OptionA Deedoftrust MadrasatunNoor

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THIS DEED OF TRUST is made at [________] on this [____] day of [_____], 2024
Madrasatun Noor, a non-profit and private educational institution, having its office at Plot
No.2268, 2269, Madani Avenue, Pachkhola More, Madrasa Road, Satarkul, Badda, Dhaka,
Bangladesh (hereinafter referred to as the “Author” of the Trust)
1. Mr. _________________,
2. Mr. _________________,
3. Mr. _________________,
4. Mr. _________________,
5. Mr. _________________, and
6. Mr. _________________.

(hereinafter collectively referred to as “Trustees” or “Board of Trustees”, which expression

shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to include other
Trustees as and when subsequently appointed pursuant to the provisions of this instrument)

WHEREAS the author of the Trust is the absolute owner of the money and the property
described in the Schedule 1 hereto annexed.

AND WHEREAS the author of the Trust is desirous of creating a Trust in the name and style
“MADRASATUN NOOR TRUST FOUNDATION”, hereinafter called the “Trust” for the
objects and purposes laid hereinafter.

AND WHEREAS the author of the Trust has reposed and declared its confidence in the
Board of Trustees in respect of the Trust Fund as mentioned in the schedule.

AND WHEREAS the Trustee/Trustees above named has/have accepted the said confidence
and are willing to be invested with the ownership of the property or trust money and have
agreed to fulfil the object of the Trust under the direction set herein so as to give effect to the
wishes of the author of the Trust in respect of the Trust Money/property.



Name and creation of the Trust:
1. That the Author of the Trust as owner of the Trust money/property mentioned in the
schedule annexed hereto, conveys, transfers and grants up to the Trustee all or every
such money and property mentioned in the Schedule to have and to hold the same in
trust for the objects of the trust to be used and appropriated by the Trustees of the said
Trust in order to carry or/and fulfill the said objects in accordance with the direction
of the author so far as the same extend and the author of the trust hereby relinquishes
for all times any claim to or interest in the said money or property.

2. That the Board of Trustees shall receive and held in trust all money and properties

3. The registered office of the Trust shall presently be situated at Plot No. 2268, 2269,
Madani Avenue, Pachkhola More, Madrasa Road, Satarkul, Badda, Dhaka,
Bangladesh which may be transferred from time to time to such places as the Trustees
may deem fit.

Objects of the Trust:

4. The objects or purposes for which the Trust is established are the following and it is
declared that the several sub-clauses of this clause and all the powers mentioned in it
are to be cumulative and in no case is the generality of one sub-clause to be narrowed
or restricted by any particularity of any other sub-clause, nor will any general
expression in any sub-clause be narrowed or restricted by any particularity of
expression in the same sub-clause or the application of any rule of construction
“ejusdem generis” or otherwise:
b) To govern, manage and take necessary steps for smooth operation and
function of MADRASATUN NOOR;
c) To provide quality education through non-profit and educational institution,
i.e. MADRASATUN NOOR, to the society with perfect blend of pure
knowledge of Qur’an and Sunnah and the standard knowledge of general
subjects like English, Mathematics and Science;
d) To promote higher education in Arabic, national and international languages;
e) To inspire students for lifetime learning and educate them for carrying
independent research in Bangla, Arabic and English by completion of ‘A’
f) To benefit from the Qur’an and Sunnah and classical books on basic principles
of Islam to serve humanity;
g) To train students to practice ethical behavior and abide by the Islamic code of
conducts to be the role models in the society;
h) To nurture humility, empathy and compassion so that the students would
volunteer for social responsibilities;
i) To facilitate students’ innovative and creative learning skills that will enable
them to make an honest living and contribute to the development of the
community and prosperity of the nation;

j) To make students proficient in three important languages of the world: Bangla,
English and Arabic to widen the scope for higher studies and the professional
k) To acquire by purchase, lease, gift, grant, legacy, bequest, exchange,
otherwise from any person, company, moveable or immoveable properties of
all descriptions-lands, buildings, easements, rights of common-now or
hereafter vested in or in the possession of the MADRASATUN NOOR
TRUST FOUNDATION, and to have the name or names of any or all the
above mentioned mutated in any Court or Office (Civil, Criminal, Revenue,
Municipal, Estate, etc.) to that of the said Trust;
l) To take over the effects, equities, and liabilities of existing institution, i.e.
MADRASAUTN NOOR, which should form the integral part of the
m) To maintain, deal with, and manage the said moveable and immoveable
properties of all descriptions of the said Trust in furtherance of its objectives;
n) To alienate by way of sale, mortgage, lease, exchange gift, hiring out, or
otherwise any of the properties, movable or immovable of the Trust of portion
thereof, unless otherwise stipulated in a particular case by the terms of a will,
legacy bequest, grant, etc.
o) To enter into arrangement with any Government of Authority, whether
District, Municipal, Metropolitan, Local or otherwise that may seem to be
conducive to the objects of the Trust or to any of them and to obtain from any
Government or Authority such rights, concessions, and privileges as the Trust
may think desirable and to obtain, carry out, exercise and comply with any
such arrangements, rights, privileges and concessions;
p) To receive donations from Government, institutions, companies, or persons
from here and abroad, and use the same towards the objective of the Trust;
q) To establish in any place in Bangladesh or elsewhere in the world such branch,
agency or local board for managing any of the affairs of the Trust as may be
settled by the Trustees.
r) To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of
the above objects;
s) [invest];
t) [borrowing];
u) [drawing bill of exchange];
v) [sued or sue]

The Board of Trustees:

5. The members of the Board of Trustees shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary,
Treasurer and 5 to 9 supporting members for various functions as necessary. The total
number of members of the Board of Trustees shall not be more than 13 (thirteen) and
less than three before any person (except the Founder members) becomes a member
of the Trust.

6. The founding members of the Board of Trustees shall be as follows:


Name Position Occupation Address

7. Mr. _____________ will be the Chairman of the Trust by virtue of this position.

Use of the Trust Fund:

8. The income and properties of the Trust whatsoever derived or obtained shall be
applied solely to promote the objects of the Trust and no portion thereof shall be paid
to or dividend directly or indirectly amongst the members by way of profits, bonus,
dividends, etc.

9. The Board of Trustees shall manage the trust property or the subject matter of the
trust economically and diligently and honestly.

10. The Trustee must not for himself or another set up and/or aid any title to the trust
property adverse to the interest of the beneficiary.

11. The Trustees shall have the powers to arrange, run and administer the trust property in
accordance with the provision of this deed and the Trusts Act, 1882.

12. Any question arising the administration of the trust shall be decided by the majority of
the trustees acting for the time being.

13. Without prejudice the powers of the Board of Trustees, the Chairman or the Board of
Trustees may also empower any of the members of the Board of Trustees to represent
or act for the trust in any matter connecting the properties, funds, investments,
borrowings, and the making or cancellation of any instrument for any of the purposes
of the Trust.

14. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to borrow moneys for the purposes of the
Rules and Regulations of the Trust:
See Schedule 2
The Dissolution of the Trust:
15. If any situation arises to dissolve the Trust, all the properties, assets, funds, etc., are to
be distributed or to be transferred to any or several institution with similar objects.

The Indemnity:
16. No Trustee shall have to pay any indemnity to the Trust for losses and expenses
incurred in the discharge of his/her duties except when such losses happen through
his/her own willful act of negligence or default.

Schedule 1: “The Property”

An amount of Tk. __________________ paid in favour of the Trust by a crossed cheque No.
____________ dated ___________ drawn on ________________ Limited, Dhaka and to be
deposited in the account of the Trust to be opened in a scheduled bank after registration of the
Trust Deed.
Schedule 2: “Rules and Regulations of the Trust”
Section 1.1 - Name: The Name of the educational institution under trust shall be "Madrasatun
Section 1.2 – Type of Institution: “Madrasatun Noor” will be a non-profit and private
educational institution to provide education from Play Group to A-level
Section 1.3-Date of Establishment: June 1, 2018.
Section 1.4-Slogan: The slogan of the institution has been chosen as 'Light upon Light" from
the concept of verse 35 of Sura An-Noor of al-Qur'anul Kareem.
Section 1.5-Logo: The logo of the institution has been set as
Section 1.6-Madrasa Colour: ‘Madrasatun Noor’ will use 'Green tender leave’ colour as its
base colour that represents the young hearts of the society. It will also use 'Blue' for Tamhidi
Section and 'Brown' for Ibtedayee and above where colour 'Blue' represents the sky and
colour 'Brown' represents the earth. Hence, Madrasatun Noor is within the boundaries of
'Asman' and 'Zamin' for the young hearts of Bani Adam.
Section 1.7- Registration and Affiliation: ‘Madrasatun Noor’ will have the appropriate
educational registration from public or private authorized board of Bangladesh. It will also
pursue to have necessary affiliation from appropriate body for O/A Levels examination and
equivalent Mutawassitah/Sanweeyah examination at home and abroad. Madrasa may have
the appropriate academic affiliation with any similar educational institutions at home and
Section 1.8 – Area of Operation: ‘Madrasatun Noor’ will operate anywhere across the world
in general and within the boundaries of Bangladesh in particular. It shall operate from one or
more than one branches, directly or by providing curriculum support. Upon requirement and
demand, it shall support the branches or similar institutions outside Bangladesh too.
Presently, Madrasatun Noor shall operate at Plot No. 2268, 2269, Madani Avenue,
Pachkhola More, Madrasa Road, Satarkul, Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Section 2.1 – Vision Statement: Madrasatun Noor Trust Foundation shall pursue the vision
of: ‘A center of excellence for nurturing Islamic Scholars and Leaders for the
Section 2.2 – Mission Statement: Madrasatun Noor Trust Foundation shall pursue the
mission of: ‘To enlighten little hearts with the light of Islam and nurture future Muslim
leaders who are Islamically anchored, intellectually progressive and ethically upright to
contribute to the well-being of the society’.
The vision, mission and objectives of Madrasatun Noor Trust Foundation will be
implemented, steered, supervised and monitored by following authorities and committees:
1. Board of Trustees (BoT)
2. Advisory Committee (AC)
3. The Patrons
4. Guardians Representative (GR)
5. Academic Council
Details of all these committees are discussed in the subsequent Article IV to VIII. BoT to act
as Apex Body of all these committees. All the members of BoT, except the EC Chair, will be
considered as ex-officio member of AC, Patrons and GR. BoT to arrange a yearly meeting
with all these committees.
Section 4.1 – Responsibilities of Board of Trustees:
Board of Trustees for Madrasatun Noor Trust Foundation, hereafter referred to as “BoT”, is
the policymaking and governing body of the Madrasa (i.e. Madrasatun Noor) and may
exercise all the powers and authority granted to it by these Bylaws. All members of the Board
of Trustee shall be the voting members.
The BoT shall:
4.1.1. Take all the necessary actions to ensure and enhance the standard of education. 4.1.2.
Evaluate educational programs annually to ensure the Madrasa is pursuing its mission.
4.1.3. Arrange the necessary fund and assets for smooth functioning of the Madrasa. 4.1.4.
Construct, Develop and ensure the Maintenance of infrastructure of the Madrasa.
4.1.5. Develop and monitor the implementation of various rules, regulations and policies.
4.1.6. Approve the annual budget of the Madrasa.
4.1.7. Review annual report and financial Audit of the Madrasa.
4.1.8. Receive, invest and maintain all sorts of charity donation by any person or

4.1.9. Reserve the authority to declare ‘obsolete’ and call for auction to all sorts of assets.
4.1.10. Employ Principal who in turn will remain accountable and report directly to the BoT.
Principal, preferably, to be from the Board of Trustee members.
4.1.11. Have the final authority to approve hiring or dismissal of all teachers and staff and
approve their duties as recommended by Principal.
4.1.12. Review maintenance of records, accounts, archives, management methods, and
procedures considered essential for the success of the Madrasa.
4.1.13. Devise effective means of communicating important Madrasa information to the
4.1.14. Amend/update rules of business for BoT as and when required.
4.1.15. No verdict can contradict this constitution until the necessary sections or clauses are
Section 4.2 - Criteria and Selection of BoT Members:
4.2.1. EC member should be a citizen of Bangladesh by birth;
4.2.2. S/he should be an adult from the Muslim community;
4.2.3. S/he should follow and practice proper Islamic values, ethics, etiquette, dress and
4.2.4. Either s/he is a seed entrepreneur or s/he was with the Advisory committee/the
Patrons/Guardians’ Representative of Madrasatun Noor for minimum three years; 4.2.5. S/he
should have monetary contribution to the Madrasa;
4.2.6. Aspirant to become BoT member must obtain approval of the Committee by majority
vote prior to the final selection.
4.2.7. Normally the membership is not transferable to anyone. Nominees are authorized to get
back the Qarde Hasana amount only, if any, from Madrasa, in case of emergency as decided
by BoT.
4.2.8. Existing BoT member, in case of any logical disability, may nominate his successor
from his family or after the demise of any BoT member; BoT body may select the competent
member from the demised BoT member’s family as his successor. If the selected candidate
lacks in any of the criteria as mentioned in section 4.2, the BoT body may recommend to wait
till the selected successor fulfills the lacking. In all the cases, the candidate must obtain
approval of the Committee by majority vote.
Section 4.3 – Resignations:
BoT members wishing to resign shall attempt to find replacements for them and shall
educate/train them prior to ending their term. All replacements shall be subject to BoT
Section 4.4 – Removal: The BoT with majority vote may remove or suspend any of the EC
members, if it is found that:

4.4.1. The member is not a citizen of Bangladesh;
4.4.2. S/He is involved in any amoral activities or activities that are prejudice to the interest
of the country, society and Islamic community;
4.4.3. If s/he is absent from consecutive two BoT meetings without any prior approval of the
4.4.4. If s/he fails to contribute monetary subscription within the time frame as decided by the
4.4.5. If s/he fails to submit ‘reasons in writing’ for absence from the BoT meetings or failing
to subscribe within the time frame stipulated by the BoT.
4.4.6. If s/he is arrested by any law enforcing agency or serve any term in custody for any
reasons whatsoever.
4.4.7. If s/he is a close relative (spouse, children, father, mother or brother) of a person who
is under surveillance or arrested by any law enforcing agency or serve any term in custody for
any reasons what so ever.
The member will be immediately removed from the position for the reasons as mentioned in
Section 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.6 & 4.4.7 by calling ‘Emergency Meeting’ and will remain
suspended till the time s/he is free from the allegation. The member will be kept in
suspension from the position for the reasons as mentioned in Section 4.4.3, 4.4.4 & 4.4.5
through scheduled general meeting.
Section 4.6 – Compensation: BoT members shall serve fee sabilillah as volunteers without
any types of compensation. Their reward shall be from Allah, may He be Glorified and
Exalted. For any special intellectual assignment and in other occasions, members may be
allotted with honorarium as mentioned in Article XI, Section 11.2 of this rules and
Section 4.7 – Procedures:
4.7.1. The BoT shall meet at least quarterly in a year. All decisions of the Board shall require
approval of the majority of the members present. Votes shall be cast and, in case of a tie, the
chairperson shall make the decision. Proxies shall not be allowed.
4.7.2. The meetings will be called for by the Chairman – all members shall be notified about
the time and place of a meeting at least 7 days in advance.
4.7.3. Each meeting shall have agenda items to be discussed which will be emailed to each
Trustees ahead of the meeting.
4.7.4. A Trustee’s seat shall be considered vacant: if a member formally resigns; and or
leaves the area for 6 months or more at free will; and or fails to attend 2 consecutive meetings
without being excused; and or fails to attend at least 50% of scheduled meetings in a calendar
year; and or remain aloof/dormant from the Madrasa activities for a period as decided by the

4.7.5. If a BoT member happens to be a parent as well, he must abide by all policies and
procedures of the Madrasa and care must be exercised to avoid any financial conflict of
Section 5.1 – Responsibilities of Advisory Committee: Advisory Committee, hereafter
referred to as “AC”, is the supervisory and advising body of the Madrasa and may exercise
all the authority granted to it by these Bylaws. AC members are not the voting members. The
AC shall:
5.1.1. Provide necessary advice in preparing Madrasa Curriculum in accordance with Qur’an
and Sunnah and the contemporary national education policy.
5.1.2. Provide necessary advice in preparing rules, regulations and policies according to the
instructions of Qur’an and sahi ahadth.
5.1.3. Review periodically all Madrasa rules, regulations and policies to ensure that no
clauses conflict the guidance of Qur’an and Sunnah.
5.1.4. Act as ‘Sharia Board’ for the Madrasa.
5.1.5. Promote the curriculum of Madrasatun Noor.
Section 5.2 – Composition of AC: The total AC members will not exceed 5. Each advisor to
act as Chief Advisor for the tenure of one calendar year by rotation. One BoT member, as
nominated by BoT Chair, will act as honorary member secretary of AC.
Section 5.3 - Criteria and Selection of AC Members:
5.3.1. AC member should be a male citizen of Bangladesh by birth;
5.3.2. He should be a well-known Islamic Scholar and preferably an Academician;
5.3.3. He should be free from any controversy;
5.3.4. Preferably, he should be a doctorate from any renown University of KSA, Egypt,
Sudan etc;
5.3.5. He must obtain approval of EC by majority vote prior to a final selection.
5.3.6. The membership is not transferable to anyone. Nominees are authorized to get back the
Qarde Hasana amount only, if any, from Madrasa, in case of emergency as decided by BoT.
Section 5.4 – Resignations: AC members wishing to resign or nearing the end of their term
shall attempt to find replacements for them and shall train them prior to ending their term. All
replacements shall be subject to BoT approval.
Section 5.5 – Removal: The Chief Advisor with majority vote may remove or suspend any of
the AC members, if it is found that:
5.5.1. The member is not a citizen of Bangladesh;
5.5.2. He is involved in any amoral activities or activities that are prejudice to the interest of
the country, society and Islamic community;

5.5.3. If he is arrested by any law enforcing agency or serve any term in custody for any
reasons what so ever.
5.5.4. If he is a close relative (spouse, children, father, mother or brother) of a person who is
under surveillance or arrested by any law enforcing agency or serve any term in custody for
any reasons what so ever.
The member will be immediately removed from the position for the reasons as mentioned in
Section 5.5 by calling ‘Emergency Meeting’.
Section 5.6 – Compensation: AC members shall serve as volunteers without compensation.
For any special intellectual assignment, the member may be allotted with honorarium as
decided by BoT.
Section 5.7 – Procedures:
5.7.1. AC shall sit at least twice in a year. They may sit at any time of the year based on the
request of the BoT.
5.7.2. The meetings will be called for by the Chief Advisor – all members shall be notified
about the time and place of a meeting at least 3 days in advance.
5.7.3. Each meeting shall have agenda items to be discussed which will be emailed to each
committee member ahead of the meeting.
5.7.4. AC seat shall be considered vacant if a member formally resigns, leaves the area for 12
months or more, fails to attend 2 consecutive meetings in a year.
5.7.5. If an AC member happens to be a parent as well, he must abide by all policies and
procedures of the Madrasa and care must be exercised to avoid any financial or any other
conflict of interest.
Section 6.1 – Responsibilities of The Patrons: Madrasatun Noor will have a group of Patrons,
the well wishers of the institutions. They are not voting members. The Patrons shall:
6.1.1. Support the Madrasa by providing necessary administrative, financial and academic
assistance when asked by BoT.
6.1.2. Provide necessary advice on Madrasa rules, regulations and policies when asked by
6.1.3. Promote the curriculum of Madrasatun Noor.
6.1.4. Evaluate educational programs annually and provide feedback to BoT.
6.1.5. Devise effective means to communicate important Madrasa events/information to the
community at large.
Section 6.2 – Composition of Patrons: The total Patrons will not exceed 5. Each patron to act
as Chief Patron for the tenure of one calendar year by rotation. One BoT member, as
nominated by EC Chair, will act as honorary member secretary of Patrons.
Section 6.3 - Criteria and Selection of Patrons:

6.3.1. The Patrons should be a citizen of Bangladesh by birth;
6.3.2. S/he should be an adult from the Muslim community;
6.3.3. S/he should follow and practice proper Islamic values, ethics, etiquette, dress and
judgment; 6.3.4. S/he should have monetary/physical contribution to the Madrasa;
6.3.5. S/he must obtain approval of EC by majority vote prior to a final selection.
6.3.6. The membership is not transferable to anyone. Nominees are authorized to get back the
Qarde Hasana amount only, if any, from Madrasa, in case of emergency as decided by BoT.
Section 6.4 – Resignations: Any patrons wishing to resign or nearing the end of their term
shall attempt to find replacements for them and shall educate/train them prior to ending their
term. All replacements shall be subject to BoT approval.
Section 6.5 – Removal: The BoT with majority vote may remove or suspend any of the
Patrons, if it is found that:
6.5.1. The member is not a citizen of Bangladesh;
6.5.2. If s/he is involved in any amoral activities or activities that are prejudice to the interest
of the country, society and Islamic community;
6.5.3. If s/he is arrested by any law enforcing agency or serve any term in custody for any
reasons what so ever.
6.5.4. If s/he is a close relative (spouse, children, father, mother or brother) of a person who is
under surveillance or arrested by any law enforcing agency or serve any term in custody for
any reasons what so ever.
The member will be immediately removed from the position for the reasons as mentioned in
Section 6.5 by calling ‘Emergency Meeting’.
Section 6.6 – Compensation: The Patrons shall serve as volunteers without compensation. For
any special intellectual assignment, the member may be allotted with honorarium as decided
by the BoT.
Section 6.7 – Procedures:
6.7.1. The patrons shall sit at least twice in a year. They may sit at any time of the year based
on the request of the BoT.
6.7.2. The meetings will be called for by the Chief Patron – all members shall be notified
about the time and place of a meeting at least 3 days in advance.
6.7.3. Each meeting shall have agenda items to be discussed which will be emailed to each
committee member ahead of the meeting.
6.7.4. A Patron seat shall be considered vacant if a patron formally resigns, leaves the area for
12 months or more, fails to attend 2 consecutive meetings in a year.
6.7.5. If a patron happens to be a parent as well, he must abide by all policies and procedures
of the Madrasa and care must be exercised to avoid any financial or any other conflict of

Section 7.1 – Responsibilities of Guardians’ Representatives (GR): Madrasatun Noor will
have a group of Guardians as class representative. They are not voting members. The GR
7.1.1. Support the Madrasa by providing necessary administrative, financial and academic
assistance when asked by the BoT.
7.1.2. Provide necessary advice on academic curriculum, syllabus and class when asked by
the BoT.
7.1.3. Promote the activities of Madrasatun Noor.
7.1.4. Evaluate educational, co-curricular and extracurricular programs annually and provide
feedback to the BoT.
7.1.5. Devise effective means to communicate important Madrasa event/information to the
community at large.
Section 7.2 – Composition: One guardian from each class as a representative of the class will
form the body. Each guardian to act as Chief Representative for the tenure of one calendar
year by rotation. One or more BoT member, as nominated by BoT Chair, will act as honorary
member secretary of GR.
Section 7.3 - Criteria and Selection of GR:
7.3.1. The guardian should be a citizen of Bangladesh by birth;
7.3.2. S/he should be an adult from the Muslim community;
7.3.3. S/he should follow and practice proper Islamic values, ethics, etiquette, dress and
7.3.4. S/he should have physical and intellectual contribution to the Madrasa;
7.3.5. S/he must obtain approval of EC by majority vote prior to a final selection.
7.3.6. The membership is not transferable to anyone. Nominees are authorized to get back the
Qarde Hasana amount only, if any, from Madrasa, in case of emergency as decided by BoT.
Section 7.4 – Resignations: Any representative wishing to resign or nearing the end of their
term shall attempt to find replacements from the same class. All replacements shall be subject
to BoT approval.
Section 7.5 – Removal: The BoT with majority vote may remove or suspend any of the
representative, if it is found that:
7.5.1. The member is not a citizen of Bangladesh;
7.5.2. If s/he is involved in any amoral activities or activities that are prejudice to the interest
of the country, society and Islamic community;
7.5.3. If s/he is arrested by any law enforcing agency or serve any term in custody for any
reasons what so ever.

7.5.4. If s/he is a close relative (spouse, children, father, mother or brother) of a person who is
under surveillance or arrested by any law enforcing agency or serve any term in custody for
any reasons what so ever.
The member will be immediately removed from the position for the reasons as mentioned in
Section 7.5 by calling ‘Emergency Meeting’.
Section 7.6 – Compensation: The representative shall serve as volunteers without
compensation. For any special intellectual assignment, s/he may be allotted with honorarium
as decided by the BoT.
Section 7.7 – Procedures:
7.7.1. The Guardians’ Representatives shall sit at least twice in a year. They may sit at any
time of the year based on the request of BoT.
7.7.2. The meetings will be called for by the Chief Representative – all members shall be
notified about the time and place of a meeting at least 3 days in advance
7.7.3. A representative seat shall be considered vacant if he formally resigns, leaves the area
for 12 months or more, and fails to attend 2 consecutive meetings in a year.
7.7.4. The Guardians’ Representatives must abide by all policies and procedures of the
Madrasa and care must be exercised to avoid any financial or any other conflict of interest.
Section 8.1 – Responsibilities of Academic Council: Madrasatun Noor will have an
Academic Council, headed by the Principal for the smooth functioning of academic activities.
8.1.1. All the teachers will be the member of Academic Council.
8.1.2. Principal may co-opt any person as member based on the requirement.
8.1.3. Academic Council to seat at least once in a month to evaluate the academic
8.1.4. The council to monitor the implementation of all Madrasa rules, regulations, policies as
approved from BoT.
8.1.5. The council to monitor and review articulation-updating-progress of syllabus.
8.1.6. The council to monitor and review the educational standard of each subject for each
8.1.7. The council to monitor and review the performance of students and teachers as well.
8.1.8. The council to review the curriculum as and when feel necessary and get the approval
from BoT.
8.1.9. Decision taken in any Academic Council to be considered as approved Resolution for
the Academic activities.
8.1.10. The council to monitor the discipline of teachers, students and other employees and
shall take necessary measures to develop.

8.1.11. The council to arrange assessment of students, at least twice in an Academic year.
8.1.12. The council to approve the co-curricular and extracurricular activities for the students.
8.1.13. The council to evaluate the result of students at the end of each session.
8.1.14. The council to take necessary measures to develop the weak students of each class.
Section 9.1 – Madrasa Organogram:
Section 9.2 – Administrative Regulations:
Principal to prepare and take the approval of following administrative rules & regulations
through a general meeting of the EC before commencement of new session:
9.2.1. Admission Process.
9.2.2. Regulations related to Student Attendance, Leave, Timing, Uniform etc.
9.2.3. Employees Recruitment Policy.
9.2.4. Code of Conduct for employees.
9.2.5. Leave and Attendance Policy for Teachers.
9.2.6. Charter of Duties of employees.
9.2.7. Sample Appointment letter.
9.2.8. Sample Bio-data form.
9.2.9. Sample Assessment form for Teachers & Employees.


Section 10.1 – Responsibilities of BoT Chair.
10.1.1. To chair all general, special and emergency meetings of the BoT.
10.1.2. To contribute in achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the Madrasa.
10.1.3. To supervise the performance of Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of BoT.
10.1.4. To ensure all the committees; BoT, AC, Patrons and Guardians’ Representatives are
being steered as per the approved constitution of the Madrasa.
10.1.5. To ensure the accountability, answerability and transparency of all the activities of
10.1.6. Any other duty as deem necessary by the competent authority.
10.1.7. To approve all the recruitment of the Madrasa.
10.1.8. To monitor income-expenditure state, annual budget and all financial matters.
10.1.9. To write Annual Performance Report (APR) of Principal.
10.1.10. To sanction the leave of Principal.
10.1.11. To countersign the APR of teachers and senior employees.
10.1.12. To issue investigation order for any sorts of ambiguity and ill-discipline activities.

Section 10.2 – Responsibilities of BoT’s Vice-Chair.

10.2.1. To chair all general, special and emergency meetings of BoT in absence of the BoT
10.2.2. To contribute in achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the Madrasa.
10.2.3. To perform the responsibilities as assigned by the BoT Chair.
10.2.4. To perform all the responsibilities of the BoT Chair in absence of him.

10.2.5. To advise and assist the BoT Chair on various activities.
10.2.6. Any other duty as deem necessary by the competent authority.

Section 10.3 – Responsibilities of BoT’s Secretary.

10.3.1. To act as focal point for all sorts of Madrasa activities.
10.3.2. To contribute in achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the Madrasa.
10.3.3. To ensure smooth administrative functioning of all the committees and Madrasa.
10.3.4. To ensure smooth financial functioning of all the committees and Madrasa.
10.3.5. To arrange all the meetings of all the committees.
10.3.6. To prepare the agenda of all the meetings and circulate after approval of designated
10.3.7. To prepare the minutes of BoT’s meeting and circulate after approval of the BoT
10.3.8. To brief on all the activities of Madrasa and other committees in the BoT’s meeting.
10.3.9. To assist the BoT Chair in ensuring the accountability, answerability and transparency
of all the activities of the BoT.
10.3.10. To operate the joint account of the Madrasa along with the Principal and BOT
Treasurer. 10.3.11. Any other duty as deem necessary by the competent authority.

Section 10.4 – Responsibilities of EC Treasurer.

10.4.1. To act as custodian of all sorts of fund.
10.4.2. To contribute in achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the Madrasa.
10.4.3. To ensure smooth financial functioning of the Madrasa.
10.4.4. To store all sorts of account related files and documents.
10.4.5. To prepare the yearly budget.
10.4.6. To prepare the financial state before all BoT meeting.
10.4.7. To conduct yearly audit.
10.4.8. To assist the BoT Secretary in smooth functioning of Madrasa.
10.4.9. To assist the BoT Chair in ensuring the accountability, answerability and transparency
of all the financial activities of the BoT.
10.4.10. To operate the joint account of the Madrasa along with the HOM and BoT Secretary.
10.4.11. Any other duty as deem necessary by the competent authority.

Section 10.5 – Responsibilities of the Chief Advisor of AC.

10.5.1. To chair all sorts of meetings of Advisory Committee (AC).
10.5.2. To steer all the advisor in achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the Madrasa.
10.5.3. To assist the Madrasa by providing intellectual support, as and when asked for.
10.5.4. To review all Madrasa rules, regulations, policies and curriculum to ensure that no
clauses conflict the guidance of Qur’an and Sunnah.
10.5.5. To act as ‘Sharia Board’ of the Madrasa.
10.5.6. Any other duty as deem necessary by the competent authority.

Section 10.6 – Responsibilities of Chief Patrons.

10.6.1. To chair all sorts of meetings of the Patrons.
10.6.2. To steer all the patrons in achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the Madrasa.
10.6.3. To assist the Madrasa by providing intellectual and monetary support, as and when
asked for. 10.6.4. To review all Madrasa rules, regulations, policies and curriculum to ensure
that no clauses conflict the laws of the land.
10.6.5. To evaluate the educational programs annually and provide the feedback to BoT.
10.6.6. To promote/represent the Madrasa to the society.

10.6.7. Any other duty as deem necessary by the competent authority.

Section 10.7 – Responsibilities of Chief Guardians’ Representative.

10.7.1. To chair all sorts of meetings of the Representatives.
10.7.2. To steer the representatives in achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the
10.7.3. To provide necessary feedback on Madrasa policies, curriculum, syllabus and classes
to ensure the standard.
10.7.4. To promote/represent the Madrasa to the society.
10.7.5. Any other duty as deem necessary by the competent authority.

Section 10.8 – Responsibilities of Principal

10.8.1. To act as Academic, Administrative and Financial head of the Madrasa.
10.8.2. To follow the guidelines and instructions as laid down by BoT.
10.8.3. To inform all important issues of the Madrasa to the BoT Chair.
10.8.4. To attend and brief on Madrasa in the BoT meeting.
10.8.5. To define and distribute the responsibilities of all the employees of the Madrasa.
10.8.6. To arrange all the recruitment of the Madrasa as approved by BoT.
10.8.7. Principal is the custodian of discipline of all the students and employees of the
Madrasa and will enjoy the authority to award punishment/incentives.
10.8.8. Principal will approve the leave and will write the APR of all the teachers and
employees. 10.8.9. Principal will enjoy the authority of waiving the admission charges/ cost
of facilities/ tuitions at a rate of maximum 20%.
10.8.10. Principal will also look after all sorts of functions and activities of Noor Welfare


Section 11.1 – Fund Generation: BoT members are responsible to arrange the fund for
smooth functioning of the Madrasa. Principal will prepare the requirement of fund for 6/12
months operation and present it in BoT meeting for approval. The fund may be arranged as
Qarde Hasana (without any profit or any sorts of incentives) from the members. The fund
may be a donation from any BoT/AC/Patrons/Guardians’ Representatives or from any
Muslim brother/organization. Based on the donation, following membership of the institution
may be offered with approval from BoT:

11.1.1. Associate Member (AM). They will be considered as well-wisher of the Madrasa. The
contribution/donation amount to be minimum Taka One Lac with yearly subscription of Taka
Twelve Thousand only. They may upgrade the status to GM/FM/LM. They will pay the
Contribution amount at a time. Total numbers of AM will not normally exceed 101.
11.1.2. General Member (GM). Based on requirement and approval of BoT, they may be
included as ‘member’ in AC/Patrons as suitable. The contribution/donation amount to be
minimum Taka Six Lac with yearly subscription of Taka Twenty Four Thousand only. They
will pay the Contribution amount at a time. Total number of GM will not normally exceed 51.
The criteria of membership as mentioned in section 5.3 and 6.3 are also applicable for GM.

11.1.3. Fellow Member (FM). Based on requirement and approval of BoT, they may be
included as ‘member’ in BoT/AC/Patrons. The contribution/donation amount to be minimum
Taka Fifteen Lac with yearly subscription of Taka Thirty Six Thousand only. They will pay
the Contribution amount at a time. Total number of FM will not normally exceed 31. The
criteria of membership as mentioned in section 4.2, 5.3 and 6.3 are also applicable for FM.

11.1.4. Executive Member (EM). Based on requirement and approval of BoT, they may be
included as ‘member’ and may hold any appointment in BoT/AC/Patrons/GR. To hold any
appointment of BoT, EM has to remain as EM and member of BoT for minimum one year.
The contribution/donation amount to be minimum Taka Twenty Five Lac with yearly
subscription of Taka Fifty Thousand only. They will pay the Contribution amount at a time.
Total number of EM will not normally exceed 13. The criteria of membership as mentioned
in section 4.2, 5.3, 6.3 and 7.3 are also applicable for EM. The seed entrepreneurs of
Madrasatun Noor and their successors will remain as EM till the time they fulfill all the
criteria as mentioned in Section 4.2 of this constitution.

11.1.5. The membership is not transferable to anyone. Nominees are authorized to get back
the Qarde Hasana amount only, if any, from Madrasa, in case of emergency as decided by
11.1.6. All these donations may be utilized for any sorts of Madrasa expenditure including all
fixed & variable overhead expenditure, development & expansion of academic facilities and
purchase & development of Madrasa assets &facilities.

*To note, all the above membership will also be subject to removal/suspension as per the
clause mentioned in Section 4.7 of Article IV, Section 5.5 of Article V, Section 6.5 of Article
VI and Section 7.5 of Article VII of this constitution.
Section 11.2 – Income & Expenditure:

11.2.1. Admission fee, monthly tuition fee and yearly cost of facilities will be the main
source of income.
11.2.2. Besides, Madrasa may arrange different educational programme and may earn the
11.2.3. Principal to propose the fee structure and get the approval of BoT before beginning of
the new session.
11.2.4. Fee structure to be reviewed every after two academic years within the acceptable
range of 15% to 20%.
11.2.5. To enhance the transparency and accountability of financial operation, all the
expenditures to be maintained in following broad heads:
a. Fixed Expenditure includes Salary, Rent, Utility bills, expendable stationeries etc;
b. Asset Purchase Expenditure includes all sorts of academic aid purchase, academic facilities
purchase, books & notebooks printing & purchase, un-expendable stationeries purchase and
Madrasa related any other asset purchase;
c. Miscellaneous Expenditure includes all sorts of repair & maintenance expenses, labour &
transportation cost, entertainment expenses, honorarium & incentives, all sorts of programme
expenses and any other administrative, academic and financial expenses.
11.2.6. Based on the resolution of BoT, members participating the meeting of BoT, AC and
Patrons may get Transportation/Conveyance Honorarium.

Section 11.3 – Financial Authority:

11.3.1. Principal is authorized to purchase approved educational item having the price within
One Lac taka in a month.
11.3.2. Principal is authorized to purchase any educational item having the price within Ten
Thousand taka. Total purchase amount shall not cross One Lac taka in a month.
11.3.3. Principal is authorized to disburse maximum Ten Thousand taka under miscellaneous
head in a month.

11.3.4. Any emergency expenditure that crosses the above financial authority has to get the
post facto approval from the next EC meeting.
11.3.5. BoT to enjoy full financial authority. However, BoT may take the advice of Advisory
Committee/The Patrons for any project that may cost more than Fifty Lac taka. 11.3.6.
Maximum Tk 50,000/= (Fifty Thousand) may be kept as ‘Rolling Money’ to Head of Admin
& Account (HOAA) under petty cash. This money may be used with the permission of
Principal and has to be regularized monthly through proper channel.

Section 11.4 – Yearly Budget and Approving Authority:

11.4.1. Head of Admin & Account (HOAA) to prepare the monthly budget and get the
approval from Principal.
11.4.2. Principal to forecast/ propose the yearly budget and get the approval of BoT before
beginning of the new session.

Section 11.5 – Security of Fund: Primarily Principal & HOAA are responsible to ensure the
security of Madrasa fund. Overall monitoring and security to be ensured by BoT.

Section 11.6 – Account and Audit:

11.6.1. Separate joint account to be opened in the name of ‘Madrasatun Noor Trust
Foundation’ in any schedule Islamic bank of the country.
11.6.2. Account will have Three Signatory; Principal, HOAA and Chairman/Vice-
Chairman/Secretary/ Treasurer of BoT as decided in BoT meeting.
11.6.3. Once at least every year the accounts of the Madrasa shall be examined and the
correctness of the account and balance sheet ascertained by one or more Auditors appointed
for the purpose. 11.6.4. The remuneration of the auditors shall be negotiated by Principal and
necessary approval to be received from BoT.

Section 11.7 – Financial Management Policy: Madrasa will allocate the Academic Fee
Incomes with respective Expenses involve with Madrasa and Academic management in the
following manner:

11.7.1 Admission Fee: The Admission Fee will be paid once by the newly admitted/enrolled
student. Parents, if desire, may withdraw their children with 100% refund of admission fee
only within the 1st month of admission. 50% of admission fee will be refunded if the
withdraw is within 2nd month of admission. Madrasatun Noor is continuing its operation by a
significant amount of Qarde Hasana from the BoT members. The proceeds from the
Admission Fee will be allocated to:
a. utilize for infrastructural development;
b. procure Madrasa Assets;
c. pay back the Qard (loan) as taken from BoT members;
d. pay the deficit amount of house rent and salaries, if need be.

11.7.2 Tuition Fee: The Tuition Fee will be paid monthly by each student by 10th of each
month. A letter, describing the subsequent administrative actions, will be issued to the
defaulters who will fail to pay the monthly Tuition Fee in due time for consecutive two
months. Prior written permission to be taken if they are in a crisis to pay the tuitions within
the time frame. The proceeds from the Tuition Fee will be allocated to:
a. pay the Monthly Salaries and other benefits of the Ustaz/ Ustazah and administrative staff;
b. procure education support equipment;
c. procure classroom stationeries.

11.7.3 Cost of Facilities: The Cost of Facilities will be paid once in the starting of each
session by each student. The proceeds from the Cost of Facilities Fee will be allocated to:
a. pay the monthly rent, service charges and the Utility Bills of the Madrasa Premises;
b. develop the classroom environment;
c. procure education support equipment;
d. develop students’ safety and security;
e. develop campus facilities.

11.7.4 Sports Fee: The Sports Fee will be paid once in the starting of each session by each
student. Every year Madrasatun Noor arranges Annual Sports Day for the Students as Sports
develop a sense of friendliness among the children and develop their team spirit and also help
children to develop mental and physical toughness. As it involves significant amount of cost,
the proceeds from the Sports Fee will be allocated to:
a. incur the Annual Sports related expenses;
b. procure any games & sports related items;
c. develop indoor play zone;
d. develop indoor gymnasium for students.

11.7.5 Competition and various Class Events Fee: The Competition and various class
events Fee will be paid once in the starting of each session by each Student. Every year
Madrasatun Noor arranges Annual Qirat Competition, Public Speech Competition and
various other Class Events for the Students as it improves the essential leadership quality for
becoming an Islamic scholar and Dayee’ and also improves the student’s confidence to speak
up if he/she has something to say, and engage in healthy debate. The proceeds from the
Competition and various class events Fee will be allocated to:
a. incur various annual competitions and class events related expenses;
b. procure audio-visual equipment for the competition;
c. decorate the classroom.

11.7.6 Science Fair Fee: The Science Fair Fee will be paid once in the starting of each
session by each Student. Every year Madrasatun Noor arranges Annual Science Fair so that
the Students can apply scientific method to conduct independent research which will make
them realize the interdependence of science, technology and society. The proceeds from the
Science Fair Fee will be allocated to:
a. incur annual Science Fair related expenses;
b. procure items for Science Club.

11.7.7 Book & Wall Magazine Fair Fee: The Book & Wall Magazine Fair Fee will be paid
once in the starting of each session by each Student. Every year Madrasatun Noor arranges
Annual Book & Wall Magazine Fair which implanting reading habits among the students and
the wall magazine helps them to grow writing habits. The proceeds from the Book & Wall
Magazine Fair Fee will be allocated to incur such annual Fair related expenses.

11.7.8 Annual Cultural Programme Fee: The Annual Cultural Programme Fee will be paid
once in the starting of each session by each Student. Every year Madrasatun Noor arranges
Annual Cultural Programme which gives opportunity for students to present their talents
along with the opportunity to present themselves before parents and guests and the remaining
students learn about backstage work and team work and the importance of coordination. The

proceeds from the Annual Cultural Programme Fee will be allocated to incur such annual
Programme related expenses.

11.7.9 Study Tour Fee: The Annual Study Tour Fee will be paid once in the starting of each
session by each Student. Every year Madrasatun Noor arranges Annual Study Tour which
helps students to learn through visual experience and can be an interesting way to explore
new things for both the learner and the teachers. The proceeds from the Study Tour Fee will
be allocated to incur such Tour related expenses.

11.7.10 Library Development Fee: The Library Development Fee will be paid once in the
starting of each session by each Student. Library is an important source of knowledge to
young minds which develops the important habit of reading among the students. Madrasatun
Noor is developing a library which will play a great role in the life of students In Sha Allah
by serving as the store house of knowledge. The proceeds from the Library Development Fee
will be allocated to facilitate the development of the Madrasa Library.

11.7.11 Printing & Publication Fee: The Printing & Publication Fee will be paid once in the
starting of each session by each Student. Madrasatun Noor needs to incur printing and
publication expenses in certain extent for the learning materials of the students which are not
readily available in the prescribed Text Books. The proceeds from the Printing & Publication
Fee will be allocated to incur such expenses.

11.7.12 Infrastructure Development Fee: The Infrastructure Development Fee will be paid
once in the starting of each session by each Student. This fund will be utilized to:
a. develop physical infrastructure of the campus;
b. procure modern digital teaching equipment;
c. create a fund for permanent campus in future.

11.7.13 Miscellaneous Fee: This Fee will be paid once in the starting of each session by each
Student. The proceeds from this Fee will be allocated to incur expenses related to students’
Diary, RFID Card, Academic Calendar, Syllabus Booklet, Prospectus, Student Collection
Card etc.

11.7.14 Laboratories Charges: Madrasa is planning to develop Language Lab for Arabic &
English, Computer Lab, Science Lab and Vocational Training Lab in near future, In Sha
Allah. Appropriate yearly Lab Fee will be introduced with the session charge for all the
students. Monthly Lab Charge to be introduce for lab specific classes. Yearly fees and
monthly charges will be allocated to:
a. incur expenses related to development of individual lab facilities;
b. procurement of lab equipment and testing items/tools;
c. repair and maintenance of lab facilities;
d. salary of lab related personals;
e. other associated expenditure.

11.7.15 Tiffin, Dress, Books & Notebooks Fee: The Tiffin, Dress, Books & Notebooks Fees
are not defined yet as Madrasa is not providing these facilities in full-fledged. Madrasa has
the plan to introduce Canteen, Dress tailoring facilities and Publication facilities in near
future, In ShaAllah.

11.7.16 All these fees may be reviewed in every two years within the limit of 15% to20%.

11.7.17 MN authority reserves the right to change, amend, add or delete any clause as
described above as and when feel necessary and appropriate.
11.7.18 All the above expenditures to be maintained in separate head. Inter-head adjustment
of fund is allowed with prior approval of BoT.

Section 11.8 – Financial Crisis Management Policy: Trust may arrange Funds in time of
Financial Crisis from the following sources:
11.8.1 Arranging Qarde Hasana (without any profit or any sorts of incentives) from the BoT
members. 11.8.2 Arranging Donation from any BoT/AC/Patrons/Guardians’ Representatives.
11.8.3 Persuading collections of funds for Noor Welfare (Zakat, Sadaqah, Qarde Hasana) and
properly utilizing the funds ensuring actual and appropriate requirement.

Section 11.9 – Guidelines on Pay Structure and Incentive Policy: Madrasatun Noor to have a
Pay Structure and monetary incentives & assistance policy for her employees.
11.9.1. Pay structure to have 20 grades. Minimum basic salary to address the monthly
minimum food expenditure of a bachelor.
11.9.2. Allowances to be given on House Rent (maximum 60%), Medical Allowance
(maximum 20%) and Conveyance Allowance (maximum Tk. 3000/=) on the basic salary.
11.9.3. Maximum 10% Yearly increment on basic may be applicable for maximum 03 years
in a single grade. Increment will be for 3 times within 5 years tenure.
11.9.4. Promotion from one grade to next will be considered after minimum 02 years of
service with Madrasatun Noor.
11.9.5. Maximum One year to be considered as Probationary Period for any newly recruited
employees or Teachers. Salary during the Probationary period will be a fixed Lump-Sump
amount. After successful completion of Probationary period, they may be included in the
appropriate grade of the Pay Structure with prior approval of BoT.
11.9.6. After consecutive two years service with Madrasa, an employee will be considered as
Permanent Status.
11.9.7. Special incentives may be given on 'In-Charge Allowance', 'Performance Allowance',
'Qualification Allowance', 'Child Education Allowance', ‘IT Allowance' and Event incentives
as applicable.
11.9.8. Performance allowance will be applicable after one year of service. The amount and
tenure will be fixed and approved by Principal. This allowance will not be carried forward in
case of promotion to next grade.
11.9.9. Qualification allowance will be applicable after duly approved by Principal on
completion of Madrasa/Early Child education/Curriculum related courses during the tenure
with MN.
11.9.10. Event Incentives will be on completion of any special event, programme, write up,
responsibilities as recommended by Principal. It is one time and event base.
11.9.11. Two festive bonuses shall be given in a year. Bonus is applicable after minimum six
months of service. The percentage of bonus shall increase with the length of service with
Madrasatun Noor as follows:
a. Service Length : Below 1 year: 60% of basic
b. Service Length : 1 year (+) : 75% of basic
c. Service Length : 2 years (+) : 90% of basic
d. Service Length : 3 years (+) : 100% of basic
11.9.12. Pay Structure may be reviewed every after 05 years from the effective date.
11.9.13. A permanent employees may enjoy the following incentives based on his/her
performance with prior approval:

a. Children of the employee may get following waiver as Education support at Madrasatun
i. Maximum 25% waiver in admission fee
ii. Maximum 25% waiver in monthly tuition fee
b. Based on the availability of fund, maximum four months basic salary may be sanctioned as
Qarde Hasana
c. If s/he dies while serving, s/he may get the following financial support:
i. Full salary for six months
ii. Full basic only for next sixmonths
d. If s/he becomes physically disabled due to any accident or disease:
i. Full salary for three months
ii. Full basic only for next three months
iii. Lump sump expenditure of medical treatment
11.9.14. A permanent employee after completion of minimum 10 years service with
Madrasatun Noor may enjoy the following Pension Scheme:
a. A total maximum Pension amount may be the last basic salary as drawn multiply with total
years of service as permanent status;
b. Total pension amount may be disbursed in two installments or as desired by the pensioner;
c. The amount shall be calculated by HOAA, recommended by Principal and approved by
11.9.15. For any ‘Force Majeure’ act, pay, allowances, incentives and benefits may be
reviewed through mutual discussion.


Section 12.1 – Curriculum:
12.1.1. Madrasatun Noor will strive to achieve educational excellence through acquiring and
practicing the pure knowledge of Qur’an and Sunnah along with the standard knowledge of
general subjects like English, Mathematics and Science.
12.1.2. One of the major focuses of the curriculum is to make the students confident in
Arabic and in English along with having a strong edifice in the mother tongue. This ‘Tri
Lingual Education’ curriculum will not only assist the student to excel in their individual
career but will also aid them to be an International Da’yee who will comprehend the Qur’an
and Sunnah in their original language and preach them in Bangla, Arabic or in English,In
Shaa Allah.
12.1.3. Compulsory memorization of 10 Juzz (1 st to 5th and 26 th to 30th Juzz) from al-
Qur’anul Kareem from class-1 and separate full Qur’an memorization Programme (QMP) for
the interested student to be conducted.
12.1.4. Based on this theme, the detail curriculum to be prepared by a board headed by
Principal and has to be approved by BoT. Necessary consent to be taken from AC.
12.1.5. Based on approved curriculum, Principal to select/prepare the books and prepare the
detail syllabus for an Academic session.
12.1.6. Books and syllabus to be reviewed yearly through Academic Council.
12.1.7. Curriculum to be reviewed every after Five years or as deem necessary by aboard.

Section 12.2 – Academic Divisions:

Madrasatun Noor will have the following divisions in both boys and girls wings:
12.2.1. Tamhidi (Age limit 4 to 6 years) - This will be a three-year programme. The aim of
this level is to give the children an exposure of preliminary Islamic Akhlaq, manners, practice
and the basic of trilingual language. The guidelines of Pearson Edexcel International Early

Years Curriculum (IEYC) are being taken as the standard of general subjects. Classes to be
named as Preschool-1, 2 & 3 or in short P-1, P-2 &P-3.

12.2.2. Ibtedayee (Age limit 7 to 11 years) – This will be a five-year programme. The aim of
this level is to give the students basic knowledge on Imaan, Aqeeda, Islamic Akhlaq &
manners and assist them in the implementation of that knowledge by practicing in day-to-day
life. The guidelines of Pearson Edexcel International Primary Curriculum (IPC) are being
taken as the standard of general subjects. Classes to be named as Class-1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 or in
short C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4 & C-5.

12.2.3. Mutawassitah (Age limit 12 to 16) – This will be a five-year programme. The aim of
this level is to prepare the students for the Mutawassitah Exam and/or O levels as per the
desire of the students. The aim of this level is to give the students sufficient knowledge on
Imaan, Aqeeda, Islamic Akhlaq & manners and assist them in the implementation of that
knowledge by practicing in day-to-day life. The guidelines of Pearson Lower Secondary
Curriculum (PLSC) are being taken as the standard of general subjects. Classes to be named
as Mutawassitah-1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 or in short M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 &M-5.

12.2.4. Sanweeyah (Age limit 17 to 18) - This will be a two-year programme. The aim of this
level is to prepare the students for the Universities of Makkah & Madinah and/or A levels as
per the desire of the students. The guidelines of Pearson Edexcel International Middle Years
Curriculum (IMYC) are being taken as the standard of general subjects. Classes to be named
as Sanweeyah-1 & 2 or in short S-1 &S-2.

12.2.5. P1, P2 and P3 to have 15-20 students each, C1 to C5 may have 20-25 students each,
M1 to M5 may have 25 to 30 students each and S1 & S2 may have maximum 35 students
each in one section. If the student exceeds the limit, second section may have to be planned
based on the financial viability.

Section 12.3 – Academic Activities: Along with the prescribed subject classes, following
vocational training in the form of ‘Hands-on Training’ to be conducted:
12.3.1. From M-1 to M-5: Computer hardware, software, operation and Microsoft Office.
12.3.2. From S-1 to S-2: Various computer-aided multimedia and publication programme.

Section 12.4 – Academic Timings:

12.4.1. For student: Maximum 5 hours in one shift and maximum two shifts a day.
12.4.2. For Teachers: Minimum 8 hours a day.
12.4.3. Working/Class day: 5 days in a week is preferable. It can be maximum 6 days in a
week. This will depend on the academic planning of Principal.

Section 12.5 – Co-curricular and Extracurricular Activities:

12.5.1. Co-curricular Activities. Principal to plan the conduct of all or any of the following
co-curricular activities for the students within an Academic Session:
a. Qur’an Tilwat Competition;
b. Public speaking Competition (in Bangla, English &Arabic);
c. Science Fair;
d. Book fair and Wall Magazine;
e. Annual Sports;
f. Annual Cultural Programme;
g. Annual Seerat competition and Publication of the selected articles.

12.5.2. Extracurricular Activities. One class per week to be arranged for extracurricular
activities (ECA) to develop physical, mental, social and spiritual ability. Principal to select
the topics and modalities based on the level of class.

Section 12.6 – Facilities for the Students: Based on the availability of fund, Madrasa will
develop the following facilities for the students:
a. Indoor play station for Tamhidi.
b. Indoor games for Ibtedayee & Mutawassitah.
c. Library.
d. Language Lab for Arabic and English.
e. Computer Lab.
f. Science Lab.
g. Vocational Training Lab.
h. Study Tour.

Section 12.7 – Student Assessment:

12.7.1 At Tamhidi (P-1 to P-3) level:

a. There will be no formal examination;
b. Assessment to be done informal way to eliminate exam phobia;
c. Monthly assessment to be done on the followings:
i. Academic Performance (CW, HW, CP, Attitude, Oral Expression);
ii. Discipline State (Attendance, Dress, Dairy & Behaviour);
iii. Displayed Attributes (Sincerity, Punctuality, Creativity, Liveliness, Inquisitiveness etc).

12.7.2 At Ibtedayee and Mutawassitah (C-1 to C-10) level:

a. Mixed of Formal & Informal Assessment;
b. Final Result Combines Monthly and Half-yearly Assessment;
c. Monthly assessment to be done on the followings:
i. Academic Performance (CW, HW, CP, Attitude, Oral Expression);
ii. Discipline State (Attendance, Dress, Dairy & Behaviour);
iii. Displayed Attributes (Sincerity, Punctuality, Creativity, Liveliness, Inquisitiveness etc).

12.7.3 Grading System. For English, Maths and Science, MN is following the curriculum of
Pearson Edexcel. Pearson has recently reviewed their Grading system and has introduced 9-1
grading. MN is going to follow the same grading from the session 2019-2020 In Sha Allah.
The grading is very simple:

For 90% and above : Grading is ‘9’.

For 80% - 89% : Grading is ‘8’.
For 70% - 79% : Grading is ‘7’.
For 60% - 69% : Grading is ‘6’.
For 50%-59% : Grading is ‘5’ .
For 49% and below : Grading is ‘R’ (Repeat)/ NQ (Not Qualified).

Student getting less than 50% in more than one subject and fail to achieve in the ‘Repeat
Chance’ too, will not be considered for promotion to next class. Academic Council to prepare
the details and circulate to the teachers before starting of new session. The council to evaluate
the Student Assessment and Grading System yearly and review, if feel appropriate.

Section 12.8 – Parents-Teachers Meeting: Principal to arrange at least two Parents-Teachers
Meeting within an Academic Session. Feedback of parents shall be discussed in BoT


Section 13.1 – Noor Welfare (NW) Fund:

Madrasatun Noor will maintain a separate account and fund, named as ‘Noor Welfare’ fund
for the financial assistance to needy students and employees. It will offer the following
financial support:
a. Zakat Assistance;
b. Sadaqa Assistance; and
c. Qarde Hasana.

Section 13.2 – Fund Generation: The fund to be collected primarily from the BoT members,
Advisory members, the Patrons and guardians of the Madrasa in the form of Zakat, Sadaqa
and/or Qarde Hasana. Any well-wisher Muslimin & Muslimah may donate in this fund
through authorize transaction channel.

Section 13.3 – Area of Expenditure: The fund will be utilized for the following purpose:
a. Needy families of the students of this Madrasa;
b. Needy employees of this Madrasa;
c. Any orphan or Orphan-house;
d. Distressed neighbour of the Madrasa in case of any natural calamities;
e. For any emergency requirement, Madrasa may take Qarde Hasana from NW Fund with
prior approval from BoT.

Section 13.4 – Eligibility to Receive the Fund: Eligibility criterion, fund disbursement
procedure and Qarde Hasana reimbursement procedure to be prepared and vetted by the BoT.
Principal will be the custodian of the fund. Upon receive of the application for the support,
Principal to discuss in the Admin & Account Meeting of the Madrasa and approve the
application based on availability of fund. To support from Zakat, Principal to take the consent
of Department of Qur’an & Arabic as an internal ‘Sharia body’.

Section 13.5 – Security of Fund: Primarily Principal and HOAA are responsible to ensure the
security of Madrasa fund. Overall monitoring and security to be ensured by BoT.


Madrasatun Noor will have the following media platforms to reach to the people:
1. Website
2. Facebook / twitter / linked-in or other professional account
3. Youtube Channel
4. Official group in WhatsApp, Viber or messenger
5. Published Madrasa Magazine and e-magazine

All these media platform to follow the ICT act of the country. All the members of the
Madrasa to remain aware about their communication through social media. Appropriate strict

disciplinary action will be taken if any of their post/ picture/ video are found detrimental to
the image of Madrasa or Muslim society or the Country.


Section 15.1 – Dispute Resolution. In case of any dispute regarding the interpretation of any
rules of this constitution, the verdict of the BoT shall be considered as final.

Section 15.2 – Amendment. These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed, and
additional bylaws adopted by the affirmative vote of a two-third majority of the BoT

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Author has declared this Trust and executed this trust
instrument which the Trustees has/have accepted under his/her hand on the day and year first

1. Mr. ___________________________
Signature of the Author
2. Mr.
1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

4. ________________________

5. ________________________

6. _________________________

7. _______________________

8. ________________________

9. ________________________

10. _________________________

Signature of the Trustees


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