24 िदए गए आं कड़ों का ब लक (mode) ात कीिजए।

21, 15, 16, 48, 6, 15, 44, 16, 6, 5, 15, 16, 21, 6, 15 और 43
Ans 1. 6

2. 15

3. 16

4. 21

Question ID : 264330171766
Option 1 ID : 264330673669
Option 2 ID : 264330673668
Option 3 ID : 264330673667
Option 4 ID : 264330673670
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.25 एक सं ा म 25% की वृ की जाती है और िफर 16% की कमी की जाती है। सं ा का अंितम मान
ा होगा?
Ans 1. कोई बदलाव नहीं

2. 5% की कमी

3. 5% की वृ

4. 13% की कमी

Question ID : 264330171324
Option 1 ID : 264330671911
Option 2 ID : 264330671914
Option 3 ID : 264330671913
Option 4 ID : 264330671912
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. 8

2. 5

3. 6

4. 7

Question ID : 264330171767
Option 1 ID : 264330673672
Option 2 ID : 264330673674
Option 3 ID : 264330673673
Option 4 ID : 264330673671
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.27 यिद (a - 2b) = 8 और 2ab = 9 है , तो (a + 2b) का मान ात कीिजए।

Ans 1. 6

2. 12

3. 8

4. 10

Question ID : 264330170555
Option 1 ID : 264330668859
Option 2 ID : 264330668862
Option 3 ID : 264330668860
Option 4 ID : 264330668861
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.28 दो वष पहले शहर की जनसं ा 1,75,000 थी। यिद िपछले दो वष म इसम 4% और 5% की वृ ई
हो, तो शहर की वतमान जनसं ा ात कीिजए।
Ans 1. 1,91,100

2. 1,93,200

3. 1,89,200

4. 1,92,100

Question ID : 264330171757
Option 1 ID : 264330673632
Option 2 ID : 264330673634
Option 3 ID : 264330673631
Option 4 ID : 264330673633
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.29 िन िल खत कथनों म से कौन-सा कथन स नही ं है?

Ans 1.




Question ID : 264330170796
Option 1 ID : 264330669815
Option 2 ID : 264330669817
Option 3 ID : 264330669816
Option 4 ID : 264330669818
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. 1

2. −1

3. 2

4. −2

Question ID : 264330171784
Option 1 ID : 264330673739
Option 2 ID : 264330673740
Option 3 ID : 264330673741
Option 4 ID : 264330673742
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Section : Reasoning and General Intelligence

Q.1 नीचे दशाई गई पांच आकृितयों म से चार िकसी कार से समान ह और इस कार एक समूह बनाती ह।
वह आकृित कौन-सी है जो उस समूह से संबंिधत नही ं है ?

Ans 1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

Question ID : 264330168445
Option 1 ID : 264330660632
Option 2 ID : 264330660631
Option 3 ID : 264330660633
Option 4 ID : 264330660634
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.2 िन िल खत म तीन कथनों के बाद I और II मां िकत दो िन ष िदए गए ह। आपको मानना है िक

िदए गए कथन स ह चाहे वे समा तः ात त ों से अलग तीत होते हों। आपको िन य करना है िक
कौन-सा/कौन-से िन ष तािकक प से िदए गए कथन/कथनों के अनुसार है/ह।
• कुछ J's, A's ह।
• कुछ A's, B's ह।
• सभी B's, C's ह।

िन ष:
I. कुछ C's, A's ह।
II. कुछ B's, J's ह।
Ans 1. न तो िन ष (I) और न ही (II) कथनों के अनुसार है ।

2. केवल िन ष (II) कथनों के अनुसार है ।

3. िन ष (I) और (II), दोनों कथनों के अनु सार ह।

4. केवल िन ष (I) कथनों के अनुसार है ।

Question ID : 264330170976
Option 1 ID : 264330670521
Option 2 ID : 264330670520
Option 3 ID : 264330670522
Option 4 ID : 264330670519
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.3 िन िल खत चार िवक ों म से तीन िकसी कार से समान ह और इस कार एक समू ह बनाते ह। वह
िवक कौन-सा है जो उस समूह से सं बंिधत नही ं है?

ान द: सं ाओं को उनके घटक अंकों म अलग-अलग िकए िबना, संि याएं पू ण सं ाओं पर की
जानी चािहए। उदा. 13 – सं ा 13 पर सं ि याएं जैसे 13 को जोड़ना/घटाना/गुणा करना आिद िकया जा
सकता है । 13 को 1 और 3 म अलग-अलग करने की, और िफर 1 और 3 पर गिणतीय संि याएं करने
की अनुमित नही ं है ।)
Ans 1. 25-75

2. 41-123

3. 38-114

4. 33-97

Question ID : 264330170707
Option 1 ID : 264330669467
Option 2 ID : 264330669470
Option 3 ID : 264330669469
Option 4 ID : 264330669468
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.4 अ रों के उस संयोजन को चुिनए, िजसे दी गई ृंखला के र थानों म िमक प से रखने पर

ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी।


Ans 1. FJONI




Question ID : 264330171063
Option 1 ID : 264330670868
Option 2 ID : 264330670867
Option 3 ID : 264330670869
Option 4 ID : 264330670870
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.5 उस श -यु का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे िदए गए श ों के यु म िकए गए समान सं बंध का

सबसे अ ा िन पण करता है ।

(श ों को अथपूण िहं दी श ों के प म माना जाना चािहए और उ श म अ रों की सं ा/ ं जनों

/ रों की सं ा के आधार पर एक दू सरे से संब नही ं िकया जाना चािहए।)

िवन : उ ं ड, शां त: अशां त

Ans 1. िशरोिबंदु: अधोिबं दु

2. इ तम : आदश

3. ादमय : ािद

4. ागना : समपण करना

Question ID : 264330171042
Option 1 ID : 264330670784
Option 2 ID : 264330670785
Option 3 ID : 264330670786
Option 4 ID : 264330670783
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.6 िवक ों म दी गई उस आकृित को पहचािनए िजसे िच (?) के थान पर रखने पर ृं खला तािकक
प से पूरी हो जाएगी।






Question ID : 264330168449
Option 1 ID : 264330660649
Option 2 ID : 264330660647
Option 3 ID : 264330660650
Option 4 ID : 264330660648
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.7 यिद ‘+’ और ‘-’ को आपस म बदल िदया जाए तथा ‘×’ और ‘÷’ को आपस म बदल िदया जाए तो
िन िल खत समीकरण म ‘?’ के थान पर ा आएगा?

313 ÷ 4 − 2107 × 7 + 24 = ?
Ans 1. 1529

2. 1527

3. 1525

4. 1537

Question ID : 264330170746
Option 1 ID : 264330669625
Option 2 ID : 264330669624
Option 3 ID : 264330669623
Option 4 ID : 264330669626
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.8 उस समु य को चुिनए िजसम सं ाएं ठीक उसी कार सं बंिधत ह िजस कार िन िल खत समु यों
की सं ाएं सं बंिधत ह।

( ान द: सं ाओं को उनके घटक अंकों म अलग-अलग िकए िबना, संि याएं पू ण सं ाओं पर की
जानी चािहए। उदा. 13 – सं ा 13 पर सं ि याएं जैसे 13 को जोड़ना/घटाना/गुणा करना आिद िकया जा
सकता है । 13 को 1 और 3 म अलग-अलग करने की, और िफर 1 और 3 पर गिणतीय सं ि याएं करने
की अनुमित नही ं है)

(3, 5, 18)
(2, 3, 15)
Ans 1. 1, 2, 13

2. 5, 2, 10

3. 5, 6, 11

4. 1, 5, 11

Question ID : 264330170689
Option 1 ID : 264330669395
Option 2 ID : 264330669397
Option 3 ID : 264330669398
Option 4 ID : 264330669396
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.9 ेक श म े क अ र का केवल एक बार योग करके B, E, O और R का योग करके िकतने

साथक अं ेजी श बनाए जा सकते ह?
Ans 1. एक भी नहीं

2. एक

3. दो

4. तीन

Question ID : 264330171027
Option 1 ID : 264330670723
Option 2 ID : 264330670724
Option 3 ID : 264330670725
Option 4 ID : 264330670726
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.10 पहली आकृित दू सरी आकृित से एक िनि त कार से संबंिधत है । पै टन का अ यन कीिजए और उस
आकृित का चयन कीिजए िजसे िच (?) के थान पर इस कार रखा जाना चािहए िक तीसरी
आकृित, चौथी आकृित से उसी कार संबंिधत हो।






Question ID : 264330170650
Option 1 ID : 264330669241
Option 2 ID : 264330669240
Option 3 ID : 264330669242
Option 4 ID : 264330669239
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.11 दी गई ृं खला म िच ‘?’ के थान पर ा आना चािहए?

16, 21, ?, 43, 60, 81, 106

Ans 1. 32

2. 30

3. 31

4. 33

Question ID : 264330170671
Option 1 ID : 264330669325
Option 2 ID : 264330669323
Option 3 ID : 264330669324
Option 4 ID : 264330669326
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.12 एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘FAWN’ को ‘09( )’ और ‘LAWN’ को ‘9( )1’ िलखा जाता है।उसी कूट भाषा
म ‘L’ को ा िलखा जाएगा?
Ans 1. 1

2. 0

3. (

4. )

Question ID : 264330171083
Option 1 ID : 264330670950
Option 2 ID : 264330670949
Option 3 ID : 264330670947
Option 4 ID : 264330670948
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.13 दी गई आकृित के उस सही दपण ितिबंब को चुिनए, जो नीचे दशाए गए तरीके के अनुसार दपण को
MN पर रखने पर बनेगा।






Question ID : 264330170929
Option 1 ID : 264330670344
Option 2 ID : 264330670343
Option 3 ID : 264330670346
Option 4 ID : 264330670345
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.14 ेक श म े क अ र का केवल एक बार योग करके ‘CRACKER’ श के दू सरे , तीसरे , छठे
और सातव अ रों (बाईं ओर से दाईं ओर िगनने पर) का योग करके िकतने साथक अं ेजी श बनाए
जा सकते ह?

Ans 1. तीन

2. एक भी नहीं

3. एक

4. दो

Question ID : 264330171025
Option 1 ID : 264330670718
Option 2 ID : 264330670715
Option 3 ID : 264330670716
Option 4 ID : 264330670717
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.15 सुनीता अपनी क ा म शीष से 10व और नीचे से 18व थान पर ह। क ा म िकतने िव ाथ ह?

Ans 1. 27

2. 30

3. 29

4. 28

Question ID : 264330171016
Option 1 ID : 264330670679
Option 2 ID : 264330670682
Option 3 ID : 264330670681
Option 4 ID : 264330670680
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.16 एक कथन के बाद I और II मां िकत दो िन ष िदए गए ह। ात कीिजए िक कथन के आधार पर कौन-
सा/कौन-से िन ष स है /ह।
कथन: Z < Y = J ≥ G ≥ P ≥ C ≥ R
िन ष:
I. Z ≥ R
II. J = C
Ans 1. केवल िन ष I, स है

2. िन ष I और II, दोनों स ह

3. केवल िन ष II, स है

4. न तो िन ष I, और न ही िन ष II, स है

Question ID : 264330171058
Option 1 ID : 264330670847
Option 2 ID : 264330670849
Option 3 ID : 264330670848
Option 4 ID : 264330670850
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.17 अ रों के उस संयोजन को चुिनए, िजसे दी गई ृंखला के र थानों म िमक प से रखने पर
ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी।

Ans 1. UCRSD




Question ID : 264330171067
Option 1 ID : 264330670886
Option 2 ID : 264330670883
Option 3 ID : 264330670884
Option 4 ID : 264330670885
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.18 कुछ एक सीधी पं म उ र की ओर मु ख करके बै ठे ह। K और L के बीच म केवल दो

बै ठे ह। L, M के दाईं ओर से तीसरे थान पर बै ठा है । केवल तीन I और J के बीच म बै ठे ह। K के
ठीक दाईं ओर I बै ठा है । यिद पं म कोई अ नही ं बै ठा है , तो यों की कुल सं ा
िकतनी है ?
Ans 1. बारह

2. नौ

3. आठ

4. दस

Question ID : 264330171017
Option 1 ID : 264330670686
Option 2 ID : 264330670684
Option 3 ID : 264330670683
Option 4 ID : 264330670685
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.19 यिद ‘+’ और ‘-’ को आपस म बदल िदया जाए तथा ‘×’ और ‘÷’ को आपस म बदल िदया जाए तो
िन िल खत समीकरण म ‘?’ के थान पर ा आएगा?

292 ÷ 2 − 15 + 164 × 4 = ?
Ans 1. 556

2. 555

3. 558

4. 557

Question ID : 264330170745
Option 1 ID : 264330669620
Option 2 ID : 264330669619
Option 3 ID : 264330669622
Option 4 ID : 264330669621
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.20 एक कथन के बाद I और II मांिकत दो िन ष िदए गए ह। ात कीिजए िक कथन के आधार पर कौन-
सा/कौन-से िन ष स है /ह।
कथन: G < H > K ≤ S ≥ L = M < Q

िन ष:
I. G > L
II. H = Q
Ans 1. केवल िन ष II, स है

2. केवल िन ष I, स है

3. न तो िन ष I, और न ही िन ष II, स है

4. िन ष I और II, दोनों स ह

Question ID : 264330171057
Option 1 ID : 264330670844
Option 2 ID : 264330670843
Option 3 ID : 264330670846
Option 4 ID : 264330670845
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.21 ेक श म े क अ र का केवल एक बार योग करके T, U, K और S का योग करके िकतने

चार अ रों वाले साथक अं ेजी श बनाए जा सकते ह?
Ans 1. दो

2. दो से अिधक

3. एक

4. एक भी नहीं

Question ID : 264330170479
Option 1 ID : 264330668557
Option 2 ID : 264330668558
Option 3 ID : 264330668556
Option 4 ID : 264330668555
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.22 इस म, एक कथन के बाद I और II मां िकत दो अनुमान िदए गए ह। कथन के आधार पर, आपको
िन य करना है िक उपरो कथन से िन िल खत म से कौन-सा अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है ।
(अनु मान कुछ ऐसा है जो िक सीधे तौर पर नही ं कहा गया है , ले िकन कथन म िदए गए त ों/जानकारी

से ा िकया जा सकता है ।)
कथन: पा म म वेश के िलए पा ता 10वी ं क ा की बोड परी ाओं म ूनतम 80% अं क है ।
हालांिक, जो िव ाथ इस वष 10वी ं क ा की बोड परी ाओं म शािमल ए ह, वे भी आवेदन कर सकते
अनु मान:
I. 11वी ं क ा का कोई भी िव ाथ इस पा म के िलए आवेदन नही ं कर सकता है ।
II. जो िव ाथ 10वी ं क ा की परी ाओं म शािमल ए ह उ वेश तभी िमलेगा, जब वे परी ा म 80%
या उससे अिधक अंक ा करगे।
Ans 1. न तो (I) का और न ही (II) का अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है

2. (I) और (II) दोनों का अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है

3. केवल (II) का अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है

4. केवल (I) का अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है

Question ID : 264330171192
Option 1 ID : 264330671385
Option 2 ID : 264330671386
Option 3 ID : 264330671384
Option 4 ID : 264330671383
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.23 दी गई ृंखला म िच ‘?’ के थान पर ा आना चािहए?

154, 159, 169, 184, ?, 229, 259

Ans 1. 202

2. 203

3. 201

4. 204

Question ID : 264330170673
Option 1 ID : 264330669332
Option 2 ID : 264330669333
Option 3 ID : 264330669331
Option 4 ID : 264330669334
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.24 िन िल खत चार श -यु ों म से तीन श -यु एक जै से ह और इस कार एक समूह बनाते ह। उस

श -यु का चयन कीिजए जो उस समू ह से सं बंिधत नही ं है ।
Ans 1. रे रां - रसोइए

2. िसनेमाघर - िफ

3. अ ताल – िचिक क

4. िव ालय - िश क

Question ID : 264330171086
Option 1 ID : 264330670961
Option 2 ID : 264330670960
Option 3 ID : 264330670962
Option 4 ID : 264330670959
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.25 िन िल खत जानकारी पिढ़ए और नीचे िदए गए का उ र दीिजए।
ितयोगी परी ा म रमेश के अिव सनीय प रणाम के बारे म सुनने के बाद सु रेश ने िववे चना क तक
(critical reasoning) का अ ास करना शु कर िदया है ।

उपरो कथन से िन िल खत म से ा अनु मान लगाया जा सकता है? (अनुमान कुछ ऐसा है जो सीधे
तौर पर नही ं कहा गया है , ले िकन कथन म िदए गए त ों/जानकारी से ा िकया जा सकता है ।)
I) रमेश ने अिधकांश अं क िववेचना क तक म ा िकये ह।
II) परी ा म अिधकांश िववेचना क तक वाले होते ह।
Ans 1. केवल (I) का अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है

2. न तो (I) और न ही (II) का अनु मान लगाया जा सकता है

3. केवल (II) का अनु मान लगाया जा सकता है

4. (I) और (II), दोनों का अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है

Question ID : 264330171091
Option 1 ID : 264330670979
Option 2 ID : 264330670981
Option 3 ID : 264330670980
Option 4 ID : 264330670982
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.26 एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘TALKER’ को ‘!@#©$%’ और ‘TALKED’ को ‘$%@#!£’ िलखा जाता है ।
उसी कूट भाषा म ‘D’ को ा िलखा जाएगा?
Ans 1. !

2. ©

3. %

4. £

Question ID : 264330171082
Option 1 ID : 264330670945
Option 2 ID : 264330670943
Option 3 ID : 264330670946
Option 4 ID : 264330670944
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.27 अ रों के उस संयोजन को चुिनए, िजसे दी गई ृंखला के र थानों म िमक प से रखने पर

ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी।


Ans 1. VJJFO




Question ID : 264330171065
Option 1 ID : 264330670876
Option 2 ID : 264330670877
Option 3 ID : 264330670878
Option 4 ID : 264330670875
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.28 उस समु य को चुिनए िजसम सं ाएं ठीक उसी कार सं बंिधत ह िजस कार िन िल खत समु यों
की सं ाएं सं बंिधत ह।

( ान द: सं ाओं को उनके घटक अंकों म अलग-अलग िकए िबना, संि याएं पू ण सं ाओं पर की
जानी चािहए। उदा. 13 – सं ा 13 पर संि याएं जैसे 13 को जोड़ना/घटाना/गुणा करना आिद िकया जा
सकता है । 13 को 1 और 3 म अलग-अलग करने की, और िफर 1 और 3 पर गिणतीय संि याएं करने
की अनुमित नही ं है)

(4, 12, 8)
(2, 7, 5)
Ans 1. 7, 2, 1

2. 9, 4, 7

3. 3, 6, 5

4. 1, 4, 3

Question ID : 264330170686
Option 1 ID : 264330669386
Option 2 ID : 264330669383
Option 3 ID : 264330669385
Option 4 ID : 264330669384
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.29 िन िल खत चार िवक ों म से तीन िकसी कार से समान ह और इस कार एक समूह बनाते ह। वह
िवक कौन-सा है जो उस समूह से सं बंिधत नही ं है?

( ान द: सं ाओं को उनके घटक अंकों म अलग-अलग िकए िबना, संि याएं पू ण सं ाओं पर की
जानी चािहए। उदा. 13 – सं ा 13 पर सं ि याएं जैसे 13 को जोड़ना/घटाना/गुणा करना आिद िकया जा
सकता है । 13 को 1 और 3 म अलग-अलग करने की, और िफर 1 और 3 पर गिणतीय संि याएं करने
की अनुमित नही ं है ।)
Ans 1. 25, 100

2. 13, 52

3. 33, 152

4. 41, 164

Question ID : 264330170709
Option 1 ID : 264330669476
Option 2 ID : 264330669475
Option 3 ID : 264330669477
Option 4 ID : 264330669478
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.30 कागज की एक वगाकार शीट को दशाई गई िदशाओं म िबंदीदार रे खा पर अनु मशः मोड़ा जाता है और
आ खर म उसम छे द िकया जाता है । खोलने पर यह कागज कैसा िदखाई दे गा?






Question ID : 264330168442
Option 1 ID : 264330660619
Option 2 ID : 264330660622
Option 3 ID : 264330660620
Option 4 ID : 264330660621
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Section : English Language and Comprehension

Q.1 Select the sentence that gives the most appropriate meaning of the idiom ‘In hot
Ans 1. After accidentally breaking the valuable vase, Sarah found herself in trouble with her

2. The children enjoyed playing in the pool on a hot summer day.

3. The company faced challenges due to the economic downturn but managed to
overcome them.
4. The chef added spices to the dish to enhance its flavour and make it more delicious.

Question ID : 264330163128
Option 1 ID : 264330639828
Option 2 ID : 264330639827
Option 3 ID : 264330639830
Option 4 ID : 264330639829
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.2 Select the most appropriate idiom that best explains the given sentence.
I was unable to solve the geometry question myself. So, I have asked my teacher to
help me out.
Ans 1. You can’t always get what you want.

2. Two heads are better than one.

3. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

4. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Question ID : 264330167012
Option 1 ID : 264330655058
Option 2 ID : 264330655055
Option 3 ID : 264330655056
Option 4 ID : 264330655057
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.3 Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment in the
given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No substitution required.’
I decided to call out to various bookstores in the area to see if any of them had the
book I needed.
Ans 1. call around

2. No substitution required

3. call off

4. call on

Question ID : 264330163102
Option 1 ID : 264330639723
Option 2 ID : 264330639726
Option 3 ID : 264330639724
Option 4 ID : 264330639725
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.4 Parts of the given sentence have been underlined. One of the parts may contain an
error. Select the option that rectifies the error. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No
error’ as your answer.

It was the home minister of the country who took the decision to change a laws
pertaining to migration of people from one state to another.
Ans 1. No error

2. the laws pertaining

3. an home minister

4. the migration

Question ID : 264330170445
Option 1 ID : 264330668430
Option 2 ID : 264330668428
Option 3 ID : 264330668427
Option 4 ID : 264330668429
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.5 Choose the appropriate option to make the following sentence grammatically correct.
Neither of the biscuits you gave me _________ chocolate chips.
Ans 1. are contained

2. contain

3. contains

4. is contain

Question ID : 264330166582
Option 1 ID : 264330653374
Option 2 ID : 264330653371
Option 3 ID : 264330653372
Option 4 ID : 264330653373
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.6 Parts of the given sentence have been underlined. One of the parts may contain an
error. Select the option that rectifies the error. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No
error’ as your answer.

Those players who chose not to play in the league were banned from playing in an
World Cup.
Ans 1. the World Cup

2. play in a league

3. play in league

4. No error

Question ID : 264330170446
Option 1 ID : 264330668431
Option 2 ID : 264330668433
Option 3 ID : 264330668432
Option 4 ID : 264330668434
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.7 Select the option that expresses the given sentence in indirect speech.
Rakesh said, “Wow! What a beautiful house”.
Ans 1. Rakesh exclaimed that it was a beautiful house.

2. Rakesh exclaimed with surprise that it was must be beautiful house.

3. Rakesh exclaimed with sorrow that it was a beautiful house.

4. Rakesh told that it had been a beautiful house.

Question ID : 264330167049
Option 1 ID : 264330655200
Option 2 ID : 264330655202
Option 3 ID : 264330655201
Option 4 ID : 264330655199
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.8 The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may contain an error.
Select the part that contains the error from the given options. If you don’t find any
error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.
Sincere students / like you and he should study / regularly to pass the examination.
Ans 1. like you and he should study

2. No error

3. regularly to pass the examination.

4. Sincere students

Question ID : 264330166922
Option 1 ID : 264330654712
Option 2 ID : 264330654714
Option 3 ID : 264330654713
Option 4 ID : 264330654711
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.9 Parts of the given sentence have been underlined. One of them contains an error. The
underlined parts are given as options with some changes. Select the option that
correctly rectifies the error.

The film received critical acclaim for being a more innovative movie of the year.
Ans 1. Film receives

2. An innovative

3. Acclaim at

4. In the year.

Question ID : 264330168409
Option 1 ID : 264330660495
Option 2 ID : 264330660497
Option 3 ID : 264330660496
Option 4 ID : 264330660498
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.10 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
Ans 1. Kindled

2. Handy

3. Magnetic

4. Blunt

Question ID : 264330169462
Option 1 ID : 264330664604
Option 2 ID : 264330664603
Option 3 ID : 264330664606
Option 4 ID : 264330664605
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.11 Select the most appropriate idiom that best explains the given sentence.
Rajat irritated the street dog so much that it was about to bite him.
Ans 1. If you play with fire, you’ll get burned.

2. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

3. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

4. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

Question ID : 264330167011
Option 1 ID : 264330655053
Option 2 ID : 264330655051
Option 3 ID : 264330655052
Option 4 ID : 264330655054
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.12 Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of

The inability to obtain adequate sleep

Ans 1. Insomnia

2. Mythomania

3. Andromania

4. Pyromania

Question ID : 264330163169
Option 1 ID : 264330639993
Option 2 ID : 264330639992
Option 3 ID : 264330639994
Option 4 ID : 264330639991
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.13 Select the correct spelling from the given options to fill in the blank.
He was _________ going abroad for his further studies.
Ans 1. contemplating

2. cuntempltaing

3. contempltaing

4. cuntemplating

Question ID : 264330141319
Option 1 ID : 264330553612
Option 2 ID : 264330553613
Option 3 ID : 264330553614
Option 4 ID : 264330553611
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.14 Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

Ans 1. Beautiful

2. Keen

3. Modest

4. Amusing

Question ID : 264330169465
Option 1 ID : 264330664615
Option 2 ID : 264330664618
Option 3 ID : 264330664616
Option 4 ID : 264330664617
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.15 The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that
contains an error.

The committee requested / the Chief Investigator / to personally / look after the matter.
Ans 1. look after the matter

2. the Chief Investigator

3. to personally

4. The committee requested

Question ID : 264330157107
Option 1 ID : 264330615802
Option 2 ID : 264330615800
Option 3 ID : 264330615801
Option 4 ID : 264330615799
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.16 Select the option that expresses the given sentence in reported speech.
The captain said to the soldiers, “Follow the enemy.”
Ans 1. The captain commanded his soldiers to follow the enemy.

2. The captain said his soldiers to follow the enemy.

3. The captain requested his soldiers to follow the enemy.

4. The captain charged his soldiers to followed the enemy.

Question ID : 264330166588
Option 1 ID : 264330653396
Option 2 ID : 264330653395
Option 3 ID : 264330653397
Option 4 ID : 264330653398
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.17 Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

Stanley ________________________ to play the violin now, with an amateur instructor.

Ans 1. is learning

2. had learnt

3. will learn

4. was learning

Question ID : 264330169329
Option 1 ID : 264330664097
Option 2 ID : 264330664096
Option 3 ID : 264330664098
Option 4 ID : 264330664095
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.18 Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of

A phrase or words written in memory of a person who has died

Ans 1. Tombstone

2. Epitaph

3. Calligraphy

4. Epigram

Question ID : 264330168418
Option 1 ID : 264330660532
Option 2 ID : 264330660534
Option 3 ID : 264330660533
Option 4 ID : 264330660531
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.19 Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given phrase.
One who believes in fate
Ans 1. Flirt

2. Fatalist

3. Superstitious

4. Fatal

Question ID : 264330167051
Option 1 ID : 264330655210
Option 2 ID : 264330655207
Option 3 ID : 264330655209
Option 4 ID : 264330655208
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.20 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

Ans 1. Susceptibility

2. Extemporise

3. Superindednt

4. Inconspicuous

Question ID : 264330168475
Option 1 ID : 264330660750
Option 2 ID : 264330660747
Option 3 ID : 264330660749
Option 4 ID : 264330660748
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.21 Select the most appropriate homonym to fill in the blanks of the given sentences.

A. I use a ______ to weigh my ingredients while cooking.

B. The mountaineer is going to _______ the rocky hills.
Ans 1. horn

2. scale

3. climb

4. crawl

Question ID : 264330169524
Option 1 ID : 264330664838
Option 2 ID : 264330664837
Option 3 ID : 264330664835
Option 4 ID : 264330664836
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.22 Select the option that will improve the given sentence by using the most appropriate
Pradeep, whom is a teacher, also works as a content writer.

Ans 1. Pradeep, who is a teacher, also works as a content writer.

2. Pradeep, whose is a teacher, also works as a content writer.

3. Pradeep, which is a teacher, also works as a content writer.

4. Pradeep, that is a teacher, also works as a content writer.

Question ID : 264330169455
Option 1 ID : 264330664575
Option 2 ID : 264330664576
Option 3 ID : 264330664577
Option 4 ID : 264330664578
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.23 There is an error in the given sentence. From the options given, identify the sentence
that corrects the error to make it a grammatically accurate sentence.
This lesser known heritage building is so beautiful as the Red Fort.
Ans 1. This heritage building is as beautiful as the Red Fort.

2. This lesser known heritage building is as much beautiful as the Red Fort.

3. This lesser known heritage building is very much beautiful as the Red Fort.

4. This less known heritage building is much beautiful than the Red Fort.

Question ID : 264330166940
Option 1 ID : 264330654775
Option 2 ID : 264330654776
Option 3 ID : 264330654778
Option 4 ID : 264330654777
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.24 Select the sentence that has the correct use of words and spellings.
Ans 1. The novel, with its intricate plot and multifacted characters, captivated readers and
left them paundering its deeper themes long after they finished reading.
2. The novel, with its intrcate plot and multifaceted characters, captivated readers and
left them pondering its deeper themes long after they finished reading.
3. The novel, with its intricate plot and multifaceted characters, captivated readers and
left them pondering its deeper themes long after they finished reading.
4. The novel, with its intricete plot and multifacted characters, captivated readers and
left them pondering its deeper themes long after they finished reading.

Question ID : 264330163125
Option 1 ID : 264330639816
Option 2 ID : 264330639815
Option 3 ID : 264330639817
Option 4 ID : 264330639818
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.25 Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

The team won the tournament after weeks of hard work and commitment.

Ans 1. The tournament was won by the team after weeks of hard work and commitment.

2. The tournament was being won by the team after weeks of hard work and
3. The tournament was winning by the team after weeks of hard work and commitment.

4. The tournament had been won by the team after weeks of hard work and

Question ID : 264330168460
Option 1 ID : 264330660689
Option 2 ID : 264330660688
Option 3 ID : 264330660690
Option 4 ID : 264330660687
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Q.26 Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
He is eating an apple.
Ans 1. He has been eating an apple.

2. An apple was eaten by him.

3. He was eating an apple.

4. An apple is being eaten by him.

Question ID : 264330163098
Option 1 ID : 264330639710
Option 2 ID : 264330639708
Option 3 ID : 264330639709
Option 4 ID : 264330639707
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.27 Select the most appropriate tense form to fill in the blank.
Mohnish and Ravi ________ to Canada next month.
Ans 1. has move

2. is moving

3. has moving

4. are moving

Question ID : 264330169449
Option 1 ID : 264330664554
Option 2 ID : 264330664552
Option 3 ID : 264330664553
Option 4 ID : 264330664551
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.28 Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

The rescue team could have completed the task if there had been uninterrupted power

Ans 1. The task can have completed by the rescue team if there was uninterrupted power
2. The task could be completed by the rescue team if there was uninterrupted power
3. The task could have to be completed by the rescue team if there was uninterrupted
power supply.
4. The task could have been completed by the rescue team if there had been
uninterrupted power supply.

Question ID : 264330169328
Option 1 ID : 264330664094
Option 2 ID : 264330664091
Option 3 ID : 264330664092
Option 4 ID : 264330664093
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and
select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

Girls have been the 1.________ of many crimes in India for years. The most fearful crime was
female foeticide, in which girls were killed in the 2.________ of the mother after sex
determination through ultrasound. ‘Save the Girl Child’ 3.________ has been launched by the
government to end gender-selective abortions of female foetuses as well as other crimes
4.________ the girl child.

SubQuestion No : 29
Q.29 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1.
Ans 1. sites

2. victors

3. victims

4. scapegoats

Question ID : 264330157124
Option 1 ID : 264330615866
Option 2 ID : 264330615863
Option 3 ID : 264330615864
Option 4 ID : 264330615865
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and
select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

Girls have been the 1.________ of many crimes in India for years. The most fearful crime was
female foeticide, in which girls were killed in the 2.________ of the mother after sex
determination through ultrasound. ‘Save the Girl Child’ 3.________ has been launched by the
government to end gender-selective abortions of female foetuses as well as other crimes
4.________ the girl child.

SubQuestion No : 30
Q.30 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.
Ans 1. kidney

2. liver

3. intestine

4. womb

Question ID : 264330157125
Option 1 ID : 264330615868
Option 2 ID : 264330615869
Option 3 ID : 264330615870
Option 4 ID : 264330615867
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and
select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

Girls have been the 1.________ of many crimes in India for years. The most fearful crime was
female foeticide, in which girls were killed in the 2.________ of the mother after sex
determination through ultrasound. ‘Save the Girl Child’ 3.________ has been launched by the
government to end gender-selective abortions of female foetuses as well as other crimes
4.________ the girl child.

SubQuestion No : 31
Q.31 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3.
Ans 1. undertaking

2. campfire

3. enterprise

4. campaign

Question ID : 264330157126
Option 1 ID : 264330615872
Option 2 ID : 264330615874
Option 3 ID : 264330615871
Option 4 ID : 264330615873
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and
select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

Girls have been the 1.________ of many crimes in India for years. The most fearful crime was
female foeticide, in which girls were killed in the 2.________ of the mother after sex
determination through ultrasound. ‘Save the Girl Child’ 3.________ has been launched by the
government to end gender-selective abortions of female foetuses as well as other crimes
4.________ the girl child.

SubQuestion No : 32
Q.32 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4.
Ans 1. across

2. for

3. through

4. against

Question ID : 264330157127
Option 1 ID : 264330615877
Option 2 ID : 264330615876
Option 3 ID : 264330615875
Option 4 ID : 264330615878
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Environmental or genetic influences antisocial conduct of a human being , which has an
impact on behaviour, such as conduct disorder. In a recent study conducted, young people
with conduct disorders had their brains examined, along with controls that were healthy and
did not have the disease. The thickness of various regions of the cortex and the brain’s outer
layer was measured using the scanned images. It was demonstrated in the study that conduct
disorder is a psychiatric condition rather than adolescent disobedience. Awareness,
perception, attention, memory and language are all impacted by the cortex.
The findings of the study were unexpected. They demonstrated distinct disparities between
adolescents whose behavioural issues began in adolescence and those whose issues began
earlier in life. Although both groups were different from healthy controls, it was discovered that
distinct regions of the cortex in the teenagers who had experienced early-onset behavioural
issues were thicker in comparison to the healthy participants.

SubQuestion No : 33
Q.33 Which of the following is NOT impacted by the cortex?
Ans 1. Memory and perception

2. Attention and disobedience

3. Memory and attention

4. Language and awareness

Question ID : 264330169345
Option 1 ID : 264330664148
Option 2 ID : 264330664149
Option 3 ID : 264330664150
Option 4 ID : 264330664147
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Environmental or genetic influences antisocial conduct of a human being , which has an

impact on behaviour, such as conduct disorder. In a recent study conducted, young people
with conduct disorders had their brains examined, along with controls that were healthy and
did not have the disease. The thickness of various regions of the cortex and the brain’s outer
layer was measured using the scanned images. It was demonstrated in the study that conduct
disorder is a psychiatric condition rather than adolescent disobedience. Awareness,
perception, attention, memory and language are all impacted by the cortex.
The findings of the study were unexpected. They demonstrated distinct disparities between
adolescents whose behavioural issues began in adolescence and those whose issues began
earlier in life. Although both groups were different from healthy controls, it was discovered that
distinct regions of the cortex in the teenagers who had experienced early-onset behavioural
issues were thicker in comparison to the healthy participants.

SubQuestion No : 34
Q.34 Select the most appropriate summary of the sentence given below.
It was demonstrated in the study that conduct disorder is a psychiatric condition
rather than adolescent disobedience.
Ans 1. Conduct disorder is a mental condition rather than teen defiance.

2. Conduct disorder is less of a mental condition and more of teen defiance.

3. Conduct disorder is teen defiance and not a mental condition.

4. Conduct disorder is neither a mental condition nor teen defiance.

Question ID : 264330169347
Option 1 ID : 264330664158
Option 2 ID : 264330664155
Option 3 ID : 264330664156
Option 4 ID : 264330664157
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Environmental or genetic influences antisocial conduct of a human being , which has an

impact on behaviour, such as conduct disorder. In a recent study conducted, young people
with conduct disorders had their brains examined, along with controls that were healthy and
did not have the disease. The thickness of various regions of the cortex and the brain’s outer
layer was measured using the scanned images. It was demonstrated in the study that conduct
disorder is a psychiatric condition rather than adolescent disobedience. Awareness,
perception, attention, memory and language are all impacted by the cortex.
The findings of the study were unexpected. They demonstrated distinct disparities between
adolescents whose behavioural issues began in adolescence and those whose issues began
earlier in life. Although both groups were different from healthy controls, it was discovered that
distinct regions of the cortex in the teenagers who had experienced early-onset behavioural
issues were thicker in comparison to the healthy participants.

SubQuestion No : 35
Q.35 Based on your reading of the passage, select the most appropriate option that
describes the conclusion of the study.
Ans 1. There were no distinct regions in the cortex of participants having early behavioural
issues in comparison to healthy students.
2. There were distinct regions in the cortex of healthy students in comparison to
participants having early behavioural issues.
3. There were participants having early behavioural issues in comparison to healthy
students who had distinct regions in their cortex.
4. Distinct regions of the cortex were thicker in the teenagers having early-onset
behavioural issues in comparison to the healthy participants.

Question ID : 264330169346
Option 1 ID : 264330664154
Option 2 ID : 264330664152
Option 3 ID : 264330664151
Option 4 ID : 264330664153
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Environmental or genetic influences antisocial conduct of a human being , which has an

impact on behaviour, such as conduct disorder. In a recent study conducted, young people
with conduct disorders had their brains examined, along with controls that were healthy and
did not have the disease. The thickness of various regions of the cortex and the brain’s outer
layer was measured using the scanned images. It was demonstrated in the study that conduct
disorder is a psychiatric condition rather than adolescent disobedience. Awareness,
perception, attention, memory and language are all impacted by the cortex.
The findings of the study were unexpected. They demonstrated distinct disparities between
adolescents whose behavioural issues began in adolescence and those whose issues began
earlier in life. Although both groups were different from healthy controls, it was discovered that
distinct regions of the cortex in the teenagers who had experienced early-onset behavioural
issues were thicker in comparison to the healthy participants.

SubQuestion No : 36
Q.36 Which of the following was measured in scanned images?
Ans 1. Psychiatric condition

2. Cortex disparities

3. Behavioural issues

4. Brain’s outer layer

Question ID : 264330169344
Option 1 ID : 264330664144
Option 2 ID : 264330664146
Option 3 ID : 264330664145
Option 4 ID : 264330664143
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Taekwondo is a form of empty hand martial arts combat that requires the athlete to use all
parts of the body in competition. Taekwondo is a self-defence discipline; the name is derived
from the Korean words ‘tae’, meaning kick, ‘kwon’, a punch or other blow with the hand or fist,
and ‘do’, which is a way or method of operation. Among the general public, taekwondo is
distinguished from other martial arts by its high speed, sweeping kicks and emphatic
punches. As with judo, taekwondo was developed as a sport that is also representative of a
moral code, where principles of loyalty, faithfulness, respect, and the preservation of an
indomitable spirit form a significant part of taekwondo training. Beginning in 1945, shortly after
the end of World War II and Japanese Occupation, new martial arts schools called kwans
opened in Seoul. These schools were established by Korean martial artists with backgrounds
in Japanese and Chinese martial arts. At the time, indigenous disciplines (such as
Taekkyeon) were being forgotten, due to years of decline and repression by the Japanese
colonial government. The umbrella term traditional Taekwondo typically refers to the martial
arts practiced by the kwans during the 1940s and 1950s, though in reality the term
‘Taekwondo’ had not yet been coined at that time, and indeed each kwan (school) was
practicing its own unique style of the Korean art.

SubQuestion No : 37
Q.37 Which of the following is NOT a principle of Taekwondo?
Ans 1. Faithfulness

2. Indomitable spirit

3. Disrespect

4. Loyalty

Question ID : 264330169540
Option 1 ID : 264330664892
Option 2 ID : 264330664894
Option 3 ID : 264330664893
Option 4 ID : 264330664891
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Taekwondo is a form of empty hand martial arts combat that requires the athlete to use all

parts of the body in competition. Taekwondo is a self-defence discipline; the name is derived
from the Korean words ‘tae’, meaning kick, ‘kwon’, a punch or other blow with the hand or fist,
and ‘do’, which is a way or method of operation. Among the general public, taekwondo is
distinguished from other martial arts by its high speed, sweeping kicks and emphatic
punches. As with judo, taekwondo was developed as a sport that is also representative of a
moral code, where principles of loyalty, faithfulness, respect, and the preservation of an
indomitable spirit form a significant part of taekwondo training. Beginning in 1945, shortly after
the end of World War II and Japanese Occupation, new martial arts schools called kwans
opened in Seoul. These schools were established by Korean martial artists with backgrounds
in Japanese and Chinese martial arts. At the time, indigenous disciplines (such as
Taekkyeon) were being forgotten, due to years of decline and repression by the Japanese
colonial government. The umbrella term traditional Taekwondo typically refers to the martial
arts practiced by the kwans during the 1940s and 1950s, though in reality the term
‘Taekwondo’ had not yet been coined at that time, and indeed each kwan (school) was
practicing its own unique style of the Korean art.

SubQuestion No : 38
Q.38 What is Taekwondo a form of?
Ans 1. Visual arts

2. Conceptual arts

3. Martial arts

4. Performing arts

Question ID : 264330169541
Option 1 ID : 264330664896
Option 2 ID : 264330664898
Option 3 ID : 264330664897
Option 4 ID : 264330664895
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Taekwondo is a form of empty hand martial arts combat that requires the athlete to use all

parts of the body in competition. Taekwondo is a self-defence discipline; the name is derived
from the Korean words ‘tae’, meaning kick, ‘kwon’, a punch or other blow with the hand or fist,
and ‘do’, which is a way or method of operation. Among the general public, taekwondo is
distinguished from other martial arts by its high speed, sweeping kicks and emphatic
punches. As with judo, taekwondo was developed as a sport that is also representative of a
moral code, where principles of loyalty, faithfulness, respect, and the preservation of an
indomitable spirit form a significant part of taekwondo training. Beginning in 1945, shortly after
the end of World War II and Japanese Occupation, new martial arts schools called kwans
opened in Seoul. These schools were established by Korean martial artists with backgrounds
in Japanese and Chinese martial arts. At the time, indigenous disciplines (such as
Taekkyeon) were being forgotten, due to years of decline and repression by the Japanese
colonial government. The umbrella term traditional Taekwondo typically refers to the martial
arts practiced by the kwans during the 1940s and 1950s, though in reality the term
‘Taekwondo’ had not yet been coined at that time, and indeed each kwan (school) was
practicing its own unique style of the Korean art.

SubQuestion No : 39
Q.39 Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
Ans 1. Theoretical

2. Typical

3. Aberrant

4. Unusual

Question ID : 264330169542
Option 1 ID : 264330664900
Option 2 ID : 264330664899
Option 3 ID : 264330664902
Option 4 ID : 264330664901
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Taekwondo is a form of empty hand martial arts combat that requires the athlete to use all

parts of the body in competition. Taekwondo is a self-defence discipline; the name is derived
from the Korean words ‘tae’, meaning kick, ‘kwon’, a punch or other blow with the hand or fist,
and ‘do’, which is a way or method of operation. Among the general public, taekwondo is
distinguished from other martial arts by its high speed, sweeping kicks and emphatic
punches. As with judo, taekwondo was developed as a sport that is also representative of a
moral code, where principles of loyalty, faithfulness, respect, and the preservation of an
indomitable spirit form a significant part of taekwondo training. Beginning in 1945, shortly after
the end of World War II and Japanese Occupation, new martial arts schools called kwans
opened in Seoul. These schools were established by Korean martial artists with backgrounds
in Japanese and Chinese martial arts. At the time, indigenous disciplines (such as
Taekkyeon) were being forgotten, due to years of decline and repression by the Japanese
colonial government. The umbrella term traditional Taekwondo typically refers to the martial
arts practiced by the kwans during the 1940s and 1950s, though in reality the term
‘Taekwondo’ had not yet been coined at that time, and indeed each kwan (school) was
practicing its own unique style of the Korean art.

SubQuestion No : 40
Q.40 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
Ans 1. Submissive

2. Unstoppable

3. Strong

4. Invincible

Question ID : 264330169543
Option 1 ID : 264330664905
Option 2 ID : 264330664906
Option 3 ID : 264330664904
Option 4 ID : 264330664903
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Section : General Awareness

Q.1 आयोडीन की कमी से __________ हाम न की अपया मा ा उ होती है ।

Ans 1. मे लाटोिनन (melatonin)

2. थाइरॉइड (thyroid)

3. एिडनै िलन (adrenaline)

4. ॉ ोपोइिटन (thrombopoietin)

Question ID : 264330170036
Option 1 ID : 264330666821
Option 2 ID : 264330666820
Option 3 ID : 264330666819
Option 4 ID : 264330666822
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
िन िल खत म से कौन-सा/कौन-से कथन ‘सवट् स ऑफ इं िडया सोसाइटी
(servants of India society)’ के बारे म सही है /ह ?

A. 'सवट् स ऑफ इं िडया सोसाइटी' की थापना गोपाल कृ गोखले ने 12 जून
1905 को महारा के पुणे िजले म फ ूसन पहाड़ी (Fergusson hill) पर की थी।
B. सोसायटी ने िश ा, सामािजक क ाण, दिलतों के उ ान और समाज के
वंिचत वग की बेहतरी जैसी रा -िनमाण गितिविधयों पर ान कि त िकया।
Ans 1. न तो A, और न ही B

2. A और B, दोनों

3. केवल A

4. केवल B

Question ID : 264330170642
Option 1 ID : 264330669210
Option 2 ID : 264330669209
Option 3 ID : 264330669207
Option 4 ID : 264330669208
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.3 जीडीपी (GDP) और क ाण के बारे म िन िल खत म से कौन-सा कथन सही है ?

1) िकसी दे श की जीडीपी (GDP) लोगों के क ाण का सू चक है ।

2) यिद जीडीपी (GDP) बढ़ रही है , तो क ाण समान प से नही ं बढ़ सकता है ।

3) जीडीपी (GDP) और क ाण दोनों एक दू सरे से संबंिधत नही ं ह।

Ans 1. केवल 1 और 2

2. केवल 1 और 3

3. केवल 2 और 3

4. 1, 2 और 3

Question ID : 264330169909
Option 1 ID : 264330666311
Option 2 ID : 264330666312
Option 3 ID : 264330666313
Option 4 ID : 264330666314
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.4 शहद म िमलावटी चीनी के घोल की जांच करने के िलए, नमू ने म ई की ब ी िभगोकर उसे मािचस की
तीली से जलाया जाता है । िमलावट की पुि होती है यिद.......
Ans 1. यह चटचटाहट की िन के साथ जलता है

2. यह हरे रं ग की लौ के साथ जलता है

3. यह आसानी से जल जाता है

4. यह बगनी रं ग की लौ के साथ जलता है

Question ID : 264330170328
Option 1 ID : 264330667973
Option 2 ID : 264330667974
Option 3 ID : 264330667971
Option 4 ID : 264330667972
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.5 गृ ह मं ालय िवभाग िकसके पास है (जु लाई 2023 तक ा जानकारी के अनुसार)?
Ans 1. िनमला सीतारमण

2. अिमत शाह

3. राज नाथ िसंह

4. िनितन गडकरी

Question ID : 264330169065
Option 1 ID : 264330663066
Option 2 ID : 264330663064
Option 3 ID : 264330663063
Option 4 ID : 264330663065
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.6 भारतीय रज़व बक की थापना कब ई थी?

Ans 1. 1951

2. 1935

3. 1948

4. 1930

Question ID : 264330169906
Option 1 ID : 264330666302
Option 2 ID : 264330666300
Option 3 ID : 264330666301
Option 4 ID : 264330666299
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1. a - i, b - iii, c - ii, d - iv

2. a - ii, b - iv, c - i, d - iii

3. a - iii, b - iv, c - ii, d - i

4. a - iv, b - ii, c - i, d - iii

Question ID : 264330171256
Option 1 ID : 264330671642
Option 2 ID : 264330671639
Option 3 ID : 264330671640
Option 4 ID : 264330671641
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4
Q.8 मानक ताप और दाब (STP) पर, ताप का मान ा होता है?
Ans 1. 25.51°C

2. 0°C

3. 27°C

4. 273.15°C

Question ID : 264330170082
Option 1 ID : 264330667004
Option 2 ID : 264330667003
Option 3 ID : 264330667005
Option 4 ID : 264330667006
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3


Ans 1. a - iii , b - iv , c - ii , d - i

2. a - i , b - iii , c - ii , d - iv

3. a - iv , b - iii , c - i , d - ii

4. a - ii , b - iv , c - i , d - iii

Question ID : 264330171258
Option 1 ID : 264330671648
Option 2 ID : 264330671650
Option 3 ID : 264330671649
Option 4 ID : 264330671647
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Q.10 लीिथयम का वहार मै ीिशयम के वहार के समान होता है । इस कार की समानता को सामा तः
_______कहा जाता है ।
Ans 1. अि य यु भाव (inert pair effect)

2. समइले ॉनी ीशीज़ (isoelectronic species)

3. समान जे फ़ (same Zeff)

4. िवकण सं बंध (diagonal relationship)

Question ID : 264330172331
Option 1 ID : 264330675878
Option 2 ID : 264330675876
Option 3 ID : 264330675877
Option 4 ID : 264330675875
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1
Q.11 िव म मौिसनराम (Mawsynram) म सबसे अिधक औसत वािषक वषा होती है, ोंिक बंगाल की
खाड़ी की मानसूनी हवाएं _____________ पहाड़ी से टकराती ह।
Ans 1. अरावली

2. छोटा नागपुर पठार

3. पि मी घाट

4. खासी

Question ID : 264330170803
Option 1 ID : 264330669843
Option 2 ID : 264330669845
Option 3 ID : 264330669846
Option 4 ID : 264330669844
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4

Q.12 िवटािमन के संबंध म गलत कथन का चयन कर।

Ans 1. िवटािमन काबिनक यौिगक ह।

2. आं त म कुछ बै ी रया िवटािमन का उ ादन नहीं करते ह।

3. पौधे लगभग सभी िवटािमनों का सं ेषण कर सकते ह।

4. अिधकां श िवटािमन हमारे शरीर म पया मा ा म सं े िषत नहीं हो पाते ह।

Question ID : 264330172330
Option 1 ID : 264330675871
Option 2 ID : 264330675873
Option 3 ID : 264330675874
Option 4 ID : 264330675872
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.13 मूसलाधार बा रश का मौसम, िजसम अ र ओलावृ ि के साथ, चंड हवाओं और थानीय तिड़त झंझा
दे खने को िमलता है । पि म बंगाल म इस कार के तू फानों को ________ कहा जाता है ।
Ans 1. काल बै साखी (Kaal Baisakhi)

2. लू (Loo)

3. ापा रक हवाएं (Trade winds)

4. मावठ (Mahawat)

Question ID : 264330170802
Option 1 ID : 264330669841
Option 2 ID : 264330669840
Option 3 ID : 264330669839
Option 4 ID : 264330669842
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Ans 1. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c

2. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d

3. 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

4. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d

Question ID : 264330170654
Option 1 ID : 264330669257
Option 2 ID : 264330669256
Option 3 ID : 264330669255
Option 4 ID : 264330669258
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Q.15 सरकार की ' धानमं ी जन आरो योजना' ('PM-JAY') योजना िन िल खत म से िकस रा नीित के
िनदशक िस ांतों से संबंिधत है ?
Ans 1. सहकारी सिमितयों को बढ़ावा दे ना

2. सावजिनक ा के पोषण र म वृ करना और उसम सुधार करना रा का कत है

3. उ ोगों के बं धन म िमकों की भागीदारी

4. समान ाय और िनः शु कानूनी सहायता

Question ID : 264330170804
Option 1 ID : 264330669849
Option 2 ID : 264330669850
Option 3 ID : 264330669848
Option 4 ID : 264330669847
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.16 ेटफ़ॉम ऑफ़ ेटफ़ॉ (Platform of Platforms - POP) के लॉ से संबंिधत िन िल खत म से
कौन-सा कथन सही है ?
1) क ीय कृिष और िकसान क ाण मं ी ने अ ू बर 2022 म कनाटक म रा ीय कृिष बाजार (e-NAM)

के तहत पीओपी (POP) की शु आत की थी।
2) 1,018 िकसान उ ादक संगठनों (FPOs) को ₹37 करोड़ से अिधक का इ टी अनुदान जारी िकया
गया, िजससे लगभग 3.5 लाख िकसानों को लाभ होगा।
3) e-NAM से वा दाताओं के े टफॉम को ' ेटफॉ के े टफॉम' के प म एकीकृत करता है ,
िजसम सम से वा दाता, लॉिज से वा दाता, गु णव ा आ ासन सेवा दाता, ता,
ेणीकरण, पृथ रण और पैकेिजंग सेवा दाता आिद शािमल ह।
4) अलग-अलग े टफॉम के 41 सेवा दाता पीओपी (POP) के अं तगत आते ह, जो िविभ मू वान
ृंखला सेवाओं (value chain services ) जै से ापार, गु णव ा जांच, गोदाम, िफनटे क, बाजार की
जानकारी, प रवहन आिद की सु िवधा दान करते ह।
Ans 1. 2, 3 और 4

2. 1, 3 और 4

3. 1, 2 और 4

4. 1, 2 और 3

Question ID : 264330171268
Option 1 ID : 264330671690
Option 2 ID : 264330671688
Option 3 ID : 264330671689
Option 4 ID : 264330671687
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --


Ans 1. (a)-(iii), (b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)

2. (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)

3. (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)

4. (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)

Question ID : 264330169112
Option 1 ID : 264330663251
Option 2 ID : 264330663254
Option 3 ID : 264330663252
Option 4 ID : 264330663253
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2
Q.18 पहचािनए िक िन िल खत कथन सही ह या गलत।
कथन 1: भारत की जनगणना-2011 के अनु सार, सात बहन रा ों (Seven Sister States) म से ,
िमजोरम म सा रता दर सबसे अिधक है ।

कथन 2: भारत की जनगणना-2011 के अनु सार, िबहार म सा रता दर सबसे कम है ।

Ans 1. दोनों कथन ग़लत ह

2. दोनों कथन सही ह

3. केवल कथन 2 सही है

4. केवल कथन 1 सही है

Question ID : 264330167680
Option 1 ID : 264330657692
Option 2 ID : 264330657691
Option 3 ID : 264330657694
Option 4 ID : 264330657693
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1. A – 2, B – 1, C – 4, D – 3

2. A – 2, B – 1, C – 3, D – 4

3. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4

4. A – 4, B – 3, C – 2, D – 1

Question ID : 264330170648
Option 1 ID : 264330669233
Option 2 ID : 264330669232
Option 3 ID : 264330669231
Option 4 ID : 264330669234
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3
Q.20 मई 2023 म, म दे श का ________ शहर संयु रा -पयावास (UN-Habitat) के सहयोग से सं यु
रा -अिनवाय सतत िवकास ल ों (sustainable development goals - SDGs) के थानीकरण
(localisation) को अपनाने वाला भारत का पहला शहर बन गया।

Ans 1. उ ैन

2. इं दौर

3. रतलाम

4. भोपाल

Question ID : 264330171263
Option 1 ID : 264330671670
Option 2 ID : 264330671668
Option 3 ID : 264330671669
Option 4 ID : 264330671667
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2

Section : Computer Knowledge Module






Question ID : 264330183993
Option 1 ID : 264330721561
Option 2 ID : 264330721560
Option 3 ID : 264330721559
Option 4 ID : 264330721558
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2






Question ID : 264330184002
Option 1 ID : 264330721596
Option 2 ID : 264330721595
Option 3 ID : 264330721597
Option 4 ID : 264330721594
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1

Ans 1.




Question ID : 264330184005
Option 1 ID : 264330721606
Option 2 ID : 264330721607
Option 3 ID : 264330721609
Option 4 ID : 264330721608
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --






Question ID : 264330184007
Option 1 ID : 264330721617
Option 2 ID : 264330721616
Option 3 ID : 264330721614
Option 4 ID : 264330721615
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4


Ans 1.




Question ID : 264330184004
Option 1 ID : 264330721603
Option 2 ID : 264330721605
Option 3 ID : 264330721602
Option 4 ID : 264330721604
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2






Question ID : 264330183983
Option 1 ID : 264330721519
Option 2 ID : 264330721518
Option 3 ID : 264330721520
Option 4 ID : 264330721521
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2


Ans 1.




Question ID : 264330184012
Option 1 ID : 264330721634
Option 2 ID : 264330721635
Option 3 ID : 264330721636
Option 4 ID : 264330721637
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 1


Ans 1.




Question ID : 264330183991
Option 1 ID : 264330721550
Option 2 ID : 264330721552
Option 3 ID : 264330721553
Option 4 ID : 264330721551
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2






Question ID : 264330183987
Option 1 ID : 264330721534
Option 2 ID : 264330721535
Option 3 ID : 264330721537
Option 4 ID : 264330721536
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2






Question ID : 264330184018
Option 1 ID : 264330721658
Option 2 ID : 264330721660
Option 3 ID : 264330721661
Option 4 ID : 264330721659
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3

Ans 1.




Question ID : 264330183989
Option 1 ID : 264330721543
Option 2 ID : 264330721545
Option 3 ID : 264330721542
Option 4 ID : 264330721544
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3






Question ID : 264330183997
Option 1 ID : 264330721576
Option 2 ID : 264330721577
Option 3 ID : 264330721575
Option 4 ID : 264330721574
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 3






Question ID : 264330183998
Option 1 ID : 264330721581
Option 2 ID : 264330721580
Option 3 ID : 264330721578
Option 4 ID : 264330721579
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 2






Question ID : 264330183995
Option 1 ID : 264330721567
Option 2 ID : 264330721568
Option 3 ID : 264330721569
Option 4 ID : 264330721566
Status : Answered
Chosen Option : 4






Question ID : 264330183992
Option 1 ID : 264330721555
Option 2 ID : 264330721554
Option 3 ID : 264330721557
Option 4 ID : 264330721556
Status : Not Answered
Chosen Option : --

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