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First of all, we must consider that this kind of discussion could be approached from several

points of view- and all of them would be correct- as per my personal experience.

On the one hand, it depends on the sort of job, it is completely different a post whose activities
are related with manual skills, such us mechanics, plumbers or even doctors, where the
number- of working hours are essential (more hours more money) than a job related with
new- technologies, namely: a systems analyst, computer engineer and so on. In those
particular cases, you will be able to manage your leisure time in a more comfortable way than
the first situation.

On the other hand, you must keep in mind would be the opinions of workers who belong on
companies versus workers who works by they self. The first sort of workers have not any
responsibility beyond working for a particular period of time without any other worries, by this
I mean, they are not the owner of the business hence to work more or less hours per day is not
a real problem, they will get their salary in any case.

However, if you are the owner, the situation changes completely, maybe you have to sacrifice
your free time in order to maintain your business by working and paying debts.

In my opinion, it will depend on the sort of work you are carrying out and if the tasks can be
planned in advance because in these cases you will be able to organize your life much better
and you will be able to spend your time however you want.

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