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Control Systems Design

Home Assignment-1

Task – (a)
1. Floor has a perfect thermal insulation.
2. Outdoor temperature remains constant.
3. No living beings in the indoor room.
4. Any heat emitting elements in the indoor room such as computers, heaters are in OFF state.
5. Air is kept perfectly mixed.

𝜃0 =Initial Temperature
𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡 =Outdoor Temperature
U - the heat transfer coefficient
𝐴 - is the area of the walls and ceiling
m - is the mass of the indoor air
c - is the specific heat capacity.

For heat balance of the system,

𝑄𝑖𝑛− 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡= 𝑚𝑐 dθ

𝑈𝐴(𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑−𝜃)− 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡=𝑚𝑐dθ

𝑈𝐴(𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑)−𝑈𝐴𝜃− 𝑄𝑜𝑢𝑡=𝑚𝑐dθ

(𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑− QUA
)− 𝜃= mc dθ
UA dt

Let 𝐾1=𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑− QUA

−𝜃+𝐾1=mc dθ
UA dt




ln(𝜃−𝐾1)= −UA
𝜃−𝐾1=𝑒 𝑚𝑐 (𝑡−𝐶1)
−𝑈𝐴C1 −𝑈𝐴t −𝑈𝐴C1
𝜃−𝐾1=𝑒 𝑚𝑐 ×𝑒 𝑚𝑐 if we take B=𝑒 𝑚𝑐

𝜃−𝐾1=𝐵×𝑒 𝑚𝑐

𝜃(𝑡)=𝐵𝑒 𝑚𝑐 +𝐾1
B is a constant determined by using the boundary condition 𝜃(0)=𝜃ₒ ,
When considering t=0,

𝜃(𝑡)=(𝜃ₒ−𝐾1) 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 +𝐾1
Where 𝐾1=𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑−QUA

Task - (b)
When Air conditioner is turned off condition,
𝜃(𝑡)=(𝜃ₒ−𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑) 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 +𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑
ln(𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑−𝜃(𝑡))=− UA
𝑦 =m1x + 𝐶1

t [min] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
𝜃0𝐶 19.5 24.75 27.75 29.5 30.5 31 31.5 31.75 31.8
x 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
y=ln (𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑 − 𝜃) 2.5257 1.9810 1.4469 0.9163 0.4055 0 -0.6931 -1.3863 -1.6094
m1 = - 0.1061 C1 = 2.5211
= 0.1061


Area of the walls and ceiling (A) = (6x6)+(6x4.5x4)

= 144 m2
Air volume (V) = 6x6x4.5 m3 = 162 m3
C = 1.0 kJkg-1 ⁰C-1
Mass of the indoor Air (m) = 𝜌𝑣 = 1.18 x 162 = 191.16 kg
U= 144
= 0.1409 kJ m-2 oC-1 min-1
Task - (c)
Assumptions made during the calculations :-
i. Floor has a perfect thermal insulation.
ii. Outdoor temperature remains constant.
iii. There are no living beings in the indoor room.
iv. Any heat elements in the indoor room such as computers, heaters are in OFF state.
v. Air is kept perfectly mixed.
vi. The properties of air, such as specific heat capacity, density and thermal conductivity are often
assumed to be constant over the range of temperature.

Considering Case I: The air conditioner operates at 100% efficiency.

Set temperature = 18 ° C
𝜃(𝑡)=(𝜃ₒ−𝐾1) 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 +𝐾1 --- (1)


Let’s take t = infinity

Then using equation (1) (𝜃ₒ−𝐾1) 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 ➔0
𝜃(∞)= 𝐾1

Then using equation (2) 𝜃(∞) = 𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑−QUA


𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑 = 32 given , Qout can be calculated

Qout = 𝑘𝐽 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1 = 210.99 𝑘𝐽 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1
60 × 0.94787
𝜃(∞) = 32−0.1409×144 = 32 − 10.399 = 21.601°𝐶 > 18° 𝐶

Therefore system will not reach 18° 𝐶 even if the AC worked non-stop.
2. If we consider 8 hours as the daily operational hours
We can calculate the total number of hours that the AC operates in 3 years = 8 x 365 x 2 hours
5840 hours
Total energy consumed 18 C = 5840 x 2600 x 10-3 kWh = 15184 kWh
For temperature is set at 18⁰C = 135×2600×5840x 0.001 = LKR 2049840
Set temperature = 26 °C
1 st step

Hysteresis band width for ON-OFF control, 2Δ𝜃 = 1⁰C

If we take the time to drop the temperature from indoor temperature to (θset – Δθ) be t1
Using equation (1)

𝜃(𝑡) = (θset – Δθ)

(θset – Δθ) = (𝜃ₒ−𝐾1) 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 +𝐾1
θset – Δθ − K1 −𝑈𝐴t
= 𝑒 𝑚𝑐
θₒ − K1
−𝑚𝑐 θset – Δθ − K1
𝑡= ln ( )
𝑈𝐴 θₒ − K1
−191.16×1 26 – 0.5−21.601
𝑡= ln ( ) = 8.29 min
0.1409×144 31−21.601

2 st step
Air conditioner turns off and the temperature rises to the upper bound, θset + Δθ.
Let time taken for the temperature to rise from the lower bound to upper bound be t ,
Then Qout = 0, K1 = θoutd, θ(t) = θset + Δθ, θₒ = θset - Δθ
Hence the equation changes to
θ(t) = (𝜃set + Δθ )=[(𝜃set− Δθ) – θoutd ] 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 + θoutd

−𝑚𝑐 θset + Δθ − θoutd

𝑡= ln ( )
𝑈𝐴 θset − Δθ − θoutd
−191.16 × 1 26 + 0.5 − 32
𝑡= ln ( )
0.1409 × 144 26 − 0.5 − 32
t = 1.57 min

3 rd step

The air conditioner turns back on, and the temperature falls from upper bound to lower bound.
Let time taken for the temperature to drop from the upper bound to lower bound be t.
Then θ(t) = θset - Δθ, θₒ = θset + Δθ
Equation changes to
θ(t) = (𝜃set - Δθ )=[(𝜃set+ Δθ) – 𝐾1 ] 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 + 𝐾1
−𝑚𝑐 θset− Δθ−K1
t= 𝑈𝐴
ln (
−191.16×1 26− 0.5−21.601
t = 0.1409×144 ln (26+ 0.5−21.601)
t = 2.151 minutes

Air conditioner ON , OFF scenario

t [min] 8.29 1.57 2.151 1.57 2.151 ….


𝑡𝑂𝑁 2.151
Duty Ratio (D) = 𝑡 = = 0.578 → 57.8%
𝑂𝐹𝐹 +𝑡𝑂𝑁 1.57+2.151

𝑡1 +𝐷(8×60−𝑡1 )
Total number of ON hours per day = 60
[𝑡1 +𝐷(8×60−𝑡1 )]
Total number of ON hours in 3 years = 60
× 365 × 2 ℎ𝑟𝑠
= 3418.084 hrs
Total energy consumed 26 C = 3418.084 x 2600 x 10-3 kWh = 8887.0184 kWh

Expected energy cost 26 C = 8887.0184 x 135 = LK Rs.1199747.484

Considering Case II: The air conditioner operates at 70% efficiency.
Set temperature = 18 °C
𝜃(𝑡)=(𝜃ₒ−𝐾1) 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 +𝐾1 --- (1)


Let’s take t = infinity

Then using equation (1) (𝜃ₒ−𝐾1) 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 ➔0
𝜃(∞)= 𝐾1

Then using equation (2) 𝜃(∞) = 𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑−QUA


𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑑 = 32 given , Qout can be calculated

12000 × 0.7
Qout = 𝑘𝐽 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1 = 147.699 𝑘𝐽 𝑚𝑖𝑛−1
60 × 0.94787
𝐾1 = 𝜃(∞) = 32−0.1409×144 = 32 − 7.28 = 24.72°𝐶 < 18° 𝐶

Therefore system will never reach 18° 𝐶 even if the AC worked non-stop.

3. If we consider 8 hours as the daily operational hours

We can calculate the total number of hours that the AC operates in 3 years = 8 x 365 x 2 hours
5840 hours
Total energy consumed 18 C = 5840 x 2600 x 10-3 kWh = 15184 kWh
For temperature is set at 18⁰C = 135×2600×5840x 0.001 = LKR 2049840
Set temperature = 26° C
1 st step

Hysteresis band width for ON-OFF control, 2Δ𝜃 = 1⁰C

If we take the time to drop the temperature from indoor temperature to (θset – Δθ) be t1
Using equation (1)

𝜃(𝑡) = (θset – Δθ)

(θset – Δθ) = (𝜃ₒ−𝐾1) 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 +𝐾1
θset – Δθ − K1 −𝑈𝐴t
= 𝑒 𝑚𝑐
θₒ − K1
−𝑚𝑐 θset – Δθ − K1
𝑡= ln ( )
𝑈𝐴 θₒ − K1
−191.16×1 26 – 0.5−24.72
𝑡= ln ( ) = 19.652 min
0.1409×144 31−24.72

2 st step
Air conditioner turns off and the temperature rises to the upper bound, θset + Δθ.
Let time taken for the temperature to rise from the lower bound to upper bound be t ,
Then Qout = 0, K1 = θoutd, θ(t) = θset + Δθ, θₒ = θset - Δθ
Hence the equation changes to
θ(t) = (𝜃set + Δθ )=[(𝜃set− Δθ) – θoutd ] 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 + θoutd

−𝑚𝑐 θset + Δθ − θoutd

𝑡= ln ( )
𝑈𝐴 θset − Δθ − θoutd
−191.16 × 1 26 + 0.5 − 32
𝑡= ln ( )
0.1409 × 144 26 − 0.5 − 32
t = 1.57 min

3 rd step

The air conditioner turns back on, and the temperature falls from upper bound to lower bound.
Let time taken for the temperature to drop from the upper bound to lower bound be t.
Then θ(t) = θset - Δθ, θₒ = θset + Δθ
Equation changes to
θ(t) = (𝜃set - Δθ )=[(𝜃set+ Δθ) – 𝐾1 ] 𝑒 𝑚𝑐 + 𝐾1
−𝑚𝑐 θset− Δθ−K1
t= 𝑈𝐴
ln (
−191.16×1 26− 0.5−24.72
t = 0.1409×144 ln (26+ 0.5−24.72)
t = 7.774 minutes

Air conditioner ON , OFF scenario

t [min] 19.652 1.57 7.774 1.57 7.774 ….

𝑡𝑂𝑁 7.774
Duty Ratio (D) = 𝑡 = = 0.832 → 83.2%
𝑂𝐹𝐹 +𝑡𝑂𝑁 1.57+7.774

𝑡1 +𝐷(8×60−𝑡1 )
Total number of ON hours per day = 60

[𝑡 +𝐷(8×60−𝑡 )]
Total number of ON hours in 3 years = 1 1
× 365 × 2 ℎ𝑟𝑠
= 4899.049 hrs
Total energy consumed = 4899.049 x 2600 x 10-3 kWh = 12737.527 kWh

Expected energy cost = 12737.527 x 135 = LK Rs.1719566.145

Total energy consumed 18 C = 5840 x 2600 x 10-3 kWh = 15184 kWh
For temperature is set at 18⁰C = 135×2600×5840x 0.001 = LKR 2049840
Comparison of the cases

Case 1 Case 2
Efficiency 100% 70%
Minimum temperature that can be achieved 21.601 24.72
Total ON hours 18 C set temp 5840 5840
(within 2 years) 26 C set temp 3418.084 4899.049
Total energy cost 18 C set temp Rs.2049840 Rs.2049840
26 C set temp Rs.1199747.484 Rs.1719566.145
Energy Consumption 18 C set temp 15184 kWh 15184 kWh
26 C set temp 8887.0184 kWh 12737.527 kWh

When the temperature is set to 18 C in both cases achievable temperature is lower in both cases.
Therefore AC units always remain in the ON state. And even if the AC units always remain in the ON
state 18 C is not achievable. Therefore AC units can overheat and the expected life of the unit will
become lower.
When the temperature is set to 26 C it is achievable in both cases. Therefore in both cases AC s will
achieve the set temperature. But in the shaded area energy consumption and cost is low compared to the
heated area case.
Therefore it is recommended that to install the outside unit of the AC in a shaded area.
Matlab simulation graphs
Case I – temperature 18 °C
%Variables and constants declaration
m = 191.16; %indoor air Mass
U = 0.1517; % Heat transfer coefficient
c = 1; % Specific heat capacity-air
outdoor_temp = 32; % Outdoor temp
A = 144; % Area
initial_temp = 31; % Initial indoor temp
set_temp = 18; %indoor temp
Heat_out = 200/0.94787; % Heat output

K = U * A; % Heat transfer coefficient

K1 = outdoor_temp - Heat_out / K; %outdoor_temperature_AC_ON
set_temp = 0:0.1:1000;
temp1 = (initial_temp - K1) * exp(-(K * set_temp) / (m * c)) + K1;

% Plot
plot(set_temp, temp1), grid on
xlabel('Time (minutes)')
ylabel('Indoor Temperature (Celcius)')
title('Time vs Indoor Temperature Variation Temp = 18 ' );

Case II – temperature 18 °C
%Variables and constants declaration
m = 191.16; %indoor air Mass
U = 0.1517; % Heat transfer coefficient
c = 1; % Specific heat capacity-air
outdoor_temp = 32; % Outdoor temp
A = 144; % Area
initial_temp = 31; % Initial indoor temp
set_temp = 18; %indoor temp
Heat_out = 200/0.94787; % Heat output

K = U * A; % Heat transfer coefficient

K1 = outdoor_temp - Heat_out / K; %outdoor_temperature_AC_ON
set_temp = 0:0.1:1000;
temp1 = (initial_temp - K1) * exp(-(K * set_temp) / (m * c)) + K1;

% Plot
plot(set_temp, temp1), grid on
xlabel('Time (minutes)')
ylabel('Indoor Temperature (Celcius)')
title('Time vs Indoor Temperature Variation Temp = 18 ' );
Case I – temperature 18 °C
%Variables and constants declaration
m_air = 191.16; %air Mass
c_air = 1; % Specific heat capacity-air
outdoor_temp_C = 32; % Outdoor temp
initial_indoor_temp_C = 31; % indoor temp
set_indoor_temp_C = 26; % Set indoor temp
heat_output_BTU_per_hr = (200)/0.94787; % Heat output of the AC (BTU/hrs)
heat_transfer_coefficient = 0.1517; % Heat transfer coefficient
area = 144; % Area

K = heat_transfer_coefficient * area; % Heat transfer coefficient

delta_temp_C = 0.5; % Hysteresis band width (°C)

% Air condition ON and heat output is not equal to 0

K1 = outdoor_temp_C - heat_output_BTU_per_hr / K;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C - K1) / (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1);
t1 = -m_air * c_air * log(L) / K;
t_range1 = 0:0.1:t1;
indoor_temp1 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1) * exp(-(K * t_range1) / (m_air * c_air))
+ K1;

% Air condition OFF and heat output = 0, K1 = theta_outdoor

initial_indoor_temp_C = set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C - outdoor_temp_C) / (initial_indoor_temp_C -
t2 = -m_air * c_air * log(L) / K;
t_range2 = t1:0.1:t1 + t2;
indoor_temp2 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - outdoor_temp_C) * exp(-(K * (t_range2 - t1))
/ (m_air * c_air)) + outdoor_temp_C;

% Air condition ON, heat output is not equal to 0

initial_indoor_temp_C = set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C - K1) / (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1);
t3 = -m_air * c_air * log(L) / K;
t_range3 = t1 + t2:0.1:t1 + t2 + t3;
indoor_temp3 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1) * exp(-(K * (t_range3 - (t1 + t2))) /
(m_air * c_air)) + K1;

% Air condition OFF and heat output = 0, K1 = theta_outdoor

initial_indoor_temp_C = set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C - outdoor_temp_C) / (initial_indoor_temp_C -
t4 = -m_air * c_air * log(L) / K;
t_range4 = t1 + t2 + t3:0.1: t1 + t2 + t3 + t4;
indoor_temp4 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - outdoor_temp_C) * exp(-(K * (t_range4 - (t1 +
t2 + t3))) / (m_air * c_air)) + outdoor_temp_C;

% Air condition ON, heat output is not equal to 0

initial_indoor_temp_C = set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C - K1) / (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1);
t5 = -m_air * c_air * log(L) / K;
t_range5 = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4:0.1: t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5;
indoor_temp5 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1) * exp(-(K * (t_range5 - (t1 + t2 + t3 +
t4))) / (m_air * c_air)) + K1;

% Plot all segments

plot([t_range1 t_range2 t_range3 t_range4 t_range5], [indoor_temp1 indoor_temp2
indoor_temp3 indoor_temp4 indoor_temp5]), grid on
hold on

% Add dotted lines for hysteresis band limits

plot([t_range1(1), 60], [set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C, set_indoor_temp_C -
delta_temp_C], '--k') % Lower limit
plot([t_range1(1), 60], [set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C, set_indoor_temp_C +
delta_temp_C], '--k') % Upper limit
xlabel('Time (minutes)')
ylabel('Indoor Temp')
title('Indoor Temperature Vs Time')
hold off
Case II – temperature 26
% Given parameters
mass_air = 1.18 * 6 * 6 * 4.5; % air Mass
specific_heat_air = 1; % Specific heat capacity of air
outdoor_temp_C = 32; % Outdoor temp
initial_indoor_temp_C = 31; % indoor temp
set_indoor_temp_C = 26; % Set indoor temp
heat_output_BTU_per_hr = (200*0.7)/0.94787; % Heat output of the AC (BTU/hrs)
heat_transfer_coefficient = 0.1517; % Heat transfer coefficient
area = 6 * 4.5 * 4 + 6 * 6; % Area

K = heat_transfer_coefficient * area; % Heat transfer coefficient

delta_temp_C = 0.5; % Hysteresis band width (°C)

% Air condition ON and heat output is not equal to 0

K1 = outdoor_temp_C - heat_output_BTU_per_hr / K;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C - K1) / (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1);
t1 = -mass_air * specific_heat_air * log(L) / K;
t_range1 = 0:0.1:t1;
indoor_temp1 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1) * exp(-(K * t_range1) / (mass_air *
specific_heat_air)) + K1;

% Air condition OFF and heat output = 0, K1 = theta_outdoor

initial_indoor_temp_C = set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C - outdoor_temp_C) / (initial_indoor_temp_C -
t2 = -mass_air * specific_heat_air * log(L) / K;
t_range2 = t1:0.1:t1 + t2;
indoor_temp2 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - outdoor_temp_C) * exp(-(K * (t_range2 - t1))
/ (mass_air * specific_heat_air)) + outdoor_temp_C;

% Air condition ON, heat output is not equal to 0

initial_indoor_temp_C = set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C - K1) / (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1);
t3 = -mass_air * specific_heat_air * log(L) / K;
t_range3 = t1 + t2 :0.1:t1 + t2 + t3;
indoor_temp3 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1) * exp(-(K * (t_range3 - (t1 + t2))) /
(mass_air * specific_heat_air)) + K1;

% Air condition OFF and heat output = 0, K1 = theta_outdoor

initial_indoor_temp_C = set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C - outdoor_temp_C) / (initial_indoor_temp_C -
t4 = -mass_air * specific_heat_air * log(L) / K;
t_range4 = t1 + t2 + t3 :0.1: t1 + t2 + t3 + t4;
indoor_temp4 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - outdoor_temp_C) * exp(-(K * (t_range4 - (t1 +
t2 + t3))) / (mass_air * specific_heat_air)) + outdoor_temp_C;

% Air condition ON, heat output is not equal to 0

initial_indoor_temp_C = set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C;
L = (set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C - K1) / (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1);
t5 = -mass_air * specific_heat_air * log(L) / K;
t_range5 = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 :0.1: t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5;
indoor_temp5 = (initial_indoor_temp_C - K1) * exp(-(K * (t_range5 - (t1 + t2 + t3 +
t4))) / (mass_air * specific_heat_air)) + K1;

% Plot all segments

plot([t_range1 t_range2 t_range3 t_range4 t_range5], [indoor_temp1 indoor_temp2
indoor_temp3 indoor_temp4 indoor_temp5]), grid on
hold on

% Add dotted lines for hysteresis band limits

plot([t_range1(1), 60], [set_indoor_temp_C - delta_temp_C, set_indoor_temp_C -
delta_temp_C], '--k') % Lower limit
plot([t_range1(1), 60], [set_indoor_temp_C + delta_temp_C, set_indoor_temp_C +
delta_temp_C], '--k') % Upper limit
xlabel('Time (minutes)')
ylabel('Indoor Temperature')
title('Temperature Vs Time')
hold off

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