Mission Creation Manual

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Mission Creation Manual

v1.0 Feb 2024

© Absolutely Games 2024

Classified: France ‘44 Mission Creation Manual


These tools allow you to create your own missions and then Once a mission has been created it will appear on the left-hand
publish them for others to play. side of the Mission Creator menu. Selecting it will make the
following appear on the right-hand side of the menu:
Select ‘Mission Creator’ from the main menu.

• Details - Displays the details of the selected mission, in-

cluding name, map, time of day, and last date modified.
• Modify - Opens the mission in the mission editor.
On the Mission Creator menu, select the option ‘Create Mis- • Play - Play the mission.
sion’ on the left-hand side of the menu. This will make a new
set of options appear to the right. • Clone - Creates a copy of the mission.
• Delete - Deletes the mission.
Mission name • Publish to Steam / Publish to Mod.io - Opens the publish-
ing menu for each platform. For more details see the section
Time of day
Map select You can publish your missions to two different platforms:
Steam Workshop and Mod.io.

On the right-hand side of the menu you will see a number of Selecting ‘Publish to Steam’ or ‘Publish to Mod.io’ when you
options that need to be set before the mission can be created: have a mission selected in the Mission Creator menu will open
the following settings:
• Enter Mission Name - The name for your mission as it ap-
pears in-game. It must contain at least 10 characters.
• Map selection - This drop-down list allows you to select
which map your mission will be set on.
• Time of day - This drop-down list allows you to select
which time of day your mission will have (see the box-out,
below). This affects the vision range of player and enemy
units. On some maps this also affects what cover is present.
• Create - This button creates your new mission and opens
the mission editor.

Times of Day
The time of days that can be selected from are as follows:
Fog/Mist - Player units have a vision range of 16 cells in all
directions. Enemies see up to 9 cells in front of them when
Low Light - Player units have a 20 cell vision radius. Enemies
see up to 12 cells in front when unalerted.
Moonlit Night - Player units have an 18 cell vision radius.
Enemies see up to 10 cells in front when unalerted.
Universal - On maps that are solely interiors, only the Univer-
sal time of day can be used. Player units a 16 cell vision radius. • Enter Title - Set the title for your submission. Note that this
Enemies see up to 9 cells in front of them when unalerted. changes how the name of your upload will appear on the

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platform, not the name of the mission in-game. A title must

contain at least 10 characters. Validation
The following validation checks must be completed before
• Description - Set the description for your submission. Note publication:
that this changes how the description of your upload will
Title - A valid title must be given to your submission.
appear on the platform, not the mission briefing in-game. A
Description - A valid description must be given to your sub-
description must contain at least 20 characters.
• Tags - Set the tags that are applied to your submission. Mission Briefing - A mission briefing must be written for the
• Preview Image - Use the select button to open a file ex- mission (this can be done in the Scenario Info tool inside the
plorer that will allow you to select a preview image for your mission editor).
upload. The remove button will remove the image once one Successful Test - You must successfully complete your mis-
has been selected. sion in order to upload it. The ‘Test Mission’ button can be
used to quickly launch your mission for testing purposes. If
• Validation - In order to publish your mission there are a you make changes to your mission before uploading you will
number of validation checks that must be completed (see the need to complete the mission again.
box-out, at the right).
• Visibility - This drop-down allows you to change who can
see your mission on the platform once it has been uploaded.
• Publish - Once all the validation checks have been success-
fully completed you may upload your mission by pressing
this button.
If you make changes to your mission after uploading it, a red
warning symbol will appear next to the Publish button:

Once the validation checks have been completed again you can
press the ‘Publish’ button again to update your existing upload.

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• View - Allows you to switch between Design view and Art • Settings - Opens the mission editor settings menu.
view. • Save - Saves the mission.
Design view shows you how the level geometry is inter- • Play - This will save your mission and then launch it so that
preted by the game. It is used when editing elements on it can be played.
the map.
Art view shows you a preview of how the mission will look Editor Controls
when playing.
• Initial Spawn Count - Tracks the number of units that will To interact with the editor, press left-click.
be on the map when the mission begins. To edit objects placed inside the mission, right-click on them.
This count includes allies, enemies, and neutrals. To move placed objects inside the mission, select them with
left-click, keep the button held, and drag.
You cannot have more than 20 enemies on the map at once.
• Reinforcement Spawn Count - Tracks the number of ene-
mies that placed on the map and have the spawn type ‘Rein- To move the camera forward and backwards, use the ‘W’
and ‘S’ keys.
To move the camera left and right, use the ‘A’ and ‘D’ keys.
• Highlighted Cell - Shows the current coordinate of your To move the camera up and down, use the ‘Q’ and ‘E’ keys.
in-editor cursor.
To rotate the camera, hold right-click and move the mouse.
• Tool Panel - Displays your currently selected tool.

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The Scenario Info Tool is where you set the basic information
for the mission:
• Mission Name - This string field allows you to change the
name of your mission as it appears in-game.
• Mission Briefing - This string field allows you to give a de-
scription for your mission. This is the briefing that appears
in the Spec Ops menu before the player starts the mission.
• Time of Day - You can change the time of day your mission
is set in. Doing so will affect the vision range of both player
and enemy units. On some maps this will also affect what
cover is present.
Refer to the section ‘Creating a New Mission’ to see the
vision ranges associated with each time of day.
• Enemy Quality Override - This changes the level of the
enemies that are present in the mission. Enemy level deter-
mines the health, morale and damage values of enemies, as
well as the skills that are available to them.
• Camera Start Position - You can set the angle at which the
camera is facing when the mission starts. A preview of this
can be seen with the arrow found at position 0,0,0 in-editor.
• Stealth Kill Limit - This setting changes how many stealth
kills are required for the player to trigger an ambush when
playing your mission. If set to infinite, an ambush will never
be triggered regardless of how many stealth kills are made.
If you want enemies to start your mission alerted and for
stealth kills to be impossible, please refer to the AI tool sec-

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THE SCRIPTS TOOL • Rename script - Allows you to rename a script you have
The Scripts Tool allows you to create and manage scripts and
variables for your mission. • Delete script - Allows you to delete a custom script you
have selected.
• Variables - The (X) button opens the variables sub-panel to
the right of the scripts tool.

The variables sub-panel is arranged as follows:

• Custom variables - The list of variables that are present in
your mission.
The circle next to each variable will change from white to
green if the variable is referenced in a script.
Scripts allow you to trigger events as the mission is played. • Create variable - Allows you to create a new variable.
Variables are used to track the state of the elements that make • Rename variable - Allows you to rename a variable you
up your mission. have selected.
• Default scripts - The scripts that have a green box are your • Variable references - Shows all the scripts a variable you
default scripts. These have pre-defined triggers so will be have selected is referenced in. Scripts are given a red outline
automatically executed when their conditions are met. to indicate they reference the variable.
The circle next to each script will change from white to • Delete variable - Allows you to delete a variable you have
green if the script contains data. selected.
• Custom scripts - Below the default scripts the custom
scripts in black boxes. These are scripts that you have creat-
ed yourself.
As with default scripts, the circle indicates whether the
script contains data.
• Create script - Allows you to create a new custom script.
• Modify script - Allows you to edit the data of a script you
have selected.

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OBJECTIVES TOOL Options if ‘Details’ Selected

The Objectives tool is used to create objectives for your mis- If the ‘Details’ tab is selected:
sion. • Priority - Allows you to assign a value that determines the
order that the objective will appear in within its own hierar-
chy level when the mission is played.
A lower number will mean the objective appears higher in
the order.
Primary objectives are above secondary objectives in hier-
archy level so will always be placed above them regardless
of priority given.
• Target Value - Allows you to set a value for the currently
selected objective where the value iterates to that target val-
ue in order for the objective to be completed successfully.
Count Down - Iterates down from the target value to zero.
Count Up - Iterates up to the target value from zero.
• Successful If Unresolved? - Allows you to set an unre-
solved objective to either be positively or negatively re-
solved when the mission ends.
• Visibility - Allows you to determine whether the objective
is visible or hidden when the mission starts.

This image shows the tool with the ‘Details’ tab selected
• Objective - This dropdown menu lists the objectives you’ve
created for the mission and allows you to swap between
• Objective Hierarchy - These buttons allow you to set the
position of the currently selected objective hierarchy of the
Primary - Sets the Objective as a Primary Objective.
Secondary - Sets the Objective as a Secondary Objective.
Sub-Objective - Sets the Objective as a Sub-Objective on
another Objective.
• Parent Objective - This dropdown menu allows you to se-
lect the objectives that the sub-objective can be connected
• Objective Edit Buttons - These buttons allow you to edit
the basic format of the objective: Options if ‘Scripts’ Selected
Create - Allows you to create a new Objective. This image shows the tool with the ‘Scripts’ tab selected
Rename - Allows you to rename the currently selected Ob- • Script on Complete - Allows you to set a script to trigger
jective. upon completion of the objective.
Delete - Allows you to delete the currently selected Ob- • Script on Failure - Allows you to set a script to trigger upon
jective. failure of the objective.
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ENEMIES TOOL • Aggressive / Defensive - The ‘Aggressive’ and ‘Defensive’

buttons allow you to determine whether a squad is aggres-
The Enemies tool is used to edit the settings of enemy units sive or defensive once combat starts. Aggressive enemies
before they are placed onto the map. Enemies are placed by will make their way towards the player’s units and bring
left-clicking on a cell on the map while in Design view. the fight to them. Defensive enemies will remain in the area
near to where they became alerted, fighting those who come
within range.
• Other Buttons - The ‘Create, ‘Rename’, and ‘Delete’ but-
tons allow you to create a new squad, or rename and delete
an existing squad that you have selected.

Key to this tool is the Spawn Condition setting. This determines Options if ‘Autospawn’ Selected
how an enemy spawns. There are three options that can be If the spawn condition is set to ‘Autospawner’ you will see the
picked, as described in the box-out below. following settings:
• Autospawner ID - This section allows you to pick an au-
Spawn Condition Settings
tospawner and autospawner zone that the enemy is associ-
Mission Start - the enemy will spawn when the mission starts. ated with. Enemies who are in the same autospawner zone
Reinforcements - the enemy will spawn via a scripted rein- as each other are also put into the same squad as each other
forcement function call.
when they spawn.
Autospawner - the enemy will spawn when their correspond-
ing autospawner triggers them to do so. Once you have selected an autospawner, the ‘Spawn Zone
ID’ drop-down list will appear, allowing you to select a zone
that is part of the autospawner.
Options if ‘Mission Start’ or ‘Reinforcements’ Selected
• Character Pack - This allows you to pick which character
If the spawn condition is set to ‘Mission Start’ or ‘Reinforce- pack the placed enemy is derived from. Character packs rep-
ments’ you will see the following settings: resent a subset of units, and are often grouped by the branch
• Squad - The squad section allows you to setup enemy of the military they fight for. Generally, units that come from
squads and assign an enemy to one. Enemies in the same the same character pack will be in a similar band of difficul-
squad will coordinate with each other better in combat and ty in terms of fighting prowess and wear the same uniform.
collaborate on tactics that have been enabled in the AI tool • Character - Once a character pack has been determined,
panel. you can select the subclass of the unit you will place. Sub-
The drop-down list lets you select an enemy squad that you classes determine the stats of a unit, the weapons they use,
have created. When placing an enemy, they will be assigned and the skills they have access to. Note that not all character
to the squad that is selected here. packs support all types of subclasses.
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Character Packs
These group enemies into branches of the military. In essence
they are grouped by uniform. They include:
Wehrmacht - The ‘Heer’, or regular army
Feldgendarmerie - Military police
Fallschirmjager - Paratroops
Panzergrenadier - Elite regular army troops
Gestapo - Secret police
Shutzstaffel - The Waffen SS
Roguemaquis - Hostile Maquis
Maquisards - Maquis
Panzerwaffe - Tank troops
Luftwaffe - Aircrew and ground crew
Not all character packs have every class of unit in them. Some
have only two or three classes of unit.


The Enemy Spawnpoint sub-panel is reached by right-clicking • Character pack - This allows you to alter the character
on an enemy present in the mission. It allows you to adjust the pack of an enemy once they have already been placed.
settings of an enemy that is in the mission. • Character - This allows you to change the specific charac-
ter (or class) of the enemy you have placed.
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• Trigger Type - This allows you to edit the spawn condition

of the enemy unit.
• Initial Mindset - This determines the behaviour an enemy
uses when they are not alerted.
The options that can be picked are as follows:
Idling - The enemy will stand still each turn, if the ‘Rotate’
option is ticked, they will rotate 45 degrees from their ini-
tial orientation at the start of their turn.
Patrolling - The enemy will follow the patrol path that has
been set out for them each turn. For more information on
patrols see the Patrol Paths section.
• Spawn With Item - This allows you to give an item for the
enemy to carry. They will drop the item if they are killed,
broken or enter the bleed-out state. For more information on
items see the Add To Map Tool section.
• Initial Face Direction - Determines the initial orientation
the enemy will face towards when the mission starts.
• Non-alert idle pose - This allows you to change the idle ani-
mation the enemy uses when they are unalerted and standing
• Scripting Reference - This text field allows you to provide
a name for the unit so that it can be specifically referenced
in scripting functions.
• Remove - This will remove the enemy from the mission.
• Script On Spawn - Set a script that will trigger when the
enemy spawns.
• Script On Bleed-out - Set a script that will trigger when the
enemy enters the bleed-out state.
• Script On Knockout - Set a script that will trigger when the
enemy is killed.
Options if ‘Autospawn’ Selected
• Script On Revived - Set a script that will trigger when the
enemy is revived. If the trigger type (spawn condition) of the enemy is set to ‘Au-
tospawn’ (see image above):
• Script On Alerted - Set a script that will trigger when the
enemy becomes alerted. • Autospawner ID & Spawn Zone ID - These drop-down
lists allow you to update the autospawner and autospawner
Options if ‘Mission Start’ or ‘Reinforcements’ Selected zone the enemy is associated with.
If the trigger type (spawn condition) of the enemy is set to If the trigger type (spawn condition) of the enemy is set to ‘Re-
‘Mission Start’ or ‘Reinforcements’ you will see the following inforcements’ or ‘Autospawn’:
setting: • Entry Direction - When the enemy spawns onto the map,
• Squad ID - Allows you to update the squad that the enemy this determines the direction they will run in from before
is a part of. arriving in their spawn cell.

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PATROL PATHS • Mindset On Arrival - This setting determines what behav-

You can set up patrol paths that unalerted enemies follow on iour the enemy will perform once they arrive at the node.
their turn. To make an enemy patrol, set their initial mindset to The ‘Patrolling’ option means the enemy will continue pa-
‘Patrolling’. trolling.
The following settings will become available: ‘Idling’ will mean they will stop their patrol and idle indef-
• Max AP - This value determines the maximum amount of initely instead.
AP available for movement when patrolling each turn. • Remove - This removes the current node from the patrol
• Edit Patrol - Clicking this will allow you to place patrol route.
nodes, see below for more details. • Split previous path - This adds an additional node that orig-
• Loop - If this box is ticked, enemies will automatically pa- inates from the previous node to the one that is currently
trol back to their start position once they have finished their being edited.
patrol route. They will repeat their patrol route indefinitely Patrol nodes can be moved around the map by left-clicking and
unless they become suspicious or alerted. dragging them.

Editing patrols To stop building a patrol route, click the ‘Edit Patrol’ button
If you have clicked the ‘Edit Patrol’ button you can build a
patrol route for the enemy by clicking on cells in the map while ALLIES TOOL
in Design view.
The Allies tool is used to edit the settings of player units before
On each cell that you click, a patrol node will appear. Enemies they are placed onto the map. Allies are placed by left-clicking
will attempt to patrol to each node is sequential order. A patrol on a cell on the map while in Design view.
node can be edited by right-clicking on it, this will open the
node sub-panel.
The node sub-panel has the following elements:

• Starting Allegiance - Determines whether the ally starts the

mission as a teammate or as a neutral. Teammates are units
that are under the player’s control. Neutral units are allied
characters that need to be contacted before they can be con-
trolled by the player.
Neutral units do not take turns if they are not under the play-
• Selected Node - This displays which node is currently being er’s control.
edited. The drop down-down list can be used to switch be-
tween nodes if more than one node occupies the same cell. Neutral units are ignored by enemies in combat, they will
not be directly targeted.
• Face Direction - This determines the direction the enemy
will face in when they reach the node. Neutral units can still take damage even when not under the
player’s control from explosives and spray fire.
• Wait time - This value determines how long the enemy will
stay at a patrol node before moving to the next one. A val- • Spawn Condition - Determines whether the ally is present
ue of 1 means that an enemy will wait at the node for the when the mission begins or spawns through a scripting func-
remainder of their current turn, a value of 2 means that an tion.
enemy will wait at the node until the end of their following • Character - This drop-down list allows you to select the
turn, etc. character you wish to place in the mission.
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ALLY SPAWNPOINT SUB-PANEL • Scripting Reference - This text field allows you to provide
The Ally Spawnpoint sub-panel is reached by right-clicking on a name for the unit so that it can be specifically referenced
an ally present in the mission. It allows you to adjust the set- in scripting functions.
tings of an ally that is in the mission. • Initial Face Direction - Determines the initial orientation
the ally will face towards when the mission starts.
• Non-alert idle pose - This allows you to change the idle an-
imation the ally uses if they are neutral and not bleeding-out.
• Starts In Bleed-Out - This option determines whether the
ally is bleeding-out when they spawn.
• Infinite Bleedout - If this option is turned on, the ally will
bleed-out indefinitely with no turn timer.
• Contact will revive - If this option is turned on, a neutral
ally that is bleeding out will automatically be contacted if
they are revived by the player.
• Script On Spawn - Set a script that will trigger when the
ally spawns.
• Script On Knockout - Set a script that will trigger when the
ally is killed.
• Script On Extraction - Set a script that will trigger when
the ally extracts.
* Remove - This will remove the ally from the mission.

Options if Allegiance is Neutral

If the starting allegiance is set to ‘Neutral’:
• Script on Contact - Set a script that is triggered when the
neutral ally is contacted.
• Suspicious Type - If this option is turned on, enemies will
react if they notice the ally is missing.
An enemy considers an ally to be missing if they have vision
of the unit, and then the ally is contacted without them being
This image shows the sub-panel with the starting allegiance set Soft - If the suspicious type is set to ‘Soft’ the enemy will
to ‘Neutral’. become suspicious.
• Character - This allows you to change the specific charac- Hard - If the suspicious type is set to ‘Hard’ the enemy will
ter of the ally you have placed. become alerted.
• Starting Allegiance - This allows you to edit whether the
ally is a teammate or a neutral when they spawn. Options if ‘Starts in Bleed-Out’ Selected
• Is Valuable - If this option is turned on, enemies will be If the ‘Starts in Bleed-Out’ option is active:
more likely to target the ally in combat. • Initial Bleed-Out Duration - This allows you to edit the
• Spawn Condition - This allows you to edit whether the amount of turns the ally will bleed-out for.
ally is present when the mission begins or spawns through a • Initial Bleed-Out Cost - This allows you to edit how much
scripting function. AP it will cost a unit to revive the ally.
• Script on Bleed-out - Set a script that will trigger when the • Initial Bleed-Out Pose - This allows you to change the an-
ally enters the bleed-out state. imation the ally uses when they are bleeding out.
• Script on Revived - Set a script that will trigger when the
enemy is revived.

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The Grid tool (see at right) allows you to customise the section
of the map you want your mission to take place in, by placing
boundaries so that nothing can occur outside of those bounda-
• Map Width - Allows you to adjust the minimum and maxi-
mum bounds of the map’s width.
• Map Length - Allows you to adjust the minimum and max-
imum bounds of the maps’ length.
• Reset Bounds - Resets the map bounds to their default val-
ues so that the whole map is within the boundary.
The current bounds of the map are visualized with a red box
that appears when the Grid tool is open (see below):

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The AI Menu allows you to customise the enemy AI in two The Zones tool is used to set up trigger zones in the mission
distinct ways: their general behaviour right from the start of which can be used to trigger scripts when characters enter them.
the mission, and the tactics they’ll use once they enter the alert

Options include:
• AI Aggression Mode - Set how the enemy AI will behave
when the mission begins. The options are as follows:
None - Enemies will begin unalerted and unaware of play-
er units.
Assault - Enemies will begin alerted and aware of player
MVP Kill - Enemies will begin unalerted and unaware of This image shows the tool with the ‘Create’ tab selected.
player units. When they do become alerted they will prior- • Zone Name - Shows the current trigger zone that is being
itise targeting an MVP character. edited. The drop-down list can be used to switch between
• MVP Character - If the AI aggression mode has been set zones.
to ‘MVP’ kill, this drop-down list will allow you to select • Enabled / Disabled - Determines whether the currently se-
which character enemies will proritise targeting. lected zone is enabled in the mission.
• Select Tactics - Set which tactics enemies will engage in • Create / Rename / Delete - Allows you to create a new
once they become alerted. Multiple tactics can be enabled at trigger zone, rename the currently selected one, or delete the
once. The options are as follows: currently selected one.
Flanking - Enemies will attempt to coordinate with each • Create / Filter / Scripts - These tabs let you edit different
other. With some flanking player units while others lay settings for your trigger zone.
down covering fire. This tactic is enabled by default.
Rush - Enemy units will favour more aggressive position- Options if ‘Create’ Tab is Selected
ing when attacking the player at the expense of choosing If the ‘Create’ tab is selected:
positions that improve their survivability.
• Trigger Cell Placement - Switching between the add and
MG Nest - Enemies will consider using stationary MG em- remove buttons allows you to add and remove cells that are
placements if they are present on the map. This tactic is considered to be part of the currently selected zone. Left-
enabled by default. click cells on the map while in design view to do so.

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The options are:

• Character Type - Determines the team you would like to
pick a character from.
Player - Select a specific player character present in the
Enemy - Select a specific enemy character present in the
In order to help differentiate between different enemy char-
acters, it is recommended that they are given a scripting
Neutral - Select a specific neutral character present in the
Enemy Subclass - Select an enemy subclass, all instances
of that subclass will trigger the zone.
• Character - Determines the character you would like to add
based on the ‘Character Type’ category you have selected.

Options if ‘Filter’ Tab is Selected

If the ‘Filter’ tab is selected:
• Filter By Allegiance - Determines if the zone is only trig-
gered by characters that are on a certain team.
• Filter By Character - Determines if the zone is only trig-
gered by specific characters.
• Add / Delete - These buttons allow you to add and remove
specific characters from the filter list.
If you try adding a character that the zone filters by, this menu

Options if ‘Scripts’ Tab is Selected

If the ‘Scripts’ tab is selected:
• Script On Trigger - This is where you set the script that is
triggered when a character enters the zone.
• One Use Only - If this option is set to ‘Yes’, the script will
only be triggered once for the duration of the mission.

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• Associated Objective - When using the scripting function Options if ‘Zones’ Tab is Selected
‘Show Trigger Zone’ to make the zone visible, this option
If the ‘Zones’ tab is selected:
allows you to associate an objective with it. An objective
overlay will appear above the zone and the visualization of • Spawning Order - Determines whether the zones of the se-
the zone will disappear when the objective resolves. lected autospawner are cycled through or chosen at random
when the autospawner triggers a spawn.
AUTOSPAWNERS TOOL • Spawn Zones Edit Buttons - Allows you to create a new
The Autospawners Tool is used to set up and manage auto- autospawner zone, rename the selected zone, or delete the
spawners within your mission. Autospawners are used to spawn selected zone.
enemy reinforcements at regular intervals.

Options if ‘Spawn’ Tab is Selected

If the ‘Spawn’ tab is selected:
• Total Autospawn Limit - Set whether there is a limit to the
This image shows the tool with the ‘Zones’ tab selected. number of reinforcements that can spawn from the selected
• Autospawner - Allows you to select which autospawner autospawner. If ‘Limited’ is selected, a specific value must
you would like to edit. be given.
• Starting State Buttons - Allows you to set whether the se- • Spawn Group Size - Set the number of enemies that can
lected autospawner starts the mission enabled or disabled. arrive as reinforcements when the autospawner triggers a
• Autospawner Edit Buttons - Allows you to create a new
autospawner, rename the selected autospawner, or delete the • Spawn Interval In Turns - Set the number of turns that the
selected autospawner. autospawner will wait before triggering another spawn.
• Start With Interval - Determine whether the spawn inter-
val delays is applied to the autospawner when it is enabled.

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Options if ‘Settings’ Tab is Selected

If the ‘Settings’ tab is selected:
• Ideal Intensity - Set whether the autospawner does not trig-
ger a spawn if a certain number of enemies are present on
the map. If ‘Limited’ is selected, a specific value must be
• Spawn Indicator - Allows you to set whether a countdown
indicator is displayed when the selected autospawner will
trigger a spawn the following turn.

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RULES TOOL Available Rules

The Rules tool is used to apply modifiers to your mission and Accuracy Modified: Allows you to modify the value that
allows you to adjust a number of gameplay variables that can dictates the base weapon accuracy of all Weapons in the
have an impact on the feel and challenge of the experience: mission on a scale of -100 to +100.
Boom: Allows you to set all Units in the mission to generate
an explosion upon death.
No Melee: Allows you prevent Units from performing Me-
lee attacks during the mission.
No Overwatch: Allows you to prevent Units from using the
Overwatch action during the mission.
No Recovery: Allows you to prevent Units from entering
the Recovery state when their health reaches zero during the
No Reload: Allows you to prevent Units from reloading
their weapons in the mission.
No Revives: Allows you to prevent Units from reviving
Downed Units during the mission.
No Grenades: Allows you to prevent Units from using Gre-
nades during the mission.
No Distraction Pebble: Allows you to prevent Units from
using the Distraction Pebble skill during the mission.
Sensitive: Allows you to modify the value that dictates the
cell radius of sound projection from actions that generate
Noise during the mission.
The tool has the following settings: Restricted Vision: Allows you to modify the value that dic-
• Select Rule To Add - Allows you to determine which rules tates the vision radius of Units between 1 and 50 cells.
are applied to the mission. Spray: Allows you to modify the value that dictates the size
• Select Rule From Mission - Allows you to select a rule of weapon spray zones during the mission between 1x to 5x
applied to the mission in order to edit it. scale.
• Rule Settings - Adjust parameters for the currently selected Total Cover: Allows you to set all Cover in the mission as
rule (if available). 100% Full Cover.
• Remove Rule - Removes the currently selected rule from Tough Opposition: Allows you to modify the value that
the mission. dictates the level of Armour Enemy Units have during the
mission, between 1 and 9 stacks.

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ADD TO MAP TOOL Units will have a 100% hit chance when shooting at de-
The Add To Map tool is used for including additional elements structibles.
to your missions, whether this be cover, vehicles, pickups, or
All destructibles (other than break crates) explode when
more. New objects are placed by left-clicking on a cell on the
they are destroyed.
map while in Design view.
The armoured vehicle and tank have demolition points that
can be used to destroy them.
The armoured vehicle is populated by an AI and will act as
an enemy in the mission.
Interactives - objects that can be interacted with.
Barbed wire can be used to block navigation. Interacting
with barbed wire destroys it and creates a suspicious noise.
The machine gun block can be interacted with to shoot in a
sweeping arc in front of the interaction point.
The first aid kit will heal the unit that interacts with it.
The following interactives can be collected, once collect-
ed they are removed from the mission: cache, detonator,
paintings, radio crystals, tank schematics, thermite.
The following interactives are added to the character’s in-
ventory when interacted with. They can be given to allied
units and are dropped if the character is knocked-out, bro-
ken, or enter the bleed-out state: door key, dossier, target-
ing device.
• Extractions - extraction points.
• Rotation - Determines the rotation of the object when it is
• Remove - Remove all objects in the category you currently
have selected.
• Remove All - Remove all objects you have placed in the

Placed Cover Sub-panel

The placed cover sub-panel is reached by right-clicking on cov-
The tool has the following settings: er. It allows you to remove the cover from the map.
• Placeable Type - Determines the category of object you
want to place.
• Objects List - This list shows the objects you can place
based on the placeable type you have selected. The objects
are as follows:
Cover - objects that protect units from attacks and enemy
In this list you can find low cover and obscuration.
Low cover can be stacked on top of each other in the map
to create full cover.
Destructibles - objects that can be destroyed. In this list
you can find vehicles and other destructible objects.

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Object Sub-panel The component sub-panel includes the following:

The object sub-panel is reached by right-clicking on an object. • Deactivated In Scenario - Determines whether the object
It allows you to edit the settings of the object. will appear in the mission.
• Uninteractable In Scenario - Determines whether the ob-
ject can be interacted with.
• Destroyed In Scenario - Determines whether the object
will start the mission in the destroyed state.
• Is Valuable - If this option is turned on, enemies will be
more likely to target the object in combat.
• Prevent Progressive Damage - Certain objects will take
additional damage at the start of the player’s turn once they
fall below a certain health threshold. Turning this option
will prevent this mechanic from occurring.
• Placement Direction - Determines the rotation of the placed
• Allegiance Override - Allows you to change the team the
object belongs to. By default all objects are on the enemy
Every destructible has a high-level menu that can be used to team.
access the sub-panel of each component that makes up the • Attached Scripts - The first drop-down list determines the
object. The ‘Remove’ button can be used to delete the object condition that must be met for the script assigned in the sec-
from the mission. ond drop-down list to be triggered.

For in-world objects that can be interacted with (such as doors

and windows), additional whitelist settings are available:
• Character Whitelist - Determines if the object can only be
interacted with by specific characters.
The drop-down list allows you to select the character you
would like to add, and the ‘Add’ button confirms your selec-
• Allegiance Filter - Determines if the object can only be in-
teracted with by characters that are on a certain team.

A component sub-panel looks similar to the image above.

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The Field Radio and Generic Interact objects have the follow- None - The AI will never attempt to interact with the ob-
ing additional settings: ject.
• Icon - Allows you to change the icon that appears on the Non-Alert - The AI will attempt to interact with the object
interaction panel when playing the mission. if they are in the ‘Unaware’ state.
• Repeat Trigger - Determines if the object can be interacted Suspicious - The AI will attempt to interact with the object
with more than once in a mission. if they are in the ‘Suspicious’ state.
• Action Point Cost - Allows you to change the amount of AP Alert - The AI will attempt to interact with the object if
that the interaction will cost when playing the mission. they are in the ‘Alert’ state.
• Interaction Duration - Allows you to adjust how long a • SFX - Determines what sound effect will play when the ob-
character will animate for when interacting with the object. ject is interacted with.
• Interaction Animation - Determines which animation a • Noise Radius On Interact - Determines the radius (in cells)
character will use when interacting with the object. that will be affected by noise for gameplay purposes when
• Valid Cells - This allows you to adjust which cells adjacent the object is interacted with.
to the object can be used to perform an interaction from. • Has Repeating Noise - If this option is turned on, noise will
• Interaction Name - Allows you to change the name of the be applied to the affected cells continuously once the object
interaction that appears on the interaction panel when play- has been interacted with, rather than only affecting the cells
ing the mission. once.

• Button Prompt - Allows you to change the text used in the • Noise Type - Determines whether the type of noise applied
button prompt for the interaction when it appears in mission. to the cells is considered suspicious or alarming by enemies.

• AI Desired State - If this option is turned on, enemies will • Fine Placement Tool - This allows you to adjust the po-
attempt to interact with the object when the alert require- sition and rotation of the object within its cell. For more
ment has been reached. information on how to use the fine placement tool, see the
‘Item Sub-panel’ section below.
• Alert Requirement - Determines the state the enemy AI
must be in to interact with the object if the AI desired state
has been turned on.

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Item Sub-panel Edit Rotation - If this option is selected, the rotation of the
The item sub-panel is reached by right-clicking on an object item will be edited.
that can be picked up by a unit. It allows you to edit the settings Manual Offset - This shows the offset that has been applied
of the object. to the object its X,Y,Z coordinates. The values displayed
here reflect either the position or rotation offset depending
on which option is currently selected.
The offset of the item can also be manipulated by using
the gizmo that appears when fine placement tool mode is

The sub-panel has the following settings:

• Pickup is suspicious - If this option is turned on, enemies
will react if they notice the item is missing.
An enemy considers an item to be missing if they have vi- Snap To Position - Selecting this option will snap the posi-
sion of the object, and then the player interacts with the item tion of the object so that it rests on top of whatever model
without them being alerted. is occupying its cell.
If the alert type is set to ‘Soft’ the enemy will become suspi- For example, if a medkit is hovering slightly above a table,
cious. snap to position will change its position so that it sits on top
of the table without clipping.
If the alert type is set to ‘Hard’ the enemy will become alert-
ed. Revert All Changes - Resets all the edits you have made to
the item with the fine placement tool.
• Script on Pickup - Set a script that will trigger when the
item is picked up by any character. Extraction Point Sub-panel
• Script on Pickup by Ally - Set a script that will trigger The extraction point sub-panel is reached by right-clicking
when the item is picked up by an ally. on an extraction point. It allows you to assign the extraction
• Script on Pickup by Enemy - Set a script that will trigger a group ID that can be referenced in scripting functions or re-
when the item is picked up by an enemy. move the extraction point from the map.
• Remove - Delete the item from the mission.
• Script on Drop - Set a script that will trigger when the item
is dropped by any character.
• Script on Drop by Ally - Set a script that will trigger when
the item is dropped by an ally.
• Script on Drop by Enemy - Set a script that will trigger
when the item is dropped by an enemy.
• Fine Placement Tool - This allows you to adjust the posi-
tion and rotation of an item within its cell. It is useful for
making items sit more naturally in their environment, for
example a medkit that is placed on a table.
Edit Position - If this option is selected, the position of the
item will be edited.

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Teams Tool The Settings Menu

The Teams tool allows you to select and set up the team of The settings menu allows you to customise certain aspects of
units that the player is able to use during the mission based on a the mission creator, allowing you to tailor your mission crea-
number of available presets. (See Appendix 2 at the end of this tion experience to your liking.
document for the presets.)

The menu has the following settings:

• Overhead Text - Determines whether the overhead text for
interactive elements on the map is visible.
• Overhead Unit Text - Determines whether the overhead
text for units on the map is visible. This setting will override
The tool has the following settings: the ‘Overhead Text’ setting.
• Select Team - A dropdown list that allows you to select a • Lock Fading Camera - Determines whether elements of
preset team for the mission. the map will fade in or out based on camera position when
• Select Characters - Allows you to select characters to pop- in design view.
ulate the mission roster from a previously selected preset • Demolition Areas - Determines whether demolition areas
team. are visible inside the mission creator.
• Chosen Characters List - Displays the currently selected • Navigation Mark Up - Determines whether navigation
characters you’ve added to the mission roster. mark-up is visible inside the mission creator when in design
• Clear Characters - Allows you to clear the currently select- view.
ed characters from the list that you’ve chosen.
• Add Allies From Scenario - Allows you to add allied units
already placed in the scenario to the mission roster.

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Here you can find a description of each of the subscription Disable Specific Autospawner
functions that can be used in the mission creator. Each function When called, this function disables a given autospawner.
listed is organised by the category they belong to.
Enable All Autospawners
When called, this function enables all autospawners present
Succeed Mission in the mission.
When called, this function instantly ends the mission with a Disable All Autospawners
successful outcome.
When called, this function disables all autospawners present
Any unresolved objectives will be resolved automatically ac- in the mission.
cording to their ‘Successful If Unresolved’ setting.
Update Auto-Spawn Settings
Fail Mission
When called, this function updates the specified autospawn-
When called, this function instantly ends the mission with a er’s settings with the given values. The settings that can be
failed outcome. adjusted are:
Any objectives, resolved or unresolved, will be marked as • Spawn Interval In Turns
• Spawn Group Size
Advance Scripted Objective • Total Autospawn Limit
When called, this function increments a specified objective • Ideal Intensity
by one.
Mark Scripted Objective Succeeded
When called, this function immediately spawns the given
When called, this function resolves a specified objective with squad of reinforcements.
a successful outcome.
Spawn Delayed Reinforcements
Mark Scripted Objective Failed
When called, this function spawns the given squad of rein-
When called, this function resolves a specified objective with forcements, after a specified delay in turns. Setting the hid-
a failed outcome. den property to “true” will prevent a reinforcement icon and
turn countdown from appearing.
Mark Scripted Objective Incomplete
Optionally, you can add scripting to run, specifically immedi-
When called, this function un-resolves a specified objective
ately after, the reinforcements spawn.
that has already been resolved.
Cancel Delayed Reinforcements
Unhide Scripted Objective
When called, this function cancels the given reinforcement
When called, this function sets the visibility of a specified
squad’s delayed spawn.
objective from hidden to revealed.
Hide Scripted Objective
When called, this function sets the visibility of a specified Set Enemies Can Target Neutral Units
objective from revealed to hidden. When called, this function allows you to set whether or not
the enemies can directly target neutral units.
By default, enemies cannot directly target neutral units, but
Spawn Ally neutral units can still be harmed indirectly, such as via a
When called, this function will spawn a specified ally that has weapon’s spray-zone, or an explosion’s area-of-effect.
been placed inside the mission and has the spawn condition
Capture Neutral Actor By Scripting Reference
‘On Script’.
When called, this function adds the neutral unit with the giv-
Enemies en scripting reference to the player’s squad.

Enable Specific Autospawner

When called, this function enables a given autospawner.

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Visual Messaging Dialogue & Cinematics

Display Mission Notification (Text) Focus Strategic Camera On Unit
When called, this function displays a mission notification When called, this function focuses the camera on a unit with
with the text string provided. a given scripting reference, for a given length of time (in sec-
Set Secondary Objective Overlays Visible
Calling multiple of this function will have them execute one
When called, this function allows you to set whether or not after the other, in the order in which they were called.
secondary objective overlays are visible.
By default, secondary objective overlays are not shown. Focus Strategic Camera On Cell
When called, this function focuses the camera on given cell
Reveal Fog Of War Around Actor coordinates, for a given length of time (in seconds).
When called, this function allows you to reveal the fog of Calling multiple of this function will have them execute one
war in a given radius (in grid cells) around a unit with a given after the other, in the order in which they were called.
scripting reference, for a given length of time (in seconds).
Reveal Fog Of War Around Cell
When called, this function allows you to reveal the fog of war Trigger Delayed Script Execution
in a given radius (in grid cells) at given cell coordinates, for a When called, this function creates a timer with a given num-
given length of time (in seconds). ber of turns. When said timer reaches zero, it will call the
script given.
Add Overlay To Item Type
If you set include timer to “true”, a timer will be shown on-
When called, this function associates the given type of item(s) screen with the text provided in the description string ID
with the given objective, placing an objective icon over said property.
Optionally, you can provide a custom icon reference, which Cancel Delayed Script Execution
will replace the objective icon over the item, with the icon When called, this function cancels the timer for a given script,
associated with the given reference. preventing said script from being called.

Add Overlay To Character Demolitions

When called, this function associates the given character with
the given objective, placing an objective icon over said char- Show Demolition Radius
acter. When called, this function finds the demolition at the given
Optionally, you can provide a custom icon reference, which coordinates and shows the area it will affect if it is triggered.
will replace the objective icon over the character, with the Hide Demolition Radius
icon associated with the given reference.
When called, this function finds the demolition at the given
Add Overlay To Design Object coordinates and hides the area it will affect if it is triggered.
When called, this function associates the given design object Trigger Delayed Demolitions
at the given cell coordinates, with the given objective, plac-
ing an objective icon over said design object. When called, this function will trigger a specified demolition
after a number of turns. The Description_String_ID field can
Optionally, you can provide a custom icon reference, which be used to add a label to the demolition timer.
will replace the objective icon over the design object, with
the icon associated with the given reference.

Remove Overlay From Design Object

When called, this function removes any overlay from the giv-
en design object at the given cell coordinates.

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Extraction Triggers
Reveal Specific Extraction Point Set Trigger Zone Enabled
When called, this function reveals a given specific extraction When called, this function allows you to set a given trigger
point. Setting the positive reveal property to “true” or “false” zone to be enabled or disabled.
will play a voice line with positive or negative connotations
respectively. Show Trigger Zone
Optionally, you can add scripting to run, specifically immedi- When called, this function makes a given trigger zone visible.
ately after the extraction point has been revealed.
Hide Trigger Zone
Reveal Extraction Points When called, this function makes a given trigger zone invis-
When called, this function reveals a given number of extrac- ible.
tion points. Setting the positive reveal property to “true” or
“false” will play a voice line with positive or negative conno- Modifiers
tations respectively. Apply Buff To Squad
Optionally, you can add scripting to run, specifically immedi- When called, this function grants a number of stacks of a buff
ately after the extraction points have been previewed. to all enemy units within a given squad ID.
Preview Specific Extraction Point Apply Buff To All Current Enemies
When called, this function previews a specified extraction When called, this function grants a number of stacks of a buff
point. to all enemies currently present in the scenario.
Optionally, you can add scripting to run, specifically immedi-
ately after the extraction point has been previewed. Apply Buff To Character Scripting Reference
When called, this function grants a number of stacks of a buff
Preview Extraction Points to a unit with a given scripting reference.
When called, this function previews a given number of ex-
traction points. Items
Optionally, you can add scripting to run, specifically immedi- Is Item Held By Allegiance
ately after the extraction points have been previewed.
When called, this function checks to see if the item associ-
Interactions ated with the given item reference is currently being held by
the player’s squad.
Enable Interaction Setting the check allies property to “true” will ensure that
When called, this function enables interaction between units the game also checks if a unit that joined the player’s squad
and a given design object, at the cell coordinates provided. during the mission is carrying the given Item, instead of just
the squad that the player started with.
Disable Interaction
When called, this function disables interaction between units General
and a given design object, at the cell coordinates provided.
Set Group Interactability When called, this function immediately ends the current
When called, this function allows you to set whether or not script, preventing any other scripting that comes after it,
the given design object group can be interacted with. within the script, from being called.

Toggle Group Interactability

When called, this function toggles whether or not the given
design object group can be interacted with.

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APPENDIX 2: PRESET TEAMS Ollie Johnson - Lvl 03

• Skills Loadout:
Lv03 Team
Pummel (lvl 1)
This preset team is the equivalent of a set of player units at
Draw Fire (lvl 1)
around level 3.
Toughness (lvl 1)
Willard Cassady - Lvl 03
• Primary Weapon: FG42
• Skills Loadout:
• Secondary Weapon: Webley MK.6 ‘Dragon’
Firearms (lvl 1)
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade
Morale (lvl 1)
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade
Self Rally (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Digger’ Hat
• Primary Weapon: MKb42
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Elite’
Jacob Bloch - Lvl 03
• Skills Loadout:
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
Firearms (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Dogface’ Helmet
Morale (lvl 1)
Tom King - Lvl 03
Self Rally (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout:
• Primary Weapon: Gewehr G43
Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Flanker (lvl 1)
Henri Vittel - Lvl 03
• Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl1)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Boar’
Flanker (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Luger
Toughness (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet Luke Anson - Lvl 03
• Chest: Denison Smock • Skills Loadout:
Low Profile (lvl 1)
Charles Belanger - Lvl 03
Hug The Ground (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout:
Ready Up (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: Kar 98k
Hug The Ground (lvl 1)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Moussa Comba - Lvl 03
• Primary Weapon: Enfield No.4 ‘Harpy’ • Skills Loadout:
• Secondary Weapon: Mauser M712 Melee (lvl 1)
• Chest: Jacket ‘Maquis’ Dodge (lvl 1)
• Legs: Trousers ‘Refractaire’ • Primary Weapon: Sten Gun

Vincent Tremblay - Lvl 03 Sami Alami - Lvl 03

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Melee (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)
Dodge (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: MP40 ‘Devil’ Toughness (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Walther PP ‘Compact’ • Primary Weapon: Bren Gun ‘Valiant’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Grenade One: Frag Grenade
• Head: Green Beret • Grenade Two: Frag Grenade
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Anna Martineau - Lvl 03 Charles Belanger - Lvl 05

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Firearms (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1) Hug The Ground (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Ready Up (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M1 Carbine Fusillade (lvl 1)

Lili Pierry - Lvl 03 • Primary Weapon: Kar 98k

• Skills Loadout: • Secondary Weapon: Mauser M712

Quit Messing About (lvl 1) • Chest: Jacket ‘Maquis’

Flanker (lvl 1) • Legs: Trousers ‘Refractaire’

Toughness (lvl 1) Vincent Tremblay - Lvl 05

• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun • Skills Loadout:
Dodge (lvl 1)
Lv05 Team
Low Profile (lvl 1)
This preset team is the equivalent of a set of player units at
around level 5. Assassin (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: PPSh-41
Willard Cassady - Lvl 05
• Secondary Weapon: Walther PP ‘Compact’
• Skills Loadout:
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
Firearms (lvl 1)
• Head: Green Beret
Morale (lvl 1)
• Legs: ‘Commando’ Trousers
Order (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Ollie Johnson - Lvl 05
• Primary Weapon: M1 Garand • Skills Loadout:
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Elite’ Pummel (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife Morale (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Dogface’ Helmet Demoralise (lvl 1)
• Legs: ‘Eagles’ Trousers Bulletstorm (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: FG42
Tom King - Lvl 05
• Secondary Weapon: Webley MK.6 ‘Dragon’
• Skills Loadout:
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade
Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade
Motivated (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Digger’ Hat
Flanker (lvl 1)
• Legs: ‘Digger’ Trousers
Toughness (lvl 1)
Take Your Meds (lvl 1) Jacob Bloch - Lvl 05
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Boar’ • Skills Loadout:
• Secondary Weapon: Luger Firearms (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife Morale (lvl 1)
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack Order (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet Self Rally (lvl 1)
• Chest: Denison Smock • Primary Weapon: Gewehr G43
• Secondary Weapon: 1911 ‘Elite’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife

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Henri Vittel - Lvl 05 Anna Martineau - Lvl 05

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Flanker (lvl 1) Firearms (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Fire And Move (lvl 1) Order (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Boar’ Self Rally (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Luger • Primary Weapon: MKb42
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Elite’

Luke Anson - Lvl 05 • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife

• Skills Loadout: Lili Pierry - Lvl 05

Low Profile (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Hug The Ground (lvl 1) Flanker (lvl 1)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Fusillade (lvl 1) Fire And Move (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: Enfield No.4 ‘Harpy’ • Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Bull’
• Secondary Weapon: Mauser M712 • Secondary Weapon: Luger

Moussa Comba - Lvl 05 • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife

• Skills Loadout: Lv08 Team

Low Profile (lvl 1) This preset team is the equivalent of a set of player units at
Dodge (lvl 1) around level 8.
Assassin (lvl 1) Willard Cassady - Lvl 08
• Primary Weapon: MP40 ‘Devil’ • Skills Loadout:
• Secondary Weapon: Walther PP ‘Compact’ Firearms (lvl 2)
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife Morale (lvl 1)
Sami Alami - Lvl 05 Order (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout: Self Rally (lvl 1)
Pummel (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1) Garand Master (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: M1 Garand
Bulletstorm (lvl 1) • Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Elite’
• Primary Weapon: FG42 • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Secondary Weapon: Webley Mk.6 ‘Dragon’ • Head: ‘Dogface’ Helmet
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade • Legs: ‘Eagles’ Trousers
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade

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Tom King - Lvl 08 Ollie Johnson - Lvl 08

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 2)
Flanker (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Bulletstorm (lvl 1)
Take Your Meds (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
Fire and Move (lvl 1) Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Boar’ • Primary Weapon: FG42
• Secondary Weapon: Luger • Secondary Weapon: Webley MK.6 ‘Dragon’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack • Grenade One: Frag Grenade
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet • Grenade Two: Frag Grenade
• Chest: Denison Smock • Head: ‘Digger’ Hat

Charles Belanger - Lvl 08 • Legs: ‘Digger’ Trousers

• Skills Loadout: Jacob Bloch - Lvl 08

Low Profile (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Hug The Ground (lvl 1) Firearms (lvl 2)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)
Fusillade (lvl 1) Garand Master (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Mad Minute (lvl 1)
Snipe (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: Kar 98k Toughness (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Mauser M712 • Primary Weapon: Gewehr G43
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Secondary Weapon: 1911 ‘Elite’
• Chest: Jacket ‘Maquis’ • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Legs: Trousers ‘Refractaire’ Henri Vittel - Lvl 08
Vincent Tremblay - Lvl 08 • Skills Loadout:
• Skills Loadout: Flanker (lvl 1)
Dodge (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Fire And Move (lvl 1)
Assassin (lvl 1) Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1) Grenades (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Sabotage (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: PPSh-41 • Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Boar’
• Secondary Weapon: Walther PP ‘Compact’ • Secondary Weapon: Luger
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Head: Green Beret
• Legs: ‘Commando’ Trousers

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Luke Anson - Lvl 08 Anna Martineau - Lvl 08

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Low Profile (lvl 1) Firearms (lvl 2)
Hug The Ground (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Order (lvl 1)
Fusillade (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)
Fire Dominance (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1) Garand Master (lvl 1)
Shootist (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: MKb42
• Primary Weapon: Enfield No.4 ‘Harpy’ • Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Elite’
• Secondary Weapon: Mauser M712 • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife Lili Pierry - Lvl 08
Moussa Comba - Lvl 08 • Skills Loadout:
• Skills Loadout: Flanker (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Dodge (lvl 1) Fire And Move (lvl 1)
Assassin (lvl 1) Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Bull’
• Primary Weapon: MP40 ‘Devil’ • Secondary Weapon: Luger
• Secondary Weapon: Walther PP ‘Compact’ • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
Lv10 Team
Sami Alami - Lvl 08 This preset team is the equivalent of a set of player units at
• Skills Loadout: around level 10.
Pummel (lvl 1) Willard Cassady - Lvl 10
Morale (lvl 2) • Skills Loadout:
Demoralise (lvl 1) Firearms (lvl 2)
Bulletstorm (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Suppressing Fire (lvl 1) Order (lvl 1)
Draw Fire (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: FG42 Demoralise (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Webley Mk.6 ‘Dragon’ Garand Master (lvl 1)
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade Mad Minute (lvl 1)
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade • Primary Weapon: M1 Garand ‘Dragoon’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Secondary Weapon: Luger ‘Tactical’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Head: ‘Zack’ Helmet
• Chest: ‘Zack’ Jacket
• Legs: ‘Zack’ Trousers

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Tom King - Lvl 10 Vincent Tremblay - Lvl 10

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Dodge (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 1)
Flanker (lvl 2) Assassin (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Melee (lvl 1)
Take Your Meds (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Fire and Move (lvl 1) Stormtrooper (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: PPSh-41 ‘Fury’
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Scar’ • Secondary Weapon: Beretta M1934 ‘Compact’
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Tactical’ • Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Head: Green Beret
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack • Chest: ‘Commando’ Jacket
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet • Legs: ‘Commando’ Trousers
• Chest: ‘Para’ Jacket Ollie Johnson - Lvl 10
• Legs: ‘Para’ Trousers • Skills Loadout:
Charles Belanger - Lvl 10 Pummel (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout: Morale (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Hug The Ground (lvl 1) Bulletstorm (lvl 1)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
Fusillade (lvl 1) Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 1)
Snipe (lvl 1) Light Machineguns (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: Bar ‘Bandit’
Fire Dominance (lvl 1) • Secondary Weapon: Webley MK.6 ‘Cougar’
• Primary Weapon: Kar 98k ‘Hawk’ • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Elite’ • Grenade One: Frag Grenade
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Grenade Two: Frag Grenade
• Head: Hat ‘Refractaire’ • Head: ‘Digger’ Hat
• Chest: Jacket ‘Refractaire’’ • Chest: ‘Digger’ Jacket
• Legs: Trousers ‘Refractaire’ • Legs: ‘Digger’ Trousers

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Jacob Bloch - Lvl 10 Moussa Comba - Lvl 10

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Firearms (lvl 2) Wraith (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1) Motivated (lvl 2)
Order (lvl 1) Room Clearance (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Dodge (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1) Burglar (lvl 1)
Garand Master (lvl 1) Melee (lvl 1)
Mad Minute (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: Gewehr G43 ‘Cavalry’ Savage Strike (lvl 1)
• Head: Hat ‘Secrete’ Submachine Guns (lvl 1)
• Chest: Jacket ‘Maquis’ Stormtrooper (lvl 1)
• Legs: Trousers ‘Franc Tireur’ • Primary Weapon: MP40 ‘Fiend’

Henri Vittel - Lvl 10 Sami Alami - Lvl 10

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Flanker (lvl 2) Pummel (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 2)
Fire And Move (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Bulletstorm (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)
Take Your Meds (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Riot’ Light Machineguns (lvl 1)

Luke Anson - Lvl 10 • Primary Weapon: FG42

• Skills Loadout: Anna Martineau - Lvl 10

Low Profile (lvl 2) • Skills Loadout:
Hug The Ground (lvl 1) Firearms (lvl 2)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Fusillade (lvl 1) Order (lvl 1)
Snipe (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Fire Dominance (lvl 1) Garand Master (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: Kar 98k ‘Kite’ Mad Minute (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: Gewehr G43 ‘Lance’

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Lili Pierry - Lvl 10 Tom King - Lvl 15

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Flanker (lvl 2) Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Fire And Move (lvl 1) Flanker (lvl 2)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) Take Your Meds (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Fire and Move (lvl 1)
Take Your Meds (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Boar’ Shotguns (lvl 1)
Close Encounters (lvl 1)
Lv15 Team
Low Profile (lvl 1)
This preset team is the equivalent of a set of player units at
around level 15. Get Out (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling
Willard Cassady - Lvl 15
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Special’’
• Skills Loadout:
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife
Firearms (lvl 2)
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack
Morale (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet
Order (lvl 2)
• Chest: ‘Para’ Jacket
Self Rally (lvl 1)
• Legs: ‘Para’ Trousers
Demoralise (lvl 1)
Garand Master (lvl 1) Charles Belanger - Lvl 15
Mad Minute (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Rifles (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 1)
Steady (lvl 1) Hug The Ground (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Ready Up (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M1 Garand ‘Dragoon’ Fusillade (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Elite’ Low Profile (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife Snipe (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Airborne’ Helmet Toughness (lvl 1)
• Chest: ‘Airborne’ Jacket Fire Dominance (lvl 1)
• Legs: ‘Eagles’ Trousers Melee (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1)
Pinning Fire (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: Kar 98k ‘Eagle’
• Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Elite’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Head: Hat ‘FFI’
• Chest: Jacket ‘FFI’
• Legs: Trousers ‘FFI’

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Vincent Tremblay - Lvl 15 Jacob Bloch - Lvl 15

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Dodge (lvl 1) Firearms (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Assassin (lvl 2) Order (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 2) Self Rally (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Stormtrooper (lvl 1) Garand Master (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1) Mad Minute (lvl 1)
Mark Target (lvl 1) Rifles (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: PPSh-41 ‘Fiend’ Steady (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Luger ‘Para’ Toughness (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife • Primary Weapon: MKb42 ‘Demon’
• Head: Green Beret Henri Vittel - Lvl 15
• Chest: ‘Commando’ Jacket • Skills Loadout:
• Legs: ‘Commando’ Trousers Flanker (lvl 2)
Ollie Johnson - Lvl 15 Cool (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout: Fire And Move (lvl 1)
Pummel (lvl 1) Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 2) Toughness (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1) Take Your Meds (lvl 1)
Bulletstorm (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 1)
Draw Fire (lvl 1) Shotguns (lvl 1)
Suppressing Fire (lvl 1) Close Encounters (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 1)
Light Machineguns (lvl 1) Get Out (lvl 1)
Motivated (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling
Low Profile (lvl 1) Luke Anson - Lvl 15
Armoured (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
I’m Bulletproof (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 2)
• Primary Weapon: FG42 ‘Valiant’ Hug The Ground (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Webley MK.6 ‘Cougar’ Ready Up (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife Fusillade (lvl 1)
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade Low Profile (lvl 1)
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade Snipe (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Digger’ Hat Toughness (lvl 1)
• Chest: ‘Digger’ Jacket Fire Dominance (lvl 1)
• Legs: ‘Digger’ Trousers Melee (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1)
Pinning Fire (lvl 1)

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Moussa Comba - Lvl 15 Lili Pierry - Lvl 15

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Dodge (lvl 1) Flanker (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Assassin (lvl 2) Fire And Move (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 2) Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 1)
Stormtrooper (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 2)
Morale (lvl 1) Take Your Meds (lvl 1)
Mark Target (lvl 1) Shotguns (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: PPSh-41 ‘Fiend’ Close Encounters (lvl 1)

Sami Alami - Lvl 15 Low Profile (lvl 1)

• Skills Loadout: Get Out (lvl 1)

Pummel (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling

Morale (lvl 2) Lv20 Team

Demoralise (lvl 1) This preset team is the equivalent of a set of player units at
Bulletstorm (lvl 1) around level 20.
Suppressing Fire (lvl 1) Willard Cassady - Lvl 20
Draw Fire (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 2) Firearms (lvl 2)
Light Machineguns (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 2)
Motivated (lvl 1) Order (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
I’m Bulletproof (lvl 1) Garand Master (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: FG42 ‘Valiant’ Mad Minute (lvl 1)
Anna Martineau - Lvl 15 Rifles (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout: Steady (lvl 1)
Firearms (lvl 2) Toughness (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1) Lead The Charge (lvl 2)
Order (lvl 1) Defiance (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Rally (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: SVT-38 ‘Sword’
Garand Master (lvl 1) • Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Elite’
Mad Minute (lvl 1) • Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife
Rifles (lvl 1) • Head: ‘Eagles’ Helmet
Steady (lvl 1) • Chest: ‘Eagles’ Jacket
Toughness (lvl 1) • Legs: ‘Eagles’ Trousers
• Primary Weapon: M1 Carbine ‘Rapier’

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Tom King - Lvl 20 • Primary Weapon: Springfield M1903 ‘Falcon’

• Skills Loadout: • Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Elite’
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
Cool (lvl 1) • Head: Hat ‘FFI’
Flanker (lvl 2) • Chest: Jacket ‘FFI’
Toughness (lvl 2) • Legs: Trousers ‘FFI’
Take Your Meds (lvl 1) Vincent Tremblay - Lvl 20
Fire and Move (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Armoured (lvl 2) Dodge (lvl 1)
Shotguns (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 1)
Close Encounters (lvl 1) Assassin (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Melee (lvl 2)
Get Out (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Cutter (lvl 1) Stormtrooper (lvl 1)
Hollow Points (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1) Mark Target (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling ‘Strike’ Burglar (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Special’’ Savage Strike (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife Room Clearance (lvl 1)
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack Submachine Guns (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet • Primary Weapon: M3 Grease Gun ‘Viper’
• Chest: ‘Para’ Jacket • Secondary Weapon: Luger ‘Para’
• Legs: ‘Para’ Trousers • Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife
Charles Belanger - Lvl 20 • Head: Green Beret
• Skills Loadout: • Chest: ‘Commando’ Jacket
Low Profile (lvl 1) • Legs: ‘Commando’ Trousers
Hug The Ground (lvl 1) Ollie Johnson - Lvl 20
Ready Up (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Fusillade (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 2)
Snipe (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Bulletstorm (lvl 2)
Fire Dominance (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1) Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 2)
Armoured (lvl 1) Light Machineguns (lvl 1)
Pinning Fire (lvl 1) Motivated (lvl 1)
Shootist (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 1)
Guard (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1) I’m Bulletproof (lvl 1)
Defiance (lvl 1) Shootist (lvl 1)
Second Wind (lvl 1)
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• Primary Weapon: MG42 ‘Judge’ Luke Anson - Lvl 20

• Secondary Weapon: Webley MK.6 ‘Cougar’ • Skills Loadout:
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife Low Profile (lvl 1)
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade Hug The Ground (lvl 1)
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade Ready Up (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Digger’ Hat Fusillade (lvl 1)
• Chest: ‘Digger’ Jacket Low Profile (lvl 2)
• Legs: ‘Digger’ Trousers Snipe (lvl 1)

Jacob Bloch - Lvl 20 Toughness (lvl 1)

• Skills Loadout: Fire Dominance (lvl 1)

Firearms (lvl 2) Melee (lvl 1)

Morale (lvl 2) Quick (lvl 1)

Order (lvl 2) Armoured (lvl 1)

Self Rally (lvl 1) Pinning Fire (lvl 1)

Demoralise (lvl 1) Shootist (lvl 1)

Garand Master (lvl 1) Guard (lvl 1)

Mad Minute (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)

Rifles (lvl 1) Defiance (lvl 1)

Steady (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: Springfield M1903 ‘Harpy’

Toughness (lvl 1) Moussa Comba - Lvl 20

Lead The Charge (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Defiance (lvl 1) Dodge (lvl 1)
Rally (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: SVT-38 ‘Pike’ Assassin (lvl 2)

Henri Vittel - Lvl 20 Melee (lvl 2)

• Skills Loadout: Cool (lvl 1)

Flanker (lvl 2) Stormtrooper (lvl 1)

Cool (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)

Fire And Move (lvl 1) Mark Target (lvl 1)

Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Burglar (lvl 1)

Toughness (lvl 2) Savage Strike (lvl 1)

Take Your Meds (lvl 1) Room Clearance (lvl 1)

Armoured (lvl 2) Submachine Guns (lvl 1)

Shotguns (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: M3 Grease Gun

Close Encounters (lvl 1) Sami Alami - Lvl 20

Low Profile (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Get Out (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)
Cutter (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 2)
Hollow Points (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1) Bulletstorm (lvl 2)
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling ‘Scar’ Suppressing Fire (lvl 2)
Draw Fire (lvl 1)
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Toughness (lvl 2) CHM001/CHM002 Teams

Light Machineguns (lvl 1) These preset teams are the equivalent of a set of player units at
Motivated (lvl 1) level 1.
Low Profile (lvl 1) Willard Cassady - CHM001/CHM002
Armoured (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
I’m Bulletproof (lvl 1) Order (lvl 1)
Shootist (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 1)
Second Wind (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: MG42 ‘Bandit’ Morale (lvl 2)
Anna Martineau - Lvl 20 Mark Target (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout: Flanker (lvl 1)
Firearms (lvl 2) Flush Out (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 1)
Order (lvl 1) Garand Master (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Firearms (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1) Mad Minute (lvl 1)
Garand Master (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Mad Minute (lvl 1) Lead The Charge (lvl 1)
Rifles (lvl 1) Dodge (lvl 1)
Steady (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Move Out (lvl 1)
Lead The Charge (lvl 1) Defiance (lvl 1)
Defiance (lvl 1) Not Out Yet (lvl 1)
Rally (lvl 1) Quick (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: SVT-38 ‘Lance’ Tom King - CHM001/CHM002
Lili Pierry • Skills Loadout:
• Skills Loadout: Sapper (lvl 2)
Flanker (lvl 2) Toughness (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Close Encounters (lvl 1)
Fire And Move (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 2) Shotguns (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 2) Fire and Move (lvl 1)
Take Your Meds (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)
Shotguns (lvl 1) Medic (lvl 2)
Close Encounters (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Cutter (lvl 2)
Get Out (lvl 1) Melee (lvl 1)
Cutter (lvl 1) Quick (lvl 1)
Hollow Points (lvl 1) Hollow Points (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling ‘Boar’
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Modified Grenades (lvl 1) Ollie Johnson - CHM001/CHM002

Throw Distance (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:

Charles Belanger - CHM001/CHM002 Toughness (lvl 2)

• Skills Loadout: I’m Bulletproof (lvl 2)

Steady (lvl 1) Second Wind (lvl 1)

Snipe (lvl 2) Sidearms (lvl 2)

Low Profile (lvl 4) Acuity (lvl 1)

Confusion (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)

Toughness (lvl 1) Unstoppable (lvl 1)

Pinning Fire (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)

Armour Piercing (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)

Sidearms (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)

Guard (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 2)

March or Die (lvl 1) Spray (lvl 1)

Demoralise (lvl 1) Light Machineguns (lvl 1)

Ready Up (lvl 1) Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)

Quick (lvl 1) Killzone (lvl 1)

Rifles (lvl 1) Jacob Bloch - CHM001/CHM002

Fusillade (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Defiance (lvl 1) Order (lvl 1)

Vincent Tremblay - CHM001/CHM002 Low Profile (lvl 1)

• Skills Loadout: Self Rally (lvl 1)

Motivated (lvl 2) Morale (lvl 2)

Room Clearance (lvl 1) Mark Target (lvl 1)

Dodge (lvl 1) Flanker (lvl 1)

Burglar (lvl 1) Flush Out (lvl 1)

Melee (lvl 2) Sidearms (lvl 1)

Sidearms (lvl 1) Garand Master (lvl 1)

Savage Strike (lvl 1) Firearms (lvl 1)

Submachine Guns (lvl 1) Mad Minute (lvl 1)

Stormtrooper (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)

Assassin (lvl 1) Lead The Charge (lvl 1)

Quick (lvl 1) Dodge (lvl 1)

Size Up (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)

Acuity (lvl 1) Move Out (lvl 1)

Spot Weakness (lvl 1) Defiance (lvl 1)

Steady (lvl 1) Not Out Yet (lvl 1)

Camo (lvl 1) Quick (lvl 1)

Defiance (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1)

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Henri Vittel - CHM001/CHM002 Moussa Comba - CHM001/CHM002

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Sapper (lvl 2) Motivated (lvl 2)
Toughness (lvl 1) Room Clearance (lvl 1)
Close Encounters (lvl 1) Dodge (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Burglar (lvl 1)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Melee (lvl 2)
Shotguns (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 1)
Fire And Move (lvl 1) Savage Strike (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Submachine Guns (lvl 1)
Medic (lvl 2) Stormtrooper (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1) Assassin (lvl 1)
Cutter (lvl 2) Quick (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1) Size Up (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1) Acuity (lvl 1)
Hollow Points (lvl 1) Spot Weakness (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
Modified Grenades (lvl 1) Camo (lvl 1)
Thrown Distance (lvl 1) Defiance (lvl 1)

Luke Anson - CHM001/CHM002 Toughness (lvl 1)

• Skills Loadout: Sami Alami - CHM001/CHM002

Steady (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Snipe (lvl 2) Toughness (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 4) I’m Bulletproof (lvl 2)
Confusion (lvl 1) Second Wind (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 2)
Pinning Fire (lvl 1) Acuity (lvl 1)
Armour Piercing (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1) Unstoppable (lvl 1)
Guard (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)
March or Die (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 2)
Quick (lvl 1) Spray (lvl 1)
Rifles (lvl 1) Light Machineguns (lvl 2)
Fusillade (lvl 1) Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)
Defiance (lvl 1) Killzone (lvl 1)

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Anna Martineau - CHM001/CHM002 CHM003/CHM004/CHM005/CHM007/CHM008/

• Skills Loadout: CHM009/CHM010 Teams
Order (lvl 1) These preset teams are identical to the CHM001 team barring
the unit listed below.
Low Profile (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Ollie Johnson - CHM003/CHM004/CHM005/CHM007/
Morale (lvl 2) CHM008/CHM009/CHM010
Mark Target (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:

Flanker (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 2)

Flush Out (lvl 1) I’m Bulletproof (lvl 2)

Sidearms (lvl 1) Second Wind (lvl 1)

Garand Master (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 2)

Firearms (lvl 1) Acuity (lvl 1)

Mad Minute (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)

Demoralise (lvl 1) Unstoppable (lvl 1)

Lead The Charge (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)

Dodge (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)

Steady (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)

Move Out (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 2)

Defiance (lvl 1) Spray (lvl 1)

Not Out Yet (lvl 1) Light Machineguns (lvl 2)

Quick (lvl 1) Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)

Killzone (lvl 1)
Lili Pierry - CHM001/CHM002
• Skills Loadout: CHM006 Team
Sapper (lvl 2) This preset team is identical to the CHM001 team barring the
units listed below.
Toughness (lvl 1)
Close Encounters (lvl 1) Ollie Johnson - CHM006
Cool (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 2)
Shotguns (lvl 1) I’m Bulletproof (lvl 2)
Fire And Move (lvl 1) Second Wind (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 2)
Medic (lvl 2) Acuity (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Cutter (lvl 2) Unstoppable (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
Hollow Points (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 2)
Modified Grenades (lvl 1) Spray (lvl 1)
Thrown Distance (lvl 1) Light Machineguns (lvl 2)
Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)
Killzone (lvl 1)

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Classified: France ‘44 Mission Creation Manual

Moussa Comba - CHM006 Tom King - SO001

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Melee (lvl 2) Toughness (lvl 1)
Assassin (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Size Up (lvl 1) Quick (lvl 3)
Quick (lvl 2) Shotguns (lvl 2)

Anna Martineau - CHM006 Flanker (lvl 2)

• Skills Loadout: Lead The Charge (lvl 2)

Quick (lvl 2) Fire And Move (lvl 1)

Move Out (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)

March Or Die (lvl 1)
SO001 Team • Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Riot’
This preset team is equivalent to a set of player units at level 15.
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Special’
Ollie Johnson - SO001 • Melee Weapon: Eickhorn Dagger ‘Guard’
• Skills Loadout: • Grenade Two: Frag Grenade
Toughness (lvl 1)
Sami Alami - SO001
Morale (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout:
Quick (lvl 3)
Toughness (lvl 1)
Shotguns (lvl 2)
Morale (lvl 1)
Flanker (lvl 2)
Quick (lvl 3)
Lead The Charge (lvl 2)
Shotguns (lvl 2)
Fire And Move (lvl 1)
Flanker (lvl 2)
Self Rally (lvl 1)
Lead The Charge (lvl 2)
March Or Die (lvl 1)
Fire And Move (lvl 1)
Second Wind (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Riot’
March Or Die (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Special’
Second Wind (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Eickhorn Dagger ‘Guard’
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Riot’
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Special’
• Melee Weapon: Eickhorn Dagger ‘Guard’
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade

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SO002 Team SO003 Team

This preset team is equivalent to a set of player units at level 15. This preset team is equivalent to a player unit at level 15.

Tom King - SO002 Vincent Tremblay - SO003

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 2) Toughness (lvl 3)
Morale (lvl 2) Morale (lvl 3)
Motivated (lvl 2) Submachine Guns (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Wraith (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 3) Burglar (lvl 1)
Shootist (lvl 2) Storm Trooper (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) March Or Die (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 2) Second Wind (lvl 1)
Light Machineguns (lvl 1) Distraction (lvl 1)
Bulletstorm (lvl 1) Melee (lvl 1)
Medic (lvl 2) • Primary Weapon: PPSh-41 ‘Devil’
Quit Messing About (lvl 2) • Secondary Weapon: Beretta M1934
March Or Die (lvl 1) • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife ‘Guard’
Order (lvl 2) • Grenade One: Satchel Pack
• Primary Weapon: Bren Gun
SO004 Team
• Secondary Weapon: Mauser M712 ‘Tiger’
This preset team is equivalent to a set of player units at level 15.
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
Willard Cassady - SO004
Lili Pierry - SO002
• Skills Loadout:
• Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 2)
Toughness (lvl 2)
Morale (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 2)
Steady (lvl 1)
Motivated (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 2)
Quick (lvl 3)
Melee (lvl 1)
Shootist (lvl 2)
Shootist (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 2)
Rifles (lvl 1)
Light Machineguns (lvl 1)
Throw Distance (lvl 2)
Bulletstorm (lvl 1)
Extra Grenades (lvl 1)
Medic (lvl 2)
Flanker (lvl 1)
Quit Messing About (lvl 2)
Lead The Charge (lvl 1)
March Or Die (lvl 1)
Order (lvl 1)
Order (lvl 2)
• Primary Weapon: Gewehr G43 ‘Pike’
• Primary Weapon: Bren Gun
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Special’
• Secondary Weapon: Mauser M712 ‘Tiger’
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife ‘Guard’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade
• Grenade Two: Sticky Bomb

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Henri Vittel - SO004 Vincent Tremblay - SO004

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 2) Toughness (lvl 2)
Morale (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Steady (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Quick (lvl 2)
Quick (lvl 2) Melee (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1) Submachine Guns (lvl 1)
Shotguns (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1) Throw Distance (lvl 2)
Throw Distance (lvl 2) Extra Grenades (lvl 1)
Extra Grenades (lvl 1) Spot Weakness (lvl 1)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: PPSh-44 ‘Devil’
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling ‘Strike’ • Secondary Weapon: Luger ‘Special’
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Elite’ • Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife ‘Guard’
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife ‘Guard’ • Grenade One: Frag Grenade
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade • Grenade Two: Sticky Bomb
• Grenade Two: Sticky Bomb
SO005 Team
Lili Pierry - SO004 This preset team is equivalent to a set of player units at level 20.
• Skills Loadout:
Charles Belanger - SO005
Toughness (lvl 2)
• Skills Loadout:
Morale (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1)
Steady (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 1)
Motivated (lvl 2)
Quick (lvl 2)
Quick (lvl 2)
Melee (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1)
Shotguns (lvl 1)
Firearms (lvl 3)
Sidearms (lvl 1)
Rifles (lvl 2)
Throw Distance (lvl 2)
Fusillade (lvl 1)
Extra Grenades (lvl 1)
Guard (lvl 2)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
March Or Die (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling ‘Strike’
Snipe (lvl 2)
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Elite’
• Primary Weapon: Kar98k ‘Harpy’
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife ‘Guard’
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Compact’
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Grenade Two: Sticky Bomb

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Luke Anson - SO005 SO006 Team

• Skills Loadout: This preset team is equivalent to a set of player units at level 5.
Toughness (lvl 1)
Willard Cassady - SO006
Morale (lvl 2)
• Skills Loadout:
Motivated (lvl 2)
Order (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 2)
Move Out (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1)
Steady (lvl 1)
Firearms (lvl 3)
Defiance (lvl 1)
Rifles (lvl 2)
Melee (lvl 1)
Fusillade (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M1 Garand
Guard (lvl 2)
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Compact’
March Or Die (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
Snipe (lvl 2)
• Head: ‘Zack’ Helmet
• Primary Weapon: Kar98k ‘Harpy’
• Chest: ‘Zack’ Jacket
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Compact’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife Tom King - SO006
• Skills Loadout:
Lili Pierry - SO005
Close Encounters (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 3)
Get Out (lvl 1)
Motivated (lvl 2)
Take Your Meds (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 3)
Melee (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 3)
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun
Melee (lvl 2)
• Secondary Weapon: Luger ‘Special’
Armoured (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
Lead The Charge (lvl 2)
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack
Order (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet
Draw Fire (lvl 1)
• Chest: ‘Para’ Jacket
Take Your Meds (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: MP40 ‘Devil’
• Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Special’
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife ‘Guard’

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Charles Belanger - SO006 SO007 Team

• Skills Loadout: This preset team is equivalent to a set of player units at level 15.
Ready Up (lvl 1)
Willard Cassady - SO007
Guard (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout:
Pinning Fire (lvl 1)
Order (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1)
Shootist (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 2)
• Primary Weapon: Enfield No.4
Mark Target (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Special’
Flanker (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
Flush Out (lvl 1)
• Head: Helmet ‘Refractaire’
Sidearms (lvl 1)
• Chest: Jacket ‘Refractaire’
Garand Master (lvl 1)
Vincent Tremblay - SO006 Firearms (lvl 1)
• Skills Loadout: Mad Minute (lvl 1)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Guard (lvl 1) Lead The Charge (lvl 1)
Pinning Fire (lvl 1) Dodge (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: Gewehr G43 ‘Pike’
Shootist (lvl 1) • Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Elite’
Melee (lvl 1) • Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife
• Primary Weapon: Thompson 45 • Head: ‘Airbourne’ Helmet
• Secondary Weapon: Walther PP ‘Compact’ • Chest: ‘Airbourne’ Jacket
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Legs: ‘Eagle’ Trousers
• Head: Green Beret
Tom King - SO007
• Chest: ‘Commando’ Jacket
• Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 1)
Close Encounters (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Shotguns (lvl 1)
Fire And Move (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1)
Medic (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1)
Cutter (lvl 2)
Melee (lvl 1)
Sapper (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: 1897 Trench Gun ‘Riot’
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Special’

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• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife • Primary Weapon: M3 Grease Gun ‘Cobra’

• Grenade One: Satchel Pack • Secondary Weapon: Luger ‘Para’
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet • Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife
• Chest: ‘Para’ Jacket • Head: Green Beret
• Legs: ‘Para’ Trousers • Chest: ‘Commando’ Jacket

Charles Belanger - SO007 • Legs: ‘Commando’ Trousers

• Skills Loadout: Ollie Johnson - SO007

Steady (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Snipe (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 3) I’m Bulletproof (lvl 2)
Confusion (lvl 1) Second Wind (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 2)
Pinning Fire (lvl 1) Acuity (lvl 1)
Armour Piercing (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Guard (lvl 1) Unstoppable (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)
March Or Die (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
Ready Up (lvl 1) Armoured (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1) Spray (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: Kar 98k ‘Eagle’ • Primary Weapon: FG42 ‘Valiant’
• Secondary Weapon: Walther P38 ‘Elite’ • Secondary Weapon: Webley Mk6 ‘Cougar’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack • Grenade One: Frag Grenade
• Head: ‘FFI’ Helmet • Grenade Two: Frag Grenade
• Chest: ‘FFI’ Jacket • Head: ‘Digger’ Hat
• Legs: ‘FFI’ Trousers • Chest: ‘Digger’ Jacket

Vincent Tremblay - SO007 • Legs: ‘Digger’ Trousers

• Skills Loadout:
Motivated (lvl 2)
Room Clearance (lvl 1)
Dodge (lvl 1)
Burglar (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 2)
Sidearms (lvl 1)
Savage Strike (lvl 1)
Submachine Guns (lvl 1)
Storm Trooper (lvl 1)
Assassin (lvl 1)
Acuity (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 2)

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Classified: France ‘44 Mission Creation Manual

Jacob Bloch - SO007 Luke Anson - SO007

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Order (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1) Snipe (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Low Profile (lvl 2)
Morale (lvl 2) Confusion (lvl 1)
Mark Target (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 1)
Flanker (lvl 1) Pinning Fire (lvl 1)
Flush Out (lvl 1) Armour Piercing (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 1)
Garand Master (lvl 1) Guard (lvl 1)
Firearms (lvl 1) March Or Die (lvl 1)
Mad Minute (lvl 1) Demoralise (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1) Ready Up (lvl 1)
Lead The Charge (lvl 1) Quick (lvl 1)
Dodge (lvl 1) Moussa Comba - SO007
Henri Vidal - SO007 • Skills Loadout:
• Skills Loadout: Motivated (lvl 2)
Sapper (lvl 1) Room Clearance (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1) Dodge (lvl 1)
Close Encounters (lvl 1) Burglar (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1) Melee (lvl 2)
Quit Messing About (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 1)
Shotguns (lvl 1) Savage Strike (lvl 1)
Fire And Move (lvl 1) Submachine Guns (lvl 1)
Self Rally (lvl 1) Storm Trooper (lvl 1)
Medic (lvl 1) Assassin (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1) Quick (lvl 1)
Cutter (lvl 2) Size Up (lvl 1)
Melee (lvl 1) Acuity (lvl 1)
Sapper (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1)

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Sami Alami - SO007 Lili Pierry - SO007

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 2) Sapper (lvl 1)
I’m Bulletproof (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 1)
Second Wind (lvl 1) Close Encounters (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1) Cool (lvl 1)
Acuity (lvl 1) Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1) Shotguns (lvl 1)
Unstoppable (lvl 1) Fire And Move (lvl 1)
Pummel (lvl 1) Self Rally (lvl 1)
Steady (lvl 1) Medic (lvl 1)
Draw Fire (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) Cutter (lvl 2)
Spray (lvl 1) Melee (lvl 1)

Anna Martineau - SO007 Sapper (lvl 1)

• Skills Loadout: Quick (lvl 1)

Order (lvl 1) SO008 Team

Low Profile (lvl 1) This preset team is equivalent to a set of player units at level 20.
Self Rally (lvl 1)
Ollie Johnson - SO008
Morale (lvl 2)
• Skills Loadout:
Mark Target (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 2)
Flanker (lvl 1)
I’m Bulletproof (lvl 2)
Flush Out (lvl 1)
Second Wind (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 1)
Sidearms (lvl 2)
Garand Master (lvl 1)
Acuity (lvl 1)
Firearms (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 1)
Mad Minute (lvl 1)
Unstoppable (lvl 1)
Demoralise (lvl 1)
Pummel (lvl 1)
Lead The Charge (lvl 1)
Steady (lvl 1)
Dodge (lvl 1)
Draw Fire (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1)
Spray (lvl 1)
Light Machineguns (lvl1)
Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)
Killzone (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: FG42 ‘Assault’
• Secondary Weapon: Webley Mk6 ‘Cougar’
• Melee Weapon: Boot Knife
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade
• Grenade Two: Frag Grenade

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Classified: France ‘44 Mission Creation Manual

• Head: ‘Digger’ Helmet Assassin (lvl 1)

• Chest: ‘Digger’ Jacket Quick (lvl 1)
• Legs: ‘Digger’ Trousers Acuity (lvl 1)

Henri Vidal - SO008 Spot Weakness (lvl 1)

• Skills Loadout: Steady (lvl 1)

Sapper (lvl 1) Camo (lvl 1)

Toughness (lvl 1) Defiance (lvl 1)

Close Encounters (lvl 1) Toughness (lvl 1)

Cool (lvl 1) • Primary Weapon: Sten Gun ‘Adder’

Quit Messing About (lvl 1) • Secondary Weapon: Luger ‘Para’

Shotguns (lvl 1) • Head: Green Beret

Fire And Move (lvl 1) • Chest: ‘Digger’ Jacket

Self Rally (lvl 1) • Legs: ‘Commando’ Trousers

Medic (lvl 2) Sami Alami - SO008

Sidearms (lvl 1) • Skills Loadout:
Cutter (lvl 2) Toughness (lvl 2)
Melee (lvl 1) I’m Bulletproof (lvl 2)
Sapper (lvl 1) Second Wind (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1) Sidearms (lvl 2)
Hollow Points (lvl 1) Acuity (lvl 1)
Armoured (lvl 1) Morale (lvl 1)
Modified Grenade (lvl 1) Unstoppable (lvl 1)
Assassin (lvl 1) Pummel (lvl 1)
Defiance (lvl 1) Steady (lvl 1)
Throw Distance (lvl 1) Draw Fire (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling ‘Strike’ Armoured (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: M1911 ‘Tactical’ Spray (lvl 1)
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife Light Machineguns (lvl 1)
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade Suppressing Fire (lvl 1)
• Head: ‘Para’ Helmet Killzone (lvl 1)
• Chest: ‘Para’ Jacket • Primary Weapon: Bren Gun ‘Assault’
• Legs: ‘Para’ Trousers • Secondary Weapon: Mauser M712 ‘Vulture’

Moussa Comba - SO008 • Melee Weapon: Boot Knife

• Skills Loadout: • Grenade One: Frag Grenade

Motivated (lvl 2) • Head: ‘Zack’ Helmet

Room Clearance (lvl 1) • Chest: ‘Zack’ Jacket

Dodge (lvl 1) • Legs: ‘Zack’ Trousers

Melee (lvl 3)
Sidearms (lvl 1)
Savage Strike (lvl 1)
Submachine Guns (lvl 1)
Storm Trooper (lvl 1)
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Classified: France ‘44 Mission Creation Manual

SO009 Team Vincent Tremblay - SO009

This preset team is equivalent to a set of player units at level 15. • Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 1)
Tom King - SO009
Morale (lvl 2)
• Skills Loadout:
Motivated (lvl 1)
Toughness (lvl 1)
Low Profile (lvl 1)
Morale (lvl 2)
Dodge (lvl 2)
Motivated (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 2)
Melee (lvl 4)
Dodge (lvl 1)
Cool (lvl 1)
Quick (lvl 1)
Assassin (lvl 2)
Cool (lvl 1)
Spot Weakness (lvl 1)
Get Out (lvl 1)
Savage Strike (lvl 1)
Rally (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: PPSh-41 ‘Fiend’
Quit Messing About (lvl 1)
• Secondary Weapon: Lugar ‘Para’
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling ‘Bull’
• Melee Weapon: Eickhorn Dagger ‘Guard’
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Elite’
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife SO010 Team
• Grenade One: Satchel Pack This preset team is equivalent to a player unit at level 10.

Lili Pierry - SO009 Moussa Comba - SO010

• Skills Loadout: • Skills Loadout:
Toughness (lvl 1) Quick (lvl 2)
Morale (lvl 2) Melee (lvl 2)
Motivated (lvl 1) Assassin (lvl 2)
Low Profile (lvl 2) • Primary Weapon: PPSh-41
Dodge (lvl 1) • Secondary Weapon: M1911
Quick (lvl 1) • Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife
Cool (lvl 1)
Get Out (lvl 1)
Rally (lvl 1)
Take Your Meds (lvl 1)
• Primary Weapon: M30 Drilling ‘Boar’
• Secondary Weapon: Tokarev TT33 ‘Elite’
• Melee Weapon: Fighting Knife
• Grenade One: Frag Grenade

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