Tugas 1 (Cross Cultural Understanding)

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NIM : 043939962

No Tugas Tutorial
1 You have to find examples (1 example each) of misinterpretation, ethnocentrism,
stereotypes, and prejudices from your surroundings; from your daily life, or from TV
shows, newspapers, or other sources and upload them with a brief explanation for
each example.
The assignment should be in the form of essay, 250-350 words, Times New Roman
12 pts. Pictures can be added for additional points. The assignment is to be uploaded
together with the analysis of the case study above. Remember, this is an individual
assignment, and your score depends on the quality of the assignment that you upload.

1. Misinterpretastion
Misunderstanding is information received by someone that has a different meaning or essence
from that intended by the giver or transmitter of the information. Problems and
misinterpretations do not result every time members from two cultures communicate.
Misinterpretation can also be caused by two languages that have different meanings.
Example : Misinterpretation is caused by two different languages so that the meaning is also
different. In Sundanese the word "Tuang" means to eat, but in Indonesian it means "to pour"
so there can be a misinterpretation of the word "Tuang".
2. Ethnocentrism
Defined as ethnocentrism or an attitude that is based on one's own group or culture. Generally,
ethnocentric attitudes are also accompanied by attitudes or views that belittle other groups,
because they consider their group to be much better. Ethnocentrism or ethnocentrism cannot
actually always be seen as bad or have a negative impact. Because there are times when this
attitude can have a positive impact too.
The following are some examples of ethnocentric attitudes, namely:
- Wearing traditional clothing as a characteristic.
- There is conflict between the Madurese and Batak tribes.
- Bullying if there are friends who come from outside Java.
3. Stereotypes
Stereotypes are conceptions about the nature of a group based on subjective and inaccurate
prejudices. Subjective means views that may differ from one person to another.
Example of stereotype
- Batak people tend to be rude when they speak
- Jogya people speak polite words and behave politely
4. Prejudice
Prejudice is an attitude of dislike that a person gives to another individual or group that is
very strong. This attitude of dislike has no basis or hatred towards a particular individual or
group based on negative stereotypical beliefs due to judgment without looking at the unique
characteristics of an individual or group of people.
For example, when people are not confident in their academic abilities and are compared
with colleagues who have better academic achievements. This of course can cause

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