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Latihan soal Penilaian Akhir Tahun Kelas V-A

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer!

1. Simple fraction of is... .
2. One fraction that equivalent with is ... .
3. as a mixed number is … .
… . 16
4. = , number for the blanks if equivalent fraction is ... .
5 40
5. Salma has one pizza, she eat pizza of it. Fraction of the pizza left is . . . .
1 5
6. The result of 3 +2 is ... .
6 9
4 2
7. The result of - is ... .
5 10
8 4
8. The result of x is . . . .
12 10
3 5
9. of is . . . .
15 9
10. A coil of wire, m long, is cut into 8 equal pieces. The long is each piece of the wire is … .
11. The clock shows 17.20 pm. After 75 minutes, the time is … .
12. 3 hours = . . . . minutes
13. Nazmi left home at 07:30 a.m. to go to school. He returned home at 15:25 p.m. The total amount of
time Nazmi was away from home is … .
14. A boy rides his scooter at a speed of 80 km/h. How far did he run from 08.30 to 10.30?
15. A motor cycle took 2 hours to travel from Jombang to Surabaya. If the distance between the two
place is 80 km. The average speed of the motor cycle is … .
2 3 5
16. Joni bought three packets of sugar kg, kg, and kg. The total mass of all the three packets
5 10 10
of sugar is … .
3 3
17. The difference between and is … .
5 10
18. Shava bought 3 kg of flour. She used 1 kg of flour to make some dessert. The flour did she have
left is … .
1 1
19. The product of 3 and 2 is … .
3 4

20. The value of : 4 is … .

21. Look at the following clock . After 3 hours 20 minutes, the time is … .

22. School ends at 3.25 in the afternoon every day. If write times using 24-hour clock is … .
23. Mutiara began her ballet lesson at 17.30. The lesson lasted 2 hour 30 minutes. The time the lesson
end is … .
24. A car travelling at an average speed of 75 km/h. The total distance travelled after 3 hours is … .
25. Mrs. Yunda cycles for 30 minutes to work every day. She cycles a distance of 10 km each time. The
average speed Mrs. Yunda’s cycles is … .

~Read Hamdalah after doing this test!~

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