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Name: Tasnim Hossain

ID: 1912128042
Course: ENG111
Section: 02
Faculty: MNK

Peer Observation
Structure: While speech touched on the key aspects of the topic, it lacked a clear and cohesive
Content: The content of the topic was ‘Time Management’ which was more interesting and
relatable topic for everyone. And, it was an informative topic.
Language: While focusing on language, it's important to mention that her speech could have
benefited from improved fluency. There were moments of hesitation and pauses that affected
the flow and overall delivery. There were instances of grammatical errors and awkward
sentence structures throughout the speech. There were instances where her word choice was
imprecise or ambiguous, leading to potential confusion among the audience.
Delivery: Throughout the speech, there was a lack of vocal variety, which affected the
engagement and impact of message when she was delivered. Her tone of voice remained
relatively constant, without much variation in pitch, volume, or emphasis. Lack of eye contact
with audience and she was continuously looked on her Cue card all the time.
Verbal & Non-verbal aspects:
Verbal aspect:
Throughout the speech, there were frequent instances of filler words such as "um," "uh,".
These fillers can distract the audience and diminish the impact of message.
Non-verbal aspect:
While delivering the speech, there were instances where body language appeared somewhat
rigid and lacked natural gestures.
Throughout the speech, your eye contact with the audience was limited. Establishing and
maintaining eye contact is essential for building rapport and engaging the audience.
There were limited facial expressions during the speech when she was delivered, which
affected ability to connect and engage with the audience.
Logos: She was maintaining logical flow of ideas in her speech.
Pathos: There was no pathos exist in her speech.
Impact On Audience: Engaging the audience is an essential aspect of delivering an effective
speech. Unfortunately, I observed limited interaction or attempts to involve the audience
during the presentation.
Types of Audience Reaction: To deepen the audience's understanding, it may explore the
reasons behind some negative reactions on audience face. Some factors are working on it such
as conflicting beliefs, differing opinions, lack of relevance or interest, or poor delivery that may
contribute to negative responses from the audience. To make her presentation more engaging,
consider incorporating interactive elements that involve the audience directly. Audience rection
is more important for a speaker to improve her speech and she needs to consider this part.
Speech Section:
Attention Getter: Upon reviewing her speech, it appears that an attention getter was not
prominently present. An attention getter serves to immediately grab the audience's attention
and generate curiosity about the topic the she wants to discuss about. While her speech was
informative and engaging overall, incorporating a strong attention getter would further
enhance its impact.
Listener relevance Link: Upon reviewing her speech, it appears that a clear listener relevance
link was present. She was effectively connected the topic to the audience's interests, needs, or
experiences, making it relatable and engaging.
Credibility: It was evident that she effectively established credibility as a speaker. Proper
credibility was present in her speech.
Thesis Statement: It appears that a clear thesis statement was not present in her speech. Thesis
statement effectively outlined the central theme or objective of a speech, serving as a guide for
the audience to follow the presentation and understand its key focus. But, her presentation she
was not properly mention all these things in the speech.
Preview: It is evident that a clear and concise preview was present in her speech.
The body of a speech is where the main content and arguments are presented, providing
detailed information, evidence, and analysis to support the thesis statement. It was apparent
that the body of her speech was not adequately developed.
Main Idea: She tries to talk about overall idea about time management but she cannot properly
describe the main point individually.
Subpoints: She was mentioned some subpoints about time management but that was not
related to the main point. She overall discusses about some point.
Supporting Details: The lack of substantive content and supporting details made it challenging
for the audience to grasp the main points or engage fully with the topic.
Summary Statement and Clincher: It was evident that a proper conclusion and clincher were
missing. The lack of a clear ending made the speech feel incomplete and left the audience
without a sense of closure or finality.
The conclusion is a crucial component that helps summarize the main points, reinforce the key
message, and leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Some another observation:

- She was not properly doing her research. Her research was not enough for the speech.
- Her eye contact with the audience was limited. Making and sustaining eye contact is
critical for establishing rapport and engaging the audience.
- Whereas conveying discourse instances dialect showed up to some degree inflexible and
lacked natural gestures. Body language plays a significant role in conveying confidence
and engaging the audience.
- It was noticeable that there was a lack of effective use of intonation, pace, and rhythm.
This had an impact on the overall delivery and may have hindered the audience's
engagement and understanding of message.
- Speaker was reading all time from Cue card.
- She was wearing formal dress and her attire was perfect for the presentation.
- It was evident that she was made good use of presentation aids and humor throughout
the delivery of her speech.

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