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WEEK 15 School Policies & their Functions

Estoque, Sheenah L.


1. Name at least 5 school policies imposed in OCC?

Academic Integrity Policy: This policy typically outlines expectations regarding
plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty, as well as the consequences for
violating these expectations.
Attendance Policy: This policy might specify the attendance requirements for students,
including how many classes they're allowed to miss and the procedures for excused absences.
Code of Conduct: A code of conduct outlines expected behavior for students, including
rules regarding respect for others, appropriate language, and adherence to school rules and
Grading Policy: This policy might detail how grades are determined, including the weight of
assignments, exams, and participation, as well as the grading scale used. Safety and Security
Policy: This policy addresses measures taken to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and
staff on campus, including protocols for emergencies and procedures for reporting safety

2. Give your comment & feedback on these. 5 for each

1. Academic Integrity Policy: This policy is crucial in promoting ethical behavior and maintaining
academic standards. It helps foster a culture of honesty and integrity among students. It is important to
communicate the policy clearly and provide guidance on proper citation and academic practices.

2. Attendance Policy: An attendance policy helps instill responsibility and punctuality in students.
However, it is important to consider the individual circumstances of students and provide flexibility for
legitimate reasons for absences. Clear communication and support systems can help ensure students'
overall well-being and success.

3. Code of Conduct: A code of conduct sets expectations for behavior and creates a positive and respectful
learning environment. It is important to regularly review and reinforce the code of conduct, ensuring it is
inclusive, fair, and aligned with the values of the school community.

4. Grading Policy: A clear and transparent grading policy helps students understand how their
performance is evaluated. It is important to provide timely feedback and opportunities for improvement.
Flexibility and differentiation in grading can accommodate diverse learning needs and promote growth.

5. Safety and Security Policy: Ensuring the safety and security of students, faculty, and staff is of utmost
importance. Regular training, emergency preparedness, and open communication channels are essential
components of an effective safety and security policy.

3. What classroom policies would you adapt when you become a teacher. Give 6

1. Respectful and inclusive classroom environment: Establish a policy that promotes respect,
empathy, and inclusivity among students, fostering a positive and supportive classroom culture.

2. Active participation: Encourage students to actively participate in class discussions, ask

questions, and share their ideas, promoting engagement and critical thinking.
3. Collaboration and teamwork: Foster a policy that encourages collaboration and teamwork
among students, promoting communication, problem-solving, and the development of
interpersonal skills.
4. Technology use guidelines: Establish guidelines for the appropriate use of technology in the
classroom, balancing its benefits with minimizing distractions and maintaining a focused
learning environment.
5. Homework and assignment policy: Clearly communicate expectations for homework and
assignments, including deadlines, quality standards, and the importance of independent effort
while also providing support and guidance.
6. Feedback and assessment: Implement a policy that emphasizes timely and constructive
feedback, providing students with opportunities for growth and improvement. Encourage self-
reflection and self-assessment to foster student ownership of their learning.

These policies aim to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment that supports student
engagement, growth, and success.

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