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At my stage, the challenge faced by my fellow Filipino adolescents today is insecurities. It is a feeling of
lacking confidence and not being sure of your abilities. I can’t deny the fact, that the generation we
have, is a little bit toxic. It is not the same as before, that sometimes it made someone feel that they are
not enough, not worth it, because of their different flaws, the standards that set by the society, to the
point that they cannot accept their selves because they are insecure, on what they see on social media,
or sometimes in their family or friends.

What makes you stressful?

For now, my studies make me stressed because I’m not good at time management. I am grade
conscious, I want to get high scores but I also want to sleep, watch a series, or read books things that I
usually do in summer. I want to maintain my grades but I have lazy days so when I have so many
activities to do, I overthink, I have lots of what-ifs and how’s, and sometimes I cry.

I usually deal with my stress by remembering the reasons why I am striving hard to get a high grade, I
will also imagine the future, the dreams that I want for myself and for my family. In that way, I will do it
with no pressure and finished it with a smile.

I am so irritated when I’m experiencing stress, I have no appetite even it is my favorite food because I
felt pressured on thoughts, what if I can’t finish it and maybe tomorrow it has a new activity that will be
posted, it makes me cram even though it has a due date.

List the Erickson's stages of human development and from each development cite an example o

n how you relate on it (60 pts.)

The Erickson’s stages of human development are infancy, early childhood,

preschool, school age, adolescence, adult, middle adulthood, and maturity. Infancy is the first
stage, ages 0 to 8 months, basic conflict of it is the trust vs, mistrust because of the important
events they experiencing those are feeding or comfort where they have a question “is my world
safe?”. In this stage it is where babies can only express themselves through crying and as a
caregiver you should understand what the baby needs because by responding quickly and
appropriately to your infants cries your building a foundation of trust.

The second stage of Erickson’s human development is early childhood that starts at
the age of 2 to 3 years old. The basic conflict during this stage is the autonomy vs. shame and
doubt because of the important events such as toilet training or dressing, it is where they have
key question to be answered if he can do things by herself/himself. 2 to 3 years old, during
toilet training, it is where they learn how to control one’s body functions to a feeling of control
and a sense of independence. Children who successfully complete this stage feel secure and
confidently, while those who are not, are left with a sense of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Basic conflict on the preschool that starts during 3 to 5 years old, is initiative vs.
guilt. I t is the third Erickson’s Stages of human development, it is where children has key
question to be answered which is “Am I good?” on the important event of this stage which are
exploration or play. Children have their sense of initiative reinforced by being given the
freedom and encouragement to play. When efforts to engage in physical and imaginative play
are stifled by caregiver, children begin to feel that their self-initiative efforts are source of
embarrassment. Kids who fail to develop a sense of initiative at this stage may emerge with a
fear to try new things. When they do direct efforts toward something are inevitable in life, kids
with initiative will understand that mistakes happen and they just need to try again.

The fourth stage is the school age, 6 to 11 years old, industry vs. inferiority are the
basic conflict and school or activities are the important events. It is the stage where the kids are
competence, in activities in school, such as: school fair, that is why they have the key question
“How can I be good?”. If this skill successfully achieved, it leads to an ability that contributes
to lifelong well-being and if not children may emerge from this stage with feelings of failure
and inferiority.

Person who ages 12 to 28 years old is the fifth stage of Erickson’s human
development is where I am now the adolescence. Identity vs. role confusion is the basic
conflict during this stage because of the events that we’ve experience, and that’s are the social
relationships or identity, that make us questioned “who am I and where am I going?” and that
is correct. There are moments that teens/we experiencing confusion and insecurities about
ourselves, thinking on how to fit in this society. Those teens who successfully completing this
stage leads to a strong sense of self that will remain throughout life and those who are not, they
have possibilities to experience mental health problems or lack of confidence.

Young adult is the sixth stage of human development by Erickson, persons who
belong this stage are those who age 19 to 40 years old. Intimacy vs. isolation are basic conflict
during this stage and the important event is intimate relationship, that usually they will ask if
they are love and wanted. Romantic and sexual relationships can be an important part of this
stage of life but intimacy is more about having closer loving relationships. If you success this
stage it will lead to strong relationship while failure results in loneliness and isolation.
40 to 65 years old are the persons who belong at the second to the last stage which
is the middle adulthood. Generativity vs. stagnation are the basic conflict because of the event
during this stage which work and parenthood that made them question “will I provide
something of real value?”. Those who felt success in this stage will leads them to feel
usefulness and accomplishment, while failure results in shallow involvement in the world.

The last stage is the maturity those persons who ages 65 years old to death, it is
where ego identity vs. despair are the conflict and the important events is the reflection in life
that made them question “how I feel a full life?”. If this stage is handled well the person will
feel a sense of mastery which is sometimes referred to as ego strength or ego quality and if this
stage managed poorly the person will emerge with a sense of inadequacy in that aspect of

List down ways on how you can become more responsible adolescents developing into
responsible adults and better person. (25pts.)
Some ways that I think will help me to become more responsible adolescents developing into
responsible adults and better person is to trust God, so that I will trust others and especially
myself, that whatever will come, my faith will become more stronger than my doubts so that as
I try new things to seek what my purpose is, I will not be afraid for any possible results
because I faced it with God guidance, I believe that it is His will and even I fail or success I
still grow and confidently striving to become a girl God wants me to be.

In your journal, observe at least 3 of your family members' behavior and identify what skills
they already developed based on the stages of development
Three family members that I observed are the persons that I usually with, it is my mother, sister, and
brother. Mama is 44 years old, she’s in the second to the last stage and yes she’s doing great with papa
just to give us wonderful future and that is the accomplishment she’s/ they’re working on. Ate, my older
sister she’s in the fifth stage and yes the question in these stage is really happening, she’s afraid that
maybe she is not loved, but as I can see or we see they are both happy and staying strong in their
relationship. Lastly, is my brother, he’s in the fourth stage, we are in the same stage and surely all the
questions I’ve experienced and still experiencing, such as: finding identity, finding he’s purpose maybe
he's start asking himself now.

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