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Evening MBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

University of Dhaka
THM 5024: International Business and Economics

Course Teacher: Dr Saud Ahmed

Associate Professor
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
University of Dhaka.
Room: 9004 (MBA Building)

Course Objectives

The buying and selling of goods and services across national borders is known as
international Business. Undoubtedly, International trade is the backbone of our modern,
commercial world, as producers in various nations try to profit from an expanded
market, rather than be limited to selling within their borders. Additionally, there are many
reasons that trade across national borders occurs, including lower production costs in
one region versus another, specialized industries, lack or surplus of natural resources
and consumer tastes. Hence, knowledge of international economics is of great
importance. International Economics is the study of economic interactions between
countries that addresses many topical issues. The field is split between the study of
international trade, which extends microeconomics to open economies, and
international finance, which employs macroeconomic analysis. This course will assist
students in making use of the skills and tools learned in a wide range of career paths,
such as journalism, consultancy, government agencies and international institutions,
while at the same time enjoying the ability to make sense of some of the most important
and complex issues of our times.

Course contents

The principles of trading, the classical theory of international trade: comparative

advantage model, International trade equilibrium, International financial market and
foreign exchange determination, measuring exposure to exchange rate fluctuations,
foreign trade and national economies, international trade barriers, the balance of
payments and foreign exchange rate and country risk analysis among others.

Referred Text

§ International Economics (2nd Revised Edition) by H.G. Mannur

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Supplementary Material(s)

§ International Financial Management (7th Edition) by Jeff Madura

§ International Business Environments and Operations (Latest Edition) by John D.

Daniels, Lee H. Radebaugh and Daniel P. Sullivan

Instructions for the students

§ Active participation in the classroom (online or on-campus) will be appreciated

and sometimes rewarded.
§ Turn off your cell phone or keep it silent in the classroom
§ Group assignments and individual assignments will be given.
§ Assignments must be submitted within the stipulated time frame.

Marks distribution

Marks Weight (%)

First midterm 15
Second midterm 15
Class attendance 10
Quiz and class test 10
Term paper and presentation 10
Final examination 40
Total 100

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.
Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”

Martin Luther King Jr.


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