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Integral English I

Profesor :
Date: Saturday, April,27th-2024
Encounter: 1
Unit I : Introducing yourself and others
Content: Introducing yourself and others.
Goals: Students learn phrases about how to introduce him/herself
Hello _____________________________
Hi _____________________________
How are you? _____________________________
How do you do? _____________________________
How have you been? _____________________________
What`s going on? _____________________________
How`s everything? _____________________________
Good morning _____________________________
Good afternoon _____________________________
Good evening _____________________________
It`s nice to meet you! _____________________________
I`m happy to meet you! _____________________________
I`m pleased to meet you! _____________________________
I`m glad to meet you! _____________________________
I`m glad to know you! _____________________________
It`s a pleasure to meet you! _____________________________
What`s up? _____________________________
Answer to the questions _____________________________
How are you? _____________________________
I`m fine, thanks and you? _____________________________
I`m ok what about you? _____________________________
I`m so.so _____________________________
I`m not bad _____________________________
I`m great

Good bye ______________________________
Bye Bye ______________________________
Good night ______________________________
See you tomorrow ______________________________
See you later ______________________________
See you soon ______________________________
Have a nice day! ______________________________
Have a nice morning! ______________________________
Have a nice afternoon! ______________________________
Have a nice night! ______________________________
See you when I see you! ______________________________
Have a good day! ______________________________
Enjoy your day! ______________________________
Good luck! ______________________________
Sunday __________________________
Monday __________________________
Tuesday ___________________________
Wednesday ___________________________
Thursday ___________________________
Friday ___________________________
Saturday ___________________________
Pink ___________________________
Blue ___________________________
Red ___________________________
Yellow ___________________________
Purple ___________________________
Violet ___________________________
Green ___________________________
Red ___________________________
White ___________________________
Light blue ___________________________
Sky blue ___________________________
Beige /cream ___________________________
Brown ___________________________
Dark blue ___________________________
Light green ___________________________
Dark green ___________________________
January _________________________
February _________________________
March _________________________
April _________________________
May _________________________
June _________________________
July _________________________
August _________________________
September _________________________
October _________________________
November _________________________
December _________________________
Cardinal numbers
1-one 11-eleven 30-thirty 400-four hundred
2-two 12-twelve 40-forty 500-five hundred
3. Three 13-thirteen 50-fifty 600-six hundred
4-four 14-fourteen 60-sixty 700-seven hundred
5-five 15-fifteen 70-seventy 800-eight hundred
6-six 16-sixteen 80-eighty 900-nine hundred
7-seven 17-seventeen 90-ninety 1000-one thousand
8-eight 18-eighteen 100-one-hundred
9-nine 19.nineteen 200-two hundred
10. Ten 20.twenty 300-three hundred

My name is __________________________________
I am form____________________________________
I come from__________________________________
I live in _____________________________________
My telephone number is _____________________
My favorite color is __________________________
My favorite music is ___________________________
My favorite sport is _____________________________
My favorite food is ____________________________
My mother`s name is_____________________________
My father`s name is _____________________________
I have _________brothers
I don’t have any brothers
I have ________sisters
I don’t have any sisters
I am single/ married/ divorced/ widow /widower/ joined
I work in / at___________________________
My birthday is on ____________________
I like to ___________________._____________________
I don’t like to ________________________
I have a boyfriend/girlfriend /husband /wife /lover
On Saturdays I ____________________________
On Sundays I______________________________

Describing places vocabulary

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