Isabella Luo

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|| Selective High School Trial Test 2023-2024 Writing - Answer Sheet [J TEST | jard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. 3 5 - Tim Notke Your answer must be contained within this area. (pencil only) Mu Pro Gie Me muse’ and 1. Alco Koun as an it year oid aid normed [sabe Wid. And youre hee 4o Wender who me, Isabetig Luo L coud tet the basics, Line halt cetour“ard eye cole Bus thet ism} eractiy.. me, Sa whe ctly Ham 12 Well, Vii staré by _ tellin my appearance pur basically ts Ales inet _petcend of th Le tll has these features. | na deep, deep brown etraight hale jt shoulders by = bit and thaw deck Drown eyts. Petty besie it you ask me, Hougyec, somethin usual about ynu a ppearane: is the fu dhot f hay the two litte bicbs on my right tar ancl Me had it since bitth. They'te each Abeus _les3_than one centimetre feng aad thets one thing te start aoe | with uA there ace leads mon Persenalisy. Everuone is KAown have a gue persenality. When there's a piece oP rubbish tying areund in the playerounel,}'n [known te Show initiative and pick it ap, when everyont in class is hadting ay chile the etlptess teacher inies te SEI every one’s aeitenvion Hn knowin be sithing dawn anol listening te mag teacher’ instructions, 12 you were to @Sk anyone at my sches! about me. they'll probably say! bring in 9 different book 40 Class every duo cays. But, [im net always the guiet sistener Ale the tim Sometimes quiet , semetimes tiutly, Ms one wey te cleserbe me, | can dlefinitely be fy leud only if | wanted te. times Such a: hen Vn” ja class and tm just DYING 42 share fay _cese thi uestion. As wer “as during break time Imagine the leaching person of a play @ me tie cops od robbers. Yes, thet person woutlel be yne L Fearitss, Gacept ot quite, IP you know me, you'd kon that Vin _we4 scared ac enany things. Welt, at feasts / 4 shew ip Nou see, while everyone ix screaming about picler on scmeone’s 2 a HBB selective High School Trial Test 2023-2024 Writing - Answer Sheet fi ‘Your answer must be contained within this area, (pencil only) |e, ) calmly grab a tissme and grab Ib. IY may leok Ike Mm [not Actaid but ruth IS | was terricied- Bapecialia since +here was oe teacher in the clatsroenn anct | knew jt could have gene | deccibty weeng on many Airverent teveis.. IMekilg, i didn’r. Although there reality are some times where Sam vet scared any when | am Seared. When (mm vot scored, its 40 ote with 4 at when {realty am Scared ins public _speasing er any hind of public PerPerarey Hoping you learned more bout me, Isabella Luc rem tris piece 08 weiting’ But heweFelt le la _vainute 4¢ thine you knew yourself? Tak « a s a (cael GE C LC (/ fO y

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