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e su e co p a ce t b oadcast g a s a d p o ote espo s b e a d et ca ad o

programing .
3. lAdvertising markets: In addition to serving content consumer , The EMA plays a role in
the Advertising plays a role in
advertising markets. Advertising leverage of different media channels such as TV, Radio , print
and online platform , to promote their product and service to Ethiopian Audience . the Authority
oversees the regulation and licensing of advertising activities to ensure fair competition and
safeguarding consumer interests.
4. Print media: The Ethiopian media authority also serves the print media markets which
includes newspaper, magazine and journals . this market segment caters to readers who
prefer traditional printed publication for news , analysis , and other written content .
5. Online media markets : with increasing adoption the internet , the EMA also serves the
online media market . the market segment includes news websites , blogs , and social
media platforms . it targets internet users who seek real time news multimedia contents
and interactive platforms for information sharing.

EMA provides various services related to media operation and compliance. some key offerings
1. Licensing and registration : the authority grants license and registers media outlets ,
including newspaper , television and radio stations , online portals , and other digital media
platform .
2. Compliance and regulation :the authority ensure that media organization adheres to
regulatory guidelines and codes of conduct . it monitors to the content , ethics and
standers of media broadcasts or publication to maintain fairness , accuracy and
professionalism .
3. Monitoring and evaluation : the authority conducts regular monitoring and evaluation of
media outlets . its assesses broadcast quality , signal strength , program content and
adherence to licensing requirements.
4. Complaints handling : the authority provides platform for public to lodge complaints
against media outlets . its investigates complaints , mediates dispute and takes
appropriate action if violation is found.
5. Capacity building : the authority organize training programs and workshops to enhance
the skill and knowledge of media practitioners . its provides guidance on media ethics ,
legal obligation and professional conduct .
6. Research and development : the authority conduct research and analysis on media
trends , technologies , and markets dynamics . its generates data and insight that inform
policy decision and strategics planning .
7. Public awareness and communication : the authority communication public , media
professionals and stakeholders

to create awareness about media regulation , licensing procedures and compliance
8. Collaboration and partnership : the authority collaborate with national and international
media organization regulatory bodies , and governments entities to exchange best
practices , share resources , and foster cooperation in the media sector.

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