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The Victorian criminal justice system

The purposes of the Victorian criminal justice system are to determine whether an accused person is guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of an offence for which they are charged, and to impose sanctions when a person is guilty of committing
a crime. The system includes the courts (the Magistrates’ Court, County Court and Supreme Court) and institutions such
as Victoria Legal Aid and community legal centres available to assist an accused and victims of crime.

In this area of study, students explore the criminal justice system, key personnel, and the use of plea negotiations to
determine a criminal case. Students investigate the rights of the accused and of victims, and explore the purposes and
types of sanctions and sentencing considerations. They consider the impact of time, costs and cultural differences on the
ability of the criminal justice system to achieve the principles of justice. Students synthesise and apply legal principles and
information relevant to the criminal justice system to actual and/or hypothetical scenarios.

Key knowledge
 the distinction between summary offences and indictable offences
 key principles of the criminal justice system, including the burden of proof, the standard of proof, and the
presumption of innocence
 the rights of an accused, including the right to be tried without unreasonable delay, the right to silence, and the right
to trial by jury
 the rights of victims, including the right to give evidence using alternative arrangements, the right to be informed
about the proceedings, and the right to be informed of the likely release date of the offender

The principles of justice during a criminal case

 the principles of justice: fairness, equality and access
 the role of Victoria Legal Aid and Victorian community legal centres in assisting an accused and victims of crime
 the purposes and appropriateness of plea negotiations
 the reasons for the Victorian court hierarchy in determining criminal cases, including specialisation and appeals
 the roles of key personnel in a criminal case, including the judge or magistrate, the jury, and the parties
 the need for legal practitioners in a criminal case
 the impact of costs, time and cultural differences on the achievement of the principles of justice


 the purposes of sanctions: rehabilitation, punishment, deterrence (general and specific), denunciation and protection
 fines, community correction orders and imprisonment, and their specific purposes
 factors considered in sentencing, including aggravating factors, mitigating factors, guilty pleas and victim impact

Key skills
 define and use legal terminology
 discuss, interpret and analyse legal principles and information
 explain the rights of an accused and of victims in the criminal justice system
 explain the roles of Victoria Legal Aid and Victorian Community Legal Centres in assisting an accused and victims of
 analyse the roles of key personnel in a criminal case
 justify the reasons for the Victorian court hierarchy in determining criminal cases, including specialisation and
 discuss the appropriateness of plea negotiations
 discuss the impact of costs, time and cultural differences on the achievement of the principles of justice during a
criminal case
 discuss the ability of sanctions to achieve their purposes
 evaluate the ability of the criminal justice system to achieve the principles of justice during a criminal case
 synthesise and apply legal principles and information to actual and/or hypothetical scenarios.

Unit 3, Area of Study 1
The Victorian Criminal
Justice System I don't really
understand this
I understand but
need more work on
I understand this
concept fully
concept this concept

The distinction between summary and indictable offences

Summary Offences
Indictable Offences
Indictable Offences heard and determined summarily
Key principles of the criminal justice system, including the burden of proof, the standard of proof, and the
presumption of innocence
The Burden of Proof
The Standard of Proof
Presumption of Innocence (and the ways it is maintained in
the criminal justice system)
The rights of an accused, including the right to be tried without unreasonable delay, the right to a fair hearing, and
the right to a trial by jury
The right to be tried without unreasonable delay
The right to silence
The right to a trial by jury
How the rights of the accused enhance, or limit, the
achievement of the principles of justice
The rights of victims, including the right to give evidence using alternative arrangements,, the right to be
informed about the proceedings, and the right to be informed about the likely release date of the offender
Victim's Charter Act 2006
The right to give evidence using alternative arrangements
The right to be informed about the proceedings
The right to be informed about the likely release date of the
How the rights of victims enhance, or limit, the achievement
of the principles of justice
The principles of justice: fairness, equality, and access
Equality (Substantive and Formal)
Ways they are achieved or failed in the criminal justice
The roe of Victoria Legal Aid and Victorian Community legal centres in assisting an accused and victims of crime
Victoria Legal Aid
 Role of VLA
 Services provided for ACCUSED and VICTIMS
 Eligibility
 Principles of Justice

Victorian Community Legal Centres
 Role of CLCs
 Services provided for ACCUSED and VICTIMS
 Eligibility
 Principles of Justice
The purposes and appropriateness of plea negotiations
Plea Negotiations
 What is it?
 Purpose of Plea Negotiations
 Appropriateness of Plea Negotiations
 Strengths & Weaknesses
 Principles of Justice
The reasons for a Victorian court hierarchy in determining criminal cases, including specialisation and appeals
Structure and jurisdictions of the Victorian Criminal Courts
Reason for Court Hierarchy: Specialisation
Reason for Court Hierarchy: Appeals
How the court hierarchy enhances, or limits, the achievement
of the principles of justice
The responsibilities of key personnel in a criminal trial, including the judge, jury, and parties
 Responsibilities
 Principles of Justice
 Composition
 Responsibilities
 Principles of Justice
 Responsibilities (Accused and Prosecution)
 Principles of Justice
The need for legal practitioners in a criminal case
Importance and need
Principles of Justice Evaluation
The impact of costs, time and cultural differences on the achievement of the principles of justice
Cost Factors
 The cost of legal representation (and effect on the
principles of justice)
 The availability of legal aid (and effect on the
principles of justice)
Time Factors
 Court delays (and effect on the principles of justice)
 The use of plea negotiations to reduce delays (and
effect on the principles of justice)
Cultural Factors
 Difficulties faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islanders (and effect on the principles of justice
 Language Barriers (and effect on the principles of

 Asylum Seekers (and effect on the principles of
The purposes of sanctions: rehabilitation, punishment, deterrence, denunciation, and protection
Deterrence (Specific & General)
Fines, Community Corrections Orders, and Imprisonment, and their specific purposes
 What they are?
 Specific Purposes?
 Do they achieve their purposes?
Community Corrections Orders
 What they are?
 Conditions (Special and Mandatory)
 Specific Purposes?
 Do they achieve their purposes?
 What is it?
 Types of Sentences: Concurrent, Cumulative,
Aggregate, Indefinite
 Specific Purposes
 Do they achieve their purposes?
Factors considered in sentencing, including aggravating factors, mitigating factors, guilty pleas, and victim impact
Aggravating Factors
Mitigating Factors
Guilty Pleas
Victim Impact Statements
Key Skills and Task Words

U3AOS1 Criminal Justice System Glossary
Term Definition
Burden of
Standard of
of Innocence
Right to
Trial by Jury




Victoria Legal
Legal Centres









Cost Factors

Time Factors

Koori Court










Victim Impact

KK1 The distinctionn between summary offences and indictable offences
Question 1 (2021, SA, Q3b)
Section 4(d)(i) of the Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic) states, ‘Any person who – in a public place
– flies a kite to the annoyance of any person shall be guilty of an offence.’
Referring to the section of the Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic) provided, explain why kite flying
is a summary offence rather than an indictable offence. (3 marks)












Question 2
Distinguish between summary offences and indictable offences. (3 marks)











KK2 Key principles of the criminal justice system, including the burden of proof, the standard
of proof, and the presumption of innocence.
Question 3
In May 2021, James Hollingworth was arrested for his involvement in an incident involving culpable
driving causing death.
Hollingworth was driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol (0.149 BAC – almost three
times the legal limit) along Princess Highway. Hollingworth intentionally turned the steering wheel
to avoid what he believed was a cat running onto the highway in front of him, causing the car to
swerve into the oncoming land and into the path of a motorcyclist. The motorcyclist was thrown from
his bike and died.
a) Identify who would have the burden of proof in Hollingworth’s case and identify to what
standard they would be required to prove the case. (2 marks)








b) Analyse the ability of the presumption of innocence to be upheld in Hollingworth’s case. (5





















Question 4
Explain the significance of the burden of proof in a criminal trial. (2 marks)






KK3 The rights of an accused, including the right to be tried without unreasonable delay, the
right to silence, and the right to trial by jury.
Question 4
On Sunday morning, police arrested Amara for the murder of her best friend, Sara, after she was
found with deceased with six stab wounds outside a nightclub the pair went to the night prior. Amara
was severely hungover and has no memory of the events of the night prior. CCTV shows Amara
leaving the nightclub with a knife, but there is no video of Amara directly stabbing Sara. Amara is
pleading not guilty to the charge of murder and her trial will be held in the Supreme Court.
Amara believes she is entitled to a jury under the Australian Constitution. Advise Amara whether she
is correct in her assumption. (3 marks)












Question 5
Analyse how the right to silence may uphold the presumption of innocence. (3 marks)












KK4 The rights of victims, including the right to give evidence using alternative arrangements,
the right to be informed about the proceedings, and the right to be informed of the likely
release date of the offender.
Question 6 (2018, SA, Q4)
a) Identify two rights of victims in the Victorian Criminal Justice System. (2 marks)








b) Explain how the rights identified in part a. aim to uphold the principle of access. (4 marks)
















Question 7
The right to be informed about the likely release date of the offender is highly limited.
Explain this statement. (3 marks)











Question 8
Provide two examples of alternative arrangements available to some witnesses and victims. (2








KK5 The principles of justice: fairness, equality and access

Question 9
Distinguish between substantive and formal equality. (3 marks)












Question 10
Sally has a hearing disability, intellectual impairment, and a mental illness, and lives in public
housing in rural Victoria. She has recently fled her previous housing because of a physically abusive
relationship with her ex-partner. She has approached several lawyers to help her, but she is unable
to afford their feeds.
Has access been achieved in Sally’s case? Justify your answer. (3 marks)












KK6 The role of Victoria Legal Aid and Victorian community legal centres in assisting an
accused and victims of crime
Question 11
Define the term duty lawyer. (1 mark)




Question 12 (2021, SA, Q3a)
Section 4(d)(i) of the Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic) states, ‘Any person who – in a public place
– flies a kite to the annoyance of any person shall be guilty of an offence.’
Explain one role of the Victoria Legal Aid in assisting a person accused of flying a kite in a public
place to the annoyance of another person. (3 marks)












Question 13 (2020, SA, Q1 – edited)

Outline one role of community legal centres in assisting victims. (2 marks)








Question 14
The role of free legal assistance should only be available to the accused, and not to victims. It is not
just to prioritise victims over an accused person, to uphold the principles of justice and the
presumption of innocence.
Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. Refer to both Victoria Legal Aid and
Community Legal Centres. (10 marks)














































KK7 The purposes and appropriateness of plea negotiations
Question 15
Explain one purpose of a plea negotiation. In your response, describe how this purpose upholds he
principle of access. (4 marks)
















Question 16 (2021, SA, Q1)

a) Identify two participants in the plea negotiation process. (2 marks)
b) Under what circumstances might plea negotiations be inappropriate in determining a criminal
case? Explain your response. (3 marks)












Question 17 (2018, SB, Q1c)

Discuss the appropriateness of plea negotiations in this case. (5 marks)





















KK8 The reasons for the Victorian court hierarchy in determining criminal cases, including
specialisation and appeals.
Question 18
Hannah has been charged with murder. She is concerned about getting a judge that knows what they
are doing.
In regards to Hannah’s case, explain the importance of the court hierarchy. (3 marks)












Question 19
Analyse the role of the court hierarchy in achieving justice. (5 marks)



















KK9 The roles of key personnel in a criminal case, including the judge or magistrate, the jury,
and the parties
Question 20 (2018, SA, Q1)
Outline one responsibility of a jury in a criminal trial. (2 marks)








Question 21
Explain how the role of the judge in a criminal trial maintains the principle of equality. (3 marks)












Question 22 (2018, SA, Q6)
Do jury trials achieve the principles of justice? Justify your answer. (10 marks)
















































Question 23 (2020, SB, Q1c)

Assuming Guy’s case proceeds to trial, discuss the responsibilities of both parties involved in this
case. (6 marks)




























KK10 The need for legal practitioners in a criminal case

Question 24
All people need a lawyer to effectively engage in the criminal justice system. If a person is forced to
go un-represented, it is a failure of justice.
Evaluate the role of legal practitioners in upholding the principles of justice. (6 marks)
























KK11 The impact of costs, time, and cultural differences on the achievement of the principles
of justice
Question 25 (2020, SA Q3c)
Section 4(d)(i) of the Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic) states, ‘Any person who – in a public place
– flies a kite to the annoyance of any person shall be guilty of an offence’.
Discuss one factor that could affect the ability of the criminal justice system to achieve fairness in
relation to the summary offence of kite flying. (5 marks)

















Question 26
Costs associated with defending criminal charges undermine the achievement of equality and
Explain how the cost of legal representation can affect the principle of equality or fairness in the
criminal justice system. (3 marks)












Question 27
While Indigenous cultures within Australia vary and many do not have difficulties interacting with
the justice system, some Aboriginal Australians do face challenges in criminal courts that are not
faced by non-Indigenous victims, witnesses, and accused persons.
Describe two problems faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples during questioning and
giving evidence. (4 marks)
















KK12 The purposes of sanctions: rehabilitation, punishment, deterrence (general and specific),
denunciation and protection
Question 28
Distinguish between general and specific deterrence. (3 marks)












Question 29 (2018, SB, Q1d)

Discuss the ability of imprisonment to both deter Bob and protect the community if Bob is found
guilty and sentenced to a term in prison. (6 marks)























KK13 fines, community correction orders and imprisonment, and their specific purposes
Question 30
Define the term penalty unit. (1 mark)




Question 31 (2020, SA, Q4)
To what extent do fines achieve two purposes of sanctions? (5 marks)




















Question 32
Sarah commit a serious murder while high on drugs. She has been sentenced to a community
corrections order for 3 years with the condition of 400 hours of community service. No treatment
order has been attached.
Justify why one purpose of sanctions has not been achieved in this case. (3 marks)
















Question 33

DPP v Marrogi [2022] VSC 210 (29 April 2022)

Accused: George Marrogi
Charge: Murder
Plea: Not Guilty (Found Guilty at Trial)
Sentence: 32 years imprisonment, with a non-parole period of 27 years

The offending
At about 3:11pm on Monday 26 September 2016, the victim, Kadir Ors and two friends arrived at the
Campbellfield Shopping Plaza (“the Plaza”). He had been driven there in a white Jeep. Most of the
relevant events were captured on CCTV from various premises at the Plaza.

You, Mr George Marrogi, arrived at the Plaza at about 3.20pm and spent the next three- or four-
minutes driving around the carpark area of the Plaza. You were driving west near the bus shelter where
the victim was waiting, when you stopped and got out of the car armed with a .22 semi-automatic
pistol. The victim, Ors had seen your approach and started to move away from the bus shelter, he then
ran back towards Officeworks with you in pursuit and you fired several shots at him. The other two
men ran away towards Sydney Road. You concentrated your attack on Kadir Ors. He went to the
ground after being shot and you ran back to the car. You drove around into the carpark facing south.
You then fired several shots from within the car. You were then four or five meters away from him.
You then drove off.

Although it is true that after you stopped the car, I regard the act of stopping and renewing the attacks
as very significant. I am satisfied that firing thirteen shots at an unarmed man speaks only of an
intention to kill.

His Honourable Judge Coghlan considered the following in imposing the sanction of 32 years
imprisonment upon Mr. Marrogi:
 This is a very serious case of murder. It was premeditated with a plan to kill Kadir Ors.
 The murder took place in a public location involving the discharge of 13 shots in an area where
members of the public were would be expected to be, putting other people in harm’s way.
 Mr. Marrogi fled the scene and was prepared to use the firearm to make a good escape.
 Mr. Marrogi is 33 years of age and a refugee from Iraq. Mr. Marogi had a difficult start to life
with significant trauma, mental health concerns and drug and alcohol abuse. Mr. Marogi has
indicated that he is unwilling engage in mental health treatment programs and drug abuse
rehabilitation during his time imprisonment, and would like to ‘serve his time, and get on with
 Mr. Marrogi has multiple prior offences for arson, armed robbery, and manslaughter, for which
he was sentenced to nine and a half years.
 Mr. Marrogi has indicated remorse and willingness to apologise to the victims’ family.
 Mr. Marrogi has been in custody (remand) for 2040 days prior to sentencing due to COVID19
restrictions and delays. This has caused undue stress on the accused who has been unable to
receive visits from family.
 While on remand, Mr. Marrogi has accepted the conditions of his detainment and been
compliant with corrections officers and police.

Justify whether the sanction of imprisonment imposed on Mr. Marrogi will achieve the purposes of
punishment and rehabilitation. (5 marks)


























KK14 factors considered in sentencing, including aggravating factors, mitigating factors, guilty
pleas and victim impact statements.
Question 34
Referring to the DPP Marrogi case, distinguish between mitigating and aggravating factors. (4
















Question 35 (2020, SA, Q2)

Outline how a victim impact statement is used when determining a sentence. (2 marks)








Question 36 (2019, SA, Q1b

John has been charged with an indictable offence. He has pleaded not guilty. The victims are
worried about giving evidence at the upcoming trial, which is expected to last for six weeks. John’s
lawyer has recommended that John should apply to the court for a sentence indication and consider
pleading guilty.
Describe one impact that a guilty plea may have on John’s criminal case. (3 marks)













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