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Jl. Jambu No.475 Sruni Kec. Gedangan Kode pos 61254; Email :
Nama :...................... Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam) Hari / Tanggal : .....................
Bahasa Inggris
I. Berilah tanda silang (×) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang benar!

1. Open the ... , please! It is very hot in the room.

a. Window b. Book c. Lamp d. Bottle
2. The following are commands, except …
a. Sit down, please !
b. Please, bake the bread !
c. Slice the tomato, please !
d. Would you like to help me?
3. ... (bersihkan) the board ! it is very dirty.
a. Raise b. Clean c. Turn on d. Open
4. Mr. Santana asks me not to throw the garbage here. He says ...
a. Don’t littering !
b. Clean your room !
c. Don’t play in the park !
d. Keep silent !
5. “Would you bring me the chalk, please?”
The sentence above is a ...
a. Prohibition b. Request c. Order d. Declarative
6. Kalina : I’m … do you have something to drink?
Kinara : I’m sorry I don’t
a. Shy b. Glad c. Hungry d. Thirsty
7. Jerry is … he is in the hospital now.
a. Safe b. Healthy c. Cold d. Sick
Wina : why you look so … ?
Ane : I lost my pen
a. Happy c. Sad
b. Healthy d. Amazing

9. He feels ... after seeing a tiger

a. Cold b.Hungry c. Nervous d. Fresh
10. Marissa feels ... because her friend lied to her.
a. Dissapointed b. Happy c. Healthy d. Sleepy
11. Today is my birthday. I am very … because I got a new schoolbag from my uncle.
a. Bored b. Happy c. Thirsty d. Hungry
12. When something that you hoped did not happen, you get …
a. Dissapointed b. Satisfied c. Bored d. Sick
13. The prize was so awesome. Dina is … (terkejut)
a. Surprised b. Fresh c. Hungry d. Thirsty
14. We can find the command from the text. It is …
a. Farah, chop the onion, please ! c. My pleasure
b. Would you like to fry the onion, please? D. Sure
15. Tio : … you like to open the door, please?
Agus : Alright.
a. Help
b. Never
c. Would
d. Please
Answer the following questions correctly !

1. Write the example of prohibition !

Answer : ...
2. Write the example of command !
Answer : ...
3. Write the example of request !
Answer : ...
4. What do you do if you feel happy !
Answer : ...
5. Write these sentences into English !
a. Maukah kamu menutup jendela itu?
b. Tolong, tutup jendela itu !
c. Saya merasa sedih sekarang
Answer : ...

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