The Hundred Year Marathon

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1. Marathon Strategy depends heavily on goodwill, stemming from the concept soft
outside and ruthless inside.

2. Foreign Investment, Chinese Exports, Cheap Manufacturing costs and a blind eye
towards stealing technology not iaw WTO Rules (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), negotiated during the 1986-94 Uruguay Round).

3. Leaders convinced of the Chinese move in the right direction and system in place
to play along with the western biases.

How It Came to Light

4. Ai Weiwei (Artist) going to prison post revealing facts about the secret operation
of garnering support of foreigners by implanting complacency.

5. Putting up a front of not being a modern military power for decades as even told
by the Beijing Bureau Chief (Patrick Tyler in 1999)

6. First insight into the false premonitions came on the publishing of the book
‘Unrestricted Warfare’ openly discussing vulnerabilities of America. Promoting non-
military ways to counter American power – Col Qiao Liang and Col Wang Xiangsui.

7. Authors invited to change opinion however went on to publish another volume on

lessons against the American hegemony

By Miss Lee

8. Comparison with Warring States period in China : Fuchai (Old Power) vs Goujian
(New Power) – Wu Zixu is advisor – Use of Stratagem of Shi to avenge and take control
when the time is right.

9. If you want to conquer the world, do not appear ambitious, hide your intentions
and appear without having an agenda, “Delay action and create a more favourable
strat condition”.

10. In the 1980s, control by the hard line hawks and influence over local media and
taking feedback from external agencies and then shaping public opinion. (Politburo’s
Standing Committee).

11. First came out when it may have affected the US congressional vote in 2000 on
trade normalization between China and US. Full membership of WTO. Normalise Bill
Clinton’s efforts to pressure China to let Dalai Lama return to Tibet.

12. 1996 senate inquiry into Chinese alleged influence of congressional votes
including an FBI report in Mar 2000 against US Campaign finance Laws. Stopped later
but passing of messages through media continued and shaping narrative.
Division of People into Groups and Confucius Institutes

13. Dear friends are close to Chinese – forming friendship committees

14. These people are invited to China, praised openly and even given chances of
investments in the country. Red Team are Chinese sympathisers and are easy to track
through writings. (author was one of them)

15. Donations to think tanks who later promote Chinese presence and influence.

16. Establishment of Confucius institutes around the world in 2004. Headed by Liu
Yandong, Vice-Premier and the first women member of the Politburo. These institutes
portray China as a pacifier and happy economy.

17. 1/5th of these institutes are in America highlighting the long game of the Chinese.
Cash trapped institutes see them like a boon, cause of the money and information flow.
All coming from HANBAN – ministry of education.

18. Topics are off limits and only certain teachings in the institutes are allowed. Tibet,
Taiwan is not allowed to be covered. (4 Million $ for Confucius in Stanford – caveat was
not to discuss Tibet).

19. Maybe a cover for Chinese Espionage both military and industrial. Monitoring
activities and affecting curriculum of Chinese Students. Now moving to Schools to
promote Chinese language and culture. Systematic approach to win over sympathisers.

Punishing Critics

20. Quick to punish who are agasint Chinese influence. Denying visas and are frozen
out. Happens in both Left and Right Parties. Premier China Scholar – Perry Link denied
entry for 18 years since he does not echo Chinese sentiments.

21. Changing perspective about the author from 1980 to 2006 – from Panda Hugger
to Panda Slugger. Own visa revoked. But however later in 2013, again openly supported
maybe coz of the publishing this book and in an attempt to coerce me into making it softer
on them.

22. Chinese Policy on Media – Direct Action, Employing Economic Carrots and
Sticks, Applying Indirect Pressure, Conducting Cyber Attacks and Physical

23. Attacks on leading media houses, NYT, Twitter, Wall Street Journal and CNN.
Washington Post Bureau Chief denied entry since 2009. (Andrew Higgins).

24. All network operations controlled by the communist party. Tools called ‘Great
Firewall of China’. Attacks on major companies, who are forced by Chinese changing


25. All Actions based on era of Warring States and the same principles.

26. Do not allow your enemy to see the pieces on the chessboard before you do.

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