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There are different types of texts depending on the intention, the discursive function,
the type of language or the format. In 1979, Egon Werlich proposed a classification
with five types of texts (narrative, description, exposition, argumentation and
instruction) that responds to the way in which human knowledge interprets and
shapes reality. The French linguist, Jean-Michel Adam, expanded this concept in
1992, stating that text types are not rigid categories, since several text types can be
identified in the same writing.
This is how we can identify the following types of text:
1. Descriptive text
Among the types of texts, it is, perhaps, the most direct and its function is to describe
a product or service in a clear and concrete way so that it quickly conveys its
usefulness to the lead. That is, they represent the characteristics of something or
someone. They can be subjective or objective.
Example: Professor Ana María has brown eyes and her hair is black and short. He
wears glasses to see up close and always carries two books in a red satchel
hanging from his forearm.
2. Expository text
It is one that offers the reader detailed information regarding a specific topic of
reality, with the intention of communicating facts, data, knowledge or concepts in an
objective manner.
Example: Volcanoes
A volcano is a mountain-shaped geological formation with an opening at the top,
called a chimney. Volcanoes cause eruptions, that is, emissions of lava, gases and
ash from the Earth's core. A volcano is generated from breaks in the Earth's crust
through which magma, molten rock from the interior of the Earth, comes out.
3. Scientific text
The scientific text is one that presents the development of an investigation or that
addresses knowledge specific to some area of science and incorporates results,
evidence and arguments to support them.
Example: The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin.
4. Argumentative text
It is one that seeks to convey a perspective on a specific topic with the aim of
persuading the recipient. They express opinions and points of view on a particular
topic, and try to convince recipients of certain ideas or call them to action.
Example: Man, since his origin, guided by views that aim to be practical, has been
amending Nature's plan and turning it into a field.
5. Narrative text
It is one that tells real or imaginary events starring one or more characters, which
occur in a specific space and time.
Example: Toads are not eaten; but I have eaten them too, although they are not
eaten, and they taste just like frogs.
6. Literary text
It is a form of oral or written production that privileges aesthetic, poetic and playful
forms over the informative or objective content of the message. They present total
creative freedom, since they can have different shapes, styles, tones, themes, etc.
Example: “Dedication”, by Luis Alberto Cuenca (Spain)
The land was dry.
There were no rivers or fountains.
And it sprang from your eyes
the water, all the water.

7. Advertising text

An advertising text is a text that seeks to convince the recipient to buy a product or
Example: “Drink Coca-Cola”

8. Instructions
They are those that give the reader instructions to carry out a specific action or solve
a problem, they usually present steps to follow and are used to give instructions on
how to carry out an activity.

Example: How to operate a machine, how to handle a substance, etc.

9. Historical text
These are the texts that refer to great facts or events in history and/or great figures.
Biographies, national dates, cultural commemorations, among other events.

Example: World War II

The Second World War was a conflict that began in 1939 and ended in 1945 in
which many nations on the planet were involved. These, as the days of the conflict
passed, formed two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It is the most
extended war in history, and in which there was a military mobilization of up to 100
million soldiers...

10. Legal text

These texts are those used to describe processes in the area of Law, either in
contracts or in articles of legal documents.
Example: Laws, Regulations, Jurisprudence, Lawsuits, etc.
11. Digital text
This topic has great diversity as it brings together all the possibilities of the digital
Example: Emails, newsletters, chats, instant messaging, ebooks, blog posts.

12. Journalistic text

Its main function is to inform, give an opinion or analyze a topic that is relevant to
Example: Magazines, newspapers or news portals.

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