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Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is heat that is

generated and stored in the Earth.
It is a renewable resource .
Geothermal power plants use heat
from deep inside the Earth to
generate steam to make electricity.
Geothermal Power Plants
 Geothermal power plants are used in order
to generate electricity by the use of
geothermal energy (the Earth's internal
thermal energy).
 At a geothermal power plant, wells are
drilled 1 or 2 miles deep into the Earth to
pump steam or hot water to the surface.
When the water reaches the surface, the
pressure is dropped, which causes the water
to turn into steam. The steam spins a
turbine, which is connected to a generator
that produces electricity.
Geothermal Energy

Pros and Cons

Geothermal Energy Pros
Geothermal energy is more
environmentally friendly.
The carbon footprint of a geothermal
power plant is low.
 Reliable source of energy because the
resource is always available to be tapped
into, unlike with wind or solar energy.
Naturally occurring resource there is no
fuel required.
Geothermal Energy Cons
 It is location specific as Geothermal
plants need to be built in places
where the energy is accessible.
 Geothermal energy also runs the risk
of triggering earthquakes.
 Geothermal energy is an expensive
resource to tap into.
 Gases are released into the
atmosphere during digging.
Who is the largest producer of geothermal energy?
 Geothermal energy is generated in over 20
 The first geo thermally generated electricity was
produced in Italy, in 1904.
 The United States is the world's largest producer,
and the largest geothermal development in the
world is The Geysers north of San Francisco in
 In Iceland, many of the buildings and even
swimming pools are heated with geothermal hot
Who is the largest producer of geothermal energy?
 Due to the geological location of Iceland (over a
rift in continental plates), the high concentration
of volcanoes in the area is often an advantage in
the generation of geothermal energy, the heating
and making of electricity.
 Iceland is a pioneer in the use of geothermal
energy for space heating. Generating electricity
with geothermal energy has increased
significantly in recent years. Geothermal power
facilities currently generate 25% of the country's
total electricity production.
Geothermal energy –Unexplored energy resource
in Pakistan
 Geothermal energy is still one of the unexplored
energy resources for electric power generation in
 Therefore, the country has viable geothermal
energy manifestations.
 Several hot springs in Gilgit and Hunza region are
Is it safe to live near a Geothermal power plant?
 This research, only recently made public,
shows that people living close to a
geothermal plant “have higher incidence
of cancers.
 Geothermal power plants emit hydrogen-
sulphide (H2S), which is both corrosive
and very toxic.
 H2S forms sulphur-dioxide (SO2) in the
atmosphere, which can cause respiratory
problems and asthma, as well as acid
Second-largest earthquake in modern South
Korean history tied to geothermal plant
 Pohang, South Korea, where a $38 million pilot plant
sought to bring the carbon-free power source to the
country. But that plant, it now appears, brought something
else: a large, damaging earthquake.
 The magnitude-5.5 Pohang earthquake, the second largest
in the country’s modern history, struck the densely
populated region on 15 November 2017, injuring 90 people
and causing $52 million in damage. It crumbled walls,
cracked roads, and collapsed old buildings. And, according
to two studies published today in Science, it is likely the
largest earthquake ever to be triggered by enhanced
geothermal power.
Your Task!
Write a paragraph to explain the
association of countries, such as
Italy, California and Iceland with
geothermal energy.

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