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Bahasa Inggris

1. The meaning of " holiday" in Indonesia is....

A. Liburan B. Berlibur C. Hiburan

2. Tomorrow I will go to Bandung. I will take a....... from station.

A. Train B. Ship C. Bus

Text for number question 4 - 7

My Summer Vacation

Hello I am Syahrul. Last weekend, I went to Nirwana beach with my friends and our teachers from
school. We went there by bus.The beach was beautiful. We played in the sand, swam in the beach, and
tried snorkeling and banana boat. In the afternoon, we took a rest at the gazebo and ate delicious food.
We really had a great time there.

3. What is the name of the boy?

A. Mr. Karim B. Syahrul C. Alvin

4. Where did the boy, his friends and teachers go last weekend?

A. Nirwana Beach B. Swimming Pool C. Zoo

5. What did they do at the beach?

A. They were played in the sand B. They are playing game C. They are take photo

6. Did they go there by bus?

A.Yes, they do B. No, they do not C. Yes, they did

7. Did they try jet ski?

A. Yes, they do B.Yes, they did C. No, they did not

8. Raymond........cake last night.

A. Bought B. Buy C. Eating

9. What animal lives in the water and swims?

A. Monkey B. Fish C. Tiger

10. Which animal has a long neck and eats leaves from tall trees?

A. Giraffe B. Kangaroo C. Rhino

11. The animal has long trunk and tusk. What animal is this?

A. Lion B. Elephant C. Giraffe

12. Mr.Hardi cures sick people in the hospital. He is a ....

A. farmer B. doctor C. teacher

13. Miss.Vina works in the hospital but she is not a doctor. May be she is a ....

A. nurse B. singer C. typist

14. Mr.Karim makes chairs, tables, cupboards, and many other wooden things. He is a ...

A. Driver B. Carpenter C. Mechanic

Narrative text for number 15 - 18

The Ant and The Dove

An ant went to the river to get a drink. The water rushed along so fast that he washed off the bank into
the river. The ant cried for help but his voice was so tiny so it could not be herd clearly.

A dove was sitting on the tree that overhung the water. The dove saw the ant struggling, and quickly
nipped off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed up upon the leaf and floated down the
river until the leaf was washed upon the bank of stream.

The ant call out in his tiny voice, "thank you kind dove, you have saved my life." but of course the dove
could not hear him. Several days after this, the dove was again sitting on a tree,. A hunter crept carefully
on the tree. His gun was pointed at the dove and when he was about to shoot the dove, his leg was
bitten by an ant. The hunter cried out with pain and dropped his gun. This frightened the dove and she
flew away. "Thank you kind ant", said the dove. The ant heard and he was glad.

15. What did the dove do when she saw an ant almost drowning?

A. She struggled to free the ant

B. She nipped off a leaf for the ant to climb upon

C. She rushed along the river to help.

16. ......... but his voice was so tiny that it could not be heard clearly. The word 'it' in that sentence
referes to?

A. The ant's cry B. The rough river C. The floating leaf

17. What can we learn from the story above?

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed

B. The higher you are the more you need others

C. The good man will not need other people help

18. From the story above we know that....

A. The dove was killed by the hunter

B. The ant saved his own life from the danger

C. The ant and the dove helped each other

19. I have ... in the afternoon with my family at the restaurant.

A. Dinner B. Breakfast C. Lunch

20. I – going to – am – go to – tomorrow – Pasar Asemka.

The correct arrange of those jumbled words is …

A. Pasar Asemka I am going to go to tomorrow

B. I am going to go to Pasar Asemka tomorrow

C. Tomorrow Pasar Asemka I am going to go to

21. my – will - bike – I – ride – Sudirman Street – to.

The correct sentence is …

A. I will my bike ride to Sudirman Street

B. To Sudirman Street I will ride my bike

C. I will ride my bike to Sudirman Street

22. Mr Sigit is a mechanic. He works at ....

A. Garage B. Hospital C. Gallery

23. The opposite of small is ....

A. big B. long C. short

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