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JEE (Main + Adv.

) Division

Daily Practice Problems



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1. 2NO + 2H2  N2 + 2H2O. The experimental rate law for above reaction is, Rate = k [NO]2 [H2].
When time is in minutes and the concentration is in moles/L, the units for k are

moles 3 moles moles 2 L2

(A) (B) (C) (D)
L3  min L  min L2  min moles 2  min
2. The differential rate law equation for the elementary reaction A + 2B  3C, is :
d [A ] d [B] d [C] d [A] 1 d [B] 1 d [C]
(A) –   = k [A] [B]2 (B) –   = k [A]2 [B]
dt dt dt dt 2 dt 3 dt
d [A] 1 d [B] 1 d [C]
(C) –   = k [A] [B]2 (D) None of these
dt 2 dt 3 dt
d [A ] d [B] d [C]
3. For the reaction 2A  B + 3C; if – = k1 [A]2; = k2 [A]2; = k3 [A]2, the
dt dt dt
correct relation between k1, k2, and k3 is :

(A) k1 = k2 = k3 (B) 2k1 = k2 = 3 k3 (C) 4k1 = k2 = 3 k3 (D) k 1  k 2  k 3

2 3
4. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(A) Unit of rate of disappearance is Ms–1 (B) Unit of rate of reaction is Ms–1
(C) Unit of rate constant k is depend on order (D) Unit of k for first order reaction is Ms–1
5. The rate expression for reaction A (g) + B(g)  C(g) is rate = k[A]1/2 [B]2. What change in rate
if initial concentration of A and B increase by factor 4 and 2 respectively ?
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) None of these

6. For the reaction 2NO2  N2O2 + O2, rate expression is as follows
d [NO 2 ]
– =K [NO 2 ] n , where K = 3 × 10 –3 mol –1 L sec –1 . If the rate of formation of oxygen is
1.5 × 10 –4 mol L –1 sec –1 , then the molar concentration of NO 2 in mole L –1 is
(A) 1.5 × 10–4 (B) 0.0151 (C) 0.214 (D) 0.316
7. aA + bB  Product, dx/dt = k [A]a [B]b . If concentration of A is doubled, rate is four times. If
concentration of B is made four times, rate is doubled. What is relation between rate of
disappearance of A and that of B ?
(A) – {d [A] / dt} = – {d [B] / dt} (B) – {d [A] / dt} = – {4 d [B] / dt}
(C) – {4 d [A] / dt} = – {d [B]/ dt} (D) None of these
8. For a reaction pA + qB  products, the rate law expression is r = k[A]1 [B]m, then :
(A) (p+1) < (1+ m)
(B) (p + q) > (1 + m)
(C) (p + q) may or may not be equal to (1+ m)
(D) (p + q) = (1 + m)


9. Reaction A  B follows second order kinetics. Doubling the concentration of A will increase the
rate of formation of B by a factor of :

10. Rate of formation of SO3 in the following reaction 2SO2 + O2  2SO3 is 100 g min–1. Hence rate
of disappearance of O2 is :
Answer Key

1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. B
8. C 9. 4 10. 20
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1. In the following reaction, which has maximum rate w.r.t. rate of disappearance of NH3 ?
4NH3 + 5O2  4 NO + 6H2O
(A) O2 (B) NO (C) H2O (D) Equal

2. The rate of formation of NO(g) in the reaction,

2NOBr(g)  2NO(g) + Br2(g)
was reported as 1.6 ×10–4 Ms–1. Thus, rate of the reaction is
(A) 1.6 × 10–4 Ms–1 (B) 8.0 × 10–5 Ms–1 (C) 3.2 × 10–4 Ms–1 (D) 6.4 × 10–4 Ms–1

3. Rate of formation of SO3 in the following reaction :

2SO2 + O2  2SO3
is 100 kg min–1. Hence, rate of disappearance of SO2 will be
(A) 100 kg min–1 (B) 80 kg min–1 (C) 64 kg min–1 (D) 32 kg min–1

4. For a reversible reaction, net rate is

 dx  2 1
   k1  A  B   K2 C 
 dt 
Hence given reaction is
1 K1 K1 K1
(A) 2A  C (B) 2A – B C (C) 2A C+B–1 (D) None of these
B K2 K2 K2

5. Following reaction can take place in both directions


A K2
For the forward reaction, rate varies with concentration of A as and for the backward reaction
[B] Rate
0.01 M 2 × 10–2 Ms–1
0.02 M 4 × 10–2 Ms–1
Hence, net reaction rate is
(A) = k1[A] – K2[B] (B) = (k1 – K2[B])
(C) = (k1[A] – K2) (D) = (k1 – K2)

6. For a reaction, xA  yB, rate of disappearance of ‘A’ is related to the rate of appearance of ‘B’
d[A] 1 d[B]
by the equation  
dt 4 dt
Thus, x and y respectively are
(A) 1, 2 (B) 2, 4 (C) ,2 (D) 4, 1

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7. For the reaction
H2(g) + A2(g) kb
2H(g) + A2(g)
kf = 2.2 × 10 L mol–1s–1 and Kc = 1.00 × 10–4 at 3000 K. Thus, kb is

(A) 2.2 × 108 L2 mol–2 s–1 (B) 0.45 × 10–8 L–2 mol2 s–1
(C) 2.2L mol s
–1 –1
(D) 0.45 L–1 mol s–1

8. For the reaction,

xA + yB  zC
d A  d B  1.5d C 
 =  =
dt dt dt
then x, y and z are
(A) 1, 1, 1 (B) 3, 2, 3 (C) 3, 3, 2 (D) 2, 2, 3


9. The rate of the reaction
A + 2B  3C + D
was reported as 1.0 Ms–1. State the rates of consumption and formation of the reactants and the

10. The rate of gaseous reaction,

A(g) + B(g)  Product
is given by the expression :  k  A  B 
If the volume of the reaction vessel is suddenly reduced to one-fourth of the initial volume, find
the ratio of the final rate of the initial rate.

11. The experimental rate law for the reaction,

2NO2– + 4H+ + 2l–  l2 + 2NO + 2H2O
is rate = k[NO2–][H+][l–]. How would the rate of the reaction be altered, if
i. [H+] and [l–] were kept constant but [NO2–] was doubled ?
ii. [l–] and [NO2–] were kept constant but [H+] was doubled ?
iii. [l–] and [NO2–] were kept constant and pH was increased by one unit ?
iv. All the concentrations were doubled ?

Answer Key

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A
8. C 9. 1.0 10. 16
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1. For the reaction,
2N2O5  4NO2(g) + O2(g)

[N2O5 ] [NO2 ] [O2 ]

  k1 N2O5  ,   k 2 [N2O5 ] and   k 3 N2O5 
t t t
(A) k1 = k2 = k3 (B) 2k1 = k2 = 4k3 (C) 2k1 = 4k2 = k3 (D) None of these

2. The decomposition of acetaldehyde is given by the following reaction

CH3CHO(g)  CH4(g) + CO(g)
Rate of the reaction with respect to the pressure of the reactant is
dp 1 dp 1 dp dp
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
dt V dt RT dt dt

3. For the reaction, 2A + 3B  Product, A is present in excess. When concentration of B is

changed from 0.01 M to 0.04 M, rate is doubled. Thus rate law is

 dx  2 3  dx   dx  0  dx  0 1/2
(A)    k[A] [B] (B)    k[A][B] (C)    k[A] [B] (D)    k[A] [B]
 dt   dt   dt   dt 

d[A] 2d[B]
4. For the reaction, A  B, –  , then rate law is
dt dt

d[A] d[B] d[A] d[B]

(A)   k[A]2 (B)  k[A] (C)  k[A]2 (D)  k[B]2
dt dt dt dt

5. For the gaseous reaction, the rate can be expressed as

1  dp  1  dn   dC   dC   dn   dp 
(A)      (B)    
RT  dt  V  dt   dt   dt   dt   dt 

 dC   dn  V  dp 
(C)      (D) None of these
 dt   dt  RT  dT 

6. The initial rates of reaction for the equation, 2A + B  Products.

Products were determined under various initial concentrations of reactants.
[A]0 [B]0 –d[B]/dt
0.10 M 0.10 M 0.25 Ms–1
0.20 M 0.10 M 0.50 Ms–1
0.10 M 0.20 M 0.25 Ms–1
Thus, rate law is equal to
(A) k[A][B] (B) k[A][B]2 (C) k[A] (D) k[B]

7. For the reaction, A + 2B  Product, the reaction rate was halved on doubling the conentration
of A. Thus, order w.r.t. A is
1 1
(A) 1 (B) (C) – (D) –1
2 2

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Direction (Q.8 to 9)
The decomposition of NO 2 at 400 K proceeds at a of rate of 5.4×10 –5 mol L –1 s –1 when
[NO 2 ] = 0.01 mol L –1
2NO2(g)  2NO(g) + O2(g)

8. What is the rate law when observed rate is 1.35 ×10–5 mol L–1 s–1 at
[NO2] = 0.005 mol L–1 ?
(A) k[NO2] (B) k[NO2]2 (C) k[NO2]3 (D) k[NO2]0

9. Rate constant of the reaction will be

(A) 0.54 L mol–1s–1 (B) 5.4×10–3 L mol–1s–1
(C) 5.4 s–1 (D) 0.54 s–1


10. In the following reaction ;
xA  yB
 d A    d B 
log       log      0.3
 dt   dt 
Where negative sign indicates rate of disapperance of the reactant. What is the value of x/y ?

Answer Key

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. D
8. B 9. A 10. 2

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1. For the reaction, N2O5  2NO2+ O
2 2.

d N2O5 
Given,   K1 N2O5 

d NO2 
 K2 N2O5 

d O2 
and  K3 N2O5 
The relation in between K1, K2 and K3 is :
(A) 2K1 = K2 = 4K3 (B) K1 = K2 = K3 (C) 2K1 = 4K2 = K3 (D) None of these

2. The rate equation for the reaction :

2A + B  C is rate = K[A][B]. The correct statement about this is :
(A) K is independent of [A] and [B]
(B) t1/2 is constant
(C) unit of K is sec–1
(D) rate of formation of C is twice the rate of disapperance of A

3. The rate law for the single-step reaction,

2A + B  2C, is given by :
(A) rate = K [A].[B] (B) rate = K [A]2.[B]
(C) rate = K [2A].[B] (D) rate = K [A]2.[B]0

4. If concentration of reactants is increased by ‘X’ the rate constant K becomes :

(A) eK/X (B) (C) K (D)

5. The rate for the reaction, RCl + NaOH(aq)  ROH + NaCl is given by rate = K1[RCl]. The rate of
the reaction is :
(A) doubled on doubling the concentration of NaOH
(B) halved on reducing the concentration of RCl to half
(C) decreased on increasing the temperature of the reaction
(D) unaffected by increasing the temperature of the reaction

6. The rate of the elementary reaction, 2NO + O2  2NO2, when the volume of the reaction vessel
is doubled :
(A) will grow eight times of its initial rate
(B) reduce to one-eight of its initial rate
(C) will grow four times of its initial rate
(D) reduce to one-fourth of its initial rate

7. The rate constant is numerically the same for three reactions of first, second and third order
respectively. Which one is true for rate of three reaction, if concentration of reactant is greater
than 1 M :
(A) r1 = r2 = r3 (B) r1 > r2 > r3 (C) r1 < r2 < r3 (D) All of these

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8. In the above problem 7, if concentration of reactant is less than 1 M then :
(A) r1 = r2 = r3 (B) r1 > r2 > r3 (C) r1 < r2 < r3 (D) All of these

9. In the above problem 7, if concentration of reactant is 1 M then :

(A) r1 = r2 = r3 (B) r1 > r2 > r3 (C) r1 < r2 < r3 (D) All of these


10. Consider the following reaction,
N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
d H2 
  6gmin1

d NH3 
Derive the value of in mol min–1.

11. In a certain polluted atmosphere containg O3 at a steady concentration of

2.0×10–6 M, the hourly production of O3 by all sources was estimated as
7.2 × 10–15 M. If the only mechanism for destruction of O3 in the second order reaction is
2O3  3O2
then rate constant for destruction reaction, defined by the rate law for –[O3]/t is x × 10–7M–1s–1.
What is the value of x?

Answer Key

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C
8. B 9. A 10. 2 11. 5

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1. Decomposition of NH4NO2 (aq) into N2 (g) and 2H2O () is first order reaction. Which of the
following graph is correct?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Decomposition of HI (g) on Gold surface is zero order reaction. Initially, few moles of H2 are
present in container then which of the following graph is correct ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

3. A first order reaction is 75% completed in 100 minutes. How long time will it take for it’s 87.5%
(A) 125 min (B) 150 min (C) 175 min (D) 200 min

4. For the zero order reaction A  B + C; initial concentration of A is 0.1 M. If A = 0.08 M after 10
minutes, then it’s half-life and completion time are respectively :
(A) 10 min; 20 min (B) 2 × 10–3 min, 10–3 min
(C) 25 min, 50 min (D) 250 min, 500 min.

5. The accompanying figure depicts the change in concentration

of species A and B for the reaction A  B, as a function of
time, the point of intersection of the two curves represents
(A) t1/2 (B) t3/4
(C) t2/3 (D) data insufficient to predict

6. In the following reaction A  B + C, rate constant is 0.001 Ms–1. If we start with 1 M of A then,
conc. of A and B after 10 minutes are respectively :
(A) 0.5 M, 0.5 M (B) 0.6 M, 0.4 M (C) 0.4 M, 0.6 M (D) none of these

d [NO 2 ]
7. The rate law for the dimerisation of NO2 into N2O4 is – = k[NO2]2 .
Which of the following changes will change the value of the specific rate constant k ?
(A) Doubling the total pressure (B) Decreasing the pressure
(C) Changing the volume of the flask (D) Changing the temperature.

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  d[ A ] 
8. For an elementary reaction aA  product, the graph plotted between log   vs. time
 dt 
gives a straight line with intercept equal to 0.6 and showing an angle of 45° with origin, then :
(A) rate constant = 3.98 time–1 and a = 1 (B) rate constant = 3.98 mol L–1 t–1 and a = 1
(C) rate constant = 1.99 time–1 and a = 1 (D) rate constant = 1.99 mol–1 L1 t–1 and a = 2


9. A certain reaction A  B follows the given concentration (Molarity)–time graph. Which of the
following statement(s) is/are true ? 0.5

(A) The reaction is second order with respect to A 0.4

(B) The rate for this reaction at 20 second will be 7 × 10–3 M s–1 [A ] 0.2
(C) The rate for this reaction at 80 second will be 1.75 × 10–3 M s–1 0.1

(D) The [B] will be 0.35 M at t = 60 second 0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (sec)

d [C ]
10. For the reaction 2A + B  C with the rate law = k [A]1 [B]–1 and started with A and
B in stoichiometric proportion. Which is/are true?
(A) unit of k is Ms –1
(B) [A], [B] and [C] all will be linear functions of time
(C) [C] = 2kt
(D) [C] = kt

Answer Key

1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D
8. A 9. BD 10. ABC

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8 Page : 11
DPP - 6
1. The decompostion NH3 gas on a heated tungsten surface gave the following results :
Initial pressure (mm) 65 105 y 185
Half-life (sec) 290 x 670 820
Calculate approximately the values of x and y.
(A) x = 410 sec (B) x = 467 sec (C) x = 490 sec (D) x = 430 sec

2. A certain reaction obeys the three-half power law for its order. What function of the concentration
may be plotted on the Y-axis against, t on the X-axis to get a linear plot ?
1 1 
(A) C 2 vs t (B) vs t (C) C–2 vs t (D) C 2 vs t

3. For the reaction A  C + D, the initial concentration of A is 0.01 M. After 100 sec, the
concentration of A is 0.001M. The rate constant of the reaction has the numerical value of
9.0. What is the unit of the reaction rate constant ?
(A) M –1 s–1 (B) Ms–1 (C) s–1 (D) M –1.5 s–1

4. The half lives of decomposition of gaseous CH3CHO at constant temperature but at initial pres-
sure of 364 mm and 170 mm Hg were 410 second and 880 second respectively. Hence order of
reaction is
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 1.5 (D) 1

5. If the fermentation of sugar in an enzymatic solution, that is 0.12 M , the concentration of the
sugar is reduced to 0.06 M in 10 h and to 0.03 M in 20 h. What is the order of the reaction ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0

6. The order of a reaction A  product in which half the reagent is reacted is half an hour, three
quarters in one hour and seven - eighth in one and half hours is
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) zero (D) – 1

7. In a first order reaction, the concentrations of the reactant, 30 minutes and 40 minutes after the
start are C1 and C2 (in moles/litre) respectively. What was C0, intial concentration ?
4 3
 C13   C1   C1   C14 
(A) C 0   4 (B) C0    (C) C0    (D) C 0   3
 C2   C2   C2   C2 

8. Rate constant k = 2.303 min–1 for a particular reaction. The initial concentration of the reaction
is 1 mol/litre then, rate of reaction after 1 minute is :
(A) 2.303 M min–1 (B) 0.2303 M min–1 (C) 0.1 M min–1 (D) none of these


9. A reaction, which is second order, has a rate constant of 0.002 L mol–1 s–1. If the initial conc. of
the reactant is 0.2 M. how long will it take for the concentration to become 0.0400 M ?

10. For the reaction A  products, the graph of the fraction of A remaining as a function of
time (x–axis) is a straight line with –ve slope. The order of the reaction is therefore.

Answer Key

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. D
8. B 9. 10000 10. 0

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DPP - 7
1. For a 1st order reaction (gaseous) (cont. V, T)
b 
a A  (b – 1) B + 1 C (with b > a), the pressure of the system rose by 50  a  1 % in a time
 
of 10 min. The half life of the reaction is therefore.
(A) 10 min (B) 20 min (C) 30 min (D) 40 min

2. Two first order reaction have half-lives in the ratio 8 : 1. Calculate the ratio of time intervals t1 :
th th
 1 3
t2. The time t1 and t2 are the time period for   completion of 1st reaction and   2nd
 4  4
completion rxn repectively.
(A) 1 : 0.301 (B) 0.125 : 0.602 (C) 1 : 0.62 (D) none of these

3. Under the same reaction conditions, initial concentration of 1.386 mol dm–3 of a substance be-
comes half in 40 seconds and 20 seconds through first order and zero order kinetics, respec-
 k1
tively. Ratio  k  of the rate constant for first order (k1) and zero order (k0) of the reaction is.
 0
(A) 0.5 mol–1 dm3 (B) 1.0 mol dm–3 (C) 1.5 mol dm–3 (D) 2.0 mol–1 dm3

4. For a first order reaction, the ratio of time for the completion of 99.9% and half of the reaction is
(A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 9 (D) 12

5. For a first order reaction, nA B whose concentration vs time curve is as shown in the figure.
If half life for the reaction is 24 minutes . Find out the value of n.

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

6. Number of natural life times (Tav) required for a first-order reaction to achieve 99.9% level of
completion is:
(A) 2.3 (B) 6.9 (C) 9.2 (D) 0.105

7. Consider the plots for the types of reaction nA  B + C

d [ A] 1
– [A]
dt [ A]

These plots respectively correspond to the reaction orders :

(A) 0, 2, 1 (B) 0, 1, 2 (C) 1, 1, 2, (D) 1, 0, 2

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8. Reaction A + B  C + D follows rate law, r = k[A]1/2 [B]1/2 starting with 1 M of A and B each. What
is the time taken for concentration of A become 0.1 M ?
Given k = 2.303 × 10–2 sec–1.
(A) 10 sec (B) 100 sec (C) 1000 sec (D) 434 sec


9. At high temperature (504ºC) dimethyl ether decomposes as per the reaction
(CH3)2O (g)  CH4(g) + H2(g) + CO(g)
time (sec.) : 0 400 1200 
ptotal (mm) : 312 412 560 935
 623   623 
Determine the half life of the reaction during this run. (ln  523  = 0.175, ln  375  = 0.5076)
   


10. Match the following for a 1st order reaction A  products with time on the x axis.
Column I Column II

(A) [A] v/s time (p)

 d[A ]
(B) v/s [A] (q)

 d[A ]
(C) v/s time (r)

(D) log [A] v/s time (s)

Answer Key

1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D
8. B 9. 1611 10. [A – r] ; [B – q] ; [C – r] ; [D – p].

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1. The decomposition of N2O5 in chloroform was followed by measuring the volume of O2 gas evolved
: 2N2O5 (CCI4)  2N2O4 (CCI4) + O2 (g). The maximum volume of O2 gas obtained was 100 cm3.
In 500 minutes, 90 cm3 of O2 were evolved. The first order rate constant (in min–1) for the
disappearance of N2O5 is :
2.303 2.303 100 2.303 90 100
(A) (B) log (C) log (D)
500 500 90 500 100 10  500

2. The reaction A(g) + 2B(g)  C(g) is an elementary reaction. In an experiment involving this
reaction, the initial partial pressures of A and B are PA = 0.40 atm and PB = 1.0 atm respectively.
When pressure of C becomes 0.3 atm in the reaction the rate of the reaction relative to the initial
rate is :
1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) none of these
12 50 25

3. A reaction is catalysed by H+ ion;and in the rate law the dependence of rate is of first order with
respect to the concentration of H+ ions, in presence of HA rate constant is 2 × 10–3 min–1 and in
presence of HB rate constant is 1 × 10–3 min–1. HA and HB (both strong acids) have relative
strength as :
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.002 (C) 0.001 (D) 2

4. The gaseous decomposition reaction, A(g)  2B(g) + C(g) is observed to first order over
the excess of liquid water at 25ºC. It is found that after 10 minutes the total pressure of
system is 188 torr and after very long time it is 388 torr. The rate constant of the reaction (in
hr–1) is : [Given : vapour pressure of H2O at 25º is 28 torr (ln 2 = 0.7, ln 3 = 1.1, ln 10 =
(A) 0.02 (B) 1.2 (C) 0.2 (D) none of these.

5. The hydrolysis of cane sugar was studied using an optical polarimeter and the following readings
were taken:
time (min.) : 0 84 min 
observed rotation (degrees) : 50 20 –10
When was the mixture optically inactive? (log 2 = 0.3, log 3 = 0.48)
(A) 118 min (B) 218 min (C) 318 min (D) 418 min

6. Now, let us assume a first-order reaction, A  B + C, such that A, B and C, such that A, B and
C are in solution. At time zero, a small amount of the solution is taken, cooled (to stop the
reaction from proceeding) and titrated with a suitable reagent. Let us assume that the reagent
reacts only with A and not with B and C. The same process is repeated at time t.

Time 0 t
Volume of reagent V0 Vt

Calculate the expression of rate constant.

1  V0  1  V0  1  2V0 
(A) k = ln   (B) k = ln   (C) k = ln  V  (D) None of these
V 
t  t t  Vt  2t  t 

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7. Now, let us assume that A, B and C are optically active compounds, which rotate the plane
polarized light in the clockwise or anticlockwise direction.
A(soln.)  B(soln.) + C(soln.)

Time 0 t 
Total rotation in degrees r0 rt r

Calculate the expression of rate constant.

1  r – r0  1  r – r0 
(A) k = ln   (B) k = ln  
 r –r 
t  r – rt  t   t

t  r – r0 
(C) k = ln  r – r  (D) None of these
2   t 

8. For the reaction, 2NO + H2  N2O + H2O the value of -dp/dt was found to be 1.50 Torr s–1 for
a pressure of 359 Torr of NO and 0.25 Torr s-1 for a pressure of 152 Torr, the pressure of H2 being
constant. On the other hand, when the pressure of NO was kept constant, –dp/dt was 1.60 Torr
s–1 for a hydrogen pressure of 289 Torr and 0.79 Torr s–1 for a pressure of 147 Torr. Determine the
order of the reaction.
(A) 5 (B) 8 (C) 3 (D) 1


9. For a certain reaction A  products, the t½ as a function of [A]0 is given as below :
[A]0 (M) : 0.1 0.025
t1/2 (min.) : 100 50
Which of the following is/are true ?
(A) The order is (B) t½ would be 100 10 min for [A]0 = 1 M

(C) The order is 1 (D) t½ would be 100 min for [A]0 = 1 M


10. The plot of log (V – V) versus t (where V is the volume of nitrogen collected under constant
temperature and pressure conditions) for the decomposition of C6H5N2Cl is given at 50°C with an
amount of C6H5N2Cl equivalent to 58.3 cc N2.


log(V – V)


5 10 15 20 25 30

Calculate the rate constant for the reaction in hr–1 expressing your answer in a single significant

Answer Key

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B
8. C 9. AB 10. 4
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1. The instantaneous rate of disappearance of the MnO 4– ion in the following reaction is
4.56 ×10–3 Ms–1.
2MnO4– + 10 I– + 16 H+  2Mn2+ + 5I2 + 8H2O The rate of appearance of I2 is
(A) 1.14 × 10–3 Ms–1 (B) 5.7 × 10–3 Ms–1
(C) 4.56 × 10–4 Ms–1 (D) 1.14 × 10–2 Ms–1

2. For a gas reaction A  P at T (K) the rate is given by

rate = k1 p 2A atm/hr

rate = k 2 C 2A mol / litre / hr

the relation between k1 and k2 is
(A) k2 = k1 (B) k2 = k1 RT (C) k2 = k1/RT (D) k2 = k1 (RT)2

3. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(A) Unit of rate of disappearance is Ms–1
(B) Unit of rate of reaction is Ms–1
(C) Unit of rate constant k is depend on order
(D) Unit of k for first order reaction is Ms–1

4. The rate expression for reaction A (g) + B(g)  C(g) is rate = k[A]1/2 [B]2. What change in rate
if initial concentration of A and B increase by factor 4 and 2 respectively ?
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) None of these

5. The rate of the simple reaction

2NO + O2  2NO2,
when the volume of the reaction vessel is doubled.
(A) Will grow eight times of its initial rate (B) Reduce to one-eight of its initial rate
(C) Will grow four times of its initial rate (D) Reduce to one-fourth of its initial rate

6. For the first order reaction

 
N  NCl Cl + N2(g)

following observation is made :

log (V – V)t 5
time (min.)
10 20 30 40
where Vt(in cc) is volume of N2 collected at time t & V (in cc) is volume of N2 collected after a long
time. What is the time taken in minute for 75% reaction ?
(A) 2.5 (B) 5.0 (C) 3 (D) 10

7. At 1800 K ethane gas decomposes to ethene and hydrogen. Rate constant for the reaction is 10–3
Pa–1 sec–1. If initial pressure of ethane is 3 × 105 Pa, how many sec. would it take for the pressure
to reach 5 × 105 Pa?
(A) 1800.2 sec. (B) 3.33 × 10–2 sec.
(C) 6.66 ×10 sec. (D) 1000.4 sec.

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8. Two first order reaction have half-lives in the ratio 8 : 1. Calculate the ratio of time intervals t1 :
th th
1 3
t2. The time t1 and t2 are the time period for   and   completion.
4 4

(A) 1 : 0.301 (B) 0.125 : 0.602 (C) 1 : 602 (D) None of these


9. Match the column:
Column I Column II
(A) Units of average (P) Mol/lit./sec. rate
(B) Unit of ‘K’ for second order (Q) Pa/sec.
(C) Units of ‘K’ for zero order (R) Mol / sec.
(D) Units of instantaneous (S) Lit./Mol/sec.
rate for the reaction
A(g) 2B(g) at constant pressure

10. Match the column :

Column I (Order) Column II

(A) Zero (P) 2


(B) First (Q) log(t1/2) 45°

log a 

(C) Second (R) (a–x)


(D) Third (S) log(t1/2)

log a 

(T) (a–x)


Answer Key

1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C
8. C 9. (A) PQR, (B) S, (C) PQR, (D) PR 10. (A) QR, (B) ST, (C) T, (D) PT

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1. For the reaction A  products, the graph of the fraction of A remaining as a function of
time (x–axis) is a straight line with –ve slope. The order of the reaction is therefore
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) zero (D) –1

 d A  
2. For the reaction A (aq)  B (g) + C (g), the rate law is –     = k[A].
 dt 
Find the value 'X' in data table provided
time (min) 0 10 30
conc. of A(M) 1 0.7 X
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.243 (C) 0.343 (D) None of these

3. The dissociation of HI molecules as shown below, occurs at a temperature of 629 K. The rate
constant, k = 3.02 × 10–5 M–1s–1
1 1
HI(g) 
 H2 (g)  I2 (g)
2 2
what is the reaction order.
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) Can not be predicted

4. A reaction, which is second order, has a rate constant of 0.002 L mol–1 s–1. If the initial conc. of
the reactant is 0.2 M. how long will it take for the concentration to become 0.0400 M ?
(A) 1000 s (B) 400 s (C) 200 s (D) 10,000 s

5. The decompostion NH3 gas on a heated tungsten surface gave the following results:
Initial pressure (mm) 65 105 y 185
Half-life (sec) 290 x 670 820
Calculate approximately the values of x and y.
(A) x = 410 sec (B) x = 467 sec (C) x = 490 sec (D) x = 430 sec

6. The order of a reaction A  product in which half the reagent is reacted is half an hour, three
quarters in one hour and seven - eighth in one and half hours is
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) zero (D) – 1

7. In a first order reaction, the concentrations of the reactant, 30 minutes and 40 minutes after the
start are C1 and C2 (in moles/litre) respectively. What was C0, intial concentration ?
4 3
 C3 
1  C1   C1   C4 
(A) C0   C 4  (B) C0    (C) C0    (D) C0   C3 
 2   C2   C2   2 

8. At high temperature (504ºC) dimethyl ether decomposes as per the reaction

(CH3)2O (g)  CH4(g) + H2(g) + CO(g)
time (sec.) : 0 400 1200 
ptotal (mm) : 312 412 560 935
 623   623 
Determine the half life of the reaction during this run. (ln  523  = 0.175, ln  375  = 0.5076)
   
(A) 1311 sec (B) 1411 sec (C) 1511 sec (D) 1611 sec

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9. The order of reaction A  product can be given by the expression(s)
[where r = rate of reaction ; [A]1 = concentration at time t1; [A]2 = concentration at time t2 ]

lnr2  lnr1 ln[A0 ]2  ln[A0 ]1

(A) ln[A]  ln[A] (B) ln[t ]  ln[t ]
2 1 1/2 2 1/2 1

  d[A] ln(r / k)
(C) ln  / ln [A] (D)
k.dt  ln[A]

10. Excess of KI was added to 100 ml H2O2 solution of unknown strength along with sufficient H2SO4.
Iodine liberated was titrated against 0.1 M hypo solution 40 ml of which was required. Concentration
of H2O2 solution may be expressed as.
(A) 0.68 gm / L (B) 0.02 M (C) 0.04 N (D) 6.8 % w/v

Answer Key

1. C 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. D
8. D 9. ACD 10. ABC

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1. The decomposition of N2O5 in chloroform was followed by measuring the volume of O2 gas evolved
: 2N2O5 (CCI4)  2N2O4 (CCI4) + O2 (g). The maximum volume of O2 gas obtained was 100 cm3.
In 500 minutes, 90 cm3 of O2 were evolved. The first order rate constant (in min–1) for the
disappearance of N2O5 is :
2.303 2.303 100 2.303 90 100
(A) (B) log (C) log (D)
500 500 90 500 100 10  500

2. The reaction A(g) + 2B(g)  C(g) is an elementary reaction. In an experiment involving this
reaction, the initial partial pressures of A and B are PA = 0.40 atm and PB = 1.0 atm respectively.
When pressure of C becomes 0.3 atm in the reaction the rate of the reaction relative to the initial
rate is :
1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) none
12 50 25

3. For a certain reaction the variation of the rate constant with temperature is given by the
ln k t = ln k 0 + 0.0693 t (t  0°C)
The value of the temperature coefficient of the reaction rate is, therefore
(A) 0.1 (B) 1.0 (C) 10 (D) 2

4. The activation energies of two reactions are Ea and Ea’ with Ea > Ea'. If temperature of the
reacting systems is increased from T1 to T2, predict which of the following alternatives is correct?
(Where k1 and k2 are rate constant at higher temperature).

k1' k'2 k1' k2' k1' k 2' k1' k'2

(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 2
k1 k2 k1 k2 k1 k2 k1 k2

5. Two reactions A  products and B  products have rate constants kA and kB at temperature,
T and activation energies EA and EB respectively. If kA > kB and EA < EB and assuming that ‘A’ ,
pre-exponential factor for both the reactions is same, then.
(A) at higher temperatures kB will be greater than kA
(B) at lower temperatures kA and kB will be close to each other in magnitude
(C) as temperature rises kA and kB will be close to each other in magnitude.
(D) at lower temperature kB > kA

6. In a hypothetical reaction, A(aq) 2B(aq) + C(aq)

(1st order decomposition)
'A' is optically active (dextro-rototory) while 'B' and 'C' are optically inactive but 'B' takes part in
a titration reaction (fast reaction) with H2O2. Hence, the progress of reaction can be monitored by
measuring rotation of plane polarised light or by measuring volume of H2O2 consumed in titration.
In an experiment the optical rotation was found to be  = 40° at t = 20 min and  = 10° at t =
50 min. from start of the reaction. If the progress would have been monitored by titration method,
volume of H2O2 consumed at t = 15 min. (from start) is 40 ml then volume of H2O2 consumed at
t = 60 min will be:
(A) 60 ml (B) 75 ml (C) 52.5 ml (D) 90 ml

7. For 2A B + 3C, 2C 
 3D, assuming all reactions to be single step (Elementary)

reactions, which of the following is correct:

(A) d[C] / dt = 3k1[A]2 – 3 k–1 [B][C]3 – 2k2[C]2
(B) d[B] / dt = k1 [A]2
(C) d[A] / dt = 2k–1[B][C]3 – 2k1 [B][C]3
(D) None

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8. For the following parallel chain reaction the overall half life of A is 12 hours. If rate

of formation of C is 60% of a rate of decomposition of A then what will be half life of A while it is
converting into B ?
(A) 40 hours (B) 60 hours (C) 50 hours (D) 30 hours


9. Which of the following(s) influence the rate of chemical reactions.
(A) Catalyst (B) Nature of reactants
(C) Concentration of reactant (D) Temperature

10. The activation energies of two reactions I and II are Ea and 2Ea respectively. If the temperature
of the reacting systems is increased from T to T ', predict which of the following alternative is/
are correct?
(k represent rate constant)

(A) k 'I / k I  1 (B) k 'II / k II  1 (C) k 'I / k I  k 'II / k II (D) k 'I / k I  2 k 'II / k II

Answer Key

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A
8. D 9. ABCD 10. ABC

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1. For the following parallel chain reaction if the sum of the concentration of B

and C at any time is 2M then, what will be [B] t and [C] t respectively?

11 13 3 5 4 6 8 18
(A) M M (B) M, M (C) M, M (D) M, M
12 12 4 4 5 5 13 13

2. For the following parallel chain reaction

 [B] t 16 
what will be that value of overall half-life of A in minutes? Given that [C]  9 
 t 
(A) 3.3 (B) 6.3 (C) 3.6 (D) None

3. For two parallel first order reactions, what is the overall activation energy of reaction? The yields
of B and C in products are 40% and 60%, respectively.

A E
a  20 kcal / mol
  B A E
a  40 kcal / mol
  C
(A) 60 kcal/mol (B) 32 kcal/mol (C) 28 kcal/mol (D) 20 kcal / mol

4. In a chemical reaction A(g) is converted to B(g), following observation is made. Identify the
incorrect statement.

Pressure (atm)


10 20 30 time (min.)

(A) Chemical reaction may be A(g)  B(g).
(B) t1/2 of the reaction is independent of initial partial pressure of A.
(C) Reaction must be complex reaction.
(D) Time of completion for the reaction is 40 minutes.

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5. For the first order parallel reactions of A starting with 1M initial concentration of A :
3k B

A 2k 2C
Which of the following is false.
(A) [B]t : [C]t : [D]t is independent of time
(B) [C]t > [B]t = [D]t
(C) [C] = 0.67 M
(D) If k = 0.5 min–1 then [B] = 1 M after 1.386 min.

6. There are four atoms A, B, C & D having mass number 9, 10 , 11 & 12 respectively. Their binding
energies are 54, 70, 66 & 78 Mev respectively. Which of the following is false?
(A) Most stable atom is B (B) A & C have equal stabilities
(C) Order of stabilities D > B > C = A (D) D is more stable than C but less stable than B.

7. Select the incorrect statement.

(A) SI unit of radioactivity is becquered (Bq)
(B) 1 Li = 3.7 × 107 Bq.
(C) 3Li7 + 1H1  2He4 is (P, ) type reaction
(D) The half-life of a particular radioactive isotope is a characteristics constant of that isotope.

Comprehension (Q.8 to Q.10)
Concentrations measured as a function of time when gaseous N2O5 at initial concentration of
0.0200 M decomposes to gaseous NO2 and O2 at 50°C. The change in concentration with time is
given by the following graph.
0.03 NO2
[NO2 ]
=0.003 M


= tan–1 (2.5 × 10–5)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

8. The instantaneous rate of disappearance of N2O5 at the begining of the reaction is

(A) 2 × 10–5 M/s (B) 1 × 10–5 M/s (C) 5 × 10–5 M/s (D) zero

9. The rate of formation of O2 during the period 600 – 700 s is

(A) 4 × 10–5 M/s (B) 3 × 10–5 M/s (C) 5 × 10–5 M/s (D) 7.5 × 10–6 M/s

10. The rate of decomposition of N2O5 during the period 300 – 400 s is
(A) 4 × 10–4 M/s (B) 3 × 10–5 M/s (C) 2 × 10–5 M/s (D) 4 × 10–8 M/s

Answer Key

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B
8. C 9. D 10. C
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