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English 10: Unit 1: Family Life

Skill: Writing


1. Language focus:
- Vocabulary related to the topic sharing the housework.
2. Skills:
- To promote students to develop their paragraph writing skill about the topic sharing
the housework.
- To help students develop the skill of working in pairs.
3. Attitudes:
- To encourage students to work harder
- To motivate students by giving compliments
- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, slides.
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching.

1. Class organization: (1 minute)
2. Lead in: (5 minutes)
- Teacher shows students the word “chores”
- Ask the students to list related words.
=.> Teacher explains that there are many kinds of house chores that we have to do and not all
of them are interesting.
=> Teacher asks what if they have to do it all by themselve.
3. New lesson: (35 minutes)

Activities & Time Products Materials & Notes

1.Activity 1. - Students discuss the saying and Activity 1-page 12

- ”Many hands make light work” answer the teacher questions
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs to - Key:
discuss the meaning of the saying + This saying means if many people
- Teacher asks if they agree with it and share a piece of work, it will become
how does it apply to doing housework in easy for everybody. This also applies
the family. to doing housework in the family. If
all members contribute to housework,
each won't have to do much.

2. Activity 2. - Students read the given text and Activity 2-page 12

- Teacher asks the students to read the text highlight the main ideas. Padlet
about Lam’s family. - Students complete the Padlet.
- Teacher tells students to focus on the - Keys:
main ideas. + Dad: mending things around the
- Teacher gives students a Padlet to house, cleaning the bathroom.
complete with their answers . + Mum: do most of the cooking and
grocery shopping Lam: doing the
laundry, taking out rubbish,
cleaning the fridge, laying the
table for meals, sweeping the
house and feeding the cat (share
with sister)
+ Lam: doing the laundry, taking out
the rubbish and cleaning the
fridge, laying the table, for meals,
sweeping the house and feeding
the cat (share with sister)
+ An: helping mum prepare meals,
wash the dishes, laying the table
for meals, sweeping the house and
feeding the cat (share with

3. Activity 3 -Students share with the class what Activity 4-page 12

- Teacher tells students to work together to chores would each member do. Teacher’s family
finish a family chorechart . chore chart
-Students write each small part using
- Teacher asks students what chores would
each family member do : the questions as the guide.
+Father -Student reads their whole paragraph
- Teacher asks students to write each part of
the paragraph about sharing housework base on:
* Introduction:
+How many people are there in your family?
+Why are they very busy?
+How do your family split the housework?
+What household chores does each member of
family do?
+Do your family member enjoy the housework?
+What are the benefits of everyone in your
family sharing the housework?
-Teacher asks a random student to read their
whole paragraph.

4. Homework: (1 min) - Write a paragraph about voluntarily cleaning elderly people

houses with their friends

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