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Making your complaint

Nice / polite ways to make a complaint:

I am afraid I have a complaint about . I am sorry to bother you, but .. I am sorry to have to say this, but . Maybe you forgot to ... Don't get me wrong, but I think we should ... "Excuse me, this food doesn't taste right." "Could I have another meal sent to me instead?" "Sorry, I have found a fault with this shirt." "Could I replace it with another one?" "I'm not happy with the cable TV service you are providing." "I would like to have it disconnected please." Rude / aggressive ways to make a complaint:

"What! Do you call this food?" "It tastes disgusting." "Get me the
manager Now!" "Look at this shirt, it's rubbish!" "How can you sell this junk?" "This cable TV service of yours is awful, I hate it " "Come and take it away!" I'm really fed up with you bringing your boring- I won't say ' boring' boring friends round. I'm really dissatisfied with the way she leaves her rubbish on the floor. I hate the teacher giving us homework everyday! You never let me stay up late playing the playstation! You always boss me around! You never helped me with anything in the kitchen!

We say to make a complaint or

complaint You draw attention to a problem You have found a fault Targeted vocabulary & expressions: You show your dissatisfaction

Critisise Whinge whimper

Compla in &
complai nt

When a person complains in a rude way, we can say that they:

Create a fuss Make a scene Kick up a storm Protest out loud Cause a commotion Blow the whole thing out of proportion





If you like to complain all the time, you may find yourself being called names like:
Old Whinger Nit Picker Moaning Minnie

Submitted by:

Prof. E. Amayoud Teacher of English/ Tantan city / Morocco

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