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your personal data
first name: Murt ala
surname: Must apha
st reet / Plot 8 New Jos Road Ford Garage
number: Zaria
post code: 800001
cit y: Zaria
event data
event number: 230977654-509
t it le: St rat egische Rohstoffe für die Energiewende aus Afrika: Aspekt e von Lieferket t ensicherheit u. Cha
für neue Rohstoffe
venue: Haus der Kreislaufwirt schaft (BDE)
Von-der-Heydt -St raße 2
10785 Berlin
t he st art of t he event : 20/02/2024 - 11:00
t he end: 20/02/2024 - 16:30

your reservat ion

your registration is free of charge

I hereby declare t hat I consent wit h t he general t erms and condit ions (ht t ps:// ische-bildung/allgemeine-
geschaeft sbedingungen) of t he Konrad-Adenauer-St ift ung.*
I hereby declare t hat I consent wit h t he dat a prot ect ion regulat ions (ht t p:// of t he Konrad-Adenauer-St ift u

I would like to cont inue receiving informat ion about event s and publicat ions of t he Konrad-Adenauer-St ift ung by email. I can revoke t his con
any t ime. (Wit hout your consent at t his point , we may not send you informat ion and offers in t he fut ure, even if you have already given us y
consent once).
Yes No *
I have t he possibilit y to unsubscribe at anyt ime from t his list .

By sending t he complet ed form, t he personal dat a provided by you will be processed by Konrad-Adenauer-St ift ung e.V. in accordance wit h A
1 of t he German Basic Dat a Prot ect ion Ordinance (DSGVO) and used for organizing t he event . For more Informat ion about your right s see h
(ht t p:// ion-Art -13-DSGVO-Veranst alt ung.pdf)

With the registration you declare you consent that Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. is allowed to use, without time limitation, the photo
video material created before, during and after the event, for purposes of the press and publicity work. Should you not agree to the fa
we take and publish photographs of your person, we kindly ask you to inform the Guest Service directly at the beginning of the event. Y
be granted a separate seat.

Your registration was sent. Thank you!


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