Round Up

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Lesson Plan ROUND UP Rața Elena

1. Materials:

Board, markers, book, papers with words, alphabet, o’clock

2. Learning goals:
- To repeat last lessons, grammar, words through games, songs, exercises, different

3. Warm up:

Hello, my dear students! How are you today? Are you ready for lesson? Great! Let’s pray: dear
Lord, thank you for this day! Please help us to understand and to remember the lesson! Thank
you for these kids, I know you love them! Amen!

I know you like very much songs. What song do you want to sing?

What time is it? You have o’clock and you have to put the hour at this clock and ask your
friend from the class what time is it.

What day from the week do you like?

With this ball, please translate: spune-mi, ascult-o, ma gandesc la tine, citeste-o

Today we’ll have some games and some interesting exercises.

4. Practice activities:

Before exercise 1: Let’s divide in two teams, somebody come from this team to the second
team and says a word and that person has to mime the word. Words must be from animals,
birds or insect. The guessed word we write on the board. If your team guesses the word it has a
point. Then we do exercise 1 individually then we verify together.

Before exercise 2: being in two teams, I put letters on the table, alphabet, and you have to find
the word that I say, I say words from exercise 2. Let’s write in the book the translation of
exercise 2.

Before exercise 3: we repeat gestures for this, that, those, these. Now take a thing or more and
say what do you have then say what somebody from the class has. For example: this is a pen,
those are books. Let’s do exercise 3 then we write the sentences on the board.

Before exercise 4: what is your daily program? They answer. Now let’s see what the morning
program of Daniel is. Look to exercise 4: write sentences on the board.

Before exercise 5: I have papers, on these papers are names of different persons about whom
we studied, you have to take a paper and to tell us something about that person. Then we do
exercise 5 and read the answers.
Now, let’s complete exercise 6 individually. In this time I write the letter on the board as in the
book, also I have words from the orange box on my table. Dou you finish the exercise, come
here Denisa and try to find here the first word and put it on the board. now you can verify the
letter if it is the same as in your books.

5. Homework:

Write a letter for God

6. Review:

Ok, what did we do today? They answer

Now, I give you this ball and you have to say a word in Romanian, to pass the ball to somebody
and that person has to translate it in English. Are you ready? Everything: days of the week,
animals, birds, insects, time, pronouns, or you can say it in English and that person has to
translate in Romanian.

Great, you are ready for individual exercises (evaluation) and next lesson we will do it very

Let’s pray! You did a great job today!

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