Appendix II - D Sample of Panel Report

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Program Name : Bsc Computer Science

Reference No : xx

IHL Address : xx

Visit Date : 18 and 19 September 2017

i) Level of Program : Bachelor Degree / Level 6 MQF
ii) Mode of Program : Full Time / Part Time
iii) NEC Code : 481- Computer Use
iv) Method of Offering : Convensional
v) Delivery Language : English
vi) Delivery Method : Lecture, Tutorial and Practical
vii) Award Type : Self Award- Homeground Program
viii) Duration of Program :

Full time Part time

Long Short Long Short
Semester Semester Semester Semester
No of Week 18 - -
No of Semester 6 - -
No of year 3

ix) Graduate Credit : 124 Credit

x) Classification of Module:

Bil Classsification Credit Percentage

1 General Studies 12 9.68
2 Core 63 50.81
3 Specialization / Field Elective 15 12.10
4 Final Year Project 12 9.68
5 Intership 10 8.06
6 Free Elective Modules 12 9.68
Total 124 100.0

xi) Entry Qualification:

MQA/FA4622 1
 A pass in Matriculation or Foundation studies with minimum CGPA of 2.00 and
a credit in Additional Mathematics at SPM Level or its equivalent; OR

 A pass in Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) with a minimum Grade C

(GP 2.00) in any 2 subjects and a credit in Additional Mathematics at SPM
Level or its equivalent; OR

 A Diploma in Computer Science OR Software Engineering OR Information

Technology OR Information Systems or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of
2.50 and a credit in Additional Mathematics at SPM Level or its equivalent.
Candidates with CGPA below 2.50 but above 2.00 with a credit in additional
mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent may be admitted subject to a
rigorous internal assessment process; OR

 Any other Diploma in science and technology with a minimum CGPA of 2.50
may be admitted subject to a rigorous internal assessment process and a
credit in Additional Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent. Candidates
without a credit in additional mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent may be
admitted if the Diploma programme contains subjects in mathematics that are
equivalent to additional mathematics at SPM level. OR

 Another qualification recognized as equivalent

In addition, international students are required to have

• IELTS 6.0 with no individual element below 5.5 or
• TOEFL 79-80 (Internet based test), 550 (paper based test), 213 (Computer
based test) or
• Another qualification recognized as equivalent

xii) Award Institutions: Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation

xiii) Scrol : Appropriate


Overall, the program is expected to achieve the stated learning objectives where
IHL has developed six program objectives, six program goals and six good
learning outcomes and meets 8 MQF domains. IHL has also clearly stated its
vision and mission. Justification of the program offering is relevant to current
needs. IHL has created appropriate mapping between courses with MQF

1.2 Areas of Concern:

1.2.1 There are several courses that too many mapped on MQF domain seems
to be difficult to measure and achieve.
1.2.2 There is no CLO mapping on program objectives (PEOs) and program
learning outcomes (PLOs).
1.2.3 There is no analysis of market survey and the demand for this program to
ensure the marketability of this program.

MQA/FA4622 2
1.3 Requirements:

1.3.1 Improve the mapping of courses with the MQF domain. Make sure not to
exceed 3 measurements for each course to ensure it is easily measured
and achieved.
1.3.2 Improve mapping of CLO with PEO and PLO in order to show the
constructive alignment.
1.3.3 Ensure that PEO and PLO have a clear measurement mechanism so that
it is easily measured and achieved.

1.4 Suggestion for Improvement:

1.4.1 Analyze market research and demand for this program as well as the job
market for graduates of the program.


2.1 Comment:

Overall, IHL has a full autonomy in developing and delivering the curriculum of this
program. Academic staff are also given autonomy in conducting activities related
to teaching and learning activities and curriculum development. PPT has clear
mechanisms, policies and procedures in designing new programs and its
curiculum. IHL has also identified the methods of teaching and learning and it
appropriates to the level of study.

The program naming is appropriate where it is defined under the field of Computer
Science. Graduated credits are 124 hours. The list courses are appropriate to
support learning outcomes. However, it does not meet the requirements of BOK
Computer Science such as Computational Science, Graphics and Visualization
and Parallel and Distributed Computing. In terms of program management, PPT
has provided students with good guidebooks which can help students understand
the rules and learning process. IHL also has a good mechanism for managing this
program where IHL provides Student Handbooks and Program Handbook that
have information on student life and program information.

The classification of courses such in Table 2.1:

Table 2.1: Course Clasification

Clasification Computing PPT Comments

The following
Credit (%) Credit (%)
Table 2.2
General Studies 10-14 8-12 12 9.68 Comply
Core Modules 33-45 28-38 63 50.81 Not Comply
comments for Specialization 27-67 23-56 Not Comply
15 12.10
each courses.
Final Year Project 6-11 5-8 12 9.68 Comply
Intership 6-12 5-10 10 8.06 Comply
Free Electives 12-27 10-23 12 9.68 Comply
Total 120 100 124 100 Comply

MQA/FA4622 3
Table 2.2: Comments
Bil Course Name and Code Comments
1 Introduction to Management Areas of Concern:
- None
Code: BM007-3-1
Credit: 3
- None
Clasification: Elektif Bebas
Suggestion for Improvement:
- None

2 Computing & IT in the Areas of Concern:

Workspace - The number of CLOs 5 is quite high,
which is difficult to measure and
Code: CT006-3-1
- There is no mapping between CLO
Credit: 3 with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
Clasification: Teras assessment methods

- Ensure that the number of CLOs does
not exceed 3 so that it is easy to
measure and achieve
- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.
3 Mathematical Concepts for Areas of Concern:
Computing - None

Code: AQ010-3-1
- None
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Suggestion for Improvement:
- None.
4 Operating Systems and Areas of Concern:
Computer Architecture - There is no mapping between CLO
with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
assessment methods
Code: CT049-3-1
- Topik terlalu banyak iaitu 14.
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Requirements:
- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment
- Menggurangkan topik bagi kursus ini.

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.
5 Fundamentals of Software Areas of Concern:
Development - None

Code: CT010-3-1
- None
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Suggestion for Improvement:

MQA/FA4622 4
- None.
6 Systems Analysis & Design Areas of Concern:
- There is no mapping between CLO
Code: CT026-3-1 with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
assessment methods
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Requirements:
- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.
7 Introduction to Networking Areas of Concern:
- There is no mapping between CLO
Code: CT043-3-1 with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
assessment methods
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Requirements:
- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment

Suggestion for Improvement:

8 Object Oriented Development Areas of Concern:
with JAVA - There is no mapping between CLO
with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
assessment methods
Code: CT038-3-2
- Too many topics to cover
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Requirements:
- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment
- Reduce the topics

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.
9 Systems & Network Areas of Concern:
Administration - None

Code: CT046-3-2
- None
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Suggestion for Improvement:
- None.
10 Computing Theory Areas of Concern:
- None
Code: CT111-3-2
Credit: 3
- None
Clasification: Teras
Suggestion for Improvement:
- None.
11 Research Methods for Areas of Concern:
Computing and Technology - None


MQA/FA4622 5
Code: CT098-3-2 - None
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Suggestion for Improvement:
- None.
12 Creativity & Innovation Areas of Concern:
- None
Code: BM006-3-2
Credit: 3
- None
Clasification: Teras
Suggestion for Improvement:
- None.
13 Data Structure Areas of Concern:
- There is no mapping between CLO
Code: CT077-3-2 with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
assessment methods
Credit: 3
Clasification: Teras Requirements:
- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.
14 Concurrent Programming Areas of Concern:
- There is no mapping between CLO
Code: CT074-3-2 with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
assessment methods
Credit: 3
- Provision of 1 hour for practical session
Clasification: Elektif is not enough.
- Too many topics to cover

- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment
- Add contact hours for lecture session
- Reduce number of topics.

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.
15 Computer Systems & Low Areas of Concern:
Level Technique - There is no mapping between CLO
with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
assessment methods
Code: CT077-3-2
- Provision of 1 hour for lecturel session
Credit: 3 is not enough
Clasification: Teras - Too many topics to cover.

- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment
- Add contact hours for lecture session
- Reduce number of topics.

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.
16 Investigation in Computer Areas of Concern:

MQA/FA4622 6
Science - The number of CLOs 6 is quite high,
which is difficult to measure and
Code: CT052-3-3SCS achieve.
- There is no mapping between CLO
Credit: 3
with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
Clasification: Teras assessment methods

- Ensure that the number of CLOs does
not exceed 3 so that it is easy to
measure and achieve
- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.
17 Network Security Areas of Concern:
- The number of CLOs 7 is quite high,
Code: CT037-3-2 which is difficult to measure and
Credit: 3
- There is no mapping between CLO
Clasification: Elektif with Bloom Taxonomy Level and
assessment methods
- Provision of 1 hour for lecturel session
is not enough
- Too many topics to cover.

- Ensure that the number of CLOs does
not exceed 3 so that it is easy to
measure and achieve
- Do mapping between CLO with Bloom
Taxonomy Level and assessment
- Add contact hours for lecture session

Suggestion for Improvement:

- None.

2.2 Areas of Concern:

2.2.1 Reviews comments as in Table 2.2

2.2.2 BOK components are not compliant as Computational Science, Graphics
and Visualization and Parallel and Distributed Computing. These courses
are offered but as an elective.
2.2.3 Many courses are None of the final exams.
2.2.4 SLT calculation is inaccurate.
2.2.5 IHL does not offer non-computing electives for this program. Currently IHL
only offers elective fields only.

2.3 Requirements:
2.3.1 Reviews commets as in Table 2.2
2.3.2 Offers BOK components such as Computational Science, Graphics and
Visualization and Parallel and Distributed Computing as core courses in
the curriculum.

MQA/FA4622 7
2.3.3 Reviewing the fairness of many courses that do not have the final exam.
2.3.4 Correct SLT calculations where IHL needs to increase contact hours for
lectures and reduce self-study hours’ distribution.
2.3.5 Offers free elective courses ie non-computerized courses in the

2.4 Suggestion for Improvement:



3.1 Comment:

In general, almost all offered courses are meet the assessment specifications that
has been set by MQA. IHL mentioned that the assessment method used
comprises of individual and group assignments, tests and examinations where it
is appropriate to program level. Only about 60% of the courses have the final
exam component which should not be applicable.

IHL has a clear policy in place to ensure the validity of the assessment method
which also monitored by the Quality Assurance Board. The IHL also involves
external examiners. IHLcalso has a clear process in managing student
assessment. There are several meetings such as Internal Moderation and
Examination Meeting to control this matters where it is good. IHL also has a
proper meachism in providing feedback to students about the examination results.

3.2 Self Assessment Comments:

3.2.1 IHL has a good formative and summative evaluation method in ensuring
the achievement of the learning outcomes captured.
3.2.2 IHL also has a clear mechanism in monitoring student learning time.
3.2.3 IHL has a special committee formed to monitor and manage student
assessment affairs.
3.2.4 IHL still has autonomy in the improvement of assessment methods.
3.2.5 IHL has involved outsiders in forming and obtaining input on curriculum
3.2.6 The IHL has a clear process of appealing work.

3.3 Areas of Concern:

3.3.1 No mapping on how the student assessment system supports the

implementation of Outcomes Based Education (OBE) is stated.
3.3.2 No details of moderation forms process.
3.3.3 No information of the minimum requirements to undergo the intership.
3.3.4 The timing of LI is insufficient.
3.3.5 No information regarding the mechanism for determining the approval for
each course where the requirements for passing both formative and
summative assessments are stated in the Computer Program Standards.

3.4 Requirements:

MQA/FA4622 8
3.4.1 The IHL needs to map how the student evaluation system supports the
implementation of Outcomes Based Education (OBE).
3.4.2 The IHL needs to create a moderated form which it will show the mapping
between questions, course learning outcomes and Bloom's Taxonomy
3.4.3 The IHL needs to state the minimum requirement to undergo intership.
3.4.4 The IHL should ensure that the duration for intership is sufficient which 1
Credit os equivalent to 2 weeks.
3.4.5 The IHL should state the mechanism of passing both formative and
summative assessments.

3.5 Suggestion for Improvement:




The IHL has a clear student admission rules which only those who qualify for
admission are permitted to pursue the program. IHL has also developed a good
enrollment process. The mechanisms used for student enrollment requirements
have also been expressed by IHL. The IHL also has clear policies in terms of
transfer of students as well as appeals for admission. The Students Services
Department serves to provide, coordinate and monitor student-curricular activities
and support facilities and services. The following table 4.1 is a student projection
Table 4.1: Student Projection

Year Projection (Person)

2015 30
2016 111
2017 140
2018 155
2019 175
2020 192
2021 212
Total 1015

4.2 Self Assessment Comments:

4.2.1 This program has clearly defined, documented and disseminated
academic and mechanistic criteria for student selection. The mechanism
ensures that all selected students meet the PPT admissions policy.
4.2.2 Students have access to appropriate and adequate support services
provided by the IHL
4.2.3 Counseling, student support and co-curricular activities are provided. The
department which monitors student support is the Student Affairs Division
4.2.4 There is a Student Representative Council at the IHL.

MQA/FA4622 9
4.2.5 The IHL also clearly identifies the mechanism of complaints.

4.3 Areas of Concern:

4.3.1 Credit transfer process is clearly stated with minimum gred C and equality
of 80%.
4.3.2 The crcedit transfer mapping process is not well established where the
equality mapping is not performed.

4.4 Requirements:

4.4.1 Ensuring minimum grade is C and equal to 80% similarity index.

4.4.2 Make a process of exempting credit transfer properly.

4.5 Suggestion for Improvement:




The IHL has a clear academic staff recruitment policy of at least must have a Masters
Degree in related fields for this program. Currently, IHL has 52 academic staff where it
meets the minimum qualification set by MQA. The expertise of the academic staff for this
program is quite appropriate. As a result of the document revision it was found that
almost all the academic staff involved with the program met the minimum qualification
set by MQA. The IHL has also identified a good KPI system. The IHL has clear
processes and procedures in disciplinary management of academic staff. Involvement of
academic staff in publishing and research activities is quite good where there is
publication in the journal as well as conferences and grants obtained. Table 5 shows
academic staff information.

Table 5: Academic Staf Informatio

No. Name of Academic Qualification Course Taught Comment

Academic Staf
1. B.Sc. Computer Science Operating Systems & Suitable
University of Abuja, Nigeria Computer Architecture

M.Sc. Software Engineering

Staffordshire University, UK
2. Bachelor in Information Technology HCI and Usability Suitable
(Multimedia), UUM

Master in Art & Design – Visual

Communication & New Media
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM)

5.2 Self Assessment Comments:

MQA/FA4622 10
5.2.1 The IHL has a clear staff recruitment policy with defined terms and
conditions of service and work for academic staff are also clear.
5.2.2 Currently, the ratio of students and staff is is 1:13 which is appopriate.
5.2.3 The IHL has a good policy in the promotion of promotion and staff
performance as well as the career path of the academic staff.
5.2.4 Involvement of academic staff in the fields of research, publications,
consultancy and community service is satisfactory.
5.2.5 The IHL also has a good mechanism to identify the needs of academic
staff in teaching and learning as well as research and other matters.

5.3 Areas of Concern:

5.3.1 Academic staff is still weak in the understanding of OBE
5.3.2 Academic staff also still do not understand the calculation of SLT.
5.3.3 Academic staff burden is often overlapped due to semester system four
times a year.
5.3.4 Involvement of academic staff in professional bodies is minimal.
5.3.5 The results of lecture studies are relatively slow.

5.4 Requirements:

5.4.1 Strengthening OBE implementation among academic staff.

5.4.2 Ensuring the burden of lecturers does not overlap.

5.5 Suggestion for Improvement:

5.5.1 The IHL should always encourage academic staff to attend academic
workshops so that they are exposed to new things in R & D.
5.5.2 The IHL should encourage academic staff to be actively involved in the
professional body.
5.5.3 The IHL needs to ensure that the delivery of academic staff is good.


6.1 Comment:

Generally, IHL provides adequate physical facilities for students encompassing

lectures, labs, lecture rooms, computer labs, libraries and others. The IHL also
provides research facilities where provision is provided for research activities. The
IHL also has policies and policies on the exchange of expertise in which there is
cooperation with colleague colleges such as Staffordshire University and others.
IHL has physical facilities such as Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: Physical Facilities

Number of Rooms Seating Capacity

Lecture Rooms 28 1704
Computer Labs 12 244
Corporate Training 4 72
Syndicate room 5 150

MQA/FA4622 11
Presentation room 4 16
Server Room 1 3
Special labs (EPSON) 1 12
Library 1 120
Enterprise 3 Enterprise 3
Lecture Rooms 46 1815
Syndicate room 7 212
Computer Lab 2 40
Lecture Rooms 15 300
Syndicate room 4 35
Library 1 25
Server Room 1 2
Examination Hall 1 270
Computer Lab 2 40
Library 1 109
Computer Lab 3 80

The management of the library as in Table 6.2 while the Library facilities as in Table 6.3
and ICT Facilities as in Table 6.4 below:

Table 6.2: Management of the Library

Name Position Qualification

Master of Library and Information
Namita Santra Manager
Science, UM
Diploma in Information
Atiyah Abd Hadi Executive
Management, UiTM
Executive Bachelor of Science in Informaiton
Wan Najihah Wan Muhammad Studies (Library and Information
Management), UiTM
Executive Bachelor of Science in Informaiton
Nik Mohd Hamidi Mohamad Studies (Library and Information
Management), UiTM
Executive Diploma in Library and Information
Shamalah Valli Machapo Science , Central Institut
Executive Bachelor of Science in Informaiton
Nurhidayah binti Haji Mat zaini Studies (Library and Information
Management), UiTM

Table 6.3: Library Facilities

Facilities Comments
Book Collection The computer science book collection is 6815
Bibliography Collection 126 units
Audio Visual Collection 2234 units
Online Database IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, Emerald,
Proquest Computing, ABI-Inform, Current Law
Journals, ACM, Access Engineering and

MQA/FA4622 12

The IHL also has ICT facilities such as Table 6.4 below:

Table 6.4: ICT Facilities

Facility Comments
Software Suitable
Laboratory 12 units with 40 person capacities

6.2 Self Assessment Comments:

6.2.1 The IHL provides adequate and appropriate physical facilities.
6.2.2 Facilities in the Library are quite good.
6.2.3 The library management is good and the appointed officer is appropriate.
6.2.4 The software listed is appropriate to the program.
6.2.5 The IHL also has a good mechanism in managing the expertise and
exchange of education.
6.2.6 The IHL has sufficient financial resources and has periodic budgets.

6.3 Areas of Concern:

6.3.1 There is no detailed information on reference books or journals for this

6.3.2 The library reference book is not up to date.

6.4 Requirements:

6.4.1 Ensure that reference materials such as books and journals in Computer
Science are sufficient and up-to-date in the library for this program.

6.5 Suggestion for Improvement:




Basically, The IHL has a mechanism for monitoring and reviewing clear programs
such as feedback from students, staff, external examiners, industry and others
where it is good for program enhancements such as faculty meetings, semester
feedback, external moderator reports and in and others where it is appropriate.
The IHL also states that the curriculum review is made periodically in which it is
good. There are also several committees established by the IHL for the purpose
of monitoring and reviewing the program. In addition, IHL also involves various
stakeholders in the process of monitoring and reviewing programs where it is
important to ensure the quality of the program.

7.2 Self Assesment Comments:

MQA/FA4622 13
7.2.1 The IHL has a good mechanism for managing the program's monitoring
and review process.
7.2.2 The program's monitoring and re-evaluation process also involves internal
and external stakeholders and will be conducted after the first take-up of
the program.

7.3 Areas of Concern:

7.3.1 No benchmarking with other IHLs.

7.4 Requirements:


7.5 Suggestion for Improvement:

7.5.1 The IHL need to provide benchmarking with other IHLs who offer similar
programs to improve quality and to identify the uniqueness of program and
industry demand.


8.1 Ulasan:
Overall, the IHL has a good organizational structure and governance. The
relationship between each department is well defined and clear. Head of School
to Dean of the Faculty in the management of this program. The responsibility of
the akademik leadership is also made clear. The IHL also has sufficient
administrative and support staff. In terms of academic record keeping, IHL has
clear and good mechanisms and procedures.

8.2 Self Assessment Comments:

8.2.1 The IHL has an administrative and governing structure as well as clear
functions, and the relationship between the key components in the
structure is clearly stated
8.2.2 The IHL has also clearly stated the criteria, description of responsibilities,
and the systematic selection process for the appointment of academic
leaders in the program. It is also in line with the credentials and experience
of the program's academic leader with the existing duties and
8.2.3 The IHL has good mechanisms and processes in managing the storage
and safety of academic records.

8.3 Areas of Concern:

8.3.1 Unmanage course file management system where there is no complete
information such as student scripting examples.
8.3.2 Students' examination results is not release early.

8.4 Requirements:
8.4.1 Ensure the student's decision is informed before the start of the new

8.5 Suggestion for Improvement:

8.5.1 The IHL should ensure that the information in the course file is complete.

MQA/FA4622 14

The IHL has a clearly defined quality improvement process mechanism and is
supervised by the Quality Assurance Board headed by Dean for Quality
Assurance and Partnerships. The IHL also has relationships with outsiders in
ensuring continuous quality improvement activities. However, the IHL does not
specify the method for CQI activity.

9.2 Self Assessment Comments:

9.2.1 IHL has good policies and strategies in ensuring continuous quality.

9.3 Areas of Concern:

9.3.1 No information on the implementation of CQI.

9.4 Requirements:

9.3.1 The IHL need to formulate CQI implementation methods to improve

program quality.

9.5 Suggestion for Improvement:



Overall, Panel advised that a Full Accreditation can be considered after the IHL
complies all requirements and suggestion for Improvement as stated.

MQA/FA4622 15

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