Middleware Framework - Mid Term Hands-On Activity

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Middleware Framework & ORM (CSL274)

Mid-Term Hands-on Activity [Graded]

Note: This is a graded activity. You’re required to create a spring boot project with the required

1. Online Bookstore Management System

Definition of Done (DoDs):

a. Create RESTful endpoints for managing books (CRUD operations).

b. Implement dependency injection for services such as BookService, CategoryService, and
AuthorService into controllers using annotations like @Autowired.
c. Utilize constructor injection or setter injection for injecting dependencies into DAO classes
like BookDAO, CategoryDAO, and AuthorDAO.
d. Implement filter and sort operations for searching and ordering books.
e. Define API endpoints for managing categories and authors.
f. Use JdbcTemplate for database connectivity.

2. Employee Management System

Definition of Done (DoDs)

a. Apply dependency injection for services such as EmployeeService, DepartmentService, and

RoleService into controllers using annotations like @Autowired.
b. Utilize constructor injection or setter injection for injecting dependencies into DAO classes
like EmployeeDAO, DepartmentDAO, and RoleDAO.
c. Develop RESTful services for managing employees (CRUD operations).
d. Implement filtering and sorting for employee lists based on criteria like department, salary,
e. Define API endpoints for managing departments and roles.
f. Establish database connectivity using JdbcTemplate.

3. Student Enrollment System

Definition of Done (DoDs)

a. Implement dependency injection for services such as StudentService, CourseService, and

InstructorService into controllers using annotations like @Autowired.
b. Utilize constructor injection or setter injection for injecting dependencies into DAO classes
like StudentDAO, CourseDAO, and InstructorDAO.
c. Utilize Spring's @Qualifier annotation to specify which implementation to inject when
multiple beans of the same type are available.
d. Design RESTful services for managing student enrollment (CRUD operations).
e. Implement filtering and sorting for student lists based on criteria like course, year, etc.
f. Define API endpoints for managing courses and instructors.
g. Establish database connectivity using JdbcTemplate.

4. Inventory Management System

Definition of Done (DoDs)

a. Apply dependency injection for services such as InventoryService, SupplierService, and

WarehouseService into controllers using annotations like @Autowired.
b. Utilize constructor injection or setter injection for injecting dependencies into DAO classes
like InventoryDAO, SupplierDAO, and WarehouseDAO.
c. Create RESTful endpoints for managing inventory items (CRUD operations).
d. Implement filtering and sorting for inventory lists based on criteria like category, quantity, etc.
e. Define API endpoints for managing suppliers and warehouses.
f. Establish database connectivity using JdbcTemplate.

5. Task Management System

Definition of Done (DoDs)

a. Implement dependency injection for services such as TaskService, ProjectService, and

AssigneeService into controllers using annotations like @Autowired.
b. Utilize constructor injection or setter injection for injecting dependencies into DAO classes
like TaskDAO, ProjectDAO, and AssigneeDAO.
c. Develop RESTful services for managing tasks (CRUD operations).
d. Implement filtering and sorting for task lists based on criteria like priority, status, etc.
e. Define API endpoints for managing projects and assignees.
f. Establish database connectivity using JdbcTemplate.

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