Respuestas Evalucon 2

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Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

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Página Principal / Cursos / INGLÉS A1 - (900001D_1701) / Evaluation

/ Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación

Comenzado el viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024, 19:06

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024, 19:45
Tiempo 39 minutos 8 segundos
Puntos 13,0/15,0
Calificación 65,0 de 75,0 (87%)
Comentario - Nivel alto - Muy Bien. Se resalta que las respuestas dadas a la prueba reflejan
destacado nivel de logro del resultado de aprendizaje evaluado. Es importante qu
mantenga y afiance este nivel de desempeño en todo su proceso formativo.

1 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 1


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Complete the conversation with the correct answer:

• A: Why does your brother love to______with the Frisbee?.

• B: Because he______high and always catches it in the air.
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a. plays - jumps

b. play - jump

c. plays - jump

d. play - jumps

Pregunta 2


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Choose the appropriate answer for this question:

• A: Do you like doing anything in winter?
• B: _______________________________

a. I love skis in the mountains in winter.

b. I love ski in the mountains in winter.

c. I love skying in the mountains in winter.

d. I love skiing in the mountains in winter.

2 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 3


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Choose the correct answer according to the picture:

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a. he's wearing a shorts

b. he's wearing tennis shoes and gloves

c. he's wearing a hat and a coat

d. he's wearing sun glasses

Pregunta 4


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Find the word that correctly matches the following definition:

• This is a striped animal which has a tail and black and white colors.

a. Tiger

b. Giraffe

c. Zebra

d. Leopard

3 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 5


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Answer the question according to the Audio

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• What does she do after she has breakfast?

Seleccione una:
a. She has a snack, and then she has lunch with her friends

b. She goes to work, but first she puts on her makeup

c. She gets dressed, and has a snack

Pregunta 6


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Answer the question according to the Audio

• What does Jacob look like?

Seleccione una:
a. He is talkative and fun

b. He is a tall man with short dark hair

c. He likes going out with his friends

4 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 7


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Answer the question according to the audio.
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• Why did the man visit Paris?

Seleccione una:
a. He wanted to remember his old days at high school

b. He wanted to remember a good memory from his last house

c. He wanted to remember his old days at the university

Pregunta 8


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Answer the question according to the audio

• What was the best team of the night and why?

Seleccione una:
a. The best team of the night were the Hawks, because they are stronger, smarter and slower

b. The best team of the night were the Eagles, because they are stronger and faster

c. The best team of the night were the Hawks, because the won the match

5 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 9


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Choose the correct answer according to the text Dennis' Family

Dennis' Family
My name is Dennis, and this is my family. My father's name is Steve. He is an architect, and he live
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Texas with my mother, Mary. My mom is a very talented artist. She paints beautiful pictures. I have
brother, his name is Albert. He's an engineer. Debra is his wife. She's a nurse at the same hospital
work. I work in the lab. My daughter, Donna is a doctor in San Francisco, California. Donna's husba
name is Keith. He's a restaurant manager.
• According to the reading Dennis' family, who is an engineer?

a. Donna's husband

b. Mary's husband

c. Dennis' father

d. Debra's husband

6 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 10


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Choose the best answer according to the Reading " Penguins":
Penguins are among the most popular of all birds. They only live in and around the South Pole and the continent of Antarc
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penguins live at the North Pole. There are many different kinds of penguins. The largest penguin is called the Emperor Peng
the smallest kind of penguin is the Little Blue Penguin. There are seventeen different kinds of penguins in all, and none of t
Penguins have to be able to survive in some of the Earth's coldest and windiest conditions. They are great swimmers and h
layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in their freezing cold habitats, penguins still have to watch out
such as killer whales and seals.

How many different kinds of penguins are there?

a. There are 7

b. There are 17

c. There are 77

d. There are 70

7 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 11


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Select the correct answer according to the text NEW YORK CITY.


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New York City New York is the largest city in the United States with a population of over 8 million p
is mostly famous for its status as a financial, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing center,
history as a gateway for immigration to the United States. New York is busy 12 months a year, 24
day. There are more than 25 museums. Many people come to see a show at a Broadway theatre.
noisy city, but it is easy to travel around N.Y. by bus, taxi or subway; and enjoy sightseeing the tal
in it. Most of the New Yorkers are very spontaneous and friendly. The hotels aren’t expensive th
thousands of visitors come here to see the capital of the world. New York is bordered by New Jer
Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Vermont to the East.
• Where is one of the most important shows?

a. N.Y. museum.

b. New Jersey

c. Barkley theatre.

d. Broadway theatre.

8 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 12


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Choose the best answer according to the Reading " Penguins":

Penguins are among the most popular of all birds. They only live in and around the South Pole and the continent of Antarc
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penguins live at the North Pole. There are many different kinds of penguins. The largest penguin is called the Emperor Peng
the smallest kind of penguin is the Little Blue Penguin. There are seventeen different kinds of penguins in all, and none of t
Penguins have to be able to survive in some of the Earth's coldest and windiest conditions. They are great swimmers and h
layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in their freezing cold habitats, penguins still have to watch out
such as killer whales and seals.

From the reading Penguins are...

a. great at swimming

b. all very little

c. all very large

d. great at flying

Pregunta 13


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Choose the best answer to complete this sentence according to the studied topics.

• New York city is _________ than Bogota

a. biggest

b. more big

c. more bigger

d. bigger

9 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

Pregunta 14


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Choose the right word to complete the paragraph.

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• My Name is Julian I am 12 years old. I live with my family. My parents always go to work by car. I do not have any
but I love walking, so I always go to school ________

a. by motorcycle

b. walking

c. by plane

d. by train

Pregunta 15


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Choose the correct answer according to the picture:

a. My dad is a doctor he looks at patients all the time

b. My dad is an engineer builts machines all the time

c. My dad is a dentist he looks at people’s mouth all the time

d. My dad is a nurse he takes care of patients all the time

10 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.
Unidad 3 - Task 5 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluació...

◄ Unidad 2 - Task 4 - All about me - Rúbrica de evaluación y entrega de la actividad

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Task 6 - How much did I learn? - Cuestionario de ev

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11 de 11 24/05/2024, 7:47 p. m.

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