Moammar-How To Be A Successful Student

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How to be a successful student

Created by
Moammar Zharrief Haqqanie
Level = GHI 2


CONSULTATION REPORT :.....……………………………………………… 3

OUTLINE:……………………………………………………………………. 4
INTRODUCTION:……………………………………………………………. 4
BODY: …………………………………………………………….………… 4
CONCLUSION :……………………………………………………………. 4
ESSAY:…………………………………………………………….…………… 5-6
Consultation Report :


1 From Topic - to Thesis Statement

2 Feb. 05, 2024 Outline & Supp ideas/ How to….

1 SUBJECT Success -

2 PURPOSE/ AUDIENCE To inform / student

3 NARROWED-DOWN How to be a successful student

(Controlling idea+topic)

4 POINTS OF SUPPORT -Be proactive

-Learning skills
-Have positive personalities

5 TYPE OF ESSAY Expository


Thesis Statement : Being a successful student is easy, there are 3 ways to be a
successful student, you have to be proactive in class, learn skills and have positive


I. Be proactive
A. Ask questions
B. Be attentive in class : take notes, …
C. Independent learning/self study

II. Learning skills

A. Skills in time management
B. Learning strategies - know styles of learning
C. Avoid multitasking

III. Have positive personalities

A. Sellf discipline
B. High Curiosity
C. Hard working

In conclusion to be a successful student you need to be proactive, you need to learn
skills and have positive personalities.

How to be a successful student
Nowadays it’s getting harder to be more focused in school with many new gadgets
like phones and laptops. While it can be also used for studying, sometimes it can also
be a distraction and result in bad grades . Kids today have many problems like stress
and many mental health problem that attack today kids, which result in bad grades. To
have good grades you need to try to be a successful student. Being a successful
student is easy, there are 3 ways to be a successful student: you have to be proactive in
class, learn skills and have positive personalities.

Firstly you need to be proactive in class. You can do this by asking questions so you
know the subject better, This will help you learn more and make the teacher know you
more . Next you need to be attentive in class like taking notes , taking pictures so you
can study the subject at home and the last is you need to study yourself if you take
pictures or write the lesson you can study alone at home and understand the lesson

Secondly you need to learn skills. There are a lot of skills that can help make you be
more successful but these three are the main ones . First is time management because
it's important to manage your time and then practise different learning strategies, or
atleast know style of learning like visual , Auditory ,and Kinesthetic. Also learn to
avoid multitasking , you need to focus on the important activity more, this will help
you a lot.

Lastly you need to have positive personalities. There are many positive personalities
but if you want to be successful you need to atleast have these personalities.Firstly self
discipline a person who is displince have high chance to be successful , because
discipline can help you focus more and study more. Secondly have high curiosity so
you can learn more , With curiosity you ask question and seek answer more. Lastly
always be hard working a person who is successful must be hard working to achieve
their goals.
In conclusion to be a successful student you need to be proactive in class like ask
question , be attentive and self learning. Next you need to learn skills like learn time
management learn styles of learning and avoid multitasking. Lastly have positive
personalities ,like self discipline , High curiosity and hard working. So why don’t you
try it yourself and become a successful student.

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