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Indonesia is currently shocked by many students who died in boarding rooms. The death was
caused by gastric disease. It is considered a disease of modern times, linked to society's
increasingly prevalent addictions and stressful lifestyles. In Indonesia there are many plants
that have potential as gastroprotectors, namely the Peperomia pellucida L plant. This plant
can be innovated into a pudding that is liked by many people. The purpose of this study was
to determine the effect of Peperomia pellucida L. pudding on the condition of people with
stomach ulcers. Beginning with making pudding with three variations, namely the use of
Peperomia pellucia 5 grams, 10 grams and 15 grams, followed by organoleptic testing and
testing on patients with stomach acid for three days. The results of the organoleptic test
showed that variation 3, namely 15 grams of Paperomia pellucida, was the most popular.
Variation 3 was tested on patients with stomach acid for three days. The test results show that
there is a change from before consuming pudding to after consuming pudding. It can be
concluded that Paperomia pellucida pudding has an effect on people with stomach acid.
Key word: stomach ulcers, Paperomia pellucida, pudding

1. Introduction
Indonesia is currently shocked by many students who died in boarding rooms. Like the
news that a student at the UI Faculty of Law died in a boarding room due to stomach ulcers
(Khabibi, 2015), new students at the State University in Palembang City were found to have died
from ulcers (Anggraini, 2021), Malang Poltekes students died in boarding rooms due to stomach
ulcers in January 2022 (Afrian, 2020), a student of the PGS Department at Medan State
University died of stomach ulcers in June 2022 (Fundrika & Ramadhan, 2022). The number of
deaths due to stomach ulcers makes this disease a very important thing to pay attention to. Ulcers
are also known as peptic ulcers. It is considered a disease of modern times, linked to society's
increasingly prevalent addictions and stressful lifestyles.
Stomach ulcers are ranked 10th in the death category. In Indonesia, deaths from this
disease reach 0.9%, which is obtained from a death rate of 8.41 for every hundred thousand
people. The mechanism for the formation of gastric ulcers is when there is an imbalance between
desensitizing factors and aggressive factors in the gastroduodenal mucosa (Raehana, 2021).
Gastric ulcer is a disease of the digestive tract which is characterized by mucosal damage to
gastric acid secretion and pepsin (Widyaningsih & Afdaliah, 2020).
In Indonesia there are many plants that have potential as gastroprotectors, one of which is
Peperomia pellucida L. Peperomia pellucida L. is reported to contain dillapiole compounds with
gastroprotective effects. Gastroprotective is the effect caused by compounds that have the ability
to protect the gastric mucosa. The Peperomia pellucida L. plant contains alkaloids, flavonoids,
saponins, tannins, and terpenoids. (Pertiwi et al., 2022). Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth is a
medicinal plant used to treat inflammatory diseases such as conjunctivitis, as well as
gastrointestinal and respiratory disorders in tropical and subtropical regions. The
antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic and anti-angiogenic
activities demonstrated by P. pellucida extracts in many in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies
demonstrate their potential role in the management of inflammatory diseases. P. pellucida extract
is non-toxic to normal cell lines but shows mild toxicity in test animals (Ho et al., 2022). The
growth of P. pellucida has inspired the community to process the plant into health products.
One of the products that everyone likes is pudding. The utilization of Peperomia pellucida
L. as pudding has never been done. Thus, there is a need for product innovation by utilizing the
potential of Peperomia pellucida L..

Research purposes
From this background, this study aims to determine the effect of Peperomia pellucida L. pudding
on the condition of people with stomach acid

2. Menthod and experimental details

This research is a qualitative research. Research implementation starts from November-
December 2022 at MTsN 2 Probolinggo. The samples used were students and their
parents who suffered from stomach acid.
The tools used are pots, pans, stoves, knives, swallows, scales, filters, spoons, and cups.
The materials used are Chinese betel leaves, pandan suji and pandan fragrance, water,
sugar, pudding extract.
Pudding making
Pudding was made with 3 different variations with the ratio of Chinese betel, suji leaves,
and fragrant pandan leaves, namely variation 1: 5 gram : 6 gram : 5 gram, variation 2:10
gram : 6 gram : 5 gram, and variation 3:15 gram : 6 grams : 5 grams. At first, the
ingredients were weighed according to the dosage, followed by making pandan leaf
extract. Then add 1200 ml of water, Chinese betel leaves and 125 grams of sugar. Cook
until done. The pudding is poured into the container that has been prepared.
Organoleptic test and test the effect of pudding on humans
Organoleptic testing was carried out on 15 participants with a hedonic scale of 1-5. The
purpose of this test is to find out which pudding is most in demand by the public. The
best pudding was tested on seven participants who suffered from stomach acid for three
days to find out its effect on stomach acid.
3. Result and Discussion

4. Conclution
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian pudding kepada partisipan yang
menderita asam lambung memiliki pengaruh yaitu badan lebih ringan, lebih segar, dan
jarang merasakan nyeri lambung.

The conclusion of this study is that giving pudding to participants who suffer from
stomach acid has an effect, namely the body is lighter, fresher, and rarely feels stomach
5. Acknowledgements
Terimakasih kepada seluruh pihak MTsN 2 Probolinggo, guru pembimbing, dan seluruh
partisipan yang membantu untuk menyelesaikan karya ini,
6. Referencess

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