6.5 IELTS - Writing Task 2.lesson 4

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Nội dung bài học

Cấu trúc đề bài dạng Advantage & Disadvantage 1
Cấu trúc bài luận dạng Advantage & Disadvantage 2
Luyện tập 5

Cấu trúc đề bài dạng Advantage & Disadvantage

Ví dụ 1: Nowadays, more people move away from their friends and families for work. Is it a positive or
negative development?
Ví dụ 2: Some people believe that schools should teach foreign languages for primary school children. Do the
advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Lưu ý về bài luận dạng Advantage & Disadvantage

● Đối với câu hỏi “Is it a positive or negative development?”, người viết có thể đưa ra quan điểm vấn đề chỉ
có lợi, chỉ có hại, hoặc vừa có lợi vừa có hại.
● Đối với câu hỏi “Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?”, người viết cần bàn luận cả mặt
lợi và mặt bất lợi của vấn đề cũng như khẳng định quan điểm cá nhân.
● Mỗi đoạn chỉ nên phân tích 2 mặt lợi/bất lợi.
● Một số từ vựng để miêu tả mặt lợi và bất lợi của vấn đề:

Miêu tả mặt lợi Miêu tả mặt bất lợi

Positive (adj, n) Negative (adj, n)

Advantage (n) Disadvantage (n)
Advantageous (adj) Disadvantageous (adj)

Merit (n) Demerit (n)
Benefit (n, v) Drawback (n)
Beneficial (adj) Detriment (n)
Detrimental (adj)

Cấu trúc bài luận dạng Advantage & Disadvantage

Đối với câu hỏi “Is it a positive or negative development?”

Chỉ có lợi hoặc chỉ có bất lợi Có cả lợi và bất lợi

Mở bài Câu 1: Giới thiệu chủ đề bằng cách viết lại Câu 1: Giới thiệu chủ đề bằng cách viết lại
câu chủ đề cho ở đề bài câu chủ đề cho ở đề bài
Câu 2: Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân Câu 2: Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân
Gợi ý cấu trúc câu: Personally, I consider Gợi ý cấu trúc câu: In my opinion, this trend
this to be a positive/negative trend overall. could have both positive and negative
consequences in equal measure.

Thân bài Mỗi đoạn thân bài phân tích 1 mặt lợi hoặc Mỗi đoạn thân bài phân tích 2 mặt lợi hoặc
1 mặt bất lợi. 1 mặt bất lợi.
Gợi ý từ nối sử dụng đầu 2 đoạn thân bài: Gợi ý từ nối sử dụng đầu 2 đoạn thân bài:
● Firstly, ● On the one hand, …
● Secondly, ● On the other hand, …

Kết bài Tóm tắt ý tưởng và khẳng định lại quan Tóm tắt ý tưởng và khẳng định lại quan
điểm cá nhân điểm cá nhân
Gợi ý cấu trúc câu: In conclusion, I believe … Gợi ý cấu trúc câu: In conclusion, … will
brings about great benefits/drawbacks in have both beneficial and detrimental
terms of … effects on … in general.

Đối với câu hỏi “Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”

Mở bài Câu 1: Giới thiệu chủ đề

Câu 2: Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân
Gợi ý cấu trúc câu: Although A brings about some benefits, its drawbacks are more

Thân bài Đoạn 1: Phân tích các mặt lợi (chọn 1 trong các cách diễn đạt sau)
Gợi ý cấu trúc câu
● The advantages of A are varied. First, … Second, …
● There are two main benefits of A. First, … Second, …
● A is advantageous in two main aspects. First, … Second, …
Đoạn 2: Phân tích các mặt bất lợi
Gợi ý cấu trúc câu:
● The disadvantages/drawbacks of A are varied. To begin/start with, …
Furthermore/ additionally, …
● There are two main disadvantages/drawbacks of A. To begin/start with, …
Furthermore/ additionally, …
● A is disadvantageous in two main aspects. To begin/start with, … Furthermore/
additionally, …

Kết bài Tóm tắt ý tưởng và khẳng định lại quan điểm cá nhân
Gợi ý cấu trúc câu: In conclusion, despite some benefits in terms of x and y, they are still
eclipsed/ overshadowed by the downside.

Bài luận hoàn chỉnh

Đề bài 1: Nowadays, more people move away from their friends and families for work. Is it a positive or
negative development?
Bài mẫu
These days, many people are willing to sacrifice the chance to stay Từ vựng cần lưu ý
near their families and friends to relocate for work. In my opinion, this
● Career prospects: Triển vọng
trend could have both positive and negative consequences in equal
nghề nghiệp
● Be a hub of something: Trung
On the one hand, people who move away from families and friends
tâm hoạt động của cái gì
are more at the risk of enduring mental health problems. Physical
distance usually discourages them from confiding their troubles to ● Step out of their comfort zone:
their loved ones. This is often the case of migrant workers who keep Bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn
their suffering to themselves just to ease their families’ worries.
Consequently, they are more vulnerable to mental health issues, such ● Stand on their own: tự lập
as depression, while their families and friends at home remain ● Sacrifice: hy sinh
unaware. This circumstance could even get worse if these people are ● relocate for a job: chuyển nơi ở
introverts who tend to distance themselves from their new
colleagues. vì công việc

On the other hand, for those relocating for a job, they are more likely ● career fulfillment: sự thỏa mãn
to achieve career fulfillment. For one thing, there are often better trong sự nghiệp
career prospects available outside their hometown to people of ● Family conflicts: mâu thuẫn gia
working ages. Bigger cities or countries are hubs of various đình
industries, which promise more career choices and significantly ● work performance: biểu hiện
higher wages. Therefore, it is far easier for people to find a suitable trong công việc
job. Secondly, this can help people, especially those who have just
● Disturbance: phiền phức
reached adulthood, advance their careers faster. Living with parents
could indeed trigger emotional issues because of family conflicts, ● devote themselves to: tận tâm
which could negatively influence their work performance. Without làm gì
that potential disturbance, young people can wholeheartedly devote ● confiding their troubles to: thổ lộ
themselves to their work and thrive. vấn đề của họ với ai
In conclusion, because of work, more people are living away from ● migrant workers: người lao động
families and friends, which has both beneficial and detrimental xuất khẩu
effects in general. ● ease someone’s worries: làm dịu
đi lo lắng của ai

Đề bài 2: Some people believe that schools should teach foreign languages for primary school children. Do
the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Bài mẫu
In today's increasingly globalized world, it is recommended that Từ vựng cần lưu ý
students in primary schools be taught other languages. Despite the
● increasingly globalized world:
fact that this may raise some concerns, the long-term benefits of
thế giới ngày càng toàn cầu hóa
learning a second language at a young age are more significant.
● the long-term benefits: những lợi
ích lâu dài

Admittedly, adding more subjects to the primary school curriculum ● place a high value on: coi trọng
may lead to certain issues for students and the school. Firstly, young ● academic achievement: những
students from countries that place a high value on academic thành tựu trong học tập
achievement are already under high levels of stress. With more
● high levels of stress: căng thẳng
subjects to study and strive to excel in, students’ mental health may
suffer. Furthermore, the schools themselves may struggle to find
competent language educators. To ensure a high quality of linguistic ● excel in: trội, xuất sắc
education, teachers need to be sufficiently proficient at the ● linguistic education: giáo dục
language being taught, and have the appropriate language teaching ngôn ngữ
skills and qualifications. This may prove to be difficult to achieve for ● sufficiently proficient at: thành
many schools, particularly those in poorer countries and developing thạo đủ ở
nations. ● multilingual: đa ngôn ngữ
However, the benefits of children learning a second language from a ● neurological development: sự
young age are substantial. Due to the fact that children tend to have phát triển liên quan đến thần
a better ability to learn new languages, it is advisable to start learning kinh
early. Many adults tend to have difficulty trying to learn a new
language, so teaching second languages in elementary school may ● foreseen challenges: những
give people the best chance at becoming multilingual. Moreover, thách thức có thể thấy trước
being exposed to different languages on a regular basis can assist
neurological development in children. In particular, because the
brain needs to keep switching from one language to another,
neurons are put to work more than when being monolingual, aiding
the growth of the child's brain. This can bring about a vast range of
In conclusion, even though there are foreseen challenges for
students and schools, being taught more than one language from an
early age will result in many advantages for students in the future.

Luyện tập
Phân tích và lập dàn ý chi tiết cho những đề bài sau
Đề bài 1: Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. Do you
think this is a positive or negative development?

Đề bài 2: Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are replacing face-to-face contact in this century. Do you
think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?

Đề bài 3: Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do you think this is a
positive or negative social development?


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