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Therapeutic community modality program, one may be in a client role when receiving

help or support from others because of behavioral problems or when experiencing

distress (Chan, 2021). These programs help address behavioral problems is by
providing a supportive and structured environment for clients to work on their issues. It
can offer a sense of belonging and connection for individuals who may be struggling
with feelings of isolation or disconnection. The Parole and Probation Administration
(PPA) developed rehabilitation programs which are restorative justice, volunteerismand
therapeutic community (Arenas, 2017). These programs are based on the
administrationcs core value that humans are inherently good.
The use of restorative justice can save money by diverting people away from
prosecution and by reducing reoffending (Pavlacic, 2022). Restorative justice offers a
more cost-effective approach compared to traditional prosecution methods by diverting
individuals away from the criminal justice system and focusing on repairing harm
caused by the offense. By utilizing restorative justice practices such as mediation,
victim-offender dialogues, and community service, resources can be allocated towards
facilitating reconciliation and addressing the underlying issues that led to the criminal
In line with these, volunteers are people who provide a service to the community out of
their own free will and without monetary reward. Volunteering satisfies the human need
to belong, to feel competent and to contribute (Ang, 2020). Volunteers can assist with
supervising individuals completing community service as part of their probation
requirements, ensuring they fulfill their obligations and contribute positively to the
According to Bhutta (2014), rehabilitation is supported in order to cut criminal justice
system cost, to promote the concept of human dignity, to maintain the integrity of the
profession and to support reform in the crinminal justice system. Whatever the specific
technique used. The term rehabilitation is widely used in the social sciences. In the
discipline of sociology, criminology and criminal justice studies, it refers to the process,
which read just an individual and takes him up to the level of normalcy.
Rehabilitating criminals has become a highly debated topic throughout the U.S. With the
majority of criminals being repeat offenders, the correctional institution has made
rehabilitation a top priority (Miceli, 2019). The reason why it become a highly debated
topic is because there is a shift in thinking from punitive justice towards rehabilitation,
where the focus is on addressing the root causes of criminal behavior and helping
individuals reintegrate into society successfully.
Released offenders often face significant barriers to successful reentry into society,
particularly high-risk offenders with a history of criminal behavior (Azimova, 2023).
There is a societal stigma attached to individuals who have been incarcerated, which
can lead to discrimination in employment, housing, and social interactions.

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