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TESOL WORKSHOP Presentation Rubric

Group members: ___________________________________________________

Criteria 20 15 10 5
of content; Knowledgeable Somewhat Some structural
Content engaging the of content and Knowledgeable facts seem
Content, introduction, including of content and questionable and
structure and detailing its somehow missing either lack either
conclusion structure and introduction and introduction or introduction, and /
concluding conclusion conclusion or conclusion
Barely Lacks eye contact Ignores the
Establishes eye
Eye Contact establishes eye with a numerous importance of eye
contact with the
contact with the part of the contact with the
audience audience audience
Volume & Speaks loud and Consistently
mumbles and Mumbles and the
Clarity clear enough for mumbles and
makes it hard to audience has no idea
Loudness & the audience to loses control of
the audience to of the speech
articulation listen the audience
The speech flows
Flow The speech The speech
naturally with no The speech mostly
includes some constantly pauses
Pauses and pauses and
pauses and verbal and fillers are
pauses and verbal
verbal fillers distracting verbal fillers predominate
fillers numerous
Confidence & Shows Sometimes shows Lacks
Has negative
enthusiasm, poise enthusiasm, poise enthusiasm, poise
Attitude assurance and assurance and assurance and
attitude and loses
self-control self-control self-control
Visual Aid Complements Some connect Barely connects Does not connect to
the speech and its with the speech to the speech and the speech and looks
neat, colorful and and are somehow lacks neatness, disorganized, and
creative creative and creativity inappropriate
Time Control Lasts around 2
Efficiently fulfills Loses track of
minutes Has no control of
the designated time and control
under/over the the designated time
time of the speech
designated time

Designated time: __________________ Duration: _____________________

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