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uN5cO cuL1uk Ol P4c PkO6k4M

reamb|e of the Charter of the Un|ted Nat|ons

WL 1PL LCLLS Cl 1PL unl1Lu nA1lCnS uL1L8MlnLu
Lo save succeedlng generaLlons from Lhe scourge of war whlch Lwlce ln our llfeLlme has broughL unLold
sorrow Lo manklnd and
Lo reafflrm falLh ln fundamenLal human rlghLs ln Lhe dlgnlLy and worLh of Lhe human person ln Lhe equal
rlghLs of men and women and of naLlons large and small and
Lo esLabllsh condlLlons under whlch [usLlce and respecL for Lhe obllgaLlons arlslng from LreaLles and oLher
sources of lnLernaLlonal law can be malnLalned and
Lo promoLe soclal progress and beLLer sLandards of llfe ln larger freedom

Anu lC8 1PLSL LnuS
Lo pracLlce Lolerance and llve LogeLher ln peace wlLh one anoLher as good nelghbors
Lo unlLe our sLrengLh Lo malnLaln lnLernaLlonal peace and securlLy
Lo ensure by Lhe accepLance of prlnclples and Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of meLhods LhaL armed force shall noL be
used save ln Lhe common lnLeresL
Lo employ lnLernaLlonal machlnery for Lhe promoLlon of Lhe economlc and soclal advancemenL of all

reamb|e of the Un|versa| Dec|arat|on of numan k|ghts (excerpLs)

O Whereas recognlLlon of Lhe lnherenL dlgnlLy and of Lhe equal and lnallenable rlghLs of all members
of Lhe human famlly ls Lhe foundaLlon of freedom [usLlce and peace ln Lhe world
O Whereas dlsregard and conLempL for human rlghLs have resulLed ln barbarous acLs whlch have
ouLraged Lhe consclence of manklnd and Lhe advenL of a world ln whlch human belngs shall en[oy
freedom of speech and bellef and freedom from fear and wanL has been proclalmed as Lhe hlghesL
asplraLlon of Lhe common people
O Whereas lL ls essenLlal lf man ls noL Lo be compelled Lo have recourse as a lasL resorL Lo rebelllon
agalnsL Lyranny and oppresslon LhaL human rlghLs should be proLecLed by Lhe rule of law
O now Lherefore Lhe Ceneral Assembly proclalms Lhls unlversal ueclaraLlon of Puman 8lghLs as a
common sLandard of achlevemenL for all peoples and all naLlons Lo Lhe end LhaL every lndlvldual
and every organ of socleLy keeplng Lhls ueclaraLlon consLanLly ln mlnd shall sLrlve by Leachlng and
educaLlon Lo promoLe respecL for Lhese rlghLs and freedoms and by progresslve measures naLlonal
and lnLernaLlonal Lo secure Lhelr unlversal and effecLlve recognlLlon and observance

UNLSCCs Const|tut|on Dec|ares

* 1haL slnce wars begln ln Lhe mlnds of men lL ls ln Lhe mlnds of men LhaL Lhe defenses of peace musL be
* 1haL lgnorance of each oLhers ways and llves has been a common cause LhroughouL Lhe hlsLory of
manklnd of LhaL susplclon and mlsLrusL beLween Lhe peoples of Lhe world Lhrough whlch Lhelr dlfferences
have all Loo ofLen broken lnLo war ()
* 1haL Lhe greaL and Lerrlble war whlch has now ended was a war made posslble by Lhe denlal of Lhe
democraLlc prlnclples of Lhe dlgnlLy equallLy and muLual respecL of men and by Lhe propagaLlon ln Lhelr
place Lhrough lgnorance and pre[udlce of Lhe docLrlne of Lhe lnequallLy of men and races
* 1haL Lhe wlde dlffuslon of culLure and Lhe educaLlon of humanlLy for [usLlce and llberLy and peace are
lndlspensable Lo Lhe dlgnlLy of man and consLlLuLe a sacred duLy whlch all Lhe naLlons musL fulflll ln a splrlL
of muLual asslsLance and concern
* 1haL a peace based excluslvely upon Lhe pollLlcal and economlc arrangemenLs of governmenLs would
noL be a peace whlch could secure Lhe unanlmous lasLlng and slncere supporL of Lhe peoples of Lhe world
and LhaL Lhe peace musL Lherefore be founded lf lL ls noL Lo fall upon Lhe lnLellecLual and moral solldarlLy
of manklnd

enera| Conc|us|ons Irom 1he I|rst Internat|ona| Iorum on the Cu|ture of eace

1 Lhe ob[ecLlve of a culLure of peace ls Lo ensure LhaL Lhe confllcLs lnherenL ln human relaLlonshlps be
resolved nonvlolenLly
2 peace and human rlghLs are lndlvlslble and concern everyone
3 Lhe consLrucLlon of a culLure of peace ls a mulLldlmenslonal Lask requlrlng Lhe parLlclpaLlon of
people aL all levels
4 a culLure of peace should conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe sLrengLhenlng of democraLlc processes
3 Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of a culLure of peace pro[ecL requlres a Lhorough moblllzaLlon of all means of
educaLlon boLh formal and nonformal and of communlcaLlon
6 a culLure of peace requlres Lhe learnlng and use of new Lechnlques for Lhe peaceful managemenL
and resoluLlon of confllcLs
7 a culLure of peace should be elaboraLed wlLhln Lhe process of susLalnable endogenous equlLable
human developmenL lL cannoL be lmposed from Lhe ouLslde

kecommendat|ons Concern|ng Lducat|on Ior Internat|ona| Understand|ng Cooperat|on and eace and
Lducat|on ke|at|ng to numan k|ghts and Iundamenta| Ireedoms u|d|ng r|nc|p|es (excerpts)

1 an lnLernaLlonal dlmenslon and a global perspecLlve ln educaLlon aL all levels and ln all lLs forms
2 undersLandlng and respecL for all peoples Lhelr culLures clvlllzaLlons values and ways of llfe lncludlng
domesLlc eLhnlc culLures and culLures of oLher naLlons
3 awareness of Lhe lncreaslng global lnLerdependence beLween peoples and naLlons
4 ablllLles Lo communlcaLe wlLh oLhers
3 awareness noL only of Lhe rlghLs buL also of Lhe duLles lncumbenL upon lndlvlduals soclal groups and
naLlons Lowards each oLher
6 undersLandlng of Lhe necesslLy for lnLernaLlonal solldarlLy and cooperaLlon
7 readlness on Lhe parL of Lhe lndlvldual Lo parLlclpaLe ln solvlng Lhe problems of hls communlLy hls
counLry and Lhe world aL large

1he Sev|||e Statement on V|o|ence (1986)

8ased on rlgorous sclenLlflc evldence Lhe Sevllle SLaLemenL refuLes Lhe myLh LhaL human belngs are
predlsposed Lo vlolence Lhrough flve key proposlLlons lL ls sclenLlflcally lncorrecL Lo say
O LhaL we have lnherlLed a Lendency Lo make war from our anlmal ancesLors
O LhaL war or any oLher vlolenL behavlor ls geneLlcally programmed lnLo our naLure
O LhaL ln Lhe course of human evoluLlon Lhere has been a selecLlon for aggresslve behavlor more Lhan
for oLher klnds of behavlor
O LhaL humans have a vlolenL braln Pow we acL ls shaped by how we have been condlLloned and
soclallzed 1here ls noLhlng ln our neurophyslology LhaL compels us Lo reacL vlolenLly
O LhaL war ls caused by lnsLlncL or any slngle moLlvaLlon

roposa|s Ior A Cu|ture Cf eace resented to the Internat|ona| Conference on Lducat|on
(Ceneva CcLober 1994)
O 1ralnlng and pracLlce of confllcL resoluLlon and medlaLlon ln school sysLems among sLaff and
sLudenLs and exLenslon Lhrough communlLy lnvolvemenL Lo Lhe resL of socleLy
O Llnkage of school acLlvlLles Lo ongolng acLlvlLles ln Lhe communlLy whlch promoLe parLlclpaLlon by
all ln culLure and developmenL
O lncorporaLlon lnLo currlcula of lnformaLlon abouL soclal movemenLs for peace and nonvlolence
democracy and equlLable developmenL
O LxLenslon of Lhe sense of communlLy noL only Lo all peoples buL also Lo all llfe on Lhe planeL wlLh
Lhe alm of preservlng boLh Lhe worlds culLural dlverslLy and lLs ecology for fuLure generaLlons
O SysLemaLlc revlew and renovaLlon of currlcula Lo ensure an approach Lo eLhnlc raclal and culLural
dlfferences whlch emphaslzes Lhelr equallLy and unlque conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe enrlchmenL of Lhe
common good
O SysLemaLlc revlew and renovaLlon of Lhe Leachlng of hlsLory Lo glve as much emphasls Lo non
vlolenL soclal change as Lo mlllLary aspecLs of hlsLory wlLh speclal aLLenLlon glven Lo Lhe role of
women ln hlsLory
O 1eachlng of sclence ln Lerms of lLs relaLlon Lo culLure and socleLy as a Lool whlch can be used for
war or for peace for explolLaLlon or for cooperaLlve developmenL

1en 8ases Ior A Cu|ture of eace

1 SaLlsfacLlon of baslc human necesslLles lncludlng noL only maLerlal needs buL also Lhose whlch are
pollLlcal soclal [urldlcal culLural eLc
2 LducaLlon for change promoLlng values whlch gulde peoples acLlons ln dally pracLlce
3 lreedom from myLhs especlally Lhe myLhs and symbols whlch prevenL people from Laklng personal
responslblllLy for Lhe fuLure
4 uemlllLarlzaLlon of defense recognlzlng LhaL Lhe soluLlon of confllcLs does noL necessarlly requlre
mlllLary force
3 uemysLlflcaLlon of LhreaLs recognlzlng LhaL oLhers are noL necessarlly our enemles
6 lemlnlzaLlon of culLure replaclng Lhe war sysLem whlch ls characLerlzed by maledomlnaLed soclal
hlerarchy and auLhorlLy
7 ulsobedlence as a vlrLue noL ln Lhe form of lrresponslblllLy buL a crlLlcal consclousness engaged ln Lhe
resoluLlon of confllcLs
8 8especL for culLural ldenLlLy reverslng Lhe effecLs of lmperlallsL and colonlal pollcles and avoldlng any
Lendency Lo lmpose a unlversal culLure
9 Cvercomlng Lhe loglc of blocs such as Lhe LasLWesL confllcL accepLlng a world of plurallsm dlverslLy
and Lolerance
10 LmpowermenL of Lhe small Lhe people ln Lhe face of Lhe sLaLe human rlghLs ln Lhe face of sLaLe
securlLy maklng posslble Lhe encounLer of Lhe human belng wlLh hls surroundlngs ln equlllbrlum and
freedom from oppresslon

Strateg|c u|de||nes Cf 1he L| Sa|vador Cu|ture of eace rogram

* naLlonal program addresslng Lhe needs of Salvadorlan socleLy and lnvolvlng Lhe full parLlclpaLlon of
naLlonal acLors
* arLlclpaLlve and cooperaLlve program lnvolvlng governmenLal and nongovernmenLal lnsLlLuLlons Lo
esLabllsh Lhe deslgn programmlng and execuLlon of all pro[ecLs and Lo keep Lhem ln permanenL
communlcaLlon and coordlnaLlon
* 1eachlnglearnlng program malnLalnlng aL all Llmes a process ln whlch parLlclpanLs learn and Leach
peacebulldlng values aLLlLudes and behavlors
* uecenLrallzed program experlenced as lnLegral Lo Lhe dally llves of people wlLh a sLrucLure
mechanlsms and norms LhaL promoLe local lnlLlaLlves
* lnLegraLed program an organlc whole raLher Lhan lsolaLed pro[ecLs coordlnaLed by lnformaLlon and
communlcaLlons sysLems speclflcally lmplemenLed for Lhe purpose
* Welldeflned program prlorlLles wlll be Lhe populaLlons secLors lnsLlLuLlons and processes LhaL were
mosL affecLed by Lhe prevlous confllcL wlLh speclal provlslons for Lhe parLlclpaLlon of women and youLh

An Agenda Ior eace Def|n|t|ons

eace ls dynamlc eace ls a [usL and nonvlolenL soluLlon of confllcLs lL generaLes equlllbrlum ln
soclal lnLeracLlons so LhaL all of Lhe members of socleLy can llve ln harmonlous relaLlons wlLh each oLher
eace ls good for socleLy Where Lhere ls vlolence Lhere ls no peace Where Lhere ls ln[usLlce and absence
of llberLy Lhere ls no peace ln order for Lhere Lo be equlllbrlum ln Lhe dynamlc of soclal lnLeracLlons
peace musL be founded on [usLlce and llberLy
revenLaLlve dlplomacy ls acLlon Lo prevenL dlspuLes from arlslng beLween parLles Lo prevenL
exlsLlng dlspuLes from escalaLlng lnLo confllcLs and Lo llmlL Lhe spread of Lhe laLLer when Lhey occur
eacemaklng ls acLlon Lo brlng hosLlle parLles Lo agreemenL essenLlally Lhrough such peaceful
means as Lhose foreseen ln ChapLer vl of Lhe CharLer of Lhe unlLed naLlons
eacekeeplng ls Lhe deploymenL of a unlLed naLlons presence ln Lhe fleld hlLherLo wlLh Lhe consenL
of all Lhe parLles concerned normally lnvolvlng unlLed naLlons mlllLary and/or pollce personnel and
frequenLly clvlllans as well eacekeeplng ls a Lechnlque LhaL expands Lhe posslblllLles for boLh Lhe
prevenLlon of confllcL and Lhe maklng of peace
eacebulldlng ls acLlon Lo ldenLlfy and supporL sLrucLures whlch wlll Lend Lo sLrengLhen and solldlfy
peace ln order Lo avold a relapse lnLo confllcL Cnly susLalned cooperaLlve work Lo deal wlLh underlylng
economlc soclal culLural and humanlLarlan problems can place an achleved peace on a durable

An Agenda Ior Deve|opment (excerpLs concernlng peace and developmenL)

uevelopmenL ls a fundamenLal human rlghL uevelopmenL ls Lhe mosL secure basls for peace
Whlle Lhere ls war no SLaLe ls securely aL peace Whlle Lhere ls wanL no people can achleve lasLlng
1radlLlonal approaches Lo developmenL presuppose LhaL lL Lakes place under condlLlons of peace
?eL LhaL ls rarely Lhe case 8ecause Lhe unlLed naLlons ls acLlve aL Lhe forefronL of humanlLarlan ald
refugee asslsLance and Lhe range of peace operaLlons lL ls deeply and lnexLrlcably lnvolved ln peace as a
fundamenLal dlmenslon of developmenL
uevelopmenL cannoL proceed easlly ln socleLles where mlllLary concerns are aL or near Lhe cenLre of
llfe SocleLles whose economlc efforL ls glven ln subsLanLlal parL Lo mlllLary producLlon lnevlLably dlmlnlsh
Lhe prospecLs of Lhelr people for developmenL 1he absence of peace ofLen leads socleLles Lo devoLe a
hlgher percenLage of Lhelr budgeL Lo Lhe mlllLary Lhan Lo developmenL needs ln healLh educaLlon and
houslng reparlng for war absorbs lnordlnaLe resources and lmpedes Lhe developmenL of soclal
ulllng up Lhe rooLs of confllcL goes beyond lmmedlaLe posLconfllcL requlremenLs and Lhe repalr of
warLorn socleLles 1he underlylng condlLlons LhaL led Lo confllcL musL be addressed As Lhe causes of
confllcL are varled so musL be Lhe means of addresslng Lhem eacebulldlng means fosLerlng a culLure of

Suggest|ons for Mov|ng 1owards a Cu|ture of eace

* 8evlslL hlsLory Lo dlscover how people conLrlbuLed Lo Lhelr culLures
* 8esearch nonmlllLary acLors and make Lhem models Lo be emulaLed
* 8esearch womens roles ln Lhe developmenL of Lhelr socleLles and Lhe causes and consequences of
vlolence agalnsL women
* romoLe peace goals as Lhe domlnanL facLor ln all forms of arL
* 1each Lhe need Lo be aware of and Lake responslblllLy for Lhe consequences sclenLlflc dlscovery can
have for socleLy as a whole
* romoLe responslblllLy for Lhe wellbelng of Lhe local and global communlLy lncludlng proLecLlon of
Lhe naLural envlronmenL
* romoLe genderspeclflc analysls ln all areas of human acLlvlLy encouraglng women Lo organlze
Lhemselves Lo make an lmpacL on declslons LhaL affecL socleLy
* 1each cooperaLlon raLher Lhan compeLlLlon solldarlLy for muLual supporL and appreclaLlon for Lhe
rlch dlverslLy of mulLlculLural socleLles
* CombaL raclsm and dlscrlmlnaLlon Leach respecL for human rlghLs for human llfe and Lhe dlgnlLy of
Lhe person
* romoLe economlc soclal culLural clvll and pollLlcal rlghLs Lo creaLe condlLlons for peace
dlsarmamenL and Lhe peaceful resoluLlon of confllcLs

8u||d|ng A Cu|ture of eace 1he Churchs Contr|but|on (guldellnes)

8ulldlng peace requlres Lhe creaLlon of a Lough splrlLuallLy for a long dlfflculL sLruggle 1he Church musL
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe formaLlon of a peace menLallLy and splrlLuallLy whlch
* re[ecLs vlolence as a soluLlon Lo confllcLs
* re[ecLs Lhe bellef LhaL war ls lnevlLable
* grounds lLself ln [usLlce
* llfLs up Lhe values of freedom mercy and Lolerance
* sLresses Lhe lmporLance of repenLance and forglveness

8ulldlng peace requlres a deflnlng and susLalnlng communlLy Churches and all Lhelr expresslons clergy
lay congregaLlons offlclal volces ecumenlcal neLworks have Lo be lnvolved acLlvely
* uslng Lhe glfLs experlences and auLhorlLy of all
* sharlng lndlgenous sLorles rlLuals analyses and acLlons
* maklng avallable models of consLrucLlve Church lnvolvemenL ln slLuaLlons of confllcL
* cooperaLlng wlLh governmenLs for Lhe promoLlon of peace whlle sLandlng ready Lo challenge Lhem
when Lhey are lnLranslgenL

1he Church should encourage respecL for oLhers values oplnlons perspecLlves and percepLlons
embraclng Lhe humanlLy of Lhe oLher
* nelLher governmenLs nor anyone else can be allowed Lo deflne Lhe enemy for oLhers
* 8ecognlze LhaL Lhe presence of fear ln ourselves and ln oLhers ls a key componenL ln confllcL

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