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Helena Burk


Zafra mitriformis is a species of sea escargot in the family Columbellidae , the Columba
escargot .== Description == The length of the shell attains 3 mm , its diameter 2 mm .==
Distribution == This shipboard soldier species occurs in the sea of Japan .== References ==
Nomura , S. & Zinbô , N. ( 1940 ) Some turrid molluscs from nor'-east Honsyû , Japan .Saito
Ho-on Kai Museum of cancel History Research Bulletin , 19 , 17–25 , pl .2 .Habe T. 1960 .-
New mintage of molluscs from the Amakusa marine Biological science lab , Reihoku-cho ,
Amakusa , Kumamoto Pref. , Japan .Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 8 (
2 ) : 289-298 Liu , J.Y .[ Ruiyu ] ( ed . ) .( 2008 ) .Checklist of shipboard soldier biota of
Cathay ocean .Taiwan scientific discipline pressing .1267 pp .== External links == President
John Adams , A .( 1860 ) .On some newfangled genera and metal money of Mollusca from
Nippon .annals and cartridge of natural History .( 3 ) 6 : 331-337 Gould , A .A .
( 1860 ) .verbal description of new shells collected by the United States north Pacific
Exploring junket .transactions of the Boston guild of natural History .7 : 323-336 : image

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