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1/4/23, 7:22 PM EECS Bachelor of Science | EECS at UC Berkeley

EECS Bachelor of Science

There are many reasons why the EECS B.S. is ranked among the top three undergraduate computer engineering programs in the world. We offer a dynamic,
interdisciplinary, hands-on education; we challenge conventional thinking and value creativity and imagination; and our students and faculty are driven by
social commitment to change the world.

Ingenuity, Design, and Real-Life Applications

You are about to enter on one of the greatest adventures of your life: selecting the school where you will pursue your college degree. If you have a record of
outstanding academic achievement and you enjoy science, mathematics, problem solving, and design, we hope you will seriously consider applying to the
University of California, Berkeley's Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) Department.
Engineering is about the application of technology to solve societal needs. Electrical engineers and computer scientists are the people responsible for
designing the systems and components that capture, store, process, interpret, and transmit information or signals. Some of the most significant
technological advances of the 20th century were either invented or put into practice by electrical engineers and computer scientists, including electric
power systems; global broadcast and personal telecommunication systems; computer systems; computer networks; medical instrumentation, such as
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computer-aided tomography (CAT); integrated circuits; lasers; household appliances; and feedback control, such as
for autopilots. New technologies developed by electrical engineers and computer scientists are likely to be even more important in the 21st century as a new
era of intelligent, information-driven systems is made possible by fundamental advances in faster communication rates, smaller devices, and greater
computational capabilities.
More about the EECS major (

Ways to Explore Berkeley EECS

Participate in workshops, presentations, demonstrations, and lab tours at Cal Day (, our annual open house held
each April.
Schedule an appointment with an EECS Department Adviser (
Register for a department tour (, led by members of Eta Kappa Nu, the EECS Honor Society.
Attend programs hosted by Science@Cal (, an organization created to connect the community with UC Berkeley
scientists and research.
Learn more about Berkeley Engineering on YouTube ( 1/4
1/4/23, 7:22 PM EECS Bachelor of Science | EECS at UC Berkeley
Check out “The Beauty and Joy of Computing,” ( a free
online course taught by UC Berkeley Professor Dan Garcia.

Students interested in EECS should apply directly to the major on the University of California Application for Admission
( The holistic review process evaluates the applicant's full spectrum of
qualifications viewed in the context of their academic and personal circumstances.
Once enrolled, students may choose to pursue a joint major (, double major
(, simultaneous degree
(, or minor.
Office of Undergraduate Admissions (

Freshman Admission
Freshmen are admitted directly into the EECS major and spend all four years in the program. In addition to the UC Admission requirements
(, engineering applicants are encouraged to take additional courses, particularly in
math and science. Doing well in these subjects will prepare new students for the rigors of engineering at the university level.
Freshmen applicants may also consider applying to the College of Engineering as Engineering Undeclared
Propective Freshman FAQs (

Transfer Admission
You are a transfer student if you have completed coursework during a regular session at a college or university after high school. Transfer applicants
must complete all required preparation courses to be eligible for admission.
Please note that UC Berkeley gives California community college students first priority over other transfer applicants. These students should use ( to ensure admission requirements are completed and transferrable.
Transferring from a CA Community College (/academics/undergraduate/eecs-bs/community-coll-transfers)
Transferring from Another Institution (/academics/undergraduate/eecs-bs/4-year-transfers)

EECS B.S. Degree Requirements

Students are required to complete core technical classes during their first few semesters. They then have the opportunity to explore various topics
from computer science theory to networking and physical systems.
View degree requirements (/resources/undergrads/eecs/degree-reqs)

Transferring within Cal? Pursuing a Double Major?

It is rare but possible to transfer into the EECS program from another major on campus or to add EECS as a second major. We also offer an EECS minor
(/resources/undergrads/minors/eecs), a CS Minor (/resources/undergrads/cs/minor), and an EIS Minor (/resources/undergrads/minors/eis) for
students pursuing other majors.
More about Double Majors or Change of Major (/resources/undergrads/eecs/cal-transfers) 2/4
1/4/23, 7:22 PM EECS Bachelor of Science | EECS at UC Berkeley

EECS + Business Simultaneous Degrees

In just four years you can earn two B.S. degrees through the Management, Entrepreneurship, & Technology (M.E.T.) Program in EECS and Business
Administration. You’ll be in a small cohort, benefiting from close mentoring, a tight-knit community and opportunities to connect everything
you’re learning in one integrated experience.

Look into M.E.T. ( 3/4
1/4/23, 7:22 PM EECS Bachelor of Science | EECS at UC Berkeley

Undergraduate Research
A self-initiated research project allows you to graduate with something that represents the distillation of your interests and studies, and possibly, a
real contribution to knowledge.

Pursue Your Research Interests (

The UC Berkeley EECS program is accredited by ABET through September 2019 (/academics/undergraduate/eecs-bs/objectives-outcomes).
(/academics/undergraduate/eecs-bs/objectives-outcomes) 4/4

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