Tugas 1 (Reading IV)

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There are ten questions for assignment 1.

Read the text given and then answer the questions following it. This Text is for
questions 1-5.

As today's bride and groom celebrate their wedding, they have every excuse for being
nervous. They exchange promises of lifelong fidelity and mutual support. However, all
around them, they can see that many people do not and cannot keep these promises. Their
own marriage has a one in three chance of divorce, if present tendencies
Traditional marriage is facing a crisis, at least in Britain. Not only are there more
and more divorces, but the number of marriages is falling. Living together is more
popular than before. The family is now no longer one man, one woman and their
children. Instead, there are more and more families which include parents, half sisters and
brothers, or even only one parent on her / his own.
Although Britain is still conservative in its attitudes to marriage compared with
other countries such as the USA, Sweden and Denmark, the future will probably
see many more people living together before marriage - and more divorce.
Interestingly, it is women rather than men who apply for divorce.
Seven out of ten divorces are given to the wife. Also, one of the main reasons for
divorce, chosen by ten times more women than men, is unreasonable or cruel
behaviour. Perhaps this means that women will tolerate less than they used to.
Taken by IES San Clamente

NO Questions / Pertanyaan. Skor

1. Write a summary of the above text in English,
including the most important points. Use your 20
own words as possible as you can (maximum 50

2. What is the main idea in second paragraph? 5

3. Based on the conservative, what happens in USA,

Sweden, and Denmark? 5

4. Do you agree or not about living together? Give 10

your reason(s).

5. In the sentence “Interestingly, it is women rather than men who
apply for divorce”. 5
What does it refer to?

6. Please, describe the differences between summary 10

and abstract!

7. What do you know about fiction stories? 10

8. Which one do you prefer, pop romance or classical 15

romance? Write down your reasons!

9. What is the meaning of reflection? 10

10. How do you make a good abstract? 10

Skor maksimum 100


1. Summary of the above text

- Traditional marriage is facing a crisis, at least in the UK.

- There are more and more divorces, but the number of marriages is decreasing.
- Living together is more popular than ever. Families are now no longer one man, one
woman and their children. Instead, more and more families consist of parents, half-
sisters and half-brothers, or even just one parent.
- One of the main reasons for divorce, chosen by women ten times more than men, is
unreasonable or cruel behavior. Maybe this means that women will have less
tolerance than before.

2. Traditional marriage is facing a crisis, at least in Britain. Not only are there more
and more divorces, but the number of marriages is falling.

3. See many more people living together before marriage.

4. I don’t agree, because break the rules include more likelihood of divorce, violence,
infidelity and child abuse.

5. More requests for divorce were made by women than men

6. An abstract concisely explains all the key points of an academic text such as a thesis,
dissertation or journal article. It should summarize the whole text, not just introduce it.

An abstract is a type of summary, but summaries are also written elsewhere in

academic writing. For example, you might summarize a source in a paper, in a
literature review, or as a standalone assignment.

7. A work of fiction is created in the imagination of its author, who invents the story and
makes up the characters, the plot or storyline, the dialogue and sometimes even the
setting. There are three main types of fiction: the short story, the novella and the novel.

8. I prefer clasical romance because A Classical view of life is founded upon an intense
awareness of the frailties of human nature and a skepticism of unexamined instinct.
The Classical attitude knows that our feelings can frequently hinder our better insights;
that we repeatedly misunderstand ourselves and others, and that we are never far from
folly and error.

9. A reading reflection is an opportunity for students to think about what they've read,
identify important aspects of the text, and make connections between their own lives
and the text. Reading reflections can include written responses, artwork, or even
discussions with a partner or small group.

10. Make a good abstact :

1. Write the paper first

2. Provide introductory background information that leads into a statement of your
3. Briefly describe your methodology
4. Clearly describe the most important findings of your study
5. State the conclusion concisely and avoid overstatements

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